London - noviot 9/11?
London - noviot 9/11?
toni_a Several people have been injured after explosions on the Underground network and a double-decker bus in London. A police spokesman said there were "quite a large number of casualties" at Aldgate Tube Station. And Scotland Yard confirmed one of several reports of explosions on buses in the city - in Tavistock Place - but said the cause was not yet known.... Sto se slucuva i od sto proizleguva ovaa vtora denesna novina za London? Koi se tie sto go planiraa i izvrsija ovoj udar vrz Britanija?Dali e ova necij odgovor na necija politika?...
OooOo Ajdeeeee i niv gi pocheshkaa a? London 0707 ....
Jakov ova i u paris moze go spremale....ili imaat vrski vo IOC. vcera dobija olimpijada denes gi roknaaa more atomska za tie arapite.ama aj
toni_a ...Al Kaida si priznala za napadite,uste ne e oficijalno...
AaaAa BREAKING NEWS NBC News and news services Updated: 9:53 a.m. ET July 7, 2005 NOTE: This is a developing story and details will be added as they become available. LONDON - At least 40 people were killed in the explosions that ripped through three London subway trains and a bus on Thursday, according to a U.S. law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because British officials have yet to make public the death toll. The near simultaneous explosions caused more than 300 injuries in what Prime Minister Tony Blair said was a "barbaric" terrorist attack. U.S. authorities learned of the fatalities from their British counterparts, according to the official. The explosions came a day after London was awarded the 2012 Olympics and as the Group of Eight summit was getting under way in Scotland. The blasts went off between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. local time. Implementing an emergency plan, authorities immediately shut down the subway and bus lines that log 8.4 million passenger trips every weekday. It brought the city’s transportation system to a standstill and left many central London streets deserted. London police chief Sir Ian Blair said authorities had not received any warning. "We have been at a very high state of alert. Of course if there had been any kind of specific warnings we would have dealt with it," he said. Four explosions confirmed By early afternoon, London hospitals reported one death and said they had treated more than 300 people. The Royal London Hospital in the city's East End, which received the bulk of the injured, said 123 of about 180 casualties had been treated and released. A senior police official said about 150 people were seriously injured. Police sources have said at least two people died. British Home Secretary Charles Clarke said there were three explosions on the subway system and one on a bus. Earlier reports indicated six explosions. “We do not know who or what organizations are responsible for these terrible criminal acts,” Clarke said. Prime Minister Blair later left the G-8 summit for the day to return to London, while the other leaders continued the meeting. "They will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilized nations throughout the world," Blair said before leaving and flanked by fellow G-8 leaders, including President Bush. "We shall prevail and they shall not." Bush later warned Americans to be "extra vigilant" as they head to work.
achtung_panzer Pilotite i bombarderite za vakvi "podvizi" se obuchuvaat i niz London vo tamoshnite dzhamii. Sega nemam linkovi za da ova bide poddrzhano, niz izveshtaite shto izleguvaa vo javnost od razuznavachkite agencii (ne samo amerikanskite i britanskite) poslednive godini London beshe posochuvan kako teren za obuka na islamistite vo Evropa, pokraj lokacii (chitaj dzhamii) niz Germanija, Shpanija, Bosna... Stereotipi? Shabloni? Nem'te be...
Originally posted by Pina
A be kakvi Arapi, fundamentalisti i slichno. Nema vrska. Treba da ja stegnat rajava da ne se buni mnogu i receptot e jasen, Isceniraj terorizam i udri na security, totalna kontrola i "princip je isti, sve su ostalo nijanse".
Taka e, zemjata e ramna, za..i toa satelitskite snimki- chista montazha.
vardarce Ovaa bas deneska im go spremale poradi G8, a toa so im ja dodelija olimpijadata mislam deka e slucajno. Inaku koga ja vidov vesta z'si mi potekoa.
AaaAa z'si ? zash? ti se ostvari potsvesnata zelba, samo gradot go promasija za edno 4000 milji :(
RaGeAnGeL eptem e zalno i ne fer so nevini luge stradaat za delata na drugive...ama what goes around comes around dzabe ne se reklo...
Originally posted by AaaAa
z'si ? zash? ti se ostvari potsvesnata zelba, samo gradot go promasija za edno 4000 milji :(
U koj pravec mislis 4000 milji?
Jakov abe neli muslimancinjata bea nesto ubavi dobri mili...ama se doblizuvaat navamu?
Originally posted by vardarce
Originally posted by AaaAa
z'si ? zash? ti se ostvari potsvesnata zelba, samo gradot go promasija za edno 4000 milji :(
U koj pravec mislis 4000 milji?
Ti da mislese nemashe da go postavish prasanjeto.
Originally posted by Jakov
abe neli muslimancinjata bea nesto ubavi dobri mili...ama se doblizuvaat navamu?
Greska si, od tamu pocnaa
vardarce Dobro be so e problemot so vas i vasata Amerika?
AaaAa Vardarce, nema problem so "nas" i "nasata" amerika. Zborovite vo navodnici ke treba da mi gi objasnish posto ne gi razbiram. Poentata bese, t.e. ne bese poenta tuku bese prasanje, od shto maka solzi ti potekoaili zivci ti potekoa bese (ili jas mozda pogresno te procitav?). Posto pred nekoj den na eden drug topik ako ne se lazam ti javno (iako svesen deka ke zvucish pogresno) posaka vakvo neshto da im se vrati na onie vo NYC. I od ko bese opomenat ne go povlece zborot, tuku pokaza use poise zabi. E ne im se dojde niv, ama eve im dojde, i im se vrati po koj znae koj pat na Londoncani. 4000 milji prema evropa. Covek moze da bide human, emotiven i da zali za ovakvi nastani bez razlika kade tie ke se slucat, dali toa bilo London, dali Moskva, NYC ili Skopje. Stradanjeto na nevini lugje sekade na ova planeta e za najstrogo osuduvanje i ne samo za solzi tuku i duseven plac. I gi imash onie drugi lugje koi nemaat nishto covecko i davaat izjavi od tipot "daj boze da im dojde pak." Sredina nema, prebiranje megju dvete, izjavi megju dvete se samo edna grozna hipokriticnost koja moze da e poslednica na zelba da se bide interesen, zelba da se bide emfaticen ili zelba da se bide necustvitelen prema drugite. Ti ne posmisli deka rece neshto loso minatiot pat--amerikancite se drugo a--well pomegju mrtvite vo NYC imashe i mnogu ne amerikanci, ko shto najverojatno e slucaj i ovde vo London. Sea pojasno ti e zashto jas te prasav zashto solzi ili zivci ili shto e vekje sto ti se naprega. Iskreno, tvoeto mislenje si e tvoe pravo, a i za kogo ke liesh solzi i za kogo ke kinesh zivci e tvoe pravo. Mene ednostavno me interesirase samo banalnosta na covekovata logika. Nishto licno prema tebe. pozdrav
vardarce A da te prasam nesto ako moze bidejki ti si tamu. Dali amerikancite nekogas ke se trakaat za nas ako ni se sluci nesto takvo? Iskreno da ti kazam znaes zosto sakam da im se sluci takvo nesto na amerikancite. Oti sakaat sekade da ukradat od medot a nisto da ne im se sluci. Ovie site problemi vo nasava drzava sto misli ti koj gi pravi? Ili si premnogu dolgo tamu pa ne znaes nisto.
