Makedonija pod srpska vlast

Makedonija pod srpska vlast
Ne znam mnogu za periodot koga eden del od Makedonija bese narecen banovina i ne sum cital na forumov dosega osven ponekogas.
kolku se znae za ovoj period od 1918-1941 za ovie godini moze da se napise preku 20 000 stranici.
element i deka na 10 % teritorija 90-95 % zandarmerija bila postavena na istata teritorija.
Kolku znaeme?
Duhot na Vovata Ko sudam od toa sto sum cital - skoro nisto ne znaete. Ako sakas da naucis eve malko Francuzka "propaganda":

Войната се връща

Анри Пози
(Второ издание, Планета-7, София, 1992)

Към българския народ
Предговор към първото издание от 1934г.
България и мирът
Македонският въпрос
Пред телените мрежи
В долината на Вардар

Na Bugarski e, no na Makedonski se mnogo somnevam deka ke ja najdes.
element Eve kolku ima :

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407 Posts
Posted - May 22 2006 : 03:42:59

Te molam ufrli ja OBAVEZNO ovaa poraka vo vitrual macedonia forumot.

A. Donski

Ovaa poraka e od Aleksandar Donski.

Pochituvani chlenovi na forumot,

Ne mozham direktno da pishuvam vo forumot, poradi obvrski, pa zatoa go
zamoliv mojot prijatel da ja ufrli ovaa poraka od moe ime.

Site sme svedoci deka vo ovoj forum, kako krlezhi, se nakotija
anti-makedonski shovinisti.

Izvesten sum deka eden od niv me prozival na "polemika". Veruvajte mi
jas nemam vreme za gubenje vo polemika so poedinci. Dosega sum gazel
desetici provokatori, pa kje go zgazam i ovoj (za shto kje potrosham
vreme), no shto potoa? Kje se pojavi drug, pa se li toa kje pravam?
Mene ne
mi e celta da gi unishtuvam anti-makedonskite provokatori poedinechno,

Zatoa jas objavuvam knigi i feljtoni, koi dosega imaa golemo vlijanie
javnosta i kade davam odgovor na site punktovi na anti-makedonskata
shovinistichka propaganda.

Sepak, ovde kje odgovoram na eden redok vid provokator. Se raboti za
golemosrpskiot shovinist izvesen Vasil Gligorovic.

Vo privatni poraki, shto manijachki sekojdnevno mi gi prakja, ovoj
chetnik jasno pishuva deka Makedoncite se "juzhnosrbijanci", deka toj e
"golemosrbin" i slichni tragi-komichni frustracii.

Jas mu pishav deka mene mi e ponizhenie da diskutiram so srpski
od koi se gnasi celiot civiliziran svet i protiv koi na Zapad vekje
da snimaat akcioni filmovi so Srbi vo negativna uloga (kako porano shto
Indijancite i Arapite).

Ima li neshto podolno od toa?

Ne zaradi ovaa Srbenda, tuku zaradi chesnite chitateli, kje dadam
objasnuvanje za zborot "chelniku" za koj toj me "napagja". Toj tvrdi
toa ne bil antichko-makedonski zbor. Megjutoa, ne e sosema taka. Imeno,
Hamond go smeta ovoj zbor za "vlashki", a za Vlasite tvrdi deka se
potomci na antichkite Makedonci, shto znachi deka Hamond indirektno go
zborot "chelniku" (koj ochigledno e makedonski zbor) za
(shtom, spored nego, bil upotreben od narod koj e "potomok" na
Makedonci). Mozhebi jas poradi nedovolno vnimanie trebashe ova podobro
da go
objasnam, no ne se raboti za tolkava greshka kako shto saka da podmetne
Srbendata. Vistinata e deka Hamond indirektno go smeta ovoj zbor za

Patem, jas vekje gi imam SITE dosega objaveni zborovi od jazikot na
antichkite Makedonci (od deloto na Hesihij, Suda i drugi izvori) i
istite kje bidat objaveni vo kniga, pa tamu jasno kje se vidi
slichnosta na
nekoi od niv so deneshnite makedonski zborovi.

Shto se odnesuva do dotichnata Srbenda Gligorovic, vo dogledno vreme
pochnam nashiroko niz internet da objavuvam straotni podatoci za
terorot i
nevidenite masakri shto gi sproveduvale negovite sonarodnici srpski
vrz mirniot makedonski narod glavno megju dvete svetski vojni. Postojat
straotni svedoshtva deka ovie zverovi ubivale i mali bebinja, zhenite
siluvale, a mazhite gi kolele, isto kako shto nivnite naslednici
chetnici i
ideoloshki somislenici na Gligorovic, gi kolea i nevinite zhrtvi vo
Bosna i

Istovremeno kje prasham nekoi od moite kolegi profesori na Fakultetot
istorija dali i navistina ovde studira takva golemosrpska kreatura?

Vsushnost, ovaa srpska kreatura e za zhalenje. Ne e vo prashanje samo
shto prirodata se posheguvala so nego, tuku toj nema intelektualen
za da sfati deka tokmu zaradi takvite kako nego, golemosrpski
sega Srbija e tolku "golema" (ha, ha..), t.e. svedena e na svoite
etnichki granici, a toa e Belgradskiot pashalak. I tokmu poradi takvite
nego site okolni narodi pobegnaa od Srbija kako od gjavol (utre toa
kje se
sluchi i so bratskiot crnogorski narod, chija nezavisnost ushte sega ja
pozdravuvam - istovremeno i javno ja poddrzhav preku moite kontakti so
crnogorskite patrioti - i tie isto taka kje se izvlechat od

Aleksandar Donski

Тазе член

407 Posts
Posted - May 22 2006 : 03:48:26

Ufrli ja i ovaa poraka pod moe ime. Redno e malku da se pozanimavame i so sprksite shovinisti.


A. Donski


Isprakjam nova poraka preku mojot prijatel, chij nasov glasi:


Gledame deka vo ovoj forum pochna da se shiri otvorena srpska chetnichka propaganda,

chij najgolem pobornik e izvesna srbenda "Vasil Gligorovic".

Za zhal, nie Makedoncite glavno bevme svrteni protiv bugarskata i grchkata propaganda, no ja zapostavivme srpskata propaganda.

Ne smee nikogash da se zabporavi deka Srbite nanele ogromni zla protiv Makedoncite.

Ottamu, nesfatlivo e kako mozhe da se dozvoli srede Skopje povtorno da se povampiri srpskata propaganda! Se razbira deka dotichniot Gligorvic debelo kje zazhali koga pochna da gi navreduva Makedonija i Makedoncite, a ovde, samo za potsetuvanje kje navedeme nekolku podatoci od iljadnicite, za straotniot srpski teror potiv Makedoncite, napraven od ideoloshkite istomislenici na Gligorovic.

