dada Sani Ne najdov soodveten logichen prevod na makedonski ( a bukvalniot prevod mi bese nekako shtur) i zatoa tekstot kje go ostavam na angliski "Scientology is a religion which recognizes that man is basically good and offers tools anyone can use to become happier and more able as a person and to improve conditions in life for himself and others, and to gain a profound understanding of the Supreme Being and his relationship to the Divine. Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology® technology provides exact principles and a practical technology for improving spiritual awareness, self-confidence, intelligence and ability. The word Scientology comes from the Latin word scio, meaning "know" and the Greek word logos, meaning "the word or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known." Thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing. Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these: -man is an immortal spiritual being. -his experience extends well beyond a single lifetime. -his capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized. Scientology further holds man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself and his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe. Scientology is not a dogmatic religion in which one is asked to believe anything on faith. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by applying its principles and observing or experiencing the results. The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom for the individual. Why is Scientology a religion? Scientology meets all three criteria generally used by religious scholars when examining religions: (1) a belief in some Ultimate Reality, such as the Supreme Being or eternal truth that transcends the here and now of the secular world; (2) religious practices directed toward understanding, attaining or communicating with this Ultimate Reality; and (3) a community of believers who join together in pursuing the Ultimate Reality. Scientology beliefs in an Ultimate Reality that transcends the material world include its concepts of the thetan, the spiritual world (the seventh dynamic) and the Supreme Being (the eighth dynamic). The second element can be found in Scientology’s life-rite ceremonies such as naming, marriage and funeral services, but predominantly in the religious services of auditing and training, through which Scientologists increase their spiritual awareness and attain an understanding of the spiritual world and, ultimately, their relationship with the Supreme Being. As to the third element, a very vital community of believers can be found at any church of Scientology at almost any time of the day. Scientology is thus a religion in the oldest sense of the word. Scientology helps man become more aware of God, more aware of his own spiritual nature and that of those around him. Scientology Scripture recognizes that there is an entire dynamic (urge or motivation in life) devoted to the Supreme Being (the eighth dynamic) and another dynamic that deals solely with one’s urge toward existence as a spirit (the seventh dynamic). Acknowledgment of these aspects of life is a traditional characteristic of religions..." Za Scientology razbrav otkako filmskite zvezdi ja izvadija vo moda, a prvata nivna crkva bila osnovana DURI vo "dalechnata" 1954:) Shube mi e da go narecam ova religija i povekje bi mi odgovaralo da go koristam terminot pravec, zatoa sto navistina ne razbiram od kade potrebata nivnite razmisluvanja za svetot da delat ist krov so ostanatite religii!? Imav prasanja vo vrska so ova, ama pocna da mi se spie i ne mozam sega da gi docitam site Frequently Asked Questions:) Za onie sto ne im se spie...povelete citajte:)
dada Sani Eve go nivniot simbol i tolkuvanjeto za znachenjeto na simbolot [img][/img] The "S" stands for Scientology. The lower triangle is called the ARC triangle (pronounced by the letters A, R, C); A for affinity, R for reality and C for communication. These three interdependent factors combined add up to understanding and are expressed as a triangle. ARC is a fundamental principle of the Scientology religion. The first corner of the triangle is affinity, which is the degree of liking or affection for someone or something. Reality is the second corner and is, fundamentally, agreement. The third corner is communication, defined as the interchange of ideas between two people. All three of these are interrelated. Without a degree of liking and some basis of agreement, there is no communication. Without communication and some basis for affinity, or emotional response, there can be no reality. Without some basis for agreement and communication, there can be no affinity. And when one corner of this triangle is improved, the other two corners are likewise improved. The upper triangle is the KRC triangle. The points are K for knowledge, R for responsibility and C for control. Like the points of the ARC triangle, these three elements are interrelated. When one corner of the KRC triangle is raised, the other two also rise.
Enigma Scientologija e obrazec na totalitarna destruktivna sekta, sozdadena od Ron Hubbard. Nejzini zhrtvi se obichni ligje, koi ne se stremat kon duhoven porast, a povekje se zainteresirani za karierata. Ovaa organizacija ima mokjna finansiska struktura, so iznos na sekojdneven dohod pomegju 3 - 4 milioni dolari. Sektata koristi metodi na kontroliranje na soznanieto na chovekot i se sluzhi so najsovremeni psiholoshki priemi. Ron Hubbard bil patoloshki lazhlivec, koj ja fabrikuval svojata biografija, od koja, edinstvena vistina e deka se rodil vo Nebraska vo 1911g. Toj bil chlen na Ordenot na Istochniot Hram, chij osnovach e izvesniot satanist Aliester Crowley, poradi shto ja ostavil svojata zhena i maloletni deca. Nerazveden od zhenata, toj se ozhenil so Sara, prodolzhuvajki da se zanimava so satanizam. Hubbard bil psihichki nezdrav, poradi shto bil na psihiatrisko lekuvanje, a do krajot na svojot zhivot bil zavisnik od narkotici. Koga imal okulu 40g., izmoren od postojanite nesrekji i besparica, toj reshil da osnova svoja religija, i taka ja sozdal knigata "Dianetika", po imeto na bozhicata Diana, koja Hubbard ja smetal za dvojnik na vavilonskata bozhica Astarti i finikiskata bozhica Hator -bozhica na smrtta i razrushenieto, na koja i se poklonuval.