AaaAa izvini ama tvojot nacin na razmisluvanje ne mi e svojstven. Znam jas mnogu poise od shto ti sakash da mislis. Ima razlika megju amerikancite (onie u wtc, onie na selo) i onie koi ja vodat politikata na zemjata. Ima razlika pomegju englezite koi sabajlevo bea odneseni u vozduh i toni blair. Ako ti mislish deka nema, togash nema prostor za bilo kakva diskusija. Da mislam deka ke im trakaat, i mislam deka ke pokazat zal, i mislam deka vo minatoto mnogu cesto mnogu amerikanci, ako ne i groto pokazale. Ili mozda ti nikad ne gledash vesti pa nemozesh da znaes. Demonstracii ne vide za vojnata u irak? Ti go znaesh procentot na amerikanci humanitarni lica koi na svoj trosok strakaat po svetot zatoa shto imaat nekoi ideali (koi se rezultat na nivnata omraza prema politikata na nivnata zemja)? Pa ako nekade ima idealisti, i ako nekade ima pljukaci po politika toa e ovde. Golem del od lugjevo ovde padnaa vo depresija koga se re-izbra Bush, mnogu lugje po celi nokji sedea po plostadi protestirajki protiv istiot i negovata politika--Nim im posakuvash da im se sluci toa? Oni ti se krivi? Zlo im mislis? Na onoj jadniot meksikanec sto go cistel plocnikot u WTC? Na Srbinot shto bil kelner u restoranot na posledniot sprat. Oni grabaat od medot tvoj? Askolsun. I ajde ti mene iskreno kazi mi kolkav e tvojot glas vo odlukata na nasata vlada da naprai bilo sto? Istiot e glasot i na amerikancite vo odlukata na ona shto Bush ke go naprai, ili koj sakash stavi go na negovo mesto. Nikoj, ama nikoj od mrtvite vo WTC ne dosol medot da ti go ukrade za da iskazuvash takvo zlo i zelba prema niv. I englezite mozda zasluzija sabajleto sto im se sluci posto i oni sekade od medot sakaat da lapnat? Ali ajde, naseto mislenje sluzi na nasata cest neli. Problemite u nasata drzava koj gi prai? dolga i siroka e toa vardarce. Amerikancite i site zapadnjaci se mnogu nisko na listata, ama ajde, polesno se spie neli. Oprosti za kontra mislenje, no nemozam da ni vestacki da se prisilam vo tvojot rezon.
wolf_pack Ana, it just so seems that England was overdue for an attack. Epten e zhalosno za zhrtvite, ama retko kogash "da napraat napad" kako sho treba. Angliskite politichari, ma skoro do eden ne gi zhalam, site nivni drzhavni institucii da se sramnat so zemja oko nema da mi trepne. Nem da mislish liberalno, poznavam jas englezi i odam vo british pubs i toa ama kolektivno nivnata politika ima napraveno nogu sranje prema nas, Makedonija, i vo deneshno vreme i vo minatoto.
Originally posted by wolf_pack
Ana, it just so seems that England was overdue for an attack. Epten e zhalosno za zhrtvite, ama retko kogash "da napraat napad" kako sho treba. Angliskite politichari, ma skoro do eden ne gi zhalam, site nivni drzhavni institucii da se sramnat so zemja oko nema da mi trepne. Nem da mislish liberalno, poznavam jas englezi i odam vo british pubs i toa ama kolektivno nivnata politika ima napraveno nogu sranje prema nas, Makedonija, i vo deneshno vreme i vo minatoto.
politikata ne e tema na razgovor, uste pomalku politicarite. toa jas i vardarce se povrzavme na edna druga tema ....da cudno nivnata politika izgleda druga e od amerikanskata. Denes vo london wolf nieden politicar ne nastrada. Ali mene jasno mi e od kade nabojite, samo me cudi sto seuste javno se iskazuvaat. Overdue od koj? Anglija ima istrpeno napadi ko shto celiot svet nema zaedno... e da, odavna IRA nema napadnato, na ovie im uspea. Of lele
wolf_pack Malce offtopik: Za IRA: Ne e nishto chudno da se oni glavnite dizajneri na ova, u 1999 jaki bombi padnaa u Manshester i samo na niv beshe pokazhan prstot. Neshto drugo, koga bev na EU Discussion Boards u 2001 za nashiov konflikt, kolku Anglichani probaa da me ubedat deka pukanjeto vo Tetovo bilo mrtvo ladno i ne treba Makedonskata policija da gi tretira taka. Demek nie sme jaki divjaci i nemame kultura, a pustite ne znaat deka na primer 39 mrtvi zaginaa od nivnite fudbalski navivachi u Belgija. Pusta smea mi napravija, pa posle mi velea deka toj "vinovnikot" frlal mobilen telefon od sho bil uplashen, hahaha. Posle nekolku dena se vide snimkata u "slow motion" i se primeti deka usvari beshe bomba i ne sakaa "pametnjakovcite" da priznaat deka istoto i angliskata policija bi go napravila na takvi od Irska. Ali kaj nas "voen konflikt" beshe neli, koga e vojna se ide??? bombi u sred centar e ok u "vojna", a u anglija sachuj bozhe. Eve slikite za mrtvite od Tetovo: Za ovie vikaa deka treba so ubav nachin da se razgovara, hihihihihi: Ili pak se pogodilo da se jas raspravav so Albanci koi zhiveat u Anglija[?] NAZAD na tema, izvini Anche[:)]
toni_a jas se sumljam u al-taliban so necija "indirektna" pomos...
AaaAa wolf... aj ne me vikaj Anche ako mozes, po vtor pat te zamoluvam. slikite ti se demode a i temata e razglabena do nemajkade. cisto ke me iznacudi ako IRA e vmesana u ova, mos se fudbalski navivaci? ah be wolf :)))
wolf_pack eeee, sho da praam tolku i ja sum informiran u mrezhata na IRA i nivnite sojuznici[;)] taka ke praime nie samo, ovaka bilo - onaka bilo, chisto sumjlam, ich ne se nadevam, moralo da e taka, moralo da ne e taka... I tolku za denes, odam na pijachka u english pub sea[;)] btw, kako da te vikam inache? ne nameravav da te lutam, stvarno mi veruj[:D]
SirAndReW Kolku logicno.. kolku zalno.. [:(] iskreno se plasam da ne ima nekoj makedonec nastradano..