Nudime podatoci od knigata "Pehchevo" od grupa avtori, objavena vo Shtip 1990 vo izdanie na Drushtvoto za nauka i umetnost. Eve kako se odnesuvale Srbite vo Makedonija, neposredno po okupacijata vo 1918 godina. Konkretno sleduvaat samo nekolku podatoci za terorot vo Pehchevo:

"Samo vo 1921 godina, retko nekoj od vozrasnite zhiteli na Pehchevo ne bil izlozhen na nekoj vid represija i zatvoranje. Rezhimot na kralstvoto Jugoslavija ne gi toleriral duri ni decata i zhenite. I tie, kako i mazhite, bile tepani i zatvorani. Takov e primerot so Vangja Vasileva Cokovska koja dolgo vreme bila sramotena vo zatvorskata kjelija od cela desetina djandari zulumdzhii. Taa po izleguvanje od zatvorot otishla vo manastir i e zakalugerila, no do kajot na svojot zhivot, vo site sredini so koi doagjala vo kontakt, go kolnela imeto (SRPSKO, Z.M.) na zlostornicite. Pokraj Vangja, od strana na rezhimskite vlasti bile tepani, iznuduvani na bescelni priznavanja i apseni: Magda Stamboliska, Marija Rendeva, Marija Popova, Rusa Popova i drugi. Poslednite dve bile obeseni za nozete so cel bavno da umiraat. Masakriranjeto na nekolku nepolnoletni deca od potesnata okolina na Pehchevo, predizvikala ne samo ogorchen revolt, tuku i motiv kaj pehchevci na koj nachin da se UDRI SRBIJA VO NAJOSETLIVOTO MESTO - DA SE UBIE KRALOT I TAKA DA SE ODMAZDI GOLEMATA PIRAMIDA MAKEDONSKI CHOVECHKI CHEREPI I KOSTURI, RASFRLENI NASEKADE VO RAZDELENA MAKEDONIJA... Megju 1921 i 1925 g. bil ubien Ivan Andonov Klepkov, a Maca Miceva i kjerka i Zuica bile maltretirani i uapseni. Nikola Popov Karajovov isto taka bil izmachuvan i apsen, Mile Sokolov go tepale so piralka za belenje alishta. Toj iskrvaril i podlegnal na ranite. Ista sudbina dozhiveale i Antim Kolev, Serafim Medarov, Eftim Vasilev, Gligor Asprovski, Kole Smilanov, Katerina Koleva Smilanova i Elizabeta Vasileva, dodeka Blagoj Iliev Kletnichki, Krum Ivanov Micev i Andon Eftimov Kletnichki, DECA NA VOZRAST MEGJU 13 I 16 GODINI, na podmolen nachin bile ubieni. Decata gi pasele konjite po livadite. Preku denot si igrale, a koga se izmorile zaspale. Togash im se doblizhile grupa SRPSKI POTERDZHII, koi gi izbodele decata so nozhevi dodeka spiele. Roditelite na decata tri nedeli tragale po niv, a koga gi nashle nivnite majki, ne mozhejki da ja potisnat roditelskata taga za izgubenite rozhbi, trite umrele plachejki."

Vo slednite poraki kje bidat objaveni ushte mogu vakvi potresni i straotni svedoshtva za terorot shto go pravele srpskite chudovishta vo Makedonija.

Aleksandar Donski
report to moderator

На проба

9 Posts
Posted - May 22 2006 : 08:10:45

A. Donski e причината цел свет да се присмева на македоните-он пишува само лаги!!

A. Donski

56 Posts
Posted - May 22 2006 : 08:56:04

Originally posted by ralik

A. Donski e причината цел свет да се присмева на македоните-он пишува само лаги!!

Докажи го спротивното, а ако не знаеш што е лага а што вистина тогаш, сакаш прифати го кажаното или не - тоа е твој проблем.

„Za zhal, nie Makedoncite glavno bevme svrteni protiv bugarskata i grchkata propaganda, no ja zapostavivme srpskata propaganda“.

Има уште нешто - тука е присутна и големоалбанската пропаганда, неа во никој случај не смееме да ја занемариме, премногу е присутна за да не ја гледаме или се правиме дека не ја гледаме.
Нема повеќе братство-единство, може соживот но не треба да се подлегнува на нивните секојдневни уценувања и манипулирања.

Тоа политичарите и власта треба да го знаат.
report to moderator
Ancika Imalo e i golema srpska propaganda v Makedoniq, no tova e bilo oshte predi 80 godini!!! A b'lgarska e imalo oshte togava i prod'lzava da s'shtestvuva. Sigurna sam che i po vreme na Tito q e imalo srpskata propaganda, ama sega q nqma! Moze da q ima v Makedoniq, no q pravqt tezi makedonci deto sa se s'rbizirali po vreme na propagandata. Srbiq si ima mogo drugi problemi za da misli na Makedoniq.
element Gledam deka golem del se prosrpski ili projugoslovenski. Ve boli vistnata da ja iznesete za Makedonija pomegu dvette svetski vojni.
tane komita
Originally posted by element

Gledam deka golem del se prosrpski ili projugoslovenski. Ve boli vistnata da ja iznesete za Makedonija pomegu dvette svetski vojni.

Да, не боли вистината...
Македонија во времето од 1918 - 1941.година не постоела како самостална Македонија...
Никој не сака да се фали со срамот и злото кои се нанесени во тоа време на Македонија и македонците...
Не е важно дали те гази чизма или опинок - згазен си...

Дали си задоволен од одговорот!!!???

Emo Ova e knigata na Anri Pozzi "Black hand over Europe" koia bila objavena vo Hrvatska (in English za tea deka ne sakat ili ne mogat da chitat linkot na Vovata koi e na Bugarski):

Se nadevam deka hrvatite ne gi imate za probugarski nastroeni

Duhot na Vovata "Дали си задоволен од одговорот!!!???"

Dali go poseti linkot? Dali ja procita knigata na Anri Pozi? Pred da go dades odgovorot, mislam... Toj, avtorot, golemiot sebeproglasen prijatel na Srbite i Srbija, ne zabelezin kakvi sto makedonci vo toj period. Nasekade pisuva kako se odnesuvali Srbite so BUGARITE. Koj go nateral da pisuva vaka? Bugarija? Rusija?

Daj drug odgovor.

A megu vprocem, Makedonija i po WWII pa ne bese samostojna drzava...
kazano bas ce ja pobaram das ja procitam ovaa kniga za da vidam so se kazuva i da vidam dali hrvatite se probugarski nastroeni
Duhot na Vovata DA ti pomognam. Ne zaboravaj deka Francizin, koj za sebe kazuva deka e prijatel na srbite ja napisal knigava, za raboti videni so sopstveni oci:


I was taken from Sofia to see for myself the Bulgaro-Yugoslav frontier, and the barbed wire which Dr. Radovanovitch had dismissed so contemptuously. A great yellow motor-car hummed up to the hotel door before dawn, and in it two men were waiting for me. In a few seconds we were going full speed across sleeping Sofia, and heading towards Yugoslavia.

