skapa voda
skapa voda
concrete Ako e ova komentar za USA , a vo Francija ,kade i ja izmislija "kupeckata" voda, trubat : pijte voda od vodovod.....kako e so Makedonskite vodadzii??????? Proizvoditeli niknat kako pecurki!!!!!!! Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business... now the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry... and the most profitable of all beverages. Millions and millions of dollars are spent each week on advertising campaigns to give consumers the perception that bottled water comes from some pristine mountain spring or magical underground aquifer. The truth is thatbottled water is often little more than tap water in a bottle. The Federal regulations that govern bottled water only apply if it is transported across state lines, and then only require it to be "as good as" tap water. Most bottled water is bottled and sold within the same state to avoid regulations. There are no assurances or requirements that bottled water is of any higher quality than tap water. In March of 1999 the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a report called "Bottled Water Pure Drink or Pure Hype?" NRDC‘s report points out that as much as 40% of all bottled water comes from a city water system just like tap water. The report also focuses on the fact that 60 to 70% of all bottled water is exempt from FDA‘s bottled water standards because it is bottled and sold within the same state. Unless the water is transported across state lines there are no federal regulations that govern its quality. According to the NRDC "bottled water companies have used this loophole to avoid complying with basic health standards such as those that apply to municipally treated tap water." Also all carbonated or sparkling waters are completely exempt from FDA guidelines that set specific contamination limits. According to the NRDC study "even when bottled waters are covered by FDA‘s specific bottled water standards those rules are weaker in many ways than EPA rules that apply to big city tap water. " For instance if we compare EPA regulations for tap water to FDA‘s bottled water rules: (these examples are quotes from the NRDC repo "City tap water can have no confirmed E.coli or fecal coliform bacteria. FDA bottled water rules include no such prohibition (a certain amount of any type of coliform bacteria is allowed in bottled water)." "City tap water from surface water must be filtered and disinfected. In contrast there are no federal filtration or disinfection requirements for bottled water." "Most cities using surface water have had to test for Cryptosporidium or Giardia two common water pathogens that can cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems yet bottled water companies do not have to do this." "City tap water must meet standards for certain important toxic or cancer-causing chemicals such as phthalate (a chemical that can leach from plastic including plastic bottles); some in the industry persuaded FDA to exempt bottled water from the regulations regarding these chemicals." "City water systems must issue annual "right to know" reports telling consumers what is in their water. Bottlers successfully killed a "right to know" requirement for bottled water." The Natural Resources Defense Council report concluded that; "Therefore while much tap water is indeed risky having compared available data we conclude that there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water." The reality of bottled water is that people pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality when in fact the quality of bottled water is at best "unknown"!
Originally posted by concrete
...kako e so Makedonskite vodadzii??????? Proizvoditeli niknat kako pecurki!!!!!!! Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business...
Неодамна слушнав дека во ’Тајмиште’ планираат да почнат со полнење на 'spring bottled water'!
Thief Кока-кола не мора да пиеме, ама затоа мора - мора! Кај и да е, ќе почнат сега да измислуваат и кај нас како тоа не чини водата, како Рашче е загаден, па изворите на Шара не чинат, па канализација се излевала близу изворот... Мора да го заживеат тој бизнис и во Мк!
AaaAa Ne e samo biznis vo prasanje. Vodata vo golemi metropoli ne cini toa e fakt, za sekoj onoj koj ja ima probano. Odi napi se voda vo Washington, DC od cesma da vidish shto ke ti se sluci, posebno vo georgetown, tri dena nema od toalet da stanesh. Visoko kolicestvo na olovo vo istata, poradi vodovodnite cefki koi na vremeto se koristele a se obmotani so olovo koe denes za zal vleguva vo vodata. Ne e se do merenja i propaganda, i na koza mozesh da go osetish. Imash mesta i na zapad kade se pie vodata od cesma bez problem, i lugjeto ja pijat. South Carolina nikoj ne kupuva sisinja voda, sem ako ne se najde na ulica i mu se pripie, nema fontani za zal, ama doma se pie bez problem. Za rashce neznam, ama gradskiot vodovot vo Stip ako zeme nekoj da go ispita koj znae kaj ke ni bide krajot, imashe pred nekoja godina eden period koga se napolni bolnicata. Proglasija momentalen odliv na hemikalii vo Bregalnica od Evropa fabrikata koi ne se filtrirale so regularniot proces, pa osoznaa od koga infektivno plamna. Kaj nas nema biznis ama nema ni kontrola. Na kraj kraevi se e individualna diskrecija, nikoj ne te tera da kupuvash voda, pij ja slobodno od cesma.
wolf_pack u sredno koga rabotev vo prodavnica so prehranbeni artikli, po nekolku pati u godinata direktorot ne izvestuvashe deka nema da se prodava voda poshto dobile izveshtaj oti vodata smrdela ili sho ti znam. A na kupuvachite im se kazhuvashe deka mnogu "demand" imalo i ke treba da pochekat 3-4 dena. Edno sho sum probal IceBerg water, stvarno slatka e ama i koshtashe dolar i pol po litro. Ne e toa tolku losho ama pa zatoa pijte pivo i zashtedete ja vodata na tie sho i treba:))) Skoro ista cena e:)
OooOo Vodata na Coca Cola - 'Dasani water' ne e nishto drugo tuku voda od cheshma :) Coca - Cola Admits That Dasani is Nothing But Tap Water LONDON - It made for great headlines, but the fact that the UK version of Coca-Cola's Dasani brand bottled water comes out of the London public supply should hardly have come as a surprise. "Coke's in hot water," "Eau dear" and "The real sting" were three good examples of the newspaper headline writer's art, but the only real difference between Dasani and many other bottled waters is that the humble origin of the product is firmly in the spotlight. Figures from independent beverage research company Canadean show that at least two out of every five bottles of water sold around the world are, like Dasani, "purified" waters, rather than "source" waters which originate from a spring. Most of the supermarket own-label bottled waters consist of treated mains water. They may be dechlorinated, filtered further, purified using ultraviolet light and have minerals either added or subtracted. They may also be carbonated. [url=""]Full Story[/url]
Originally posted by OooOo
Vodata na Coca Cola - 'Dasani water' ne e nishto drugo tuku voda od cheshma :) Coca - Cola Admits That Dasani is Nothing But Tap Water LONDON - It made for great headlines, but the fact that the UK version of Coca-Cola's Dasani brand bottled water comes out of the London public supply should hardly have come as a surprise. "Coke's in hot water," "Eau dear" and "The real sting" were three good examples of the newspaper headline writer's art, but the only real difference between Dasani and many other bottled waters is that the humble origin of the product is firmly in the spotlight. Figures from independent beverage research company Canadean show that at least two out of every five bottles of water sold around the world are, like Dasani, "purified" waters, rather than "source" waters which originate from a spring. Most of the supermarket own-label bottled waters consist of treated mains water. They may be dechlorinated, filtered further, purified using ultraviolet light and have minerals either added or subtracted. They may also be carbonated. [url=""]Full Story[/url]
celata fora so Dasani e deka na sisinjata imaa staeno "spring water" a ustvari e purified tap water, gi tuzea i ja smenija nalepnicata. Sepak ne e ista ko tap water, posto e purified again
Originally posted by AaaAa
[quote]Originally posted by OooOo celata fora so Dasani e deka na sisinjata imaa staeno "spring water" a ustvari e purified tap water, gi tuzea i ja smenija nalepnicata. Sepak ne e ista ko tap water, posto e purified again
He he...lopovi kade da se zavrtis...neobicen stana svetot ........."evrei vodat vojna,germanci trguvaat, a srbi nauka prodavaat"...veli eden moj star drugar koj uporno izigruva profa na Masinskiot vo Belgrad.
Originally posted by concrete
Originally posted by AaaAa
[quote]Originally posted by OooOo celata fora so Dasani e deka na sisinjata imaa staeno "spring water" a ustvari e purified tap water, gi tuzea i ja smenija nalepnicata. Sepak ne e ista ko tap water, posto e purified again
He he...lopovi kade da se zavrtis...neobicen stana svetot ........."evrei vodat vojna,germanci trguvaat, a srbi nauka prodavaat"...veli eden moj star drugar koj uporno izigruva profa na Masinskiot vo Belgrad.
Zaborail da dodae "makedoncite site gi opravaat"
toni_a antifriz za toa vinata...[:D]