Nova hronologija
Nova hronologija
f9 Stranata e na Ruski i mozhe da se prevede na Angliski preku ovoj link: Se raboi za teoriite na Ruskiot matematichar Formenko i Nosovski Interesen e delot za Antichka i srednovekovna Grcija koj mozhe da se najde ovde: i da se prevede od Ruski na Angliski ovde:
Kommandor Respected Most likely, this article on site В. П. Жарков Заметки о древней технике При первом знакомстве с образцами человеческой изобретательности, иногда, кроме искреннего восхищения, возникают и некоторые вопросы. Потом нарисованная и подтвержденная с разных сторон картина становится привычной и вопросы забываются. В этих заметках я хотел бы еще раз обсудить некоторые из древних изобретений с разных точек зрения. При этом прошу читателя помнить о существовании трех качественно различных ситуаций: - Изобретение (его детали, его функционирование) невозможны физически (как полет из пушки на Луну у Жюля Верна). - Реализация возможна, но на качественно другом уровне развития технологии (например, полет человека с помощью его мускульной силы). - Принципиальная реализация возможна, современная технология позволяет, но применение изобретения практически бессмысленно. Такие, необъяснимые с обиходной точки зрения, проекты могут выполняться, в основном, по трем причинам: - С культовыми целями. - По капризу богатого спонсора. - Из чистой любви к искусству. В качестве исходного материала считаю возможным пользоваться энциклопедиями, сайтами технического характера и всякой прочей вторичной литературой, т.к. сведения, приводимые в них, в основном повторяют информацию первоисточников и никем не оспариваются. По мере возможности и с учетом замечаний читателей эти заметки будут продолжены и дополнены........... can interest you Uvazhamomu f9: you most likely can interest site here it is possible to read: Г. Каспаров "Черные дыры истории" "История с географией" "Старой истории - шах и мат!" (интервью) Богатов А.А."Древняя Русь или Эрзь? " Н.А.Морозов "О Морозове " "Авто- и просто биографии " "Откровение в грозе и буре " "Христос" Том 1 М.М.Постников Критическое исследование хронологии древнего мира. Том 1.Античность Критическое исследование хронологии древнего мира. Том 2. Библия Проект `Хронотрон`(С.И.Валянский, Д.В.Калюжный, А.М.Жабинский) Валянский С.И.,Калюжный Д.В.-Другая история науки Валянский С.И. - Теория информации и образование. Условия выживания России Калюжный Д., Жабинский А. - Другая история войн Калюжный Д.В.,Жабинский А.М. - Другая история литературы Жабинский Другая история искусства You come to our forum ! Империя Обсуждение вопросов, связанных с Новой Хронологией We discuss the very large spectrum of problems, we share impressions, findings. Macedonian language - is very close to the Russian language. We will understand each other For those, who receive the Russian language to the rumor of audioprogrammy: Http:// Ya.Kesler <<The builders of civilization A Sinel'nikov <What functions bore in Russia monastery A Sinel'nikov <the knightly and monastic orders RADIO-ARCHIVE
Kommandor You will excuse for the transfer attention! Search for materials for the theme of the consideration Of "al'bigoytsy, catarrhs, Bogomils in the sources"
f9 Vo teorii teshko da veruvam zatoa shto istorijata ne e nauka bazirana vrz principi.Formenko e nesomneno eden od deneshnite genijalni ikoni na matematikata.Negoviot doprinos vo taa oblast e grandiozen i nezamenliv.Negoviot najglasen podrzhuvach e Gari Kasparov legendata na shahot.I dvajcata apliciraat logika i matematika vo edna humanitarna oblast-istorijata. Skaligierievata hronologija sigurno ne smee da se zeme za tochna,taa e konstrukcija na mnoshtvo pretpostavki.Formenko vo negovite dela aplicira metod na linearno poklopuvanje na razlichni epohi i razlichni izvori.Negovata matematichka sposobnost gi potencira slichnostite na razni epohi i na razni izvori i vrz osnova na