No sooner had we passed the suburbs where the first trams were just starting to leave their depots, than we seemed to reach the mountains. The road thereupon became mostly a simple dirt track poised upon the edge of precipices, at the bottom of which bright gleaming threads of water could be seen winding among splendid forests and heaps of fallen rock. Rudimentary wooden foot-bridges, for the most part without railings, carried us high over dry gorges which the torrents had cut. On our left, thick forests of beech and oak scaled the rocky inclines. On the right, not a tree : they had been felled by the Turks who found that the only way they could combat the comitadjis of the ORIM was to fell the scores of thousands of acres of forests, where their adversaries concealed themselves.

The silence was absolute.

An unexpected sight suddenly made me seize my field-glasses. Five or six hundred yards to the left a slender black silhouette stood out against the flaming sky; a helmeted soldier with a tapering bayonet.

My companion pointed his arm towards the apparition.

" Serb sentinel ! " he said laconically.

It was then that I saw in the dry grass ahead of us a narrow ditch, which constitutes the line of the Bulgaro-Yugoslav frontier.

Behind the ditch (which is but two feet in width and about eighteen inches in depth) on the Yugoslav side are the barbed wires.

Imagine a wall of steel wire six feet in height and seven feet thick. Imagine a hedge of wire whose twigs are so crossed and intercrossed, so stretched by iron stakes which maintain them, so interspersed and entangled from the ground to the top that even a little dog could not get through. That is the Yugoslav frontier.

Every eight feet in the centre of the wall are round holes, a yard in diameter, two in depth, half hidden by dry bushes. In the centre of each hole is the sharp point of an iron stake. Disaster to him who seeks to slip under the wires ! Six weeks before my visit, near Guechevo(Gecevo), a woman, tired of being beaten and violated, tried to get through, and spent two agonised days impaled on one of these points.

Behind the barbed wires are six, seven or eight parallel rows of pits, and reinforcing the barbed wire is a wall of cheval de frise, a yard in height, and a yard and a half in thickness.

Every two hundred yards there are thatched shelters, each about the size of a large dining-room table. They are arranged to slope downwards towards the frontier in such a way as to enable men to crawl under from the Yugoslav side and to fire towards the Bulgarian side from two loop- holes provided at ground-level. Under each shelter is a rough dugout. Each evening, from twilight, a sentry mounts guard there.

Between these watch-posts, among the brush and thistles, zigzags a narrow trail. All night long a police dog prowls there, and he is trained to warn the guard of any living being approaching the barbed wire from either side of the frontier. There is one of these dogs for each three watch- posts.

Four machine-guns are mounted at each fort : three are turned towards the Bulgar plain, and the fourth towards the annexed villages-a fact which puzzled me in view of the Yugoslav claim that their populations are all won over to Yugoslavia.

All along the mountains on the crest of which the frontier runs, the line of barbed wire and little forts runs in an unbroken line. Over hill and dale, and through the villages it goes. At Petritch, at Strezimirovci, at Izvor, at Guechvo, I saw houses where the yard was in Serbia, and the kitchen in Bulgaria. Watermelons and cucumbers in these gardens have different nationalities. To plant vegetables, or to sow grain, or to harvest, the peasant who has remained Bulgar while his fields have become Yugoslav, must get a permit from the authorities of the neighbouring city.

I saw cemeteries cut in two by the frontier. Better still, even graves where the head of the dead was in the centre of the barbed wire and his feet on the outside. I saw Bulgar mothers, whose children were in Yugoslavia, come to weep a few yards from the tombs of their dearly beloved which they were forbidden to approach.

What a grand thing, peace, when the conquerors understand it thus !

There is a bullet for anyone coming from the Yugoslav side to the barbed wire, even though it be only some old woman or little child who has come to try to see from afar their parents, children, or husband.

On 11th August, 1931, somewhere between Besica and Nasalopsi, was to be seen the corpse of a little girl of twelve years of age, who had remained in annexed Macedonia after her parents had fled to Bulgaria. The pathetic little corpse lay four days on a mound, a hundred yards from the barbed wire, under a temperature of over a hundred in the shade. She had been killed by a machine-gun while she was throwing kisses to her mother standing on a neighbouring eminence on Bulgarian territory.

"We are in a virtual state of war with Bulgaria " the chief of the Press Bureau said to me at Belgrade.

Indeed !

With its man-traps, its night-watch posts, its reinforced blockhouses in which machine-guns point their leather-hooded mouths towards distant horizons, the wall of barbed wire stretches over two hundred miles. It is being reinforced, perfected, extended every day, until soon it will extend in a single block from the Danube to Albania.

Under impenetrable thorn hedges are hidden fields of ditches with sharp pointed stakes. France has furnished them. They come from the front of Champagne, of Verdun, of Artois, where they protected the heroes of the Great War. To-day they imprison a people !

At two or three places, near a blockhouse, a narrow passage has been made through the barbed wires. These are closed by means of movable bars, and may be opened for the cars of foreign tourists.

" I had chosen a main road to go from Yugoslavia to Bulgaria," Harry Franck, the American explorer wrote in the Indianopolis Star, on 7th March, 1932, "but on reaching the frontier I found a network of barbed wire 10 feet in height, all along the frontier. After having waited two days for permission to pass, I had to drive four days more over impracticable roads in order to find the only opening."

" The work of giants ! " you will say of this hermetic enclosure ; this formidable fortification of an entire frontier. No ! The work of convicts ! The barbed wires have been stretched, the man- traps and the sentinel posts dug, and the block- houses constructed, by the Macedonian population requisitioned en masse for this work in all the villages, hamlets and farms neighbouring the frontier.

One fine morning, a Sunday preferably, when all the inhabitants are assembled for church, the gendarmes arrive, reinforced by bands of irregulars, and shout : " Let's get going ! Ouste ! En route ! "

For those who protest or resist, there are twenty- five cudgel blows on the buttocks, or a sound beating with rifle stocks. "If I had as many ten-dinar notes as I have horse-whipped these louts," said the inspector of police, Djoganetitch, to me last year at Veles, " I wouldn't have to wait for my pension ! "

Yet Inspector Michel Djagonetitch, smiling, affable, inexhaustibly complacent, has nothing of the brute in him-so long as he is kept away from the Macedonians.

I saw an old man near a frontier blockhouse in the region of Petritch whose hands were nothing but sores as a result of having stretched barbed wires.

A few kilometres from Tzaribrod, I saw Serb gendarmes, jokingly throw some young Bulgar peasants head first into the midst of a network of barbed wire. The victims, their faces lacerated, rose without a word.

