Primaren izvor?Chudata na Sv Dimitrija....
Primaren izvor?Chudata na Sv Dimitrija....
f9 Na malkumina mu e poznato deka Sv Dimitrija nema nikakva vrska so Solun i so nekakva opsada na protoslovenski pleminja na Solun.Vsushnost se raboti za veke potvrden i dokazhan naod. Vistinskiot Sv Dimitrija postoel vo Sirmijum deneshna Sremska Mitrovica."Наспроти општоприфатеното мислење дека св. Димитрија бил маченички убиен во градот Солун, Сириската и Хиеронимијанската мартирологија, како и археолошките наоди, упатуваат на фактот дека култот прво настанал во Сирмиум (Сремска Митровица), а подоцна во средината на 5 век бил пренесен во Солун. Потврда за тоа е фактот што запишаната традиција, според која маченичката смрт св. Димитрија го затекнала во Солун, содржи одредени неточности. Досега истражувачите воопшто не посветиле внимание на грешката содржана во сите зачувани мачеништва на св. Димитрија, каде што е погрешно наведен императорот Максимијан Херкулиј, како одговорен за неговата смрт, иако изворно е потврдено дека Солун бил политичко и воено седиште на цезарот Максимијан Галериј. Отсуството на името на Галериј при образложувањето на маченичката смрт на Димитрија говори дека тој, всушност, не го наредил убиството во Солун. Со тоа се потврдува дека св. Димитрија загинал во Сирмиум во 304 година, а подоцна култот бил преземен од солунјаните. Поради тоа, авторите на Мачеништвата при присвојувањето на култот од Сирмиум биле принудени да направат модификација на легендата, опишувајќи ги веродостојните историски податоци за присуството на Галериј во Солун, како дело на Максимијан Херкулиј, кој никогаш ниту бил ниту престојувал во Солун." Postojat bazichno 3 kratki primarni izvori od koj eden letopis e od anonimen grchki avtor,vtoriot od Fotius od Konstantinopol isto pishuvan na grchki i tretiot e latinski prevod Pasio Prima od grkot Anastazij Bibliotekarot koj mu go ispratil na Rimskiot imperator Karlo 2. Postoi i podolg tekst izraboten od anonimen grchki avtor vo poopshirna verzija Pasio Altera .Poznato e deka vo Crkvata SV Dimitrija vo Solun nema nikakvi moshti na Sv Dimitrija.Vo site hroniki na svetci se spomenuva za Sv Dimitrija od Sirmijum i nitu eden seriozen nauchnik ne ja prifaka tezata za postoenje na Sv Dimitrija vo Solun.Postojat i drugi kontraverzi so ovoj svetec i duplikaciite koj nastanale vo tolkuvanjata niz istorijata.Najvazhno od se e shto nekoj nekade go smenal imeto Sirmijum so Solun i opsadata na Sirmijum ja prikazhal kako opsada na Solun.Poznato e deka Sirmijum vo vremeto na Sv Dimitrija 290-306 god bil pod naleti i opsada na Gotite. Chudata na Sv Dimitrija voopshto ne mozhat da se zemat kako primaren izvor.
f9 Procopius of Caesarea Ako postoi pishuvach na pornografija vo primarnite istoriski izvori toa najdobro bi mu pripadnalo na Prokopij.Jas veruvam deka i zborot Prokopsan doaga od negovoto ime. Ova e sodrzhinata na negovata"Tajna Istorija" How the Great General Belisarius Was Hoodwinked by His Wife How Belated Jealousy Affected Belisarius's Military Judgment Showing the Danger of Interfering with a Woman's Intrigues How Theodora Humiliated the Conqueror of Africa and Italy How Theodora Tricked the General's Daughter Ignorance of the Emperor Justin, and How His Nephew Justinian Was the Virtual Ruler Outrages of the Blues Character and Appearance of Justinian How Theodora, Most Depraved of All Courtesans, Won His Love How Justinian Created a New Law Permitting Him to Marry a Courtesan How the Defender of the Faith Ruined His Subjects Proving That Justinian and Theodora Were Actually Fiends in Human Form Perceptive Affability and Piety of a Tyrant Justice for Sale How All Roman Citizens Became Slaves What Happened to Those Who Fell Out of Favor with Theodora How She Saved Five Hundred Harlots from a Life of Sin How Justinian Killed a Trillion People How He Seized All the Wealth of the Romans and Threw It Away Debasing of the Quaestorship The Sky Tax, and How Border Armies Were Forbidden to Punish Invading Barbarians Further Corruption in High Places How Landowners Were Ruined Unjust Treatment of the Soldiers How He Robbed His Own Officials How He Spoiled the Beauty of the Cities and Plundered the Poor How the Defender of the Faith Protected the Interests of the Christians His Violation of the Laws of the Romans and How Jews Were Fined for Eating Lamb Other Incidents Revealing Him as a Liar and a Hypocrite Further Innovations of Justinian and Theodora, and a Conclusion Zhalno no denes nekoj se povikuvaat na nego bash kako "primaren izvor"...
