Makedonija vo Biblijata (Article in English)
Makedonija vo Biblijata (Article in English)
marko_polog Macedonia in the Bible / Macedonia – the Second Fatherland of Christianity THE BIBLE - UNSURPASSED METAPHORICAL SPEECH OF HISTORY "Religion is a cultural fact as universal as fire itself" Jacques Sustelle Macedonia is an ancient country and the Macedonians an ancient people, appearing in the Bible together with other prominent ancient nations with pre-Christian civilisations. Nonetheless, do we have the right to such a categorical assertion, or is it a thesis based on any scientific criteria or facts? Contemporary science has confirmed the significance of the Bible as a significant treasury of historical facts, an authentic collection of ascertained historical truths. Thanks to information in the Bible, Schliemann discovered the archaeological layers on the hill of Hissarlik where Homeric Troy was located. We should also bear in mind that not so long ago Homer himself was considered a mythological figure and his poems - myths! Also, thanks to the Bible, Austen Layard discovered ancient Nineveh, and Rassan discovered clay tablets beneath the dust and ashes of the biblical Assurbanipal, on which, among other things, the most important literary work of ancient Mesopotamia - the great Gilgamesh Epic was inscribed in cuneiform. Beginning with numerous pointed leads in the Bible, Wally first discovered Chaldean Ur and then proved that the great flood depicted in Gilgamesh was remarkably similar to the flood described in the Bible, which is undoubtedly a historical fact! The fifty books of the Old Testament, written over the course of fifteen centuries B.C., and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, written in the first century A.D., have sheltered and preserved what was most sacred and wisest in pre-Christian civilisation. As a result, many messages and works from the pre-Biblical world, many legends, poems and traditions have been saved for all time. "Compared with all the ancient monuments that refer to ethnographic issues - no other document is as comprehensive as the Bible. It is a real treasury of historical facts; in it we find the earliest historical data about many nations, among which the Macedonian nation has a significant place. At the very beginning (1 Moses 10:4), we find accounts of Macedonia, which point to the fact that the Macedonians have been known as an individual ethnic group since the earliest of times. The ethnographic chart in Chapter 10 of Genesis is an ethnographic document, and since it dates back to the time of Moses (15th-13th centuries B.C.), it supplies data about nations existing on our planet in even more distant times. Moses most probably composed the ethnographic chart on the basis of even older Jewish records written down in the course of the many centuries of their existence, and in all probability brought to Chaldea by Abraham. MACEDONIA - CHRISTIANITY'S SECOND FATHERLAND, THE COUNTRY IN WHICH THE NEW TESTAMENT WAS WRITTEN Not only does Chapter 10 of Genesis talk about Macedonia and the Macedonians, but also the Fourth Book of Moses, the books of the Maccabees, and the books of the prophets Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. And not only is Macedonia spoken of in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament as well. Macedonia and the Macedonians are mentioned in the works of the holy apostles Saint Paul and Saint Luke. However, the most significant data about Macedonia in the Bible are related to the apostle Paul's life and deeds. Let us point out only that it was in Macedonia that he undertook his first and most important Christian mission outside Palestine, together with the apostle Luke. Macedonia is not only a country mentioned in the Bible, but it is also the only country on the European continent in which some parts of the New Testament were written. The apostle Paul wrote the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the First Epistle to Timothy in Philippi. The apostle Luke also wrote his gospel in Philippi, which, together with the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and John, is a fundamental, principal work of Christianity. We should also not overlook the fact that three epistles in the New Testament were addressed to Macedonian church communities: The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians and The Epistle to the Philippians. It is not a coincidence that the famous biblicist Gredner, when talking about the adoption of Christianity by the Macedonians in Philippi, points out that "after Philippi, the Gospel conquered the world!" This is an