Working on the mantraps near Nasaloksi, I saw a young girl thrown on the ground, her skirts tucked up to the waist, and given fifteen blows of a horsewhip because she didn't work fast enough. Blood streaming down her thighs, she started again with her digging.

I saw and I heard many other things. I did not see them in the company of Macedonians or Bulgars, nor did I hear them from others. I saw them alone and with my own eyes. In fact, the Bulgars and Macedonians will not even know that I went there until they read these lines, if they do read them, for I was all alone, as I always am when I wish to see things for myself. It is thus that I saw the wall of wire.

But the wall of wire is not all.

On the crest, which runs immediately behind the ridge upon which the barbed wire has been placed, and at a distance varying from two to three miles from it, a new series of blockhouses has been constructed. They are spaced at a distance of from three to four miles, and form a much more powerful defence than do even the barbed wires. These little forts are armed with six light and 'four heavy machine-guns, and two rapid-firing guns. The blockhouses, near the barbed wires, are occupied by about ten men, but those of this second line have a garrison of about twenty-five to forty soldiers commanded by an officer.

A few miles behind, situated upon yet a third range of hills, higher than the first two ranges, is a third fortified line. Placed at intervals of eight miles, and equipped with long-range guns, these garrisons are manned by a personnel of over a hundred.

Still further along, on the fourth line of mountains, are supplementary forts of the most modern type, guarding from their almost inaccessible heights all this truly extraordinary organisation.

From the Bulgarian hills which are close to the frontier, one can see clearly with the naked eye the essential details of the first two systems of fortification. With .field-glasses one may, on a clear day, see the whole of this quadruple barrier of steel and reinforced concrete which the Yugoslav general- staff erected " to put an end to the incursions of volunteers of the ORIM on to the territory of annexed Macedonia."

That, at least, is the reason given by Belgrade to justify both the colossal expense which these works represent, and the violent and total separation of the two halves of the Macedonian peoples which it causes. Let us analyse this reason. The Pan- Serbs say that there are 10,000 of the ORIM. This figure is grossly exaggerated, of course, but let us accept that exaggeration, and even make it 15,000 or 20,000, which is pure madness. Of these few thousands, the biggest revolutionary bands which ever penetrated into annexed Macedonia did not exceed fifty men.

We are asked to believe, in other words, that Yugoslavia has been compelled to fortify her frontiers in this colossal manner in order to prevent a few irregular bands from penetrating a region occupied by more than 50,000 soldiers. If it is true, what a lamentable confession of weakness it makes ! Besides what becomes of the official statements that Macedonia is happy to have become Serb again and that the comitadjis of the ORIM are received with gunfire when certain of them succeed "by chance" in penetrating into annexed Macedonia.

No, the whole thing is preposterous ! It is about as ridiculous as would be a concentration of the British Fleet in the Irish channel for fear of an invasion of England by the Sinn Feiners.

It is true that the barbed wires have almost entirely halted the incursions of the volunteers of the ORIM into annexed Macedonia. Henceforth they are obliged to cross Roumania and to take a train at Belgrade for Skoplje; Bitolj or Guevgueli: This is not so easy.

It is also quite true that the barbed wire has transformed Serbian Macedonia into an immense prison, into an indescribable hell of violence and misery, from which it is no longer possible to escape, no longer possible to enter without special permission from the Yugoslav authorities. The jailors in this prison are not responsible to anyone.

These obvious truths admitted, it is only too manifest that this formidable fortification of the Yugoslav frontier from the Danube to Albania has been effected for reasons other than those given by Belgrade or denounced by the Macedonians of Sofia.

The real truth is that the Yugoslav general-staff has not forgotten the tragic lessons of the World War. It has not forgotten the Bulgar attack of 1915 and the general insurrection of Macedonia which compelled them to make their disastrous retreat from Albania. Their frontier of barbed wires makes it almost impossible for them to be attacked from the rear on the day the other trouble engages them on the North and West frontier. Thanks to the Macedonian fortifications, a few regiments of territorials will suffice to paralyse any Bulgar attack.

Poor Bulgaria ! She must be flattered in an ironic sense by these colossal preparations against her. As one recedes into Bulgaria one wonders whether the whole thing is not a dream-a giant mirage thrown by the disordered minds of Belgrade.

For where is the means of attack to which this mass of wire and cannon is opposed?

Here and there along the Bulgarian frontier, five or six soldiers and a non-commissioned officer, armed only with rifles, occupy former Turkish custom-posts. Wretched and dilapidated, too, are the brick and earthen walls of these posts. In five minutes the machine-guns of the neighbouring Yugoslav blockhouses would transform them into colanders.

Duhot na Vovata Ete i kako zavrsuva "razhodkata" na Pozzi.

I am a Frenchman who profoundly loves Serbia, and has sufficiently proved it for twenty years, yet I declare unhesitatingly that the officials, judges, priests and police who represent Yugoslavia in Macedonia are a dishonour to their nation.

Before going actually to the spot and seeing things with my own eyes, I refused to admit the reality of the accusations made by the Macedonian organisations of Bulgaria against the Serbian administration in Macedonia.

But now I know that they do not contain a word that is not true. All the cases of atrocity, violence, despotism and immorality that I have been able to check have, without a single exception, been true. Materially and morally, the annexed peoples are crushed, plundered and martyrised beyond all belief. And there is no chance of their getting justice, aid, or protection.

In Macedonia the Serbs confiscate, imprison, torture, violate and assassinate, continually, tranquilly and abominably.

Last August, at Topsider, a French official, whose name I cannot, to my great regret, publish, said to me : "They send down there the scum of the Yugoslav administration, all those whom it has been impossible to break or maintain elsewhere. They are a rabble of thieves, of sadists and extortioners. Their ignorance, their vanity, and their immorality is unimaginable."

Here are a few more of the things I saw in Macedonia. In one of the busy streets of Bitolj I heard frightful cries coming from the open window of a primary school. Two masters were beating half a-dozen young boys, who were tied to their benches " Dirty Bulgars ! " yelled the masters. " Sons of Macedonian sows ! I'll teach you Serb, I will ! "

A Croat lieutenant from Zagreb was with me at the time. " What these chaps are doing here, they would like to do with us at home," he said. "Devils, they are, not men ! "

Near the village of Orasac, between Kumanovo and Novoselo, I saw a peasant attached to a tree with his trousers down. His face, his back, and his belly were covered with blood. Three gendarmes and a non-commissioned officer stood round him. A fourth gendarme came out of a house. He was carrying a cat in a sack. They tied the cat above the peasant's knees, and then pulled his trousers up over the furious cat. All the village, men, women and children, looked on in silence. The man, his flesh torn by the enraged beast, screamed in agony. "

Let's get out of here ! " said the Frenchman who had driven me there in his car. " If we intervene they will let him go, but they'll only blow his brains out as soon as we have turned our backs."