f9 I kako za merka nekolku poinakvi primarni izvori na primer kako Tacitus i Suetonius. ‘…despite public aid, despite generous donations by the emperor and expiatory sacrifices to the Gods, the dreadful rumour could not be scotched that the fire was set on orders. And so, Nero, in order to end this rumor, revealed the culprits and imposed the most exquisite punishments on those who were hated for their outrageous acts and who were called by the people chrestiani.’ Potenciram deka terminot :"chrestiani" e originalno izveden. Golem broj na nauchnici vo stranstvo pokushale da go odgonetnat znachenjeto na terminot,no po se izgleda nikoj od nashite Makedonski nauchnici ne dal objasnuvanje. Ovoj del na Tacitus se smeta za prvo spomnuvanje na hristijani vo svetov pred 70 godina posle Hristos. No i Suetonius go koristi istiot termin: "The punishment of death was declared on the christiani, a race of humans with a new and objectionable superstition." ili originalno: "...afflicti suppliciis christiani, genus hominum superstitionis nouae ac maleficae"
Homer MakeDonski
Potenciram deka terminot :"chrestiani" e originalno izveden. Golem broj na nauchnici vo stranstvo pokushale da go odgonetnat znachenjeto na terminot,no po se izgleda nikoj od nashite Makedonski nauchnici ne dal objasnuvanje. Ovoj del na Tacitus se smeta za prvo spomnuvanje na hristijani vo svetov pred 70 godina posle Hristos.
Da ne te cue nekoj firomanski ,vednas bi ti rekol deka se raboti za zbor koj e spoj na bukvi od latinicata i grckoto pismo [:o)]
f9 Na forumov se tvrdeshe deka najstarata biblija pronajdena bila napishana na Grchki. Edno kratko zapoznavanje so otkritieto na najstariot manuskript na biblijata nema da e na odmet.Konstantin Tishendorf vo April 1844 vo manastirot Sv Katerina vo Sinaj shetajki se ke pronajde ostavena vo holot edna korpa polna so lisja spremni za gorenje.Podocna ke bide informiran deka dve korpi so takvi lisja veke bile izgoreni.Gledajki gi listovite poblisku ke zabelezhi deka toa se delovi na biblijata zapishani na starogrchki jazik pishani so star rakopis.Toj ke zeme 43 lisja,a monasite doznavajki za nastanot ke prestanat da gorat drugi . Tie lisja 43 na broj ke gi smesti vo Bibliotekata vo Lajpcig editirajki gi pod naslov:Kodeks na Frederiko Avgustanus vo chest na kralot na Saksonija od 1846.Na vtoroto patuvanje vo Manastirot ke pronajde nekolku listovi od Postanokot i ke se vrati nezadovolen.Na negovoto treto patuvanje,ovojpat pod patronat na Ruskiot imperator pak nema da najde nishto vo manastirot i spremajki se za vrakanje eden sluga od kukjata kade shto ke bide smesten ke mu se pofali deka i toj go ima chitano manuskriptot i duri ke mu go pokazhe.Toa shto ke mu go pokazhe ke bide celiot nov zavet i pogolemiot del od stariot zavet.Konstantin ke go zeme manuskriptot i ke mu go pokloni na imperatorot na Rusija na 28 Septemvri koga e staven vo vladenie vo St Petersburg kade shto se chuva i denes. Se ke beshe vo najdobar red,no vo 1862 godina eden Grk Konstantin Simonidis,mnogu malku poznat na deneshnata Makedonska javnost ke izjavi deka celiot manuskript i duzina drugi tekstovi se negov falsifikat. Toa nema da e edna naivna izjava na nekoj nepoznat,tuku izjava na dokazhan falsifikator.Od 1843 do 1856 godina ovoj falsifikator ke napravi dela za koj i denes se smeta deka sedat vo muzeite kako avtentichni dela. Na ovie dva linka od Yale univerzitetot se dva falsifikati opishani: Sega da prodolzham so Sinajskiot manuskript.Konstantin Simonidis ke navede i tochno na koj mesta na manuskriptot ostavil tragi za da dokazhe deka e navistina falsifikat negov.Vo Petersburg se kreva prashina.Podarokot primen so golema pompa mozhe da go ismee carot.Vo tekot na denot nekoj na sekoe navedeno mesto od strana na falsifikatorot go oshtetuva manuskriptot.Carskata komisija go proglasuva manuskriptot za avtentichen.Do denes Sinajskiot manuskript ne e povtorno verifikuvan.