apt moment to ask the question: Why did Paul the Apostle come to preach the new idea first in Macedonia and not in some other European country? How shall we explain this fact? What was it that attracted the attention of this apostle? There can only be one explanation: Paul the Apostle was a brilliant man who knew very well that in order to spread his gospel successfully he should win over to his side a renowned and dignified nation, equal to the Romans in the strength of its spirit. In those ancient times Macedonia was such a nation. To deny the existence of Macedonia and the Macedonians means to deny the truthfulness of the Bible, and the work and the epistles of the greatest among the apostles, Paul. Everybody knows that Paul the Apostle preached among the Macedonians, established church communities in Macedonia, sent epistles to the Macedonians in Philippi and Thessalonica, which have endured as an integral part of the Bible, read daily by cultured Christian people. Macedonia is a biblical country, and the Macedonians a biblical people: "Macedonia was the second homeland to Paul the Apostle and the second homeland of Christianity itself." Saint John Chrysostom identifies the name of the city of Philippi with the name of Macedonia. To Saint John, who lived in the second half of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth century A.D., to love Philippi was to love the whole of Macedonia. Not only Saint John Chrysostom, but also Polycarp of Smyrna (second century A.D.), in one of his letters to the Philippians indirectly implies that Philippi and Thessalonica are cities that belong to the same country and to the same people. "What is important is the fact that the Macedonians, even in the second century A.D., after so many centuries under the heel of the Romans, managed to preserve themselves as a separate ethnic group. That was immediately before the coming of the Slavs to the Balkans and their settlement on Macedonian territory, which means that when they came, the Slavs met the old Macedonian population, ethnically different from the Greeks and other ethnic groups populating the area." From Orpheus & Jesus – An Overview of Biblical Motifs in Contemporary Poetry
Christian Ako sakas od stariot testament(bez apokrifa)i na angliski ako ima uste poarno. Just Do It![:D]
1republika It is intersting to note that it was not by the will of apostle Paul but came as a result of dream which Paul has received from God. he saw Macedonian man calling to him: "come over to Macedonia and help us". Other apostles remained in Palestine to preach the gospel whereas Paul was chosen by God to be a preacher in the Gentile world(Barbarians). Paul established lots of churches in Asia minor (today Turky). there are seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation (last book of bible) in Turky: Efes, Smirna, Pergam, Tijatir, Sard, Filadelfija i Laodikeja which you can visit evan today. Paul wanted to carry on with his evangelistic preaching but was interupted but dream and he understood that God is inviting him somwhere else to tell the story of Jesus. He was not allowed to preach in Asia any longer but was promped by God to go to macedonia. According to my view, Philippy was chosen from God as a place from where to spread gospel in Europe because it was first major European city, gateway to Europe, crossroad between Old Continent and Europe. from there gospel reached and trevelled very fast. So important thing to remember is that gospel entered in Europe via Macedonia. God could have chosen different way but didn't 'cause that was the best way to do. Macedonian people are not only Biblical people but also described as very generous, they collected money for church in Jerusalem etc. Christians from Berea are known as very most noble Christians of all 'cause who accepted gospel with all their heart. So, it seems to me that God in His wisdom has made use of Macedonian people to advance the gospel in Europe. Europe is advancing now due to the advancement of the gospel via Macedonia. For those who do not read Bivle, first baptised women in Europe was Macedonian lady called Lidija who welcomed Paul while he was preaching gospel in Macedonia. All of that could be done only with civilized and clever nation not with Barbarians. Macedonia has contributed not only in terms of advanment of the gospel but contributed to the formation of modern Europe. Christianity brought by Macedonian people has made big impact on Europe which last to the very day. Europe must be gratefull for that! I'm preoud to be a Macedonian! SOME LOVE MANY, SOME LOVE TWO BUT I LOVE ONE AND THIS IS YOU:MACEDONIA!!!
