How to ask a girl out on date?

How to ask a girl out on date?
One of the toughest things a man can do is attempt to get a date. Many men struggle with this from the moment they enter puberty up until they are married.

If you are a man that has been in the dating arena unsuccessfully for a while, then you may be thinking women are not interested in you because of your social status, insecurities, or looks. The truth is that it does not always matter what you have. It matters who you are and how you portray yourself.

With the right technique, any man can pick up nearly any girl he wants. All you need to do is believe in yourself enough to follow these simple steps.

1.Always leave home well groomed. While, you do not have to be the best-looking man on the block, it does help if you look like you care about your appearance.

Wear nice, clean clothes and cologne when you go out. Remember that while you are single right now, first impressions mean everything. Dress to impress her, whoever she may be.

If you have been wearing the same pants since 1982, buy some new ones! You want to show her that you are ready for any situation the moment it arises, even if it is just asking her out.

You might be asking yourself if you are just running to the grocery store why do you need to wear your best clothes. The answer is simple. You never know when you are going to meet a girl you might be interested in dating.

If you find her in the ten items or less line, and you are holding a 12-pack of beer, some corn nuts, and you have on your patented “plumber” sweatpants, how interested do you think she is going to be?

2.Think about what you are going to say before you say it. No matter what female you approach, you will find there will be one universal truth about them all. All women like to be complimented.

Flattery will get you much further than cynical and rude behavior. You might think girls like bad boys and this may be true. However, if a girl likes a bad boy that bad boy is still nice to her.

Have a general idea of what you want to say. If you know the girl well, comment on something you know she likes to do or likes about herself and go from there.

If you do not know the girl and you want to get to know her, try making a joke or asking her for help when you are making a decision. For instance, if you are in a grocery store ask for help in picking out a certain brand or a type of produce. Women love to rescue that adorably helpless man in an everyday situation.

Use things like this to your advantage. No matter what, remember that what you say initially will help to make or break your chances.

3.Never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you want to ask a girl out but you do not feel you know her well enough, test the waters and ask for her phone number.
If she likes your approach, she will give you hers or ask for yours. If she gives you her number, call her. You can almost guarantee if this happens that it will be possible to get a date with her. However, use the phone number to your advantage at least once.

When you call to ask her out be polite and funny. Be charming! Try to have an idea of what you want to say when she picks up the phone. Being prepared will help make the presentation better and her decision to go on a date with you much easier.

4.Have a Plan of Action. If you know the girl, it is best to plan the first date around her interests.

If she is a chef, you might offer to take her out for a gourmet meal that she does not have to cook! If she likes the outdoors, you might suggest a picnic on the beach. Whatever you plan is does not really matter as long as you have her interests in mind.

You might want to test the waters by asking her what her dream date would be like. If you can make her dream date happen, consider asking her if she would like to go on that date with you!

Of course, you could always surprise her with the date of a lifetime. By doing so, you are sure to give her one date she will never forget.

5.Only make promises you can keep. The most important thing is that you fulfill any promises you make. Be yourself and have a good time with her.

Women like men who are comfortable with themselves. Just be honest and up front and you will see how easy asking her out can be. In fact, if you continue this trend you may even get more than one date out of the deal.

Asking women out is a breeze when following these tips. In fact, women are usually just as nervous in these moments as men are. Go easy, be honest, and have fun and she is sure to return the favor tenfold!
Originally posted by Duh

A real man doesn't need to invite a girl for a date, he will be invited by her, but if he is really a real man he will refuse her because he is over those stupid things like male-female relationships. He doesn't need even his self! :)

In an ideal world this might even happen. But in this world things have to be done differently. In my view, I don't think that there should be any rules about whether the man or the woman should be the one who asks the other. They should take turns on an equal basis.
Duh You said that very nice, mister SydneyGuy, but I am afraid that me and you watch too much movies, specially me. :)
јузер И тхинк тоо.
SydneyGuy I've read a book called "Double Your Dating" by David de Angelo which I happen to think is very good. Sasha, those points that you have posted are all good, there's no denying that.

But one of the biggest mistakes a guy can make is to be too nice to a woman. Always going along with her, always saying yes, always trying to please her. David says that's one of the quickest ways to ruin your long term chances with a woman.

He says that women tend to be attracted more to men who don't seem so keen. Being too nice conveys desperation. What he says is that men shouldn't be seen as being too keen, especially at the beginning. First impressions last a long time. He says that men should occasionally do and say things that play on women's insecurities. That part I don't agree with - I think that's going too far.