f9 Analite i Istorijata na Tacitus falsifikat na Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini Vo Gutenberg bibliotekata vo tek e objavuvanje na edna kniga za falsifikatot od 15 vek vo Firenca pod naslov: TACITUS AND BRACCIOLINI. THE ANNALS FORGED IN THE XVth CENTURY. by JOHN WILSON ROSS (1818-1887) Originally published anonymously in 1878.. Poznavajki kolku klasichni teksta ima "otkrieno" Bracciolini,navistina ima za shto da se zagrizhat chuvarite na "znaenjeto". Pokraj Ross postojat i drugi koj ja osporuvaat avtentichnosta: P. Hochart- De l'Authenticite des Annales et des Histoires de Tacite Leo Weiner- Tacitus' Germania and other forgeries T.S.Jerome- Aspects of the Study of History Eugene Bacha -Le Genie de Tacite
f9 Primaren izvor:"Donacijata od Konstantin" Pishuvana megu 750 i 800 godina e dokaz poveke deka ne smee da se zemaat primarnite izvori za vistiniti.Ovoj dokument prilepen kako original na Imperatorot Konstantin "datiran vo 324",a proizveden vo 8 vek mu ovozmozhi na Katolichkata crkva da nametne primat na Papata vo Rim i vo cela zapadna Evropa. Vo 1440 godina za prv pat ke se otvorat nekoj prashanja za avtentichnosta na ovoj dokument Denes Katolichkata crkva priznava deka ovoj dokument e falsifikat Falsifikatot star 12 veka mozhe da se prochita ovde: Od 8 do 19 vek nishto novo,- eden Francuzin Vrain Denis-Lucas ke falsifikuva pisma esei manuskripti avtobiografii megu koi i za mnoshtvo Makedonci kako Aleksandar,Filip i Kleopatra vo vkupen broj od 27000 i site tie bile i se vo muzejska cirkulacija niz zapadna Evropa.Prashanje e shto ako imalo vo tekot na istorijata i drug kako nego polnejki gi arhivite i kreirajki kvazi istoriski dokazi- no neotkrien. Vo 495 Papata Gelasius ke gi prokolne nekade okolu 500 falsifikati i falsifikatori "Decretum de recipiendis et non recipiendis libris" Neshto porano,nekade okolu 200 godina Po.H.vo gradot Aleksandrija nekoj Grchki evrein ke falsifikuva edno pismo kako da go napishal Aristeas, administrator kaj Ptolomej 2 Filadelfijus, Makedonskiot kral na Egipet, 285-247 Pr.H.,adresirano za negoviot brat Filokrat vo koe se opishuva navodno deponiranje na stariot zavet{napishan so zlato i preveden na grchki) vo Aleksandriskata biblioteka od strana na 72 evrejski pratenici. Link za umetnichki falsifikati: Vo 2001 godina izleze edna kniga "The Lie Became Great: The Forgery of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures". od postar istrazhuvach vo Metropoliten muzejot Oskar White Muskarela.Vo deloto ima identifikuvani nekade okolu 1000 mozhni falsifikati.Arheoloshkiot institut na Amerika ke objavi komentar za knigata:-... Years ago, Oscar White Muscarella was the first to raise within the archaeological profession the issue of forged provenience and its effect on the discipline... Isidorovite dekreti-potochno falsifikati od 9 vek so potpis i pechat
Petros Houhoulis “Sorry but we already have “Greek antivirus”. J.R”
f9 Formenko History: Fiction or Science? Chapter 1 The problems of historical chronology 1. Roman chronology as the foundation of European chronology 2. Scaliger, Petavius, and other clerical chronologers. The creation of contemporary chronology of the ancient times in the XVI-XVII century a.d. 3. The veracity of the Scaliger-Petavius chronology was questioned as early as the XVI century 3.1. Who criticized Scaliger's chronology and where. 3.1.1. De Arcilla, Robert Baldauf, Jean Hardouin, Edwin Johnson, Wilhelm Kammeyer 3.1.2. Sir Isaac Newton 3.1.3. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov 3.1.4. Recent publications of German scientists containing criticisms of Scaliger's chronologY. 3.2. The questionnable veracity of the Roman chronology and history. The hypercritical school of the XIX century 4. The problems in establishing a correct chronology of "ancient" Egypt 5. The problem in dating the "ancient" sources.Tacitus and Poggio Cicero and Barzizza. Vitruvius and Alberti 6. Timekeeping in the Middle Ages. Historians discuss the "chaos reigning in the mediaeval datings." Peculiar mediaeval anachronisms 7. The chronology and the dating of Biblical texts 8. Difficulties and contradictions arising from the reading of old texts 8.1. How does one read a text written in consonants exclusively? The vocalization problem 9. Problems in the Scaligerian geography of Biblical events 9.1. Archaeology and the Old Testament 9.2. Archaeology and the New Testament 10. Ancient historical events: geographic localization issues 10.1. The locations of Troy and Babylon. 