AaaAa 'Savagely woken from a pleasant dream' Friday July 8, 2005 The Guardian Londoners woke yesterday still basking in the warm glow of their Olympic triumph. Then came the news they had dreaded - and half expected - since September 2001. James Meek walks through the streets of a suddenly pedestrian city All the shock was Wednesday's: London's Olympic day. All the horror belonged to Thursday: London's day of bombs. And the fact we were not surprised makes it no easier. No easier to know, now, that on that mild grey morning, among the millions moving through London's transport system, with their banal thoughts of delays and meetings and lunch and holidays and money, were a handful of people whose thoughts were not banal at all. Like many east Londoners, I went to bed last night astounded to find myself living within walking distance of the Olympic Games. Like many, I woke up not in the least surprised to find myself living within walking distance of a ruthlessly executed act of mass murder. I take the 73 bus between Hackney and central London most days and, on Wednesday, for the first time ever, the driver made a news announcement over the PA. "For those who are interested," he said, "London has been chosen to host the 2012 Olympic Games." Nobody could quite believe it. Next morning the same bus drew up at the stop outside my house, the doors opened, and for the second time ever, the driver made a news announcement. A different sort of announcement. It was easy to believe. But did it have to be so soon? As I walked towards Newington Green, on my way to central London, I passed a delivery van from London's Evening Standard newspaper travelling in the opposite direction. "Thursday's breaking news," proclaimed a poster stuck to the side. "Olympic Triumph Special Supplement." I stood in a doorway for a moment to shelter from the rain and call my wife, who was working not far from Russell Square. As we spoke a man passed me, one hand pushing a baby in a buggy, the other hand pressing his mobile to his ear. "... I was just worried ..." I overheard him say. Walking down Essex Road, which leads from the border of Hackney through Islington towards King's Cross and the western edge of the City, everybody was talking; sometimes to each other, mostly to their loved ones on their mobiles. The networks were strained but just about coping. You kept hearing snatches of conversation as the news spread and people confronted the sudden reduction of London to a pedestrian city. "... bus is blown up ..." "... really nasty ..." " ... I'm just waitin' ..." " ... they've all got bastard attitudes ... ". Even those who weren't speaking on their mobiles were holding them in their hands, expecting them to ring, waiting for a signal, or just as talismans of the idea of order, of the idea that this last electronic totem of technology and civilisation would lead them through a rude intrusion of chaos. Here, only 20 minutes' walk from the immense security cordon thrown around inner London, half the people you met were beginning to acquire the kind of set, dogged, suffering face you see in refugees, and half were going about their business. They were delivering mushrooms, they were drinking pints in the Green Man, they were looking in estate agents' windows at the Angel, Islington. A grand hearse led a funeral cortege away from WG Miller's the undertakers. Death, like life, went on. It was only when you got to the shuttered gates of Angel tube station that the full sense of a capital in the grip of an emergency began to sink in. The Angel crossroads, leading to Clerkenwell, the City and King's Cross, was thick with pedestrians marching on unexpected journeys. It was the kind of weary crowd of clerks on foot that stimulated entrepreneurs into building the Underground railway, the world's first, 142 years ago. In the last century, in two great wars, the Underground protected the people of London from bombs. One ad for the tube in the first world war read: "It is bomb-proof down below. Underground for safety; plenty of bright trains, business as usual." In this century, in a war without clear aims, end or sides, it has become - as, for four years, we have more than half expected - a place where bombs go off. For anyone who has lived in London for more than a few years, the tube map is more than a map on the wall. It burns itself into the brain, like the circuit diagram its design is based on. At news of any disruption, little stretches of it flash red, and almost without thinking, you try to chart a way round the obstruction. For the whole system to be sealed up without warning is to find the ground beneath your feet, paradoxically, to be not so solid as it was. There was another transport network. Even before Madrid, there was a claustrophobic unease about the tube, and ever more Londoners were acquiring another mental transport map, the complex map of the city's bus routes. There was a certain pride in knowing how to hop from route to route to get where you wanted without ever going underground. There was a special, slightly chippy pride for us in Hackney, the only inner-London borough without a tube station of its own. And up on the surface, particularly in the light space of the upper deck of a red double decker bus, looking down on the traffic and bustle in the streets below, you felt safe. In retrospect, a London bus was an obvious target, a symbol of the city and, coincidentally or otherwise, of 2012 - the No 30 goes to the heart of London from Hackney Wick, part of the future Olympics site. Terrorists have put bombs on buses in Israel and Moscow. Yet deep down, I suppose, I never really believed a bus would be a target either honourable enough, or justifiable enough for a terrorist. It is still a poor person's means of transport. Looking at the pictures of that ripped apart vehicle I know the cold, cheap feel of those nasty orange poles for hanging on to, and the abrasive feel of the fabric of those nasty blue seats, and think of all the faces of tired hard-working people and student tourists and truanting teenagers looking down from the windows into the prosperous world of Bloomsbury, and just hoping to get on with something good. London buses, particularly the buses between Hackney and the centre, are also filled with immigrants, and it is very possible that if a bomb exploded in any one of them, it would kill and maim at least one person from every continent and of every major faith. On any busy Hackney bus you'll hear a dozen different languages besides English: Albanian, Turkish, Polish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Arabic, Urdu, French or Yoruba. I liked to think one of the reasons the Olympics was coming to east London was that every member of every national Olympics committee knew someone who lived there. Sitting at a cafe in Hackney not far from the No 30 route a few days ago, just back from the religious strictness of Iran, I watched the different religions pass by: a young girl in a school playground version of the hijab - jeans, T-shirt and a black wimple - and a woman in another, a black chadoor which only showed her eyes; an Orthodox Jew from Stamford Hill, with his long black coat and black broad-brimmed hat; and all the secular post-Christians with their bare heads and hipster jeans. It seemed an idyll of live and let live. On my way from home yesterday morning I popped into one of the local newsagents to buy batteries. He was talking sadly on the phone about the atrocities and as he served me I remembered going into the same shop, at about the same time, on the morning of September 11 2001. The newsagent is Asian and I remembered that while I was in there a white woman in her 50s had put her head round the door and said to him: "Don't worry, we know you didn't want this." It was an uneasy, backhanded sort of reassurance. The kind of "don't worry" that, if I were the newsagent, would make me worried. Now we are all very worried. Worried about our neighbour and worried that our neighbour is worrying about us. Our neighbour at home; our neighbour on the tube; our neighbour on the top deck of the No 30. Live and let live may have won us the Olympics but live and let live may not be enough. Londoners may have to learn to do the thing they hate more than anything else in the world: talking to strangers on the bus.
achtung_panzer Interesen dokumentarec (mozhete da go pogledate onlajn dodeka e svezh linkot) za evropskiot ogranok na Al Kaeda: [url][/url] Srekjno razbivanje na stereotipi i shirenje na megjuetnichkata tolerancija, gradenje na multikulturni opshtestva i podavanje raka na "drugata strana"...[xx(]
dejan toj blair vika 'babaric' a oni sto pravat?? zhalno e za lugjeto.... neli cudno e malku....prvo toa so taa igraorna grupa Goce Delcev se sluci, so angliskata ambasada, pa sega ova?? ima gospod, gleda??