What David is suggesting is that women play certain 'mind games' just to see how men will respond. They are testing them. So David says that it's only fair that men play some mind games of their own.

Here are a few examples: Don't call them the next day after going out to dinner. When you give her a compliment always make sure that it's ambiguous. Make comments about her looks, hair, clothes, etc but not straight out compliments.

There are other examples in the book but are way too many to list them all here. The point he makes is this: a woman is more likely to be attracted to a man who she thinks has many more prospective girlfriends than to somebody who always says yes. He says that a woman wants what other women want. So if a man often has a female companion with him then other women will see him as being desirable.
Natasa I think that if you are honest and polite you will be ont the right track to ask the girl for a date.And doesent matter, man for me if they are honest and prefer not with a girl are more sexy and desirable that if they are with someone.I dont even want to look at them.Because it s not a bettle so who will win,it is felling for that person or you have it or you dont.Also they have to take care,be well groomed,and always listen,ask questions and dont be shy to tell her how you feel about her,she will be very happy with that.
Originally posted by SydneyGuy

I've read a book called "Double Your Dating" by David de Angelo which I happen to think is very good. Sasha, those points that you have posted are all good, there's no denying that.


But one of the biggest mistakes a guy can make is to be too nice to a woman. Always going along with her, always saying yes, always trying to please her. David says that's one of the quickest ways to ruin your long term chances with a woman.

I do not agree. Why u should completely change for someone. You are loosing your identity. Yes, you could modify your behavior or some of your actions a little bit. But, one should not completely change.Trying to change yourself or trying to change the girl is just wrong. Be who you are.

He says that women tend to be attracted more to men who don't seem so keen. Being too nice conveys desperation. What he says is that men shouldn't be seen as being too keen, especially at the beginning. First impressions last a long time. He says that men should occasionally do and say things that play on women's insecurities. That part I don't agree with - I think that's going too far.

I don't agree either.

What David is suggesting is that women play certain 'mind games' just to see how men will respond. They are testing them. So David says that it's only fair that men play some mind games of their own.

I do not agree.Some man play 'mind games'as well. Playing 'mind games', 'power games' name it, leads to unhealthy relationship. It shows insecurities.

Here are a few examples: Don't call them the next day after going out to dinner. When you give her a compliment always make sure that it's ambiguous. Make comments about her looks, hair, clothes, etc but not straight out compliments.

Again, 'mind games'are worng way to go.

There are other examples in the book but are way too many to list them all here. The point he makes is this: a woman is more likely to be attracted to a man who she thinks has many more prospective girlfriends than to somebody who always says yes. He says that a woman wants what other women want. So if a man often has a female companion with him then other women will see him as being desirable.

Wrong. This is just somebody's generalization, that doesn't apply to all of us.


Feeling consumed in the relationship
Often answering for the partner in conversations
Sado-masochism (Either or both.)
Extremely afraid to let go
Excessive fear of risk, change, or the unknown
Little individual growth
Very few truly intimate experiences
Playing mind games
Trying to get something by giving
Trying to change other people
Needing others to feel secure or happy
Seeking THE magical solution
Refusing to ever commit
Looking to others for a sense of self-worth
Being afraid when routinely separated
Repeatedly experiencing negative feelings
Being afraid of affection and closeness
Cares with excessive detachment
Frequent playing of "Power Games"