13.3. The alleged acceleration of the destruction of the "ancient" monuments 10.2. The geography of Herodotus is at odds with the Scaligerian version 10.3. The inverted maps of the Middle Ages 11. A modern analysis of Biblical geography 12. The mysterious Renaissance epoch as a product of the Scaligerian chronology 13. The foundations of archaeological methods have been based on the Scaligerian chronology from the very beginning 13.4. When did the construction of the Cologne Cathedral really begin? 13.5. Archaeological methods are most often based on Scaliger's datings 13.6. One of the numerous problems of the Scaligerian history the problem of bronze manufacture before the discovery of tin. 14. The problems and deficiencies of dendrochronology and several other dating methods 14.1. The consequent scale of dendrochronological datings does not extend further back in time than the X century a.d. 14.2. Sedimentary layer datings. The methods of radium-uranium and radium-actinium analysis 15. Are radiocarbon datings to be trusted? 15.1. The radiocarbon datings of ancient, mediaeval, and modern specimens are scattered chaotically 15.1.1. Libby's initial idea. The first failures 15.1.2. A criticism of the application of the radiocarbon method to historical specimens 15.2. The dating of the Shroud of Turin 15.3 Modern radiocarbon analysis of Egyptian artefacts demonstrates serious contradictions 16. Critical analysis of the hypotheses on which the radiocarbon method is based. By A. S. Mishchenko 16.1. W. F. Libby's initial idea 16.2. Physical basics of the radiocarbon method 16.3. The hypotheses that the radiocarbon method is based upon 16.4. The moment of the object's departure from the exchange reservoir 16.5. Radiocarbon content variations in the exchange reservoir 16.6. Variations in radiocarbon content of living bodies 18. Numismatic datings Chapter 2 Astronomical datings 1. The strange leap of parameter D" in the Theory of Lunar Motion 2. Are the "ancient" and mediaeval eclipses dated correctly? 2.1. Some astronomical data 2.2. The discovery of an interesting effect: an unprejudiced astronomical dating shifts the dates of the "ancient" eclipses to the Middle Ages 2.3. Three eclipses described by the "ancient" Thucydides 2.4. The eclipses described by the "ancient" Titus Livy 3. Transferring the dates of the "ancient" eclipses forward in time into the Middle Ages eliminates the enigmatic behaviour of the parameter D". 4. Astronomy moves the "ancient" horoscopes into the Middle Ages 4.1. The mediaeval astronomy 4.2. The method of unprejudiced astronomical dating 4.3. Many "ancient astronomical observations" may have been theoretically calculated by late mediaeval astronomers and then included into the "ancient" chronicles as "real observations" 4.4. Which astronomical "observations of the ancients" could have been a result of late mediaeval theoretic calculations? 5. A brief account of several examples of Egyptian Zodiacs 5.1. Some general observations 5.2. The Dendera Zodiacs 5.3. The horoscopes of Brugsch and Flinders Petrie 5.4. Finite datings of the Egyptian Zodiacs based on their complete deciphering, as obtained by A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovskiy in 2001 5.5. On the errors of E. S. Goloubtsova and Y. A. Zavenyagin 6. Astronomy in the New Testament Chapter 3 The new dating of the astronomical horoscope as described in the Apocalypse By A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovskiy 1. The proposed research method 2. General information about the Apocalypse and the time of its creation 3. Ursa Major and the throne 4. The events took place on the Isle of Patmos 5. The constellations of Cassiopeia and the throne were drawn as Christ sitting on his throne in the Middle Ages 6. The Milky Way 7. Twenty-four sidereal hours and the constellation of the Northern Crown 8. Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pegasus 9. The daily rotation of the Northern Crown 10. Equine planetary images in mediaeval astronomy 11. Jupiter is in Sagittarius 12. Mars is beneath Perseus in either Gemini or Taurus 13. Mercury is in Libra 14. Saturn is in Scorpio 15. The Sun is in Virgo with the Moon underneath the feet of the latter 16. Venus is in Leo 17. The astronomical dating of the Apocalypse by the horoscope it contains 18. Our reconstruction of the initial content of the Apocalypse Chapter 4 Astronomy in the Old Testament 1. Mediaeval astronomy in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel 1.1. The title of the book 1.2. The description of the Milky Way and the Ophiuchus constellation 1.3. The Biblical description of the astronomical sectors, or "wings," on the celestial sphere 1.4. The constellations of Leo, Taurus and Aquila 1.5. The Biblical description of the mediaeval "wheels," or planetary orbits 1.6. Parallels with the astronomical symbolism of the Apocalypse 1.7. Biblical cherubim, chariots, and mediaeval planetary orbital wheels 1.8. The Biblical description of mediaeval cosmology as a celestial temple 2. The Biblical prophecy of Zechariah and the date of its creation 3. The Biblical prophecy of Jeremiah and the date of its creation 4. The Biblical prophecy of Isaiah and the date of its creation 5. The Biblical prophecy of Daniel and the date of its creation Chapter 5 The methods of dating the ancient events offered by mathematical statistics 1. The local maxima method 1.1. The historical text volume function 1.2. The maxima correlation principle 1.3. Statistical model 1.4. Experimental test of the maxima correlation principle. Examples of dependent and independent historical texts 1.5. Method of dating the historical events 2. Volume functions of historical texts and the amplitude correlation principle. By A. T. Fomenko and S. T. Rachev 2.1. Dependent and independent chronicles. Volume function maxima correlletions 2.2. Rich and poor chronicles and chronicle zones 2.3. Significant and insignificant zeroes of volume functions 2.4. The information respect principles 2.5. The amplitude correlation principle of volume graphs in the poor zones of chronicles 2.6. Description of statistical model and formalization 2.7. The hypothesis about the increase of the "form" parameter of a chronicle in the course of times 2.8. The list and characteristics of the Russian chronicles we investigated 2.9. The final table of the numeric experiment 2.10. Interesting consequences of the numeric experiment. The confirmation of the statistical model 2.11. Comparison of a priori dependent Russian chronicles 2.12. Comparison of a priori independent Russian chronicles 2.13. Growth of form parameter in the course of time for the Russian chronicles after the XIII century 2.14. Growth of the average form parameter over the course of time for groups of Russian chronicles of the XIII-XVI century 2.15. Growth of the average parameter of form over the course of time for the groups of Russian chronicles of the alleged IX-XIII century 2.16. Chronological shift by 300 or 400 years in Russian history 2.17. Conclusions 3. The maxima correlation principle on the material of the sources pertinent to the epoch of Strife in the History of Russia (1584-1619) By A. T. Fomenko, N. S. Kellin and L. E. Morozova 4. The method for the recognition and dating of the dynasties of rulers. The small dynastic distortions principle 4.1. The formulation of the small dynastic distortions principle 4.2. The statistical model 4.3. Refinement of the model and the computation experimens 4.4. Result of the experiment: coefficient c(a, b) positively distinguishes between the dependent and independent dynasties of kings 4.5. The method of dating the royal dynasties and the method detecting the phantom dynastic duplicates 5. The