Christian and after all the evidence in the bible which is the word of God some people are still blind and keep coming up with excuses that Macedonians are greek, but hey we are here we were here and we will be here on earth until the end of times[:D]
1republika Zdravo Christian, da ti odgovoram na prasanjeto. da ja sum Hristijanin, poteknuvam od Makedonska Ordotdoksna familija, pramajkata na site crkvi vo Evropa i ponosen sum na toj fakt. Inaku sebe se gledam kako preroden Hristijanin so pomos na Bozjeto slovo i Svetiot Duh od momentot koga pocnav da ja proucuvam Biblijata. Imam zavrseno PHD od Teologija na zapad vo Anglija kade sto dojov i pod vlijanie na zapadnoto Hristijanstvo. Jas gi sakam site Hristijanski crkvi koi go propovedaat cistoto Biblisko evangelie a ne bajki i mrtvi tradicii koj ne ja hranat covekovata dusa. Bidejci Bog e licnost mislam deka sekoja crkva koja ja doveduva dusata da go zapoznae Boga e spored mene dobra crkva. John 17:3 (Evangelie po Jovan) Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.(NIV) Crkvata e spored mene samo agencija za spasuvanje za dusite od grevot i na onie koi ja izgubile verata i vo taa smisla moze da postojat samo dobri i losi agencii. Spored mene Biblijata e merilo za ona sto se narekuva Hristijanstvo i norma spored koja sekoj Hristijanin treba da se upravuva. sekoja druga covecka mudrost nee e adekvatna. mnogu e bitno da postoi taa norma oti ako ne postoi Biblijata kako norma togas sekoj ce moze da si go tumaci Hristijanstvoto na svoj nacin, a toa e relativizam. Postoi samo edna vistina i edna Biblija za site Hristijani. Hristijanstvoto e apsolutna vistina i tuka nema relativnosti. Na pr. Koga Biblijata veli deka Hristos e Sin Bozji i Spasitel na Svetot toa e apsolutna izjava i tuka nema promena. mozeme da ja izvrtuvame taa vistina no toa nema da go promeni faktot i vistinata. inaku ako treba da se poistovetam so nekoja fizicka crkva na zemjava zatoa sto crkvata sepak e ne samo duhovna tuku i fizicka realnost jas sum pripadnik na univerzalnata Hristova crkva ili na evangelikalizmot i negoviot pokret kon e prisuten vo site crkvi i nee vrzan nitu za edna fizicka crkva (denominacija), tuku e duhoven pokret koi postoi vo site crkvi koj sakaat da go prisposobat svojot zivot na Hristovoto evangelie. Nazalost evangelikalizmot mnogu sporo prodira vo nasata Makedonska Pravoslavna crkva i treba da se raboti na toa povece da se obznanuva evangelieto Hristovo. Hristijanstvoto go gledam onaka kako sto e opisano vo Biblijata, kako edna nepodeliva duhovna realnost dadena na site ljudje ednas i za site vreminja. podelbata na pravoslavni, katolici, protestanti, baptisti, metodisti, adventisti e covecka vestacka i neopravdana. mozebi opravdana istoriski no neopravdana duhovno. treba da se teznee kon ekumenizam kon soedinuvanje na Hristijanstvoto i pravoslavnata crkva treba da bide prva kaj nas vo Makedonija vo toj pogled zatoa sto e najstara od site i majka na site crkvi. no sepak bi se ogradil ne po sekoja cena. ako se slozime deka ne samo tradiciite tuku pred se drugo Biblijata e norma za site Hristijani e togas e toa dobra osnova da se gradi ekumenizam kaj Hristijanite. ziveeme vo 21 vek mnogu se slucilo vo Hristijanstvoto i tesko ce bide da se dojde do ekumenizam no na toa treba da se raboti bidejci na toa sme povikani od Boga. Biblijata strogo gi osuduva podelbite na Hristijanite. eve samo eden primer kade sto svetiot apostol Pavle gi kritikuva podelbite vo crkvata vo Korint. 1 Cor 1:12-13(Prvo poslanie na Korintjanite) What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptised into the name of Paul?