Allows for Individuality
Has an oneness & separateness from a partner
Brings out partners’ best qualities
Accepts endings
Experiences openness to change/exploration
Invites growth in the partner
Experiences true intimacy through acceptance
Can honestly ask for what is wanted
Finds pleasure in giving and receiving
Does not try to change/control partner
Encourages self-sufficiency in partner
Accepts limitations of self & partner
Does not seek unconditional love
Has individual high self-esteem
Trusts the memory of the partner
Expresses feelings spontaneously
Welcomes affection and closeness
Taking care of other’s feelings when asked
Believes in equality and personal power in self & partner
Duh A real man doesn't need to invite a girl for a date, he will be invited by her, but if he is really a real man he will refuse her because he is over those stupid things like male-female relationships. He doesn't need even his self! :)
Unreal Прво и најосновно е приодот, т.е ако за прв пат се гледате со девојката.
Приодот мора да биде стабилен и сигурен,да нема д`ткање,туку речениците да се течно изговорени да се јасни и кратки и што е најважно да имаат смисла.ИЗберете тема која е на некој начин ИНДИРЕКТНО поврзана со неа,ако одма почнувате тема во која таа е центар на темата, тогаш воопшто и не почнувајте, таа работа е пропадната и пред да почне.
Со тоа е завршен најголемиот дел, т.е девојката гледа дека сте сигурен во себе и со самото тоа ја стекнува онаа многу посакувана "почетна доверба" и дека нема трте-мрте, т.е нема да помисли дека толку сериозен и сигурен човек би се зезал со нејзе
Потоа би го спомнал изгледот и хигиената.
Мора во секое време да изгледате добро, сигурноста во себе може да се разниша поради лош изглед или лош избор на облека.Здивот да е на ниво, за парфем не ни сакам да спомнам, тоа е МОРАЛНО!
Никогаш,ама баш никогаш немојте да и кажете дека одавна сте го планирале ова, со тоа ќе стекне впечаток дека секогаш изгледате супер, дека секогаш сте добар и сигурен соговорник и сигурен во себе.
Е нема повеќе, за повеќе се наплатуваат часови
LIDIJA - SKorpija
Vo evra se plakja ili vo druga valuta?
A kolku chini i kolku trae eden chas?
Originally posted by LIDIJA - SKorpija

Vo evra se plakja ili vo druga valuta?
A kolku chini i kolku trae eden chas?

ama komsivke kako da te prasam ke odime na kafe ako naletam na kaj tebe ,
Originally posted by LIDIJA - SKorpija

Vo evra se plakja ili vo druga valuta?
A kolku chini i kolku trae eden chas?

Пошто топиков е како да се покани девојка на состанок часовите не важат за тебе, а размена на искуства од други области се бесплатни
LIDIJA - SKorpija Poshto bev prozvana i toa 2 pati, morav da se navratam na topikov za da ogovoram
Slave komshi, bujrum na kafe koga i da naletash dobredojden si, mene mi trgna forumskovo druzenje so kafe.
(Ova beshe primer za spontano "How to ask a girl out on date")

A inaku Unreal, stvarno znaesh kako da objasnish, i epten te biva za soveti.
Shteta shto ne sum devojka, mene kje me ubedeshe za date
slasa go biva d a brisi postovi :-)
Originally posted by slasa

go biva d a brisi postovi :-)

Чив пост беше избришан?
Originally posted by Angeldust

Have to ask a "Real Macedonian Man" a question. Saw a good looking guy from your place and checked him out--just a little bit. He met my quest quickly with a stern look. I was quite surprised, knowing he is not married. Saw him day after day, he bagan looking at me, me looking at was HOT!!! Is this a Macedonian custom?

Not necessaraly, i'm macedonian and its not my custom
Originally posted by Angeldust

Have to ask a "Real Macedonian Man" a question. Saw a good looking guy from your place and checked him out--just a little bit. He met my quest quickly with a stern look. I was quite surprised, knowing he is not married. Saw him day after day, he bagan looking at me, me looking at was HOT!!! Is this a Macedonian custom?

Angeldust, why don't you just tell the guy that you like him? Why do women have such a big fear of being rejected? Men handle rejection well, so can women.
Angeldust SydneyGuy--These things are better handled with care--especially when it comes to romance! We don't say "I love you" on the 1,2,3rd date! That would be too direct! So it is with romance...let it simmer...I like to give suttle hints: soft looks, make my presence known. Then I will feel rewarded when he notices! And I will pick up on it if he's not interested. But, when there is real chemistry, things can't be rushed into--not another one of those "just another date..." (speaking for myself--I want his attention, his eyes, his focus, his smile, his responce...) get the picture? He must make the "let's go out statement" first; then I will take it from there!!! Guys would like it this way if they give it a chance!
wolf_pack Guys are keen towards asking a girl out based predominantly on her looks; that is if they sort out their preference and the girl they met is new to them. Whereas women have various switches that need to be turned on by the man, especially if a 2nd or 3rd date is in question. It is common to fold it and call it off after the 1st date, but for further intimacy - attitude and character must be similar to both parties. Unless we're talking about No Strings Attached sexual relations or boozed-up one-night-stands. Life begins outside the comfort zone, so for classy mature people it shouldn't be a problem to get to know each other right away and figure out where the relations might go (acquantaces, friendship, dating, No Strings Attached...)
LaWhim I think that if a guy wants to ask out a girl he should be nice (smell nice too) and polite and ask her straight forward. And after she says yes, do be nice still and give her compliments too.
Originally posted by јузер

И тхинк тоо.
I think we should talk Jy3ep...