In 1915 when the armies of Belgrade retreated beaten towards Albania, after having occupied Macedonia for two years, the Macedonians fell upon the wounded and stragglers. There were atrocious reprisals. I was one of those who denounced them to the world. To-day, knowing what I know, seeing what I have seen, I should no longer have the force to condemn them.

In 1918, when she became a Serbian province, Macedonia had more than 700 churches; she also possessed 86 colleges or secondary schools, with 2,800 students and 460 professors ; 556 primary schools with 33,000 scholars and 850 teachers. The convents and churches contained inestimable treasures--the fruits of a thousand years of Mace- donian culture and thought.

The churches, monasteries and schools have been confiscated, all the priests, all the teachers have been expelled, imprisoned, or deported into Old Serbia. The churches and monasteries, which even the Turks themselves had respected, have been pillaged from top to bottom.

At Skoplje, at Chtip, at Veles, in twenty villages around these cities, in the region of Ochrida and of Guevgueli, I found Serb masters in the schools and Serb priests in the churches. When I asked the latter what had become of such and such a precious ikon, statue or wainscoting, the existence of which had been known to me in advance, they replied with-out exception, "They have sent them to Belgrade."

In all the cemeteries and churches of annexed Macedonia, Belgrade has removed all the Bulgarian inscriptions from the altars, from the walls and from the tombs. In many cases they have emptied the tombs and the crypts of their contents.

At Skoplje, for example, more than forty corpses were torn from the Church of Saint- Dimitri.

" What have they done with them? " I asked Mr. Jovanovitch's assistant who was showing me the church.

"They heaved them into the Vardar," he replied.

At Veles, the Bulgarian officers who fell in the course of the last battles of the Franco- Serb offensive of September, 1918, had been interred in the old Church of Saint- Pantaleimon. Their remains were exhumed by the Serbs and cast on to the rubbish heap.

I saw cemeteries at Chtip, at Krivolak, at Veles, at Kratovo and at Ochrida in which all the Macedonian funeral monuments had been pillaged, the names and the inscriptions in the Bulgarian language effaced, and all the tombstones torn out and shattered. These places of rest now resemble demolition works.

One of the most insistent claims made by the propaganda of the Pan-Serbs is the work of sanitation and hygiene.

"In Macedonia, where malaria, typhoid and the worst venereal maladies raged, where the whole population stagnated in ignorance and filth," Dr. Radovanovitch had said to me, "we have created one of the healthiest and most prosperous regions of Europe, thanks to the millions that France has had the generosity to advance us."

What I saw was rather different.

At Skoplje, for example, hundreds of millions of dinars have gone in the construction of a colossal Military Casino, greater than the Cercle des Armees de Terre et de Mer in Paris. A gigantic branch bank of the National Bank of Belgrade has been built, and luxurious villas have been erected for officials and officers. Yet clouds of mosquitoes still breed out of the slime of the Vardar; from the sewer-mouths, and from all the stagnant pools scattered about the old city and its suburbs. The centre of Skoplje is relatively clean ; but the old quarters, where more than fifty thousand people are piled upon one another, are never sprinkled, never swept, and remain covered with decomposing refuse. A fine "Institute of Research and Prophylaxy" is situated behind the railway station. I saw herds of syphilitics, malarials, consumptives, and women and children in the last degree of exhaustion and anaemia, file through its door. The staff were devoted, the buildings spacious, but the equipment was lamentably inefficient and filthy. I saw bed-sheets there which had not been changed for fifteen days. Even quinine and disinfectants were missing.

"There is no money ! " the director said to me. At Veles, at Chtip, at Novoselo, at Kradsko(Gradsko), at Krevolok, and all along the valleys of the Vardar, the general mortality by malaria and tuberculosis and the number of syphilitics is shocking. The misery of the peasants, of the workers, and even of the merchants, defeats the imagination. Everywhere the water which the population consumes is contaminated by the worst infiltrations.

I had left Skoplje, declaring to Jovanovitch that I was going to Bitolj, from where I would go by car to Ochrida. I hoped in this manner to free myself from official supervision.

However, this was expecting too much. I had not been in my hotel at Veles five minutes before the Inspector of Police, Djaganetitch, saluted me on the doorstep. The Intelligence Service functions very well in Macedonia ! He was a charming man, this Inspector Djaganetitch. He took me to his office later on and told me of his campaigns against the comitadjis of the ORIM.

"Do they still come as far as Veles?"

"We took the last nearly three years ago, near the village of Katzibego(Kacibeg)," he replied. "Fourteen men and two women. Fine slips of girls they were too. They kept us company all night ! "

" That must have amused you ! " I said tactfully, but ironically.

"Oh yes! In the morning when we had to get en route they couldn't stand up. But we knew the remedy for that ! A few cracks of a horsewhip on the seat, and they ran like she-goats !

"The main thing, however, was to make the dirty curs talk. You can bet they hadn't come all the way from Bulgaria without being hidden and aided along the route. We wanted the names and addresses of their friends.

" Well, believe me, sir, we tried everything ; iron wire twisted round the head or the knees with a stick, big toes crushed with a hammer. It's a rar

e thing if a chap doesn't confess before the second foot. It's even better than the one with the teeth! You know the one, I reckon. It's this way! You put the man in a chair with his head bound to the back of it. You pry open his mouth and drill one, two, three teeth. I've seen huskies collapse at the second tooth ! At the third they tell you all you want to know. It's worth more than fifty cudgel blows.

"But this last gang we caught simply wouldn't talk. No, sir. They made a sign to stop, and then when we stopped they said nothing. The women were the worst ! We drilled four teeth, two in front and two big ones. They went a bit white, but that's all. One of them spat in my face ! I could have killed her ! I wanted to set them on burning coals, as M. Lazitch had us do near Kratovo.

" Well, all of a sudden, I found this."

He plunged his hand into a drawer and held out to me an old rusty razor.

" With that in two hours I made the dirty curs denounce more than twenty traitors ; peasants, shepherds, women, even kids ! I didn't have the time to write it all down. You tell M. Chiappe (French Prefect of Police in Paris) this method when you get back to France, it'll be useful to him."

Hastily, all that had been said to me at Zagreb, at Sofia, at Belgrade, about the procedure of interrogation in the Serb prisons came back to me. I remembered the stories I had heard of noses and ears slashed, palms of the hands and balls of the feet beaten, points of the breast ripped out with pincers, the genital parts twisted, red-hot irons applied to the loins and under the feet.

I cited these to the Inspector.

He laughed. "Good Lord, no, sir. We had to do worse than that. Do you think that a chap whose big toes have been flattened, and who suffers the thunder of God with his teeth gives a damn about that sort of thing.