(NIV) jas isto kako i Pavle koj go postavil toa prasanje pred 2000 godini bi gi zaprasal denesnite Hristijani koj ziveat vo 21 vek ako se navistina iskreni da kazat: dali Hristos se podeli ili bese za obedinuvanje? Hristos nikogas ne planiral da napravi Hristijaska crkva dokolku Evreite go prifatile kako svoj Mesija no bidejci toa ne se slucilo neminovno se pojavilo Hristijanstvoto ili sledbenici na Hristos. Hristijanskata religija trebala da bide prodolzuvanje na Starozavetnata vera. Isto i Luter vo 15 vek vo vreme na Reformacijata bil Katolik i ne sakal da napravi Hristijani koj ce se vikaat Protestanti no zatoa sto Katolickata crkvata ne bila spremna za refomiranje i spremna da se "pokori" na Bibliskata vistina i da go prisposobi svojot zivot spored Bibliskite normi, taka nastala uste edna podelba pomedju Hristijanite na Katolici i Protestanti. Mislam deka toa e odvratno vo Bozji oci no od druga strana mislam deka Bog sepak mu dava slobodna volja na site da go osmisluvaat in da mu sluzat spored nivnata sovest. Religijata netreba da bide nametnata tuku treba da bide sloboden izraz na sovesta no vo okvirot na propisanite normi. Biblijata veli: vo pocetokot Bog go sozdade covekot spored svojot lik a sega se slucuva obraten proces, covekot go sozdava Boga spored svoj lik. Seto se svoduva na prasanjeto kakov lik, imidj imame vo nasata glava za Bog. Koj e Toj i sto znaci za nas? na krajot na kraistata Bog nikogo ne go prisiluva tuku samo pokazuva sto e dobro a sto e loso i na ljudjeto mu dava sansa da odberat, sekoj spored svojata vera ce bide suden! Se nadevam deka ke najdete nakoja koris od ova sto vi go napisav.Mojata zelba i molitva pred Boga e da Evangelieto Hristovo silno zasvetli vo Makedonija povtorno kako i pred 2000 godini! Bog so site Vas! GOD BLESS MACEDONIA![:)]
[i]Originally posted by Christian[/
1republika hristijanin li si? if yes, so si pravoslaven?katolik? jas sum novoroden hristijanin.[:D}
Ceki God bless our people and punish our politicians.
Christian God bless man[:D]
1republika Zdravo Christian, kako sto vetiv za tebe i za site koj se interesiraat deka Makedonija se spomenuva vo Biblijata eve ce vi navedam nekolku tekstovi od samata Biblija (ne od apokrifnite knigi). Apokrifite se istoriski knigi koi se dobri za razbiranje na istoriskata pozadina i okolnostite, no nemozat da se datiraat precizno i zatoa ne se prifateni od nekoj Hristijanski crkvi pogotovo ne gi prifaca protestanskiot svet i reformnite crkvi na Zapad. Katolicite i Pravoslavnite gi vklucuvaat vo Biblija. no tie se druga tema za sebe i da gi ostavime nastrana. Najgolemite dokazi kade sto imeto Makedonija i Makedon/ec/ka ekspicitno se spomenuvaat doadjaat od Noviot Zavet (New Testament) od novata era. no da naglasam deka nesmee da se pravi ostra podelba pomedju starata i novata era bidejci novata samo go oznacuva pocetokot na noviot vek so pojavata na Hristos i Hristijanstvoto.vo taa smisla noviot e samo logicno prodolzuvanje na stariot i zatoa nema ostra razlika vo smisla na istorisko znacenje. Za Makedonija i Makedonskata imperija ima dokazi i vo Stariot Zavet (Old Testament). Spored mene nepobiten dokaz i kade ssto najvpecatlivo se spomenuva Makedonskoto carstvo vo Stariot Zavet e Knigata na Popokot Danilo na Makedonski ili vo Engleskata The Book of Daniel. Tuka kako mocno militarno carstvo. ova ne se pocetocite na Makedonskoto carstvo tuklu samo se obelezani negovite vojnicki podvizi, toa sekako postoi i porano a toa e cista logika. Biblijata e podelena na glavi i stihovi za polesno naodjanje. Citajte Daniel 2 glava. Vavilonskiot car ima son, gleda golem lik i go zaborava. likot e napraven od razni metali koj simbolicno oznacuvaat razni carstva. Vavil. car go povikuva Daniel da mu go rastumaci sonot. zapazete deka knigata na Daniel pripadja na takanarecenata Apokalipticka literatura koja gi opisuva nastanite pocnuvajci od segasen moment i ona sto ce se sluci vo idnina pa se do doadjanjeto na Bozjeto carstvo kako posledno finalno carstvo koe ce dojde na zemjava. jazikot e simbolicen i nekogas sozdava problemi da