toa vagja zakluchoci.No tuka postojat i drugi procesi,za koi opshtestvenite nauki imaat odgoori.Procesite na opshtestvenite promeni pokazhuvaat pravilni oscilacii.Toa e kako eden vid vdishuvanje i izdishuvanje na opshtestvata shto znachi deka zhiveat.Vo minatoto ovie pulsirachki promeni bile zabelezhuvani kako promeni na vladari i na dinastii.Denes se promeni najchesto vo bipolarnite-partiski demokrati vidlivi.Taka najchesto mandatite traat do tret pat pa se menuva politichkiot subjekt.No ova ne znachi deka ne treba da se prouchuva Formenko.Skaligierievata hronologija e tolku neformalno konstruirana shto e i bez Formenko pod znak na prashanje. Formenko pokrena i nekolku prashanja posebno so datiranjeto so C14 metodata.Taa metoda beshe upotrebuvana najchesto za datiranja nad 10 000 godini tochno zatoa shto ima greshki od najmalku 2-3000 godini najchesto beshe upotrebuvana vo paleontologijata,zoologijata i geologijata.Site datiranja od pokratok rok praveni so ovaa metoda bile od eksperimentalen vid i ne povlekuvale nauchni tvrdenja vo pobliskata istorija.Taa metoda nema mesto vo arheologijata. Za hronologijata vo arheologijata i istorijata najchesto se upotrebuvaat komparativnite studii onamu kade shto ima nedostig od pishani dokazi.Sekoj period na chovekoviot razvoj vo edna oblast pominuval niz specifichni kulturni modi na proizvodstvo na materjalni dobra.Vo poslednite dve stotini godini imame nekoja predstava za hronologijata na kulturniot razvoj spored vremenska i hronoloshka distanca.Postojat sloevi na kulturi koj se gledaat pri iskopuvanjata so golo oko i vrz takvi sloevitosti se hronologiraat nastanite.Formenkovite istrazhuvanja mozhebi mozhat da ni dadat odgovori za vekovi za koj Skaligieri i deneshnata arheologija nema.Toa se temnite vekovi na predklasicizmot i periodot od krajot na 5 do 8 vek nasha era.I viduvanjata na Kasparov se interesni,posebno negovata logika aplicirana na nekoi istoriski tvrdenja.Ne bi vleguval vo generalni tvrdenja za revizionistite.Mozhebi treba po parche da se preispita sekoj nivni naod .
Kommandor The problems of new chronology are dedicated not only work Fomenko. There is site where were gathered somewhat different people, which think somewhat differently from Fomenko for you it can be interesting researcher from Bulgaria: Project "civilization" Jordan Tabov: Sunset Of old Bulgaria (New Chronology The Balkans) 1: Dossiers in history 2: Ivan Vladislav shishman 3: Medieval Turks in the first approximation, 4: On calendars 5: Chronology of Anatoliy fomenko 6: Lessons Of the father Of Paise 7: Bulgaria - ruined and separated by 8: Paradoxes in history 9: Pechenegs Persians 10: Anachronisms 11: Vasiliy, Hans Bayazid 12: Shishmany 13: Osmanskaya dynasty 14: Paleologists 15: Complex graphemes 16: Other conquerors 17: Romans, hellenes and Macedonians 18: Old Pelargi BIB: Bibliography PIX: Figures Strictly, my appearance on this forum, was caused by interest in the consideration by you of the problems of history. How YOU - Macedonians do visualize the history of relatives the Balkans? This causes interest. Проект "Цивилизация" Иордан Табов: Закат старой Болгарии (Новая хронология Балкан) 1: Досье в истории 2: Иван Владислав Шишман 3: Средневековые турки в первом приближении 4: О календарях 5: Хронология Анатолия Фоменко 6: Уроки Отца Паисия 7: Болгария - разоренная и разобщенная 8: Парадоксы в истории 9: Печенеги и персы 10: Анахронизмы 11: Василий, Иоанн и Баязид 12: Шишманы 13: Османская Династия 14: Палеологи 15: Сложные графемы 16: Другие завоеватели 17: Римляне, эллины и македонцы 18: Старые Пеларги BIB: Библиография PIX: Рисунки
ZooGraf Kommandor, There was a theory (by Drinov, I think) that confused Ivan Vladislav with Ivan Shishman, but it has been debunked many times (and many years ago). The whole thing by Fomenko&Co is more than I can handle, but there may be some truth.