" I had them all piled there in the corner, stark naked, and one of them I had held before me, his legs spread out, a weight of twenty kilos on each foot. . . . I was sitting there where you are.

"'` You don't want to say anything? "' I said.

"Each time that he said `No' with his head, the sergeant gave him a rap on the nose or the eyes with his fist, whilst I advanced my chair a notch. The third notch, and I was near enough to touch him.

" ` Well, you see this razor? If you refuse to reply, I am going to use it on you. After that the rope ! But if you tell us which way you came in, who took you in and informed you on the road, we will take care of you and set you free. Understand?'

"First, I made two slashes on his loins. He talked when I took up my razor again-two pages of it."

"And you gave them their liberty?"

I heard myself saying the words as a man in a ghastly nightmare.

The fiend before me laughed. "Gave them their liberty? Why, what are you thinking of! It was that, sir, that made them talk! When the first one had said all he had to say, they took him downstairs ‘to see the doctor’. At the door they put a rope around his neck and strung him up the tree in front of the little coffee-house, on the square there. The whole fourteen went like that.

"That affects you, eh? I can see that you don't know these curs !They had killed a dozen of our men, and at Kratovo and at Krupiste they had burned the homes of Serb colonists with the people inside. The comitadjis of the ORIM! It’s wasting rope to hang them !A bullet in the belly, two or three strokes of the butt-end of a musket on the head, that's all they're worth ! They are brutes, good for nothing."

"And the two women," I asked. “They died without having confessed?"

"Without having confessed? Ah! I guarantee you that it didn't take long to settle them. We gave them the candle."

And so this also was true !This ghastly atrocity which Dr. Trumbitch told me about at Zagreb, and Professor P___at Belgrade.

"Why, yes, the candle!" went on Djaganetitch. "Naturally, the woman is warned. If she persists, they stand her up, light a candle or a good pocket- lighter, and raise the flame little by little until it is thrust into her genitals."

"And then?"

"And then they were strung up with the rest of them. But we have never seen another comitadji in this region since, not one. They know what's waiting for them. The sub- prefect could go alone as far as Karaslar, by deserted roads, as safely as if he were on the terrace of Kalemeigdan."

I had a talk with this sub-prefect, M. Nikolitch. He also was full of " information. "

"Do you intend to visit Kratovo?" he asked. "When you get there go and see Lieutenant Mina. He's a veteran of the armies of King Peter who dared go all alone to a region infested with revolutionaries and traitors. A real Serb ! He had a score of his old comrades at Kratovo. He installed them on the abandoned lands and in the houses. M. Jovanovitch didn't tell you the story of the marriages, did he? Ah! you must hear it. It's one of the things for which His Majesty complimented Mina.

"Mina and his bachelor comrades at Kratovo could find no one to marry, because the women would not have a Serb. But that wasn't for long! One Sunday, Mina assembled the village and told his comrades to choose a girl each. They took eleven women whose husbands had fled to Bulgaria, and who cried that they were already married.

" ‘ I annul your marriage !’ said Mina. They refused. So Mina had them tied to benches. They were whipped by their future husbands until they could cry no longer. Then Mina warned them that they would do it again the following Sunday, and each Sunday after, until they gave in.

" For three Sundays Mina thrashed them thus, and then they said ‘Yes.’ Mina had a minister come from Serbia, and they were married."

I met one of the "re-married" women. She was playing on the doorstep with the son of her Serb husband, a fine lad of three or four years of age. She showed such a tenderness for him that I, knowing the story from my guide, was stupefied.

In answer to my question she replied : "I want my son to love me so much that it will be I, living or dead, who aims his rifle on the day of our liberation."

"Whatever you see you must plainly tell," Dr. Radovanovitch had said to me at Belgrade. "We do not fear the truth ! "

I have accepted his challenge as the challenge of the Pan-Serbs. I have been, I have seen, I have heard.

And now I am telling the world."
Originally posted by tane komita

Originally posted by element

Gledam deka golem del se prosrpski ili projugoslovenski. Ve boli vistnata da ja iznesete za Makedonija pomegu dvette svetski vojni.

Да, не боли вистината...
Македонија во времето од 1918 - 1941.година не постоела како самостална Македонија...
Никој не сака да се фали со срамот и злото кои се нанесени во тоа време на Македонија и македонците...
Не е важно дали те гази чизма или опинок - згазен си...

Дали си задоволен од одговорот!!!???

pa covece kako moze da se skokni tolku istoriski nastani za tolku godini , a za tursko se pisuva zarem ne ne boli koga gi zemale ubavite devojki i momcinja za janicari, zarem nema slicnosti.
Jas ne gledam falba za sramot samo da si se znae vistinata, kako ke se premolci nesto a utre da nemas odgovor
pa ako si ti gazen ostani gazen, rabotata e utre da ne bides gazen
tane komita
Originally posted by element
pa covece kako moze da se skokni tolku istoriski nastani za tolku godini , a za tursko se pisuva...

Елемент, си залутал на топиков, овде за турско не се пишува!?

Или си заборавил кога Македонија беше под српска власт!!!

element Елемент, си залутал на топиков, овде за турско не се пишува!?

Или си заборавил кога Македонија беше под српска власт!!!

Kako sto gledas jas ti sporediv, no ti ne si me razbral
tane komita
Originally posted by element
Kako sto gledas jas ti sporediv, no ti ne si me razbral

Извини, навистина од брзање, лошо сум ја прочитал реченицата.

Има многу, многу да се пишува, и јас сакам да ја дознам вистината, но имам една мисла која ме загрижува.

Истиот проблем ќе го имаме како со бугарските форумџии - документите, као и друг доказен материјал, се во Историскиот архив во Белград!!!???

И како што гледам, малку има срби - форумџии и ќе нема кој да ни постира документи, иако туѓи ама може многу да се научи од нив.

Тоа ти е судбина - други да пишуваат за нас, без разлика што пишуваат!

Се надевам дека сега се разбравме.

Originally posted by tane komita

Originally posted by element
Kako sto gledas jas ti sporediv, no ti ne si me razbral

Извини, навистина од брзање, лошо сум ја прочитал реченицата.

Има многу, многу да се пишува, и јас сакам да ја дознам вистината, но имам една мисла која ме загрижува.

Истиот проблем ќе го имаме како со бугарските форумџии - документите, као и друг доказен материјал, се во Историскиот архив во Белград!!!???

И како што гледам, малку има срби - форумџии и ќе нема кој да ни постира документи, иако туѓи ама може многу да се научи од нив.

Тоа ти е судбина - други да пишуваат за нас, без разлика што пишуваат!

Се надевам дека сега се разбравме.