se protumaci, no bidejci Biblijata e kniga koja se objasnuva samata sebe taka nema dilemi za sto stanuva zbor. da prodolzime, likot ili kipot koj go videl vavilonskiot car vo son (Bog mu go pratil za da mu kaze nesto) gi oznacuva najgolemite, najmocnite svetski carstva koj postoele na planetava. Prvoto mocno carstvo e Vavlilon ili Babilon so nivniot monarh Navuhodonosor ili na Angliski Nabukadnezar, carstvoto postoelo vo Mesopotamija na teritoriite na denesen Irak (Sadam Husein sakase da go imitira no neuspea). Vavilon e opisan so zlatna glava (prvo mocno carstvo). posle nego doadja Medo Persija so monarhot Darie ili Darius, bidejci taa go pobeduva i zavladuva Vavilon. e posle toa e interesno za nas Makedoncite zatoa sto posle Medo-Persija doadja Makedonskoto carstvo na Alexandar i toj go pobeduva Darie i Medo-Persijancite. Medo-Persija e opisana kako srebreni gradi, a Makedoskoto carstvo kako bronzen stomak i kolkovi. Posle Makedonskoto carstvo sledat zelezni noze koj simbolicki go oznacuvaat Rim i Rimskoto carstvo. Ima i stapala koj se pola od glina i pola od zelezo i gi oznacuva mesanjeto na narodite i pleminjata koj ce nastanat so raspadot na Rimskoto carstvo. imteresno e da se primeti iako toa nee vo kontesktot na naseto razmisluvanje, deka vo vremeto na stapalata doadja Bozjeto carstvo i gi razrusuva site predhodni carstva i samoto ostanuva da vladee vecno. Poantata na Daniel e tokmu toa da pokaze deka posle site mocnicarstva ce dojde i najmocno koe ce gi pobedi, pokori, razrusi site carstva. toa nee cartvo koe vladee so sila tuku so ljubov no toa e druga tema. ova sto e opisano vo Daniel seto se ispolnilo i vsusnost oznacuva deka ziveeme vo posledno vreme, na pragot, pred doadjanjeto na Hristos i Negovoto vecno carstvo. da se vratime na temata, Makedonija vo Daniel 2 glava e opisana kako srebren stomak i kolkovi. nemam vreme da vi raspravam ce bide dolgo za sekoj detal no se ima znacenje. samo da kazam deka kolkovite gi spojuvaat nozete so ostanatoto telo. nema funcija bez kolkovite zatoa sto bez toj spoj nitu gorniot nitu dolniot del na teloto ce funcionira pa sega znajte kolku e vaznosta na Makedeonija vo istorijata. vidi Daniel 2,(glava): 32(stih) stih 39 e interesen bidejci veli deka carstvo sto ce vladee so cel svet e Makedonskoto -karakteristika sto ne se spomenuva nitu za edno predhodno ili podocnezno carstvo, znaci najgolemo i najprosireno carstvo koe go zavladealo celiot togasen svet e Makedonskoto na Alex. Macedonian. isto 39 stih e dokaz deka sekoj element ima znacenje i predstavuva posebno carstvo (kingdoms). vo nekoj prevodi ce vidite Grcko carstvo no toa e nepreciznost i se dolzi na faktot sto Alex. gi vklucil i Grcite vo negovoto carstvo koj bile poznati po jazikot koine i najverojatno zato se preveduva taka, no tekstovite vsusnost zboruvaat za Makedonskoto carstvo i zatoa da ne ve buni prevod. cesto pati prevoditelite se stavale vo funkcija na interpretatori namesto doslovni prevoditeli. vprocem poznato e od istorijata deka od istorijata e poznato deka Mak. i Grc. bile dve posebni carstva i tuka nema dilema. uste edna glava vo istata kniga kade se spomenuva Makedonia e Daniel 7-ma glava. Daniel tuka gleda vizija i 4 zverovi kako izleguvaat od voda. povtorno simolicki jazik i gi opisuva najjakite i najsilnite carstva sto ce nastanat na planetata slicno na Dan 2 no so drug imidj. Interesno e toa sto vo Daniel 7(glava):6(stih) Makedonija e opisana kako leopard, so cetiri krila, so cetiri glavi, so golema sila i avtoritet i vladeenje. vidi Dan 7glava:16,17 stih. deka cetirite zverovi predstvavuvaat 4 carstva. znaci mu demonstriravme na site deka Makedonija e preisutna vo istorijata kako najgolemata voena sila, koja ja zavladeela cela togasna poznata zemja i so golem avtoritet. opisana kako leopard znaci deka brzo osvojuvala a krilata da kazeme oznacuvaat turbo osvojuvanje, 4 glavi simbol na intelegencija i vojnicka vestina. bitno e da se naznaci deka Makedonija ne datira od togas tuku samo togaz e zabelezano nejzinoto pojavuvanje vo istorijata kako mocna nacija, logika e deka postoela i porano. Rim stapuva na scena nekade vo 4 vek BCC i ja zazema Mak. taka sto poleka vleguva vo pregradkite na Rimskoto carstvo i postanuva kolonija. Mnogu napisav procitajteja cela glava Dan 2 i 7. sledniot pat ce vi napisam za Makedoncite vo Noviot Zavet! ima dosta da se pisuva i uci. Pozdrav na site! I love You Macedonia!