Originally posted by f9 Formenko pokrena i nekolku prashanja posebno so datiranjeto so C14 metodata.Taa metoda beshe upotrebuvana najchesto za datiranja nad 10 000 godini tochno zatoa shto ima greshki od najmalku 2-3000 godini najchesto beshe upotrebuvana vo paleontologijata,zoologijata i geologijata.Site datiranja od pokratok rok praveni so ovaa metoda bile od eksperimentalen vid i ne povlekuvale nauchni tvrdenja vo pobliskata istorija.Taa metoda nema mesto vo arheologijata.
F9, jas navistina ne sum strucnjak vo ova, niti sum arheolog/istoricar po struka. No sepak ljubopiten sum i ke te prasam ako C14 metoda e navistina tolku neprecizna, togas kako toa nekoji raboti, kako astronomski fenomeni koji se pojavuvaat sekoji nekolku stotici godini, na primer, obzervaciji na eklipsi koji se zabelezeni vo Kina i Vavilon mozat da se lociraat barem do 600 BCE?
Kommandor I apologize myself for this transfer of text. I want to focus your attention, that in Russia there are not only A Fomenko and Nosovskiy, but also whole series of other researchers and popularizers of this interesting direction. We will be glad they are glad to see you with the readers of the new electronic almanac
ZooGraf f9, dali veruvas vo novata hronologija? [img][/img]
Kommandor Respected ZooGraf, Fomenko and & - they made A RECONSTRUCTION. One of several possible versions. On the sites indicated - it is possible to find other reconstructions personally for me. - is much nearer the reconstruction Of A. Sinel'nikov. The book is called "Medieval empire of Jews". In this book is done the selection of vozmozhnogoy version, that Jews - not nationality, but caste. The caste, whose beginning is established into the Middle Ages. P.S. You will excuse, can write on the native language. 4 it is forced to transfer in the English, in view of the prohibition of the administration of forum into other languages except Macedonian and English. I will be grateful, if you prompt, where to skachat' the straight translator: Macedonian- Russian - Macedonian.
f9 C14 bidi siguren e neprecizna,sega ima ponova metoda koja do nekade ja koregira no samo spored nekoj tvrdenja i e vo tek na dokazhuvanje.Shto se odnesuva do Astronomskite observacii i linkot shto go ponudi...samite avtori kazhuvaat deka se vo prashanje varijabili.Formenko se ima baveno dosta so zodijacite od Egipet i na ovaa strana: mozhesh da najdesh dosta za toa. Formenko ne e laik i e eden od najdobrite matematichari vo svetov.Vo poslednive godini dosta nauchnici od oficijalnata nauka pokushavaa da ja urnat teorijata no samo so sitni probivi. Bi te upatil da ja prochitash ovaa strana: Toa e celata kniga za civilizacijata i e vo pogolem fajl,no vredi da se prochita. Tekstot na Gari Kasparov e ovde: ...These discrepancies lead me to suspect that there is a gap between the historical dates attributed to the Roman Empire and those suggested by the above computations. But there are more inconsistencies in the historical record of humankind. As I have already noted, there are similar gaps of several centuries in technological and scientific development. Notice that knowledge and technology traditionally associated with the ancient world presumably disappears during the Dark Ages, only to resurface in the 15th century during the early Renaissance. The history of mathematics provides one such example. By chronologically and logically ordering major mathematical achievements, beginning with arithmetic and Greek geometry and finishing with the invention of calculus by I. Newton (1643-1727) and G.W. Leibnitz (1646-1716), we see a thousand-year gap separating antiquity from the new era. Is this only a coincidence? But what about astronomy, chemistry (alchemy), medicine, biology, and physics? There are too many inconsistencies and unexplained riddles in ancient history. Today, we are unable to build simple objects made in ancient times in the way they were originally created -this in a time when technology has produced the space shuttle and science is on the brink of cloning the human body! It is preposterous to blame all of the lost secrets of the past on the .re that destroyed the Library of Alexandria, as some have suggested. It is unfortunate that each time a paradox of history unfolds, we are left without satisfactory answers and are persuaded to believe that we have lost the ancient knowledge. Instead of disregarding the facts that disagree with the traditional interpretation, we should accept them and put the theory under rigorous scientific scrutiny. Explanations of these paradoxes and contradictions should not be left only to historians. These are scientific and multidisciplinary problems and, in my opinion, history - as a single natural science - is unable to solve them alone. I think that the chronology of technological and scientific development should be carefully investigated. The toonumerous claims of technological wonders in antiquity turn history into science friction (e.g., the production of monolithic stone blocks in Egypt, the precise astronomical