Srbi forumdzii ima i imashe, ali ne mozea da postiraat zatoa shto nie baravme od niv da se postira samo na MKD ili Angliski, a nekoi od niv neznaat Angliski. Shtoznamm mozda i treba da im se dozvoli da vidime sto imaat da kazat, ali pak posle na Bugarive ke im nema kraj, taka daaaa....mora za site isto.
tane komita

Ако документите се во оргинал или „оргинал“(нормално е дека ќе има и подметнати), сепак ќе ги разбереме, ако се на српски јазик.

Како што гледаме и бугарите се провлекуваат со „лош македонски“ во комуницирањето(некои пишуваат бугарски како да се дома и секогаш не ги разбирам), а документите се документи, некои ќе ни одговараат а некои не, меѓутоа треба да се чита и меѓу редови.

Еднаш напишав - учејќи ја туѓата историја ќе ја осознаеме нашата.

За жал, ние немаме „наши историчари“ а и тие што требало да пишуваат за себе и за нас, се изјаснувале по народност онаму каде и престојувале, по своја воља или биле приморани, па така имаме и „признанија“ за нивното потекло.
Документите се во туѓи раце па така да и делови од историјата се искривувани и пишувани како некому му одговарало.

Еве еден пример: „Златните маски - непроценето“ историско богатство, по две ги има и во Белград (иако пишува дека се најдени во Требеништа - не ги даваат) и во Софија и од таму резултатите: „Охридската архиепископија е во состав на српската православна црква“- (нема МПЦ), и „Охрид е бугарско светилиште“ - нема македонски народ.

Фала му на господа што и ние најдовме и да имаме(освен на банкнотите).

Не ме загрижува дали дедо ми бил на „иќ“ или „ов“, зависело од времето и местото каде се најдувал и кој ни ги ставал капите на главата - денес би требало да имаме поинаква свест за своето потекло.

Секогаш била тешка борбата со голи (празни) раце.
Во „џудо-то“ има само едно правило - победи го противникот со неговата сила.

Makedon Bugarite ni davaat knigi od nekoi Anglicani ili Francuzi, koi nemaat poima sto se Makedoncite ili nikogas ne razgovarale so niv, tuku pisuvale pod bugarskta ili srpksa palka, sekako za nekoja para.

Stranskite diplomati vo Makedonija, so siroka mreza na spiuni odele niz Makedonija i razgovarale so Makedoncite za problemite sto gi macat i site Makedonci za svojata nacionalnost velele deka e Makedonska i deka NE se nitu bugari, nitu srbi, nitu pak Grci.

Сведоци за постоење македонска национална свест се и извештаите на странските разузнувачки служби во Македонија. Во 1923 г. италијанскиот генерал Телини, учествувал при разграничувањето на Грција и Албанија, при што изготвил извештај за 18 македонски села во Албанија и ги представува како македонски, иако бугарскиот воен аташе во Цариград во тоа време, ген. Марков, преку италијанскиот висок комесаријат во Цариград инсистирал селата да бидат окарактеризирани исклучиво како бугарски. За ова ген. Телини сведочи: „при карактеризирањето на овие села, нарочно го користев општиот апелатив македонски, а не бугарски, бидејќи насекаде, кога жителите ги прашував за нивната националност, сите тие еднакво одговараа со зборот Македон, а кога ќе додадев Бугар, тие одговараа Македон. Јазикот кој тие го говорат....е познат под името македонско наречје...“(IDA MNRI, Документ 10628/1461 (документ бр. 103). Истовремено, високиот комесар на Италија во Цариград го информира италијанскиот Министер за Надворешни работи, г. Мусолини, со писмо од 18.09.1923 г. за македонските села во Албанија каде се вели „...селата за кои наведениот генерал (бугарскиот ген. Марков) се интересира и од самите жители се нарекуваат македонски, а не бугарски“ (IDA MNRI, папка 712 (Албанија 1919-30); DARM, KC 21, стр. 712, предмет број 3; превод од италијански јазик). Многу од патеписците кои поминале низ Македонија биле и погрешно информирани за македонските состојби, пред се од Грците кои биле пообразуваниот слој на Балканите во тоа време и главно ги прателе странците на нивните патувања низ регионов. Во 1907 г. Allen Upward ја посетил Македонија и зборувал со македонски селани. На прашањето што тој го упатил кон македонските селани кој јазик го користат, селаните одговориле „македонски“, но неговиот грчки преведувач „македонски“ го превел со „булгаре“. За ова, Allen Upward сведочи: „селанецот не го смета својот рурален дијалект користен во Македонија ист со бугарскиот и одби да го нарече со тоа име...“ (Allen Upward, The East End of Europe, London 1908, pp. 204-205).

Докази за постоење Македонска свест ни даваат и други странски служби, кои биле присутни во сите три дела на Македонија. Во 1923 г. британскиот полковник Corfe бил меѓу Македонците во егејска Македонија и запишува дека на секое негово прашање што се Македонците по националност, сите тие одговарале „...ние сме Македонци, не сме Грци или Бугари..“ (FO371/8566). Централата на Британското Министерство за Надворешни Работи во таен Извештај од 1912 г. за македонското прашање, Македонците ги класифицира како посебна националност „Македонски Словени“, а не како Бугари, Грци или Срби и како „најголема етничка група во отоманска Македонија“ (FO371/10667, Central Department, Memorandum, "The Macedonian Question and Komitaji Activity," 26 November 1925. It gave the following figures: Macedonian Slavs 1,150,000; Turks 400,000; Greeks 300,000; Vlachs 200,000; Albanians 120,000;Jews 100,000; Gypsies 10,000 ).

R.A. Gallop, трет секретар на британската амбасада во Лондон предстојувал во април 1926 г. во Македонија и во својот рапорт до Британското Министерство за Надворешни Работи известил „..Македонските Словени...сите оние кои ги сретнав еднакво се нарекуваат само Македонци, а не Бугари или Срби... (Foregn Office Document 371/11405, Kennard (Belgrade) to A. Chamberlain, 21 April 1926, Enclosure, R.A. Gallop, "Conditions in Macedonia," 19 April 1926,1.). Понатаму за националната свест на Македонците, Галоп вели: „Македонските Словени се сметаат себеси за Македонци и така и се изјаснуваат“ (FO371/11337, Enclosure, 23 April 1926). Oliver C. Harvey од Британското Министерство за Надворешни Работи во исто време ја посетува вардарска Македонија па запишува „словенофонското население во српска Македонија, дефинитивно се смета за ралично од Србите. Ако ги прашаш за нивната националност, одговараат дека се Македонци и дека зборуваат македонски дијалект. Ниту пак се идентификуваат со Бугарите...“ (FO371/11245, 2.). Истиот Harvey, воедно врши и обиколка на западна егејска Македонија, па за егејските Македонци вели дека и тие „се нарекуваат Македонци“( Ibid., p.3. ). И британскиот дипломат во Софија, Sperling, во 1928 г. репорита дека Македонците се чувствувале исклучиво како Македонци и дека себеси се нарекувале Македонци, а не Бугари или Срби, па ја разгледува можноста за автономија на Македонија (Ibid., Sperling (Sofia) to Sargent, 10 October 1928).