concrete Problemot sega za sega e bez realno zalost na site nas , posebno verojatno na Enigma, Bog momentalno e na odmor, da razmisli kaj se zaebal i da odluci sto ponataka.... :):):)!!!!!
dada Sani U.S. Muslims denounce bombings in London NEWARK — Muslims across the United States are denouncing the bombing of London's transit system and bracing themselves for a wave of harassment. As Muslims gathered for Friday prayers, some New Jersey mosques posted guards at entrances to check bags, peered in garbage cans and circled buildings to make sure no suspicious packages were nearby. The attacks Thursday killed dozens and injured more than 700, and authorities have said they had the signatures of the al-Qaida terror network. "The main targets of these vile and cowardly acts are innocent civilians," said Aref Assaf, president of the Paterson-based Arab American Forum. "Our condemnations are universal and unequivocal. "We call on members of the Arab and Muslim community to be especially careful about their surroundings, places of worship and employment, as they may be subject to hate crimes consistent with experiences after such horrific attacks," he said. Assaf also urged people to refrain from blaming the entire Arab and Muslim community for the attacks. "The vast majority of our people are law-abiding and they are good citizens who desire no harm or ill against anyone," he said. Leaders of New Jersey's Muslim community have not asked police to increase patrols near mosques as they did in 2001. This time, they're doing it themselves, said Sohail Mohammed, a Clifton lawyer who has tracked civil-rights and security issues for the community since Sept. 11. In the nearly four years since the Sept. 11 attacks, mosques and Islamic centers across the country have had their windows broken, walls painted with graffiti and, in some instances, been damaged by arsonists. The Islamic Center of Passaic County in Paterson did a security sweep yesterday morning as it prepared for worshippers to arrive at about 1 p.m., said Mohamed El-Filali, a mosque official. Similar precautions were taken at the Dar Ul-Islah mosque in Teaneck. At the American Moslem Society's library in Dearborn, caretaker Yahya Mojalli held up his hand to make a point. "All fingers are not the same," and all Muslims should not be judged by the actions of a few, the Yemeni immigrant said. "Islam says killing is haram (forbidden). Allah gives life." Cases of discrimination and bias against Muslims rose sharply last year, according to a survey released in May by a national Islamic group. Nationwide, hate crimes against Muslims rose 52 percent to 141 last year compared with 2003, and civil-rights violations reported to the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations jumped 49 percent to 1,522. New Jersey counted 69 incidents of discrimination or bias crimes against Muslims in 2004, up from 40 incidents in 2003 — an increase of more than 72 percent. The council issued a statement calling for the swift arrest and punishment of those responsible for the London bombings. Its leaders met yesterday with the British ambassador, David Manning, in Washington, signing a book of condolences. The Majlis Ash-Shura of New Jersey, the state's council of mosques, said the bombers not only killed innocent people, but disrupted efforts by the leaders of major world powers meeting in Scotland to address poverty and hunger in Africa, where millions of Muslims live. "No matter what twisted logic the perpetrators may use as justification, such acts can never be legitimized," the council said.
vardarce Na Enigma gospod ne e na odmor tuku on se sekira samo za pravoslavnite, ic ne mu e gajle za protestantite i katolicite [:D].
Originally posted by vardarce
Na Enigma gospod ne e na odmor tuku on se sekira samo za pravoslavnite, ic ne mu e gajle za protestantite i katolicite [:D].
Znaci gi mulja, sto bi rekol Jakov, samo pravoslavnite...ovie drugive za koi ne mu e gajle...ko bubreg u loj se :):):)!!!
concrete Loso im se "pisuva"na teroristive,ako e za veruvanje:
toni_a vo turcija (cesme) pak nekakov bombaski napad,napad vrz germanskite vojski vo avganistan,bombi vo iran...itn mnogu dobro se usoglasija "teroristive" vo posledno cudi malku sto vo bugarija i romanija nemalo "nesto" dosega. inaku luksenburg ke kaze "da" za evro-ustavot...
Originally posted by toni_a cudi malku sto vo bugarija i romanija nemalo "nesto" dosega...
[;)] Kolku dzhamii ima vo Bugarija i Romanija? Kolku odzhi? Islamski shkoli? Muslimanski malcinstva? Kolku se grizhat za malcinstvata, kolku se "multikulturni opshtestva" so "sozhivot i tolerancija"?[;)]
Originally posted by concrete
Problemot sega za sega e bez realno zalost na site nas , posebno verojatno na Enigma, Bog momentalno e na odmor, da razmisli kaj se zaebal i da odluci sto ponataka.... :):):)!!!!!
Cesto pati problemite se resavaat so nerealni i nerazumni za edniot razumni za drugiot resenija. Imase edno resenie koe e edno od ponerazumnite no koe vo istovreme im gi spasi zivotite ne nad 150 000 spored procenkata, a ne teren ke bile sigurno 200 000 luge(od stranata koja go primeni toa resenie). Od druga strana koga go prasale gen. Blagoj Adzic(vo pocetokot na vojnata vo Bosna) sto ke se pravi so problemot na Hrvatska i Bosna vo svoj generalski stil izjavil Toa se resava za edna nedela. Treba da i se dadat odvrzani race na JNA da potepa 15-20 000 luge....zapadot ke vika nedela dve ke ni stavat sankcii izvezen period ama nie problemot so niv ke go resime. Znaci resenijata postojat samo treba nekoja "budala" so poslab film(pobrzo da mu pukne). Prvata slucka vo koja se spasija 150 000 luge, za smetka na duplo poveke zrtvi od "neprijatelskata strana" bese resenieto nareceno "Enola Gej", togas bea nekolku denes se na iljadi a ne gi koristat...dodeka ne pukne filmot nekade....[:(]
toni_a Балкански муслимани одговорни за нападите во Лондон?! [url=""]link[/url]
Originally posted by Jakov
Originally posted by concrete
Problemot sega za sega e bez realno zalost na site nas , posebno verojatno na Enigma, Bog momentalno e na odmor, da razmisli kaj se zaebal i da odluci sto ponataka.... :):):)!!!!!
Cesto pati problemite se resavaat so nerealni i nerazumni za edniot razumni za drugiot resenija. Imase edno resenie koe e edno od ponerazumnite no koe vo istovreme im gi spasi zivotite ne nad 150 000 spored procenkata, a ne teren ke bile sigurno 200 000 luge(od stranata koja go primeni toa resenie). Od druga strana koga go prasale gen. Blagoj Adzic(vo pocetokot na vojnata vo Bosna) sto ke se pravi so problemot na Hrvatska i Bosna vo svoj generalski stil izjavil Toa se resava za edna nedela. Treba da i se dadat odvrzani race na JNA da potepa 15-20 000 luge....zapadot ke vika nedela dve ke ni stavat sankcii izvezen period ama nie problemot so niv ke go resime. Znaci resenijata postojat samo treba nekoja "budala" so poslab film(pobrzo da mu pukne). Prvata slucka vo koja se spasija 150 000 luge, za smetka na duplo poveke zrtvi od "neprijatelskata strana" bese resenieto nareceno "Enola Gej", togas bea nekolku denes se na iljadi a ne gi koristat...dodeka ne pukne filmot nekade....[:(]
MOzda "nedelata" na Adzic i ke se ostvareshe, ama na mestoto na Adzic da bese nekoj od drugata strana. Adzic nemashe so koj da resava problem, nego ne go resija na sam start pa poslem plamna, tuka e problemot. I pazi problemot "so niv." Aj me meni. Zarem uste palat tie edno-recenicni nacionalni izlivi na hrabrost, "znaenje" i "umesnost?" Retoricko prasanje samo.