calculations obtained without mechanical clocks, the glass objects and mirrors made 5 000 years ago, and so on). It is unfortunate that historians reject scientific incursion into their domain. For instance, the most reasonable explanation of Egyptian pyramid-building technology, presented by French chemist Joseph Davidovits (the creator of the geopolymer technology), was rejected by Egyptologists, who refused to provide him with samples of pyramid material. About five years ago, I came across several books written by two mathematicians from Moscow State University: academician A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovskij. The books described the work of a group of professional mathematicians, led by Fomenko, who had considered the issues of ancient and medieval chronology for more than 20 years with fascinating results. Using modern mathematical and statistical methods, as well as precise astronomical computations, they discovered that ancient history was artificially extended by more than 1 000 years. For reasons beyond my understanding, historians are still ignoring their work. But let us return to mathematics and to ancient Rome. The Roman numeral system discouraged serious calculations. How could the ancient Romans build elaborate structures such as temples, bridges, and aqueducts without precise and elaborate calculations? The most important deficiency of Roman numerals is that they are completely unsuitable even for performing a simple operation like addition, not to mention multiplication, which presents substantial difficulties (see Figure 2). In early European universities, algorithms for multiplication and division using Roman numerals were doctoral research topics. It is absolutely impossible to use clumsy Roman numbers in multi-stage calculations. The Roman system had no numeral "zero." Even the simplest decimal operations with numbers cannot be expressed in Roman numeralsTry to write a multiplication table in Roman numerals. What about fractions and operations with fractions? Despite all these deficiencies, Roman numerals supposedly remained the predominant representation of numbers in European culture until the 14th century. How did the ancient Romans succeed in their calculations and complicated astronomical computations? It is believed that in the 3rd century, the Greek mathematician Diophantus was able to find positive and rational solutions to the following system of equations, called Diophantic today x31 + x2 = y3 x1 + x2 = y. According to historians, at the time of Diophantus, only one symbol was used for an unknown, a symbol for "plus" did not exist, neither was there a symbol for "zero." How could Diophantic equations be solved using Greek letters or Roman numerals (see Figure 2)? Can these solutions be reproduced? Are we dealing here with another secret of ancient history that we are not supposed to question? Let us point out that even Leonardo da Vinci, at the beginning of the 16th century, had troubles with fractional powers. It is also interesting that in all of da Vinci's works, there is no trace of "zero" and that he was using 22/7 as the approximation of p - probably it was the best approximation of p available at that time. It is also interesting to look at the invention of the logarithm. The logarithm of a number x (to the base 10) expresses simply the number of digits in the decimal representation of x, so it is clearly connected to the idea of the positional numbering system. Obviously, Roman numerals could not have led to the invention of logarithms. Knowledge of our history timeline is important, and not only for historians. If indeed the dates of antiquity are incorrect, there could be profound implications for our beliefs about the past, and also for science. Historical knowledge is important to better understand our present situation and the changes that take place around us. Important issues such as global warming and environmental changes depend on available historical data. Astronomical records could have a completely different meaning if the described events took place at times other than those provided by traditional chronology. I trust that the younger generation will have no fear of "untouchable" historical dogma and will use contemporary knowledge to challenge questionable theories. For sure, it is an exciting opportunity to reverse the subordinate role science plays to history, and to create completely new areas of scientific research.
ZooGraf Mene licno, sekogas me fasciniralo staticnosta na vremeto od pred renesanata, kade brzinata na teholoskite napredoci e mnogu pomala od posle renesansata. Naprimer, vo vojnata tehnologija, armijite koristat slicni oruzja so iljadnici godini so mnogu mali izmeni. Mozebi novata hronologija vo toj smisol dava objasnuvanje.
f9 "I will be grateful, if you prompt, where to skachat' the straight translator: Macedonian- Russian - Macedonian." Probably in future... For links I will try to read with is about exact science and true meaning is important.