1republika Vo Biblijata Makedonija ne oznacuva samo geografska teritorija tuku i narod, poseben etnos. Biblijata pravi ostra razlika pomedju Makedoncite i Grcite, ako sakate ce vi najdam tocno kade se toa naodja amo e nekoj zainteresiran. mislam deka Biblijata e najdobar i najverodostoen dokument priznat sekade naucniot svet koj moze da ni kaze deka Makedonija ne postoi od 1991 godina tuku doadja od BC, od starata era pred Hrista, i sto e najvazno prva Evropska zemja koja go prima Hristijanstvoto!YES!YES!YES! toa ne im se svidja na sosedite ama toa e istoriski fakt koj tesko ce mozat da go ignoriraat! I LOVE YOU MACEDONIA!
1republika Yes Christian, I am baptised as adult, that is correct Biblical teaching...krstenieto na mali deca poteknuva neglde okolu 4 vek-proizvod na hristijanska tradicija ne Bibliska...
Originally posted by Christian
1република баптизиран си?(тоа ко мал не се рачуна[;)])
1republika A sega nesto za Makedoncite vo Noiot Zavet (New Testament) MACEDONIA AND MACEDONIAS IN BIBLE –NEW TESTAMENT (Translation is King James Version - KJV) MACEDONIANS [Mass ih DOE nee unz]-- natives or residents of MACEDONIA, a region located north of Greece Acts 19:29; 2 Cor. 9:2. (zapazete deka Grcija e druga zemja i drug narod, kako vo definiciite taka i vo Biblijata). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) MACEDONIA -(A country in southeastern Europe) -Paul has a vision concerning Acts 16:9 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. (KJV) -Preaches in, at Philippi Acts 16:12 12 And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days. (KJV) starata Makedonija imala izlez na more i Pavle dosol od Azija denesnas turcija prvo vo Filipi koj bil najgolem znacaed kulturen centar na Makedonija, krstosnica pomedju stariot kontinent i Evropa. vsusnost e prv grad vo Evropa kade sto Evangelieto Bozje tuka doadja po prv pat. vo predhodnata statija vi napisav zosto Bog go izbral Filipi pa citajte da ne se povtoruvam. -Revisits (posetena povece pati od Pavle za vreme na negovite misionarski patuvanja) Acts 20:1-6 1 And after the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Macedonia. 2 And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece, 3 And there abode three months. And when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to sail into Syria, he purposed to return through Macedonia. 4 And there accompanied him into Asia Sopater of Berea; and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timotheus; and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus. 5 These going before tarried for us at Troas. 6 And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. (KJV) 2 Cor 2:13 13 I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother: but taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia. (KJV) 2 Cor 7:5 5 For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. (KJV) -The congregation in, sends contributions to the poor saints in Jerusalem. Rom 15:26 26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. (KJV) 2 Cor 8:1-5 1 Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; 2 How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. 3 For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves; 4 Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints. 5 And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God. (KJV) -Timothy visits. Acts 19:22 22 So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season. (KJV) -Disciples in Acts 19:23 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. (KJV) Acts 27:2 2 And entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us. (KJV) [Mass uh DOH neh uh] (meaning-zemja na viskoki ludje)—Macedonia was a mountainous country north of Greece (Achaia) in the Balkan Peninsula (see Map 7, B-1). This area was visited twice, and perhaps three times, by the apostle Paul. Macedonia was of little international significance until Philip II of Macedon (ruled 359-336 B. C.) established his capital at PHILIPPI. He defeated the Greek city-states and united them into one kingdom. His son Alexander III of Macedon (ruled 336-323 B. C.), later known as ALEXANDER the Great, built an empire from Greece to the Nile River in Egypt and southeast to the Indus River. After Alexander's death the generals divided the empire, and Macedonia declined in importance. But Macedonia regained its leading position and was made a colony after the Battle of Philippi (42 B. C.), at which Octavian (Augustus) and Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius on the plains near the city. The first mention of Macedonia in the Bible is in <Acts 16>: the description of Paul's "Macedonian call." In a vision, a man appeared to Paul "and pleaded with him, saying, 'Come over to Macedonia and help us' "<Acts 16:9>. Paul immediately set sail at Troas for NEAPOLIS <Acts 16:11>, a seaport of Philippi in the extreme eastern part of Macedonia. Luke gives a detailed account of Paul's journey through Macedonia <Acts 16:11-17:14>. At Neapolis Paul picked up the Egnatian Way-- the major road of Macedonia-- and came to PHILIPPI, "the foremost city of that part of Macedonia, a colony" <Acts 16:12>. At Philippi Paul made his first convert in Europe, "a certain woman named Lydia... [who] was a seller of purple" <Acts 16:14>. After Lydia's baptism and the healing of "a Certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination" <Acts 16:16>, and his imprisonment <Acts 16:23-24>, Paul set out again on the Egnatian Way through AMPHIPOLIS and APOLLONIA to THESSALONICA <Acts 17:11>- the capital where the proconsul (governor) resided. The final city Paul visited before leaving Macedonia for Athens was BEREA <Acts 17:10-14>, where he left Silas and Timothy for a short time to assist in the work <Acts 17:15; 18:5>. At the close of this, his second missionary journey, Paul went on to Athens and Corinth and then back to Antioch of Syria <Acts 17:15--18:23>. He revisited Macedonia at least once again <Acts 20:1-6>, and perhaps twice <2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5; Phil. 2:24; 1 Tim. 1:3>. Several of Paul's travel companions and fellow workers were Macedonians: GAIUS <Acts 19:29>, ARISTARCHUS <Acts 19:29; 27:2>, SECUNDUS <Acts 20:4>, and SOPATER <Acts 20:4>. The Macedonian Christians' support of the needs of Paul and others is mentioned several times in Paul's letters <Rom. 15:26; 2 Cor. 8:1-5; Phil. 4:15-18>. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) Iako na Angliski se nadevam deka razbirate i deka ovie materijali ce pomognat i posvedocat deka Makedocite vo Biblijata se oslovuvaat kako poseben narod i etnos. So ovie tekstovi demonstriravme deka Biblijata pravi razlika pomedju Makedoncite i Grcite koj bile dva sosedni narodi no sepak razliciti narodi. Apostol Pavle prvo ja posetil Makedonija a posle i Grcija. Interesno e da se zapazi toa sto koga Pavle gi posetil Makedoncite pokazale mnogu golemo gostoprimstvo i dostoinstvo (kako sto e uste den denes), sobirale darovi, finansiska pomos za crkvata vo Erusalim. Za Hristijanite vo Berea (Verea) Pavle ce kaze mnogu pofalni zborovi. Citaj podolu… za