frequency damping principle.The method of ordering of historical texts in time 6. Application of the method to some concrete historical texts 7. Method of dating of the events 8. The frequencies duplication principle. The duplicate detection method 9. Statistical analysis of the Bible 9.1. Partition of the Bible into 218 "generation chapters" 9.2. Detection of the previously known duplicates in the Bible with the aid of the frequency dumping principle 9.3. New, previously unknown duplicates we discovered in the Bible. General scheme of their distribution within the Bible 9.4. A representative example: the new statistical dating of the Apocalypse, which moves from the New Testament into the Old Testament 10. The method of form-codes. The comparison of two long currents of regal biographies 11. Correct chronological ordering method and dating of ancient geographical maps Chapter 6 The construction of a global chronological map and the results of applying mathematical procedures of dating to the Scaligerian version of the ancient history 1. Textbook of ancient and mediaeval history in the consensual Scaliger-Petavius datings 2. Mysterious duplicate chronicles inside the "Scaliger-Petavius textbook" 3. Mysterious duplicate regal dynasties inside the "textbook by Scaliger-Petavius" 4. Brief tables of some astonishing dynastic parallelisms 5. Conformity of results obtained by different methods 5.1. General assertion 5.2. The agreement of the different methods on the example of the identification of the Biblical Judaic reign with the Holy Roman Empire of allegedly X-XIII century a.d. 6. The general layout of duplicates in "the textbook by Scaliger-Petavius". The discovery of the three basic chronological shifts 7. The Scaligerian textbook of the ancient history glued together four duplicates of the short original chronicle 8. The list of phantom "ancient" events which are phantom duplicates, or reflections of the mediaeval originals 9. Identification of the "ancient" Biblical history with the mediaeval European history 10. Our hypothesis: history as described in surviving chronicles only begins in ca. the X century a.d. We know nothing of the events that took place before the X century a.d. 11. Authentic history only begins in XVII century a.d. The history of the XI-XVI century is largely distorted. Many dates of the XI-XVI century require correction 12. The radical distinction of our chronological concept from the version of N. A. Morozov 13. The hypothesis about the cause of the fallacious chronological shifts in the creation of the history of antiquity 13.1. Chronological shift of a thousand years as the consequence of the fallacious dating of Jesus Christ's life 13.2. The letter "X" formerly denoted the name of Christ, but was later proclaimed to stand for the figure of ten. The letter "I" formerly denoted the name of Jesus, but was later proclaimed to be the indication of one thousand 13.3. Until the XVIII century, the Latin letters "I" or "J" - i.e. the first letters of the name of Jesus - were still used in several European regions to denote "one" in recording of dates 13.4. How the chronological shift by 330 or 360 years could have occured 13.5. What latin letters "M", "D", "C" in Roman dates meant originally, in the Middle Ages 13.5.1. General idea 13.5.2. Example: the date on the tomb of Empress Gisela 13.5.3. Another example: the date on the headstone of Emperor Rudolf Habsburg 13.5.4. Recording of mediaeval dates was not unified everywhere even in the XVIII century 13.5.5. Some datings of printed books and manuscripts dating from the XV-XVII century will apparently have to be moved forwards in time by at least fifty more years 13.6. The foundation date of Rome of Italy 13.7. A later confusion of foundation dates of the two Romes, on the Bosporus and in Italy. 