Originally posted by Jakov
[quote]Originally posted by concrete
[b]...dodeka ne pukne filmot nekade....[:(]
Ex, da bese samo do pukanje na film.......!!!!! Puknale mnogu filmovi i samo PAFFF!!!! I pak od pocetok....
toni_a КОНТРОВЕРЗНА ИЗРАЕЛСКА АГЕНЦИЈА ТВРДИ Експлозивот за бомбите потекнува од Белград [url=""]link[/url] Британската полиција почна со рации по Ал Каеда во Лидс [url=""]link[/url] se zbori deka gi doznale izvrsitelite: 4 britanski-drzavjani so pakistansko poteklo koi ziveele tamu.vo edna kola i vo nekolku kuki se najdeni dokazi. ova se prvite samoubistveni napadi vo evropa... (bile rodeni vo GB i tamu izrasnale.poznati ,na eden od teroristite [Shahzad Tanweer (22)], kazale deka toj patuval vo poslednite 6 meseci za avganistan i spekulira deka toj tamu posetuval eden training camp na al-kaeda.)
AaaAa Europe to remember London victims Millions of people across Europe and the UK will join Londoners at 1200 BST in a two-minute silence for victims of last Thursday's bomb attacks. Buses and cabs in London will stop as people gather to remember the 52 killed and 700 injured. People are being urged to stand outside homes and workplaces to mark the silence, while a vigil will be held at 1800 BST in Trafalgar Square. Tubes will run but an announcement will ask for the silence to be observed. 'London United' London Mayor Ken Livingstone has asked people to stand outside shops, offices and homes to show "their complete defiance of the terrorists". "It's hoped both events will project a sense of 'London United'," said BBC correspondent Peter Hunt. Detectives believe they have now identified the four men who died carrying out the attacks - the first suicide bombings in the UK - and believe at least three were British men of Pakistani descent. SUSPECTED BOMBERS Shehzad Tanweer : Aged 22, born Bradford, lived Beeston, Leeds. Studied religion in Pakistan. Forensic evidence linking him to Aldgate blast Hasib Mir Hussain : Aged 18, lived Holbeck, Leeds. Reported missing on day of bombings. Said to have turned very religious two years ago. ID found in No 30 bus Mohammed Sadique Khan : Aged 30, from Beeston, Leeds, recently moved to Dewsbury, married with baby. ID found at Edgware Road blast site. Fourth bomber : Still a question mark over his identity. Believed to be a friend of the others and from same area. They are now focusing their hunt on a fifth man, who they do not believe died, but who masterminded the attacks. Forensic experts are also examining a property in Aylesbury, Bucks, raided by anti-terrorist officers on Wednesday, but no arrests have been made and no explosives found so far. The latest developments came as London prepared to hold ceremonies to remember those killed - 14 of whom have been formally identified, although police have yet to release the names of three. London mayor Ken Livingstone said: "London will remember all of those who died last Thursday and show its defiance of those who try to change the character of our city through terror. "I want everyone who can to come out of their workplaces and homes on to the streets of London to remember those who died," he said. The silence will be organised by the Greater London Authority with the Trades Union Congress and various religious groups. Bell to ring St Botolph Church, near the Aldgate bomb, will hold a brief Act of Remembrance at 1200 BST. The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, will lead the silence in the Westminster Cathedral piazza, alongside the Lord Mayor of Westminster. Lloyd's of London said it would ring its Lutine bell at the beginning and end of the two minutes. It was rung after September 11 attacks and the 26 December tsunami in Asia, a spokesman said. Airport operator BAA, which runs Heathrow and Gatwick, said that it would try to ensure there were no take-offs or landings during the silence and that the two minutes would be observed in airport terminals. "Airline staff will be telling people about the silence and inviting them to mark it," said a BAA spokesman. Overland trains will remain stationary and the silence observed on the concourses at mainline London stations, Network Rail said. A London Underground spokeswoman said its service would continue to run but said: "As many staff as possible will observe the silence with our customers. Later thousands are expected to gather at Trafalgar Square to pay their respects and thank rescue and medical staff. Londoners and members of the transport and emergency services will say readings and poems. On Wednesday, it emerged that three men from West Yorkshire - Shehzad Tanweer, 22; Hasib Mir Hussain, 18 and Mohammed Sadique Khan, 30 - were suspected of causing three of the bombings. The identity of the fourth bomber, thought to be responsible for the Piccadilly line explosion, has not be, released by police, but is believed to be a friend of the three. A relative of one of the West Yorkshire suspects was arrested on Tuesday and detectives have been given a warrant to hold the 29-year-old until Saturday on suspicion of commissioning, instigating or preparing acts of terrorism.
achtung_panzer Site kamikazi shto go izvrshile napadot se muslimani rodeni vo Britanija. Povekje za nivnite profili [url] [/url]. Nakratko, bile obichni lugje i nikako ne vleguvale vo kalapot "islamski fundamentalist". Rodeni vo Britanija, shkoluvani, po poteklo od sredno stoechki semejstva, bez kriminalni dosieja. Na prashanjeto kako od primerni poedinci odednash se pretvorile vo lugje-bombi, tie shto gi poznavale krevaat ramenici... Which brings up an interesting point... na temata "Veronauka" edna "civilizirana krava" izleze so pretpostavka (megju drugoto) deka dzhihadistite odat vo samoubistveni napadi zaradi nemashtija. Londonskite bombarderi ne spagjaat vo taa kategorija. Ushte kolku kamikaze napadi od "iskluchoci" od profilot na tipichniot terorist kje treba da se sluchat za da se vidi ochiglednoto? "Ne se site takvi" e bezlichen izgovor, krugot na osomnicheni samo se shiri...
Jakov Ako ovie londonski fundamentalisti go merat svoeto bogatstvo so nekoi svoi sogragani kako Paul McCartny ili Elton Jon togas odgovaraat na opisot za nemastijata...sto ja potvrduva tezata.
AaaAa Nemastija ne mora da e samo monetarna dezignacija cisto kolku za informacija.
AaaAa 'The world in one city' Jonathan Freedland Friday July 15, 2005 Guardian One American expression has no equivalent in British English. "Is this a great country or what?" Americans will say to themselves, sometimes ironically, but usually as an expression of open-faced wonder and gratitude at the splendour of their native land. We Brits don't really go in for that. We knock ourselves, we knock the places we live in: this is the country that snaps up a book called Crap Towns. So last night in Trafalgar Square was a novel experience. A huge crowd, standing in their thousands in blinding sunshine, to be told again and again that they live in one of the greatest cities in the world. Led by the mayor, Ken Livingstone, writers, politicians and faith leaders competed with each other to lavish praise on London. It was the culmination of a day of remembering in which Londoners had stood together - most obviously during a two-minute silence on the stoke of noon. There were little ceremonies all across the capital and on each of the sites of last week's explosions: moments of what Mr Livingstone had called "healing but not forgetting". Sebastian Coe stood on the steps of the National Gallery, a human reminder of the last time Trafalgar Square had been packed out. It was just eight days ago - when word came that the world had paid London the grandest possible compliment, choosing it to host the Olympic games of 2012 - but it seemed to belong to a different age. Lord Coe told the crowd he had bragged to the Singapore judges of London's creativity, diversity and tolerance. "They weren't just warm words to get us through an election," he said. Their truth had been proved the very next day, in a way that no one had ever predicted. Sir Trevor McDonald brought a surge of applause when he told of his childhood in the West Indies, looking longingly at London as "the great, distant metropolis". Now, "I'm proud to declare myself a Londoner". As he spoke, the waters of the fountains glittered; the sunlight dazzled. London, in its grief, had rarely looked so beautiful. The chief voice belonged to the man who had called for an evening vigil to be held in London last night. Mindful, perhaps, of the international critics who had wondered why Londoners had not made a public demonstration of their feelings - as Madrid did after the bombings of March 2004 - Mr Livingstone had urged his flock to come together in the place that serves as the capital's village square. He seemed moved by the sight. His drawl of a voice was replaced by a croak, as his throat contracted with emotion. In London, he said, "you see the world gathered in one city, living in harmony, as an example to all". He talked of the people the world over who yearn to come to London to study, to work, to realise their dreams. Around him were banners hailing "London united" and that was his message. The bombers hoped "we would turn on each other like animals in a cage", he said, "and they failed." The applause rang loudly at that. Over and over, the crowd - some carrying white balloons and peace signs - clapped whenever they were told to unite together rather than turn on each other. "An attack on any of us is an attack on all of us," the TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said, and the audience showed their agreement. He quoted the late trade unionist Ron Todd, who after 9/11 had written: "An eye for an eye is not the only way." After the attacks on New York and Washington, most speeches by US leaders, from President Bush downwards, included a promise to hunt down those responsible and make them pay. That was not the mood last night. "May God bless London and keep us a united community," said Richard Chartres, the Bishop of London. "Grief is the language we speak today", said the Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, "and let that grief unite us now." When the leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, took the podium, the applause rang out before he had opened his mouth - the crowd's way of saying that it wanted no backlash against Britain's Muslims, no blind lust for revenge. As the mayor put it, Londoners wanted to forge a better city from this tragedy, not to "worry about who to blame and who to hate". As befits a diverse city, those who stood in the stifling evening heat had a full range of reasons to be there. Steve South, a 22-year-old student, just did not feel he could go home and watch it on TV. "I wanted to be here, to show that everyone's together, that we're not afraid." But, on the train coming into work that morning, he had been afraid; he had even wondered whether the Trafalgar Square event itself would be a target. "But you can't let it get to you." Hussain Shefaar, 28, had a different motive. "As a Muslim, I wanted to show solidarity with London, to say we belong to London." He was surrounded by friends, one wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan "Muslim by choice". They all felt "an obligation to say that terrorism has nothing to do with our religion". There had been smaller demonstrations all across London earlier in the day as people marked two minutes of silence at noon. Some said they wanted to have a quiet moment to think themselves back into that moment a week ago. Others felt the need to be with other people. At Tavis tock Square, where the number 30 bus was blown apart, one man said he did not quite know how he had ended up there: it was as if he had been pulled to the site. His name was Howard Cunnell: he had studied for a doctorate nearby, walking through the square each day. Now it was cordoned off; he could make out only the barest glimpse of the bus. "I was wary of coming here," he said. But once he saw it, it made him realise how much he loved his adopted home city. For him, it was not just a place but "a great experiment in living together". Can the experiment survive? That's what he was wondering last night, along, perhaps, with thousands of other Londoners. That they want this grand experiment not only to survive but to thrive, Londoners could not have made any clearer.
concrete Huuh, ova pocna da potseka na bratstvo-edinstvo...malku vo druga oblanda, ama vlijanieto na maestroto se prepoznava, A Fine blacksmith's hand touch :):)!!!!! Ovoj Jonathan Freedland pominal bar eden semestar vo Kumrovec:):)!!!!
AaaAa Pa bolje vo Kumrovec nego vo Washington ko ke razmislis...
concrete Paaaa, ako dobro skontas, imas pravo, toa zagorcite ne da se "terano"(ital.)so golemo T ...... epten kefot si go "teraat":):):) !!!!!Baska na koja budala sto ke go mirisne toa , ke mu se nosi dve-tri kila "naduvan" Semtex na grb, za da se pretvori vo fleka :):):)!!!!!
toni_a pak nesto se slucilo vo london deneska!
toni_a LONDON, England (CNN) -- At least one person has been injured following a number of incidents on Underground trains and a bus in London, police say.
dada Sani Breaking news na TV - London povtorno na noga LONDON (AP) — Two weeks to the day after bombers killed 52 people, three London Underground stations were evacuated at midday Thursday following reports of incidents, British Transport Police said. The Fire Brigade is investigating a report of smoke at one station Sky TV, citing police sources, said small explosions were triggered by detonators. The BBC reported one unspecified injury at a station.Police say they're not treating the reports as a "major incident."Emergency services also are responding to a report of an incident on a bus in east London, police said. The Warren Street, Shepherds Bush and Oval stations were evacuated. Emergency services personnel were called to the stations, police said. "People were panicking. But very fortunately the train was only 15 seconds from the station," witness Ivan McCracken told Sky news. McCracken said he smelled smoke, and people were panicking and coming into his carriage.Services on the Victoria and Northern lines were suspended following reports of a number of incidents, London Underground said.
OooOo Novi eksplozii vo London ... LONDON - London's police chief Ian Blair described explosions on the city's transport network on Thursday as the result of clearly "a very serious incident." He told reporters there were four explosions or attempted explosions but that they appeared to be smaller than the ones which killed at least 50 people in the city two weeks' ago. The explosions were reported at three subway stations and a bus. Sky TV showed live footage of a double-decker bus parked by the side of the road in Hackney. In the footage, there was nobody on board or nearby and the streets appeared to have been cordoned off. Emergency teams dispatched Police announced they were sending emergency teams to the Warren Street, Shepherds Bush and Oval stations after reports at lunch time of unspecified incidents. One witness told Sky TV that another subway passenger told him a backpack exploded at the Warren Street station and there were reports of smoke. Sky TV, quoting a police source, said the reported explosions were detonators rather than bombs themselves. However, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair later referred to the explosions as bombs smaller than those used on July 7. Prime Minister Tony Blair canceled his afternoon appointments as the developments unfolded. Haunting similarities While not on the same scale, the incidents were hauntingly similar to the blasts two weeks ago, which involved explosions at three Underground stations simultaneously — quickly followed by a blast on a bus. Those bombings, during the morning rush hour, also occurred in the center of London, hitting the Underground railway from various directions. Thursday’s incidents, however, were more geographically spread out. London Ambulance said it was called to the Oval station at 12:38 p.m. and Warren Street at 12:45 p.m. The July 7 attacks began at 8:51 a.m.
SirAndReW Povrzan!? Oti bil premnogu "somnitelen" pa go ubile? i toa vo metorto(deka ima najgolemo policisko obezbeduvvanje)?, aman ama glupi britanci. I sega.. na negovite bliski ke im javat: Mnogu ni e zal moravme da ve izvestime deka go ubivme ni bese "somnitelen"! Mozebi sakat da pokazat na teroristite ako pushtat nekoj somnitelen da ja zavrshi rabotata ke go pucat.. a i ne se tolku glupi[:D]
AaaAa A zaso somnitelniot na primer begal od niv nema da se prasas SirAndReWov? KOlku interesno, zaklucoci odma se vadat a vesta pred 20 minuti se prenese
toni_a Британската полиција претпладнево на метро станицата „Стоквел“ во јужниот дел на Лондон застрела човек, за кого тврди дека е поврзан со вчерашните бомбашки напади во Лондон.
Originally posted by toni_a
Британската полиција претпладнево на метро станицата „Стоквел“ во јужниот дел на Лондон застрела човек, за кого тврди дека е поврзан со вчерашните бомбашки напади во Лондон.
[}:)] Eden po eden, do eden... je@esh bratstvo-edinstvo, chuvaj zdravje [}:)]
toni_a kolku sto istrela imalo... a nekoj od tie glavnite policajci izjavi deka imaat naredba...ako veke da gi gagaat vo glava!!!
achtung_panzer Prilichno, prilichno "berikjeten" den za diskriminiranite i od nemashtina regrutirani islamistichki bombarderi: eksplozija vo Egipet, bombi vo Bejrut, bombi vo Bagdad, se' vo eden den...
Jakov sega ke pominat AaaAa i Rage da go amortiziraat ovoj krvav vikend. Mislam deka imaat direktni informacii od Jordanija deka zad ova stojat 5 extremisti koi ne se ni eden promil od moreto Arapski muslimani. PS. Vo momentov na A1 odi emisijata "Daj pobrzaj" na koja se baraat kandidati za pat vo Sarm el Seik dokolku ispolnat odedeni uslovi, a vo isto vreme dolu vrti lenta najnovi vesti an koja pisuva' Blizu 70 mrtvi vo Sarm el Seik......MAkedonska rabota[:(]
marko_polog Kade e sega Anglicanecot da si go vrti casovnikot? What time is it now?
Originally posted by SirAndReW
Povrzan!? Oti bil premnogu "somnitelen" pa go ubile? i toa vo metorto(deka ima najgolemo policisko obezbeduvvanje)?, aman ama glupi britanci.
[:D][:D][:D] Da dodadam, mozhe namerno sakale britancite da mu podmetnat chanta so TNT pa da ima najubava prichina za da go ubijat. Posle normalno, site muslimani do eden ke se krivi. Da ima neshto "neutralno" da se pishuva vo Gardijanot[:D][:D][:D]
dada Sani Anglija si go naplakjala "drugarstvoto" so Amerika...What else is new e rabotava Кој и зошто го заплашува Лондон? Димитар Чулев Тони Блер беше целосно во право во оцената дека завчерашната полу-реприза на нападите на Лондон од 7 јули имаше за цел "да ги заплаши луѓетоои. Она што Блер и британските разузнавачи ќе треба да го објаснат на сопствената јавност, но и на светот е кои се "тиееи и зошто го прават тоа. Има премногу индикации кои наведуваат на заклучокот дека зад поставените експлозивни "плашливци" стојат исти извршители кои сакаат да покажат дека Лондон може да биде многу лесна цел за нов терористички напад. Избрани се потполно исти цели, темпиран е денот, точно две недели по првиот напад, истото време во денот, ист е начинот на внесување на "пеколните направиии, кои исто така се рачно изработени... Наивно е да се верува дека потенцијалните терористи дотаму ја утнаа работата, како што смирувачки се обидува да објасни полицијата, што ниедна од бомбите не експлодира. Напротив, впечаток е дека целта на акцијата била добро пресметана: да се упати порака без крв, но со еднаков медиумски ефект и паника. Атмосферата во Лондон беше иста како и пред 14 дена. Индикативно е, исто така, дека вториот потрес на Лондон доаѓа само два дена по ултиматумот на Бригадите Абу Хафс ал-Масри (блиска до Ал Каеда) која побара од неколку европски земји, кои учествуваат со свои трупи во Ирак, да се повлечат или - да се соочат со крвава војна која ќе започнела по еден месец. Оваа група, извесно е, ја презема одговорноста за 56-те убиени на 7 јули и практично Ј објави терористичка војна на Европа. По Њујорк на 11септември 2001, Мадрид на 11 март 2004, Лондон 7 јули евидентно е дека милитантите се селат на Запад и дека можностите да им се застане на патот се минимални, иако глобалната војна против тероризмот е ставена пред петнаесетина години во агендата на НАТО и како една од причините за негово натамошно опстојување. Лондон, како главен сојузник на САД во демонтирањето на Ирак како земја "спонзорри на тероризмот, секако не е случајно одбран, а аналитичари, иако со тешко срце, се согласуваат дека и Британија почнува да го плаќа цехот за сојузништвото со Американците. Мора да се признае дека, без разлика на големината на бомбашките напади и бројот на загинатите, терористичките акции ја постигнуваат целта: нарушено е функционирањето на демократските општества. Мерките што се преземаат за одбрана од потенцијалните терористи веќе негативно се одразуваат на планот на човековите права и слободи. Право на државата да има увид во личниот живот, во медицинските, финансиските и училишните досиеја е предвидено со најново усвоениот таканаречен "патриотски законни во САД, на пример. Во Италија е побарано оваа земја да излезе од Шенген-зоната како одбранбено-терористичка мерка. Во Британија, во сила е уредба која дозволува надгледување на "сомнителни" припадници на блискоисточната дијаспора. Прашање на денот е кога некоја од меѓународните групи за човекови права ќе го постави прашањето на "орвеловштинатааи која во форма на †Големиот брат те посматрааи во сопствените граѓанин гледа закана, а на граничните премини практично секој "поисончан" странец има третман на потенцијален терорист, како што во лондонското метро секој со ранец, веројатно, ќе биде третиран за потенцијален милитант-самоубиец. Тоа создава верска нетрпеливост во дел од европските земји и опасно посочување со прст кон цели земји обвинети за терористички "дувла" каков што е , на пример, сегашниот имиџ на Пакистан по лондонските акции.
Originally posted by AaaAa
A zaso somnitelniot na primer begal od niv nema da se prasas SirAndReWov? KOlku interesno, zaklucoci odma se vadat a vesta pred 20 minuti se prenese
Бомбашот-самоубиец убиен по грешка - призна Скотланд јард Шефот на лондонската полиција Сер Иан Блер му се извини на семејството на Џин Чарлс де Менезес, 27 годишниот бразилец, кој во петокот по грешка беше застрелан одблиску, од страна на полицајци во цивилна облека во подземната железница. Тој рече дека неговата смрт е трагедија, но призна дека е можно и други луѓе да бидат застрелани додека полицијата трага по осомничените подметнувачи на експлозивите во лондонската транспортна мрежа. „Секако ова е трагедија. Полицијата ја прифаќа целосната одговорност за ова, а на семејството можеме само да му кажеме дека многу ни е жал“, изјави Иан Блер, шеф на британската полиција. Семејството на 27 годишниот убиен електричар, го осуди убиството и рече дека немало причина некој да се сомнева во него, бидејќи тој легално престојувал во Британија од 2002-ра. „Многу е тажно, но Господ ќе ја задоволи правдата. Тој добро зборуваше англиски. Не е можно дека се препознале. Тоа нема смисла ако полицајците разговарале со него“, вели семејството на загинатиот бразилец. Сер Иан Блер потврди дека полицијата ќе продолжи да пука во главата на лица за кои се сомнева дека подготвуваат самоубиствени напади, бидејќи како што рече, бесцелно е да се пука во телото, бидејќи на тој начин е можно да се активира бомбата. Бразилскиот Министер за надворешни работи, се сретна со претставници на кор-офисот за да побара објаснување за убиството на бразилскиот државјанин, а утре ќе има средба и со британскиот Министер за надворешни работи Џек Строу. „Бразилската Влада и јавност се шокирани и збунети од овој настан, затоа што сега е јасно дека тие убиле мирољубив и невин човек“, рече Целео Аморим, министер за надворешни работи на Бразил. Две лица сеуште се држат во притвор во врска со нападите на 21-ви јули, а неделното издание на весникот „Сан“ понуди награда од 100 илјади фунти за сите информации кои ќе доведат до апсење на 4-цата кои ги подметнаа експлозивите во 1 автобус и во 3 возови во подземната железница во Четвртокот. Zoshto sum vidovit? [:)]
Originally posted by AaaAa
A zaso somnitelniot na primer begal od niv nema da se prasas SirAndReWov? KOlku interesno, zaklucoci odma se vadat a vesta pred 20 minuti se prenese
Se doznava deka mu bil istechen rokot za privremen prestoj vo UK. Imal nekakva studentska viza i dozvola za rabota, rabotel kako elektrichar. Ne ja prodolzhil vizata na vreme. Ama sega so 5 kurshumi vo glava i ne mu treba viza. Go reshetale kao divjaci. E vakvo neshto koga ke se sluchi na primer vo Kina, Rusija, ili ne daj bozhe, kraj nekoi lozja na ridestiot Balkan, cel zapaden svet ke krene glas, a osobeno onaa milenicata na Strelec Kondi, pa ke urlaat tiranija, genocid, rezhim....,
dada Sani Ne mozev da najdam na internet, no na radio i Tv se zboruva za vcerasnoto apsenje na eden "somnitelen" vo Penn Station - NY Pretpazlivosta e maksimalna, a kolku i dali ke pomogne...
toni_a gresno izreagiral,trebal ili momentalno da iscezne(ako imal moznost) ili da da bega vo takva situacija???! ne e toa makedonija pa da si igraat igracki. od gledna tocka na policijata si e opravdana momentalnata reakcija te. akcija...moze i da bil terorist so bomba ,pa djandarite si se stitele samite sebesi.mojata reakcija bi bila istata pred nekoj da se digne vo "vozduh" sebesi i drugi,pa i go "resam" bez oko da mi trepne. turcite isto pukaa...vo izrael pukaat...amerika? samo kaj nas nesto rabotava e mnogu "demokratska"...
dada Sani Epten mu zapnav jas na ova[:D] Bomb Scare Empties Penn Station The busy commuter hub was evacuated after the man allegedly threw a backpack at an Amtrak agent and said it was a bomb, said Marissa Baldeo, a spokeswoman for New York City Transit. The threat was a false alarm, and service on all lines was restored at about 1:25 p.m. Police arrested the man, Raul Claudio, 43, Sunday, according to Manhattan District Attorney's office spokeswoman, Barbara Thompson. Claudio is awaiting arraignment on felony charges of making terrorists threats and falsely reporting an incident, Thompson said. Each count carries a sentence of up to seven years in prison. The incident came days after a second bombing attack in London, which prompted New York police to start random inspections of subway riders' bags. But travelers seemed to be taking the disruption in stride. Tim Allen, a Londoner headed from New York to Boston, said Penn Station was emptied at about 12:15. He has endured similar false alarms recently in London. "This is the second time this has happened in two and a half weeks to me," he said. After evacuating Penn Station, police sealed the Eighth Avenue entrance with yellow tape and moved everyone across the avenue to the west side. The incident was over as quickly as it began. One minute, camouflage-clad soldiers were shouting, "Penn Station is closed indefinitely," and the next minute they got the all clear and started letting people into the station. The service disruption affected Amtrak, the Long Island Rail Road, New Jersey Transit and the Seventh and Eighth Avenue subway lines. Also Sunday, a double-decker Gray Line tourist bus was evacuated in midtown Manhattan after a bus company supervisor told police that five male passengers with "stuffed" pockets had raised her suspicions. Police handcuffed five men and searched about 60 passengers before determining there was no threat. In London on Sunday, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said there were similarities between the explosives used in Thursday's failed bomb attacks and those detonated July 7 that killed 56. But he said investigators still had no proof the two strikes were linked. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Thursday following the latest attacks in London that police would begin conducting random searches of packages and backpacks carried by people entering the subways.
concrete Nekoj zabeleza ovde : nema terorizam ...nema NATO ili taka nesto.Na sto vo mirisa toa.......????? Mene na moznosta deka konjukturata po teroristi ke raste exponencijalno..... Inaku ako sakaat resenie ne bi bilo loso da se pomacat i da kloniraat eden bravar od Kumrovec,pred da im se pobuni sopstveniot narod, zaradi policiskata tortura koja e na povidok :):)!!!!
Originally posted by toni_a
jas se sumljam u al-taliban so necija "indirektna" pomos...
igrava na mnogu im ide vo prilog...ednite se nesvesni "zrtvi",drugite nesvesni "zlostornici" pa posle obratnoto... vo germanija najdoa za taa rabota "budalo" avionce do reichstag-ot
Pina Ako nekoj sluchajno zaskita do London, ne e na odmet da gi znae novite pravila na odnesuvanje. [img][/img] Znachi opasno e da izgledash kako stranec. Praj se Englez.
concrete [img][/img] STARIOT 9/11