Прогрчки настроениот британски дипломат C.H. Bateman, и покрај тоа што „македонските словени„ се сметале за Македонци и се изјаснувале како такви, се залагал да им се даде ново име „Славо-Македонци“ оти тоа име повеќе би им одговарало (ibid., C.H. Bateman, Minute, 18 October 1928).

На основа на долга дебата и извештаите на агентите и дипломатите на Британското Министерство за Надворешни Работи кои се запознати со македонското прашање и биле во директен контакт со Македонците, Централата на Форин Офисот во 1929 г. издаде нов Меморандум за Македонското прашање, каде Македонците пак ги признаваат за посебен народ, дека не се ниту Срби ниту Бугари (FO371/13573, Central Department, Memorandum, "The Macedonian Question and Komitaji Activity," 6 December 1929, 9 pp., FO371/14317, Central Department, Memorandum, "The Origins of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization and Its History Since the Great War," 1 July 1930,16 pp. , Ibid., 9. ).

Сепак, официјален Лондон се борел против официјалното признавање на македонската нација, а пред се признавањето на макeдонската посебност од страната на Лигата на Народите, бидејќи со тоа се загрозувала стабилноста на Балканите, пред се’ поради барањето на Македонците да живеат во обединета Македонија, со делови од тогашни Србија, Бугарија, Албанија и Грција (Ibid., стр. 15, 16).

Врзано за активноста на врховистичката ВМРО и дејноста на Ванчо Михајлов, британските дипломати и тајни агенти во Бугарија истакнуваат дека тој, заедно со Врховистите НЕ се борат за ослободување на Македонија, туку се орудие на фашистичкиот бугарски режим и ја користат хрвовистичката ВМРО како единствена сила за угнетувањето на Македонците во Бугарија (FO371/57473, Waterlow (Sofia) to Simon, 5 February 1932. According to the assistant to the Bishop of Nevrokop, one of the major centers of Pirin Macedonia, "The Revolutionary Organization itself was split by a growing Communist current, … aiming at the liberation of Macedonia by the bolshevisation of the Balkans, while the local population was in its turn divided, about half being for the organization and half against, and the hostile half being largely Communist in feeling (FO371/15896, Waterlow [Sofia] to Simon, 22 June 1932; see also FO371/19486, Bentinck [Sofia] to Hoare, 16 September 1935 and 26 September 1935). Поради пробугарската политика на Врховистите, британските дипломати во Бугарија во 30те години на 20 век известуваат дека македонските братства и друштва во Бугарија се повеќе се свртувале кон комунизмот, исто како и Македонците од вардарско, егејско и од Албанија (FO371/19486. Bentinck (Sofia) to Hoare, 26 September 1935). Тогаш, била се повеќе присутна желбата сите Македонци да се обединат во една држава (FO371/16651). Комунистите со ветувањата за национална слобода на Македонците, привлекувале се повеќе и повеќе Македонци во своите редови, известуваат британските Агенти во Македонија (FO371/24880, Rendel (Sofia)to F.O., 15 August 1940). Македонците гледале единствен спас во Русија, од која се надевале дека ќе им даде посебна македонска република (FO371/24880, Rendel (Sofia) to Nichols, 25 August 1940. George L. Clutton of the Foreign Office described the Macedonians as "discontented peasants who are anti-Jugoslav, anti-Greek, anti-Bulgarian, anti-German, and anti everything except possibly anti-Russian" (FO371/24880, Campbell [Belgrade] to F.O., 4 September 1940, G.L. Clutton, Minute, 10 September 1940). Вицеконзулот на Британија во Скопје, г-н Томас до бристанската амбасада во Белград во 1941 г. во својот извештај вели дека 90% од Македонците во вардарска Македонија биле автономисти, за посебна автономна Македонија (FO371/29785, Campbell (Belgrade) to Halifax, 6 January 1941, Enclosure, "Report on the General Situation in Southern Serbia by Mr. Thomas, British Vice-Consul at Skoplje."). Водно, голема благодарност на др. Andrew Rossos the Macedonian за презентирањето на овие документи за македонската нација.

Duhot na Vovata "Bugarite ni davaat knigi od nekoi Anglicani ili Francuzi, koi nemaat poima sto se Makedoncite ili nikogas ne razgovarale so niv, tuku pisuvale pod bugarskta ili srpksa palka, sekako za nekoja para."

Ne bre, pisali za da zemat Bugarski pasosi :)?

"Sekako za nekoja para." Se razbira Sekako:

"The author provides examples of the Serbianization of Macedonia, which was systematically turned into "South Serbia", and reflects at the same time the foundation and Greater Serbian goals of various irregular Serbian organizations (governmental and military). He substantiates his analysis of everyday life, and lucid observations of political controversies interlaced with accounts of men-in-the-street, all of which represent invaluable statements from a contemporary viewpoint. Beside picturesque descriptions of Belgrade as a caricature of a European metropolis, a contemporary Babylon on the crossroads of East and West, one finds minute observations about the politically primitive military leadership, the corrupt bureaucracy and an acute social crisis. Written in a brisk and fluent journalistic style, and relying on the information source, rather than on a personal viewpoint, Black Hand Over Europe has maintained its documentary significance to date. The superb analysis revokes any doubt about the author's impartiality, which may be aroused by his definition of Serbia as the "Balkan thief". The author's observations of historical precedents of Greater Serbia's contemporary policies are accurate. They are based upon the concealed findings of the Carnegie Commission on the ethnic cleansing of non-Serb civilians during the Balkan War, and upon the analysis of documents that expose Serbia's role as Russia's exponent in the Sarajevo assassination, and they highlight upon Serbia's imperial traits in the "defensive" pact of the Little Entente."

"Written in a brisk and fluent journalistic style, and relying on the information source, rather than on a personal viewpoint, Black Hand Over Europe has maintained its documentary significance to date."

"The superb analysis revokes any doubt about the author's impartiality, which may be aroused by his definition of Serbia as the "Balkan thief"."

"The author's observations of historical precedents of Greater Serbia's contemporary policies are accurate."

"ili nikogas ne razgovarale so niv"

"He substantiates his analysis of everyday life, and lucid observations of political controversies interlaced with accounts of men-in-the-street, all of which represent invaluable statements from a contemporary viewpoint. "

""ili nikogas ne razgovarale so niv" + "interlaced with accounts of men-in-the-street"

Artikulot pogore e hrvatski. Tie pa zosto go slasoslavat Pozzi?