13.8. Scaliger and the Council of Trent. Creation of the Scaligerian chronology of antiquity in the XVI-XVII century 13.9. Two phantom "ancient" reflections of Dionysius Petavius, a mediaeval chronologist of the XVII century 14. A stratified structure of the Scaligerian textbook of ancient history 15. The coordination of a new astronomical dating with a dynastic parallel 16. A strange lapse in the Scaligerian chronology near "the beginning of the new era" Chapter 7 "Dark Ages" in mediaeval history 1. The mysterious Renaissance of the "Classical Age" in mediaeval Rome 1.1. The lugubrious "Dark Ages" in Europe that presumably succeeded the beauteous "Classical Age" 1.2. Parallels between "antiquity" and the Middle Ages that are known to historians, but misinterpreted by them 1.3. Mediaeval Roman legislators convene in the presumably destroyed "ancient" Capitol 1.4. The real date when the famous "ancient" statue of Marcus Aurelius was manufactured 1.5. Could the "ancient" Emperor Vitellius have posed for the mediaeval artist Tintoretto? 1.6. The amount of time required for the manufacture of one sheet of parchment 1.7. The "ancient" Roman Emperor Augustus had been Christian, since he wore a mediaeval crown with a Christian cross 2. The "ancient" historian Tacitus and the well-known Renaissance writer Poggio Bracciolini 3. The mediaeval Western European Christian cult and the "ancient" pagan Bacchic celebrations 4. Petrarch (= Plutarch?) and the "Renaissance of antiquity" 4.1. How Petrarch created the legend of the glory of Italian Rome out of nothing 4.2. Petrarch's private correspondence with people considered "ancient characters" nowadays 5. "Ancient" Greece and mediaeval Greece of the XIII-XVI century 5.1. The history of the mediaeval Athens is supposed to be obscured by darkness up until the XVI century 5.2. Greece and the Crusades 5.3. The history of Greek and Athenian archaeology is relatively short 5.4. The tendentious distortion of the image of mediaeval Athens in the "restoration works" of the XIX-XX century 6. Strange parallels in the Scaligerian history of religions 6.1. Mediaeval Christianity and its reflection in the Scaligerian "pagan antiquity" 6.2. Mediaeval Christianity and "ancient" Mithraism 6.3. References to Jesus Christ contained in "ancient" Egyptian artefacts 6.4. Researchers of the ancient religions commenting on the strange similarities between the cults of "antiquity" and those of the Middle Ages 6.5. Moses, Aaron and their sister Virgin Mary on the pages of the Koran 6.6. The XI century as the apparent epoch of St. Mark's lifetime. The history of St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice 7. The "ancient" Egypt and the Middle Ages 7.1. The odd graph of demotic text datings 7.2. The enigmatic "revival periods" in the history of "ancient" Egypt 7.3. The ancient Hittites and the mediaeval Goths 8. Problems inherent in the Scaligerian chronology of India 9. Was the artificial elongation of ancient history deliberate? Annexes 2.1. (to chapter 2) Grammatical analysis of an eclipse description in History by Thucydides. By Y. V. 471 5.1. (to chapter 5) Per annum volume distribution in some Russian chronicles 5.2. (to chapter 5) Frequency matrix of names and parallels in the Bible By V. P. Fomenko and T. G. Fomenko 6.1. (to chapter 6) Per annum volume distribution in The History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages by F. Gregorovius 6.2. (to chapter 6) Per annum volume distribution in The Roman History from the Foundation of the City by Titus Livy 6.3. (to chapter 6) Per annum volume distribution in the book by Baronius describing mediaeval Rome 6.4. (to chapter 6) The "double entry" of the Biblical royal reigns of Israel and Judah 6.5. (to chapter 6) Armenian history. Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century a.d., a.k.a. the Kings of Judah, a.k.a. the mediaeval Armenian Catholicoses 1. Three phantom reflections of the same mediaeval dynasty 2. The parallelism between the mediaeval Armenian history and the phantom Roman Empire according to Scaliges 6.6. (to chapter 6) The identification of the "ancient" Kingdom of Judah with the Holy Roman Empire of the alleged X-XIII century a.d. The correlation between reign durations and biographical volumes
f9 Formenko History: Fiction or Science? part 2 Chronology: