Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro
OooOo vi smeta i ovoj mozhda? :))))) [img][/img]
n/a da bre cigarite se preskapi mislam Purite A prasjgo nego koj go ubi Ce
Sunshine vie ne znaete...go videla majka mu i rekla "esto no es mi Castro" [:D][:D][:D]
Originally posted by Sunshine
vie ne znaete...go videla majka mu i rekla "esto no es mi Castro" [:D][:D][:D]
Si, si ... esto es otro uombre, no es mi iho [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]
Canmak [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] You forgot your other heros....I thought I would put them up for you......notice how the arms are all raised......must be a genetic thing with people that murder 1000's of others
OooOo uff da ja zaboraviv i ovaa veshticava (your majesty) [img][/img]
Canmak LoooooooooooL thats the queen mom......she is not my majesty but this is my queen [img][/img]
OooOo ionaka ti ne pravish razlika shto e "SALUT", a shto e "WAVING" [img][/img]
Sunshine Canmak, you should probably re-examine yourself - brainwashed Cake. Just this morning, on CBC there was a one-hour episode on how Canadian troops are training for war. Somewhere through the middle of it, you can clearly hear a whole bunch of gay cakes yelling, "let's go do some killing in the name of the canadian government". Their reasoning for this was that the whole world knows Canadian troops as peacekeepers only, and they should know that they more than that. (Killers, eh?) So don't talk about people that kill 1000's of others. Now go watch CNN and kiss some ass to the americans. [B)]
Whitebaby Abeeeeeeeeee, pa ne ste fer ich!!! Kaj e Mao Ce Tung??? [:(]
Originally posted by Whitebaby
Abeeeeeeeeee, pa ne ste fer ich!!! Kaj e Mao Ce Tung??? [:(]
[img][/img] dobar prijatel
slasa [img][/img] maos i negovite decina
slasa [img][/img]
slasa prijateli [img][/img]
Thunder from down under Whitebaby aka dswdsfgs [:D] najgledajmu se sega na chairmen mao za ovaj mozime da polemizirame do utre sabajle ako saksh [:D] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
AaaAa Zaebancija na strana, Tito ne smee da se poistovetuva so Castro, uste pomalku so nejzinoto visocestvo. Castro igrashe dobro dodeka imashe koj da mu drzi ledja ( citah CCCP), Tito igrashe dobro i od ko mu kaza na Stalin da ide da se pocesha za zadnik ako moze. Edini lider bre koj Stalin go oteral u dve lepe i ne pretrpel nisto. Toa da go vidish
Thunder from down under
Originally posted by Canmak
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] You forgot your other heros....I thought I would put them up for you......notice how the arms are all raised......must be a genetic thing with people that murder 1000's of others
[img][/img] you forgot this one Canmak
Thunder from down under [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] evo ushte ovaj vi vali
Thunder from down under
Originally posted by AaaAa
Zaebancija na strana, Tito ne smee da se poistovetuva so Castro, uste pomalku so nejzinoto visocestvo. Castro igrashe dobro dodeka imashe koj da mu drzi ledja ( citah CCCP), Tito igrashe dobro i od ko mu kaza na Stalin da ide da se pocesha za zadnik ako moze. Edini lider bre koj Stalin go oteral u dve lepe i ne pretrpel nisto. Toa da go vidish
Как хотели убить Тито [img][/img] — Среди нелегалов водились довольно своеобразные личности. Иосиф Григулевич работал в Латинской Америке под именем Теодоро Кастро. Авантюрист, герой и мерзавец в одном лице, он начал свою карьеру с истребления фашистов в ходе войны в Испании и обучения испанцев приемам саботажа и диверсий. Его готовили для убийства Троцкого. Он был фактическим организатором этого преступления, после чего бежал в Южную Америку. В конце войны Кастро прославился организацией взрывов на немецких гражданских судах. Вдвоем с напарником, неким Феликсом Вербицким, специалистом по взрывчатке, они нанесли огромный урон немецкому торговому флоту. В конце 40-х он очутился в Коста-Рике и стал крупным чиновником МИДа страны. Его направили послом Коста-Рики в Ватикане. Представляете ситуацию: посол иностранного государства в другом иностранном государстве — советский разведчик. Но что было особенно важно — одновременно он был аккредитован дипломатическим представителем в Югославии. Это назначение пришлось как раз на время обострения отношений между СССР и СФРЮ. Григулевич был единственным человеком из всей советской зарубежной резидентуры, имеющим возможность доступа к Тито. А Сталин, как известно, планировал покушение на югославского лидера. Однако, понимая опасность задания, Григулевич отправил в Центр осторожное послание с описанием сложности ситуации. Письмо легло на стол Сталину 1 марта 1952 года. Это было последнее сообщение, которое «отец народов» прочел перед смертью. Злые языки поговаривали, что именно оно стало причиной смерти — сосуды не выдержали взрыва ярости. Покушение на Тито было отменено, а Григулевича отозвали из Италии.
RussianSpy the rough tranlsation (per PM request :) don't mind the spelling and grammar eroors, my english isn't as good as my russian... --- How wanted to kill Tito - there were some interesing individual among illegal immigrants. Josif Grigulevich was working in latin america under the name of Teodoro Castro (Kastro? whatever..). Adventurer, hero and son of a bitch ( :) hm, good word, no good translation) in one person, he began his career with extermination of fascists during a war in Spain and teaching spanish dudes sabotage and techniques. He was being prepared for the assassination of Trotskij. He practically was organisator or this crime, after which he ran to South America. In the end of the war Castro became known for organisation of explosions on german civil ships. Together with a partner, some Felix Berbitskiy, specialist in explosives, they inflicted huge to the german commercial fleet. In the late 40s he turned out in Costa-Rica and became big official at the MID (ministerstvo inostrannyh del - ministry of foreighn affairs). He was sent as ambassador of Costa-Rica to Vatican. Imagine the situation: ambassador of foreign country in another foreign country - SOVIET SPY! ( YEAH BABY! lol ) But what was especially important - at the same time he was accredited as diplomatic representative in Yugoslavia. This appointment came right in the time of intensification/worsening relationship between USSR and CFRY (Yugoslavia, not sure if CFRY is the official way to abbreviate СФРЮ). Grigulevich was the only person from all soviet foreign residents (fixed-post spies) having possible access to Tito. And Stalin, as known, planned assassination of yugoslavian leader. However, understanding the danger of the assignment, Grigulevich sent a cautious message to the Center (the KGB center) with the description of difficulties of situation. The letter got to Stalin's table on march 1st, 1952. This wasthe last letter "father of the nations" has ever read before his death. Evil tongues were saying that this particular letter was the exact reason of his death - vessels couldn't take the explosion of anger. The Tito's assossination was canceled and Grigulevich was called off from Italy. --- so thats it, now we know who killed Stalin - Tito :D hope you enjoyed the reading ;) spy