Goran-Skopje Botox is a trade name for botulinum toxin A. In this way, Botox® is related to botulism. Botulism is a form of food poisoning that occurs when someone eats something containing a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin A is one of the neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. The most serious symptom of botulism is paralysis, which in some cases has proven to be fatal. The botulinum toxins (there are seven -- types are A through G) attach themselves to nerve endings. Once this happens, acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for triggering muscle contractions, cannot be released. A series of proteins, VAMP, syntaxin and SNAP-25, are essential for the release of acetylcholine. Certain botulinum toxins attack these proteins. Botulinum toxin A (Botox) affects the SNAP-25. Basically, the botulinum toxins block the signals that would normally tell your muscles to contract. Say, for example, it attacks the muscles in your chest -- this could have a profound impact on your breathing. When people die from botulism, this is often the cause -- the respiratory muscles are paralyzed so it’s impossible to breathe. E sega, dali zenskite mislat deka so ova moze da se postigne sakanata cel i dali nekoj od vas bi upotrebil ili chul za nekoj shto go pravi ova. p.s. sum videl primeri, abe kako zakovana e vo lice...uf.
Whitebaby Bljak, nikogash. Staream dostoinstveno. Nemam namera da se mavam so inekcii u faca.
Goran-Skopje Ne vikaj dva pati, ne ti doslo vreme, toa ne e izmisleno za dzabe...
Whitebaby Eve kazhuvam, NEMAM NAMERA DA SE BOTOXIRAM. Zashto mislish deka ne mi doshlo vreme? Ima mnogu sluchaevi na moi godini sho veke nekolku pati primale botox inekcii. Imam brchki, pa shto? Ima mnogu postrashni raboti vo zhivotot od brchki.
RaGeAnGeL brckite se znak deka si ziveel:))sakam da imam brcki,sakam ko ke imam 60 da izgledam ko za 60 a ne da izgledam ko plastificirana 40 godishna tetka
Originally posted by LIDIJA - SKorpija
Taka e zenski, jas se slozuvam i so dvete ..Eve mene Rage kje mi gi sredi brckite na Photoshop....[:D]
[:X]nikako!!brcki licet na zena tvoj godini!brcki ne licet na devojka 19-20 znacit deka neso ne e okej,posle 27-29 okej e i nekoja brcka da imas[:D]prirodava znajt so prajt i nemat niso tuka sramno
Originally posted by Whitebaby
Eve kazhuvam, NEMAM NAMERA DA SE BOTOXIRAM. Imam brchki, pa shto? Ima mnogu postrashni raboti vo zhivotot od brchki.
White, jas ne rekov ni deka imash ni deka nemash, toa beshe povekje kao uzrechica "ne vikaj dvapati"... Ne znam...
LIDIJA - SKorpija Taka e zenski, jas se slozuvam i so dvete ..Eve mene Rage kje mi gi sredi brckite na Photoshop....[:D]