Air France A340 jet crashed-landed in Toronto
Air France A340 jet crashed-landed in Toronto
OooOo NO DEATHS IN TORONTO CRASH Officials have confirmed that there were no fatalities when an Air France A340 jet crashed-landed in Toronto during a thunderstorm on Tuesday afternoon. [img][/img] Airport official Steve Shaw said 43 people, of the 309 passengers and crew onboard, were taken to area hospitals but their injuries were minor. Mr Shaw added that the circumstances surrounding the crash are the subject of an ongoing Canadian-French investigation. The plane, arriving at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport from Paris, was apparently struck by lightning while braking on the runway, according to a French source close to the investigation. Passengers on the ill-fated flight have told of a terrifying "rollercoaster" ride as the plane skidded off the runway and pitched into a ravine. Some told of seeing lightning as the plane came down. "The power went out in the airplane just before we landed. We were going extremely fast. The power shut down completely .. one minute before we crashed," said passenger Olivier Dubois. The pilot seemed unable to stop the plane, which pitched into a ravine 200 metres past the runway and burst into flames, another passenger, Roel Bramar, said. "I guess in the end it turned out to be that he overshot the (runway)... we came to the end of the (runway) and went into the ravine. The plane came to an abrupt stop and that's putting it mildly, he said. After the plane came to a stop the crew opened doors in the forward part of the plane and got emergency chutes in place "very, very fast," Mr Dubois recounted. "People were screaming and panicking ... The good thing is that everybody really rushed to the emergency exits. Everybody was jumping as fast as possible and running everywhere. Because the fear was that the plane would blow up," he said. Passengers and crew apparently escaped the plane before the fire became the inferno visible to eyewitnesses watching from the side of a nearby highway, who described fireballs exploding. Mr Bramar said he was the second one off the plane and didn't look back. "Really what I did was run like crazy. There was quite a bit of fire on the ground," he said. The crash landing is the first major accident involving the European-built Airbus A340-300 since it first flew 14 years ago, airline statistics showed.
wolf_pack Dobro e sho nema mrtvi. Jako srechki se site 309 dushi. Konkordot sho se urna u Paris u 1999 nemashe takva sreka.
achtung_panzer Ama kakva simbolika [;)] Na Ilinden avionot go strefil grom pri sletuvanje... nekoj strashen greshnik imalo vo avionot [;)]
Originally posted by achtung_panzer#10;
Ama kakva simbolika [;)] Na Ilinden avionot go strefil grom pri sletuvanje... nekoj strashen greshnik imalo vo avionot [;)]
Da se najdes so EDEN gresnik vo ist avion vo denesno vreme e sansa na nivo na imalo epten mnogu stom Sveti Ilija se razmrdal:):):)!!!! More imale sreka , ne se ni svesni kolkava!!!!!!!
Strelec Ilinden e na 2 avgust samo vo stariot kalendar... Inaku, na radius od 10-tina km. se' beshe crno vo vozduhot i vozduhot imashe mnogu losha mirizba... A i soobrakjajot beshe mnogu saati paraliziran!:( Eden moj prijatel se najde na samoto mesto na nesrekjata i od rastojanie od 30 metri go sledeshe avionot kako gori... Kako i da e, se' e dobro, koga dobro kje se zavrshi... samo 13 polesni povredi (i verojatno po nekoja trauma) e bilansot od ovaa nezgoda!
concrete [img][/img] :-)!!!
Strelec Патниците и екипажот ја преживеаjа несреќата на авионот во Торонто Сите 297 патници и 12-те членови на екипажот на патничкиот авион Ербас 340 на авиокомпанијата Ер Франс кој по лизгањето од пистата на аеродормот во Торонто се запали, ја преживеajа несреќата, јавија агенциите. Само 24 лица се пренесени во болница со полесни повреди. Претставникот на воздухопловните власти на Торонто Стив Шо изјави дека причините за несреќата се испитуваат, додавајќи дека првичните сознанија се оти авионот веднаш по слетувањето бил погоден од гром. Авионот што леташе на линијата Париз-Торонто, според очевидците, доцна синоќа по средноевропско време слетал нормално, но потоа не застанал, туку продолжил брзо да се движи кон крајот на пистата. Леталото излетало од пистата се запалило, но благодарение на брзата реакција на посадата, сите патници биле евакуирани, пред огнот да се распламти и воздухопловот да се скрши на два дела. Аеродромот во Торонто, низ кој годишно минуваат околу 28 милиони патници, неколку часови по несреќата беше повторно отворен.
Originally posted by Strelec
... samo 13 polesni povredi (i verojatno po nekoja trauma) e bilansot od ovaa nezgoda!
zlotty_co_380 Nemozam a da ne ostavam tuka komentar, Air France Airbus A340-300 [img][/img]