BEREA [Beh REE ah]-- a city of Macedonia about 73 kilometers (45 miles) west of Thessalonica (modern Salonika). On his first missionary journey, the apostle Paul preached at Berea <Acts 17:10> with much success. The Bereans were "more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica," vo nas prevod “uste podobri i poplemeniti od drugite” because they "searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) No koga Palve otisol vo Atina se soocil so filozofski umovi koj mu se potsmejavale I go izigravale koga pokusal da mu go propoveda slovoto Bozje. Zapazete deka i eden od najgolemite Pavlovi sorabotnici po ime Timotej i Erast (Erastus) poteknuva od Makedonija, Acts 19:22 22 He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, while he stayed in the province of Asia a little longer. (NIV) Isto i apostol Luka koj napisal edno Evangelie i knigata Dela na Apostolite koja zboruva za pocetokot, razvojot i sirenjeto na Hristijanstvoto e Makedonec po profesija physician, (doctor) koj e ocevidec i gi belezi site slucki i go pridruzuva apostol Pavle na edno od negovite Misionarski patuvanja vo Asija (denesna Turcija) i Macedonia. Citaj podolu. Acts 16:10-13 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. 11 Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis; 12 And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days. 13 And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither. (KJV) Acts 20:5-6 5 These going before tarried for us at Troas. 6 And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. (KJV) Ima uste mnogu da se pisuva i pronaodja za Makedonija vo Biblijata no mislam deka vi ko pronajdov najvaznoto koe e dovolno da se posvedoci na site deka Makedoncite bile prisutni vo naslavnata Kniga nad Knigite (Biblijata) koja opisuva avtenticna istorija i onoj koj go poreknuva toa ce ispadne smesen. Neka Grcite zboruvaat protiv nas i neka lepat kakvi sakaat etiketi no vistinata zboruva sama za sebe zar ne? Ete tolku od mene moi Makedoncinja ako ima nekoj konkretno prasanje od Biblijata vo vrska so Makedonija i Makedoncite ce bidam spremen da mu odgovoram dokolku mi e poznato. Neka Bog ve cuva i bide so site Vas! POZDRAV DO SITE MAKEDONCI!!!
Christian 1republika hristijanin li si? if yes, so si pravoslaven?katolik? jas sum novoroden hristijanin.[:D}
1republika Nemoj taka Ceki i politicarite se ludje na koj mu e potrebna pomos i duhovno prosvetluvanje. Podobro da se molime za niv: "Oprosti mu Gospode oti neznaat sto pravat". Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."(NIV)[:)]
Originally posted by Ceki
God bless our people and punish our politicians.
Christian 1република баптизиран си?(тоа ко мал не се рачуна[;)])
dexter_patriot Имате късмет, че държавата ви се казва като географската област. По тази логика, ако България се казваше Тракия - ние щяхме да сме най-древният народ на земята [:D]
Originally posted by dexter_patriot
Имате късмет, че държавата ви се казва като географската област. По тази логика, ако България се казваше Тракия - ние щяхме да сме най-древният народ на земята [:D]
Bugar, edno si zaboravil, ne e do K'smet, do kontinuitet e. Za da neshto se odrzi ( ko ime na primer) treba vekoven kontinuitet i opstanok na taa grupa narod da si go zadrzi imeto. Trakijcite za razlika od Makedoncite go nemale toa, gi snemalo ne samo zemjata im nego i narodot. Taka da, ne e deka vie nemate k'smet, vie nemate osnov, nitu koren. Zato m'ci! [:)]
HaCkEr` LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL AaaAa loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you bitch Bugarche glupavko..odi shetaj be.. t.e shetajte site.. onie shto sakate da ne porobite.. Macedonia is Macedonia.. and always will be MACEDONIA:) God Love Us:) May The Revolution Start!
santiago669sex lele segde borbi pa dajte bre da se druzime site sme pod isto nebo