temnata strana na realnosta
temnata strana na realnosta
Maverik If we could shrink the worlds poulation to a village of precisely 100 people,with all the existing human ratios remaining the same,it would look something like this. There would be 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western hemisphere, both north and south 8 Africans. 52 would be female and 48 would be male. 70 would be non white and 30 would be white. 70 would be non Christian and 30 would be Christian. 6 people would pocess59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the USA. 80 Would be living in substandard housing. 70would be unable to read. 50 would suffer from malnutition. 1 would be near death and 1 would be near birth. 1(yes only 1) would have a college education 1 would own a computer. When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective the needfor acceptance,understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent. The following is also something to ponder..... if you woke one up this morning with more health than illness......you are more blessed than 1 million who will not survive the week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle,the loneliness of imprisonment,the agony of torture,or the pangs of starvation...you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. if you can attend a Church meeting without fear of harassment,arrest,torture or death........you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator,clothes on youyr back,a roof over your head and a place to sleep.......you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish some where........you are amoung the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If your parents are still alive and still married you are very rare even in the USA and Canada. If you can read this message,you just recievd a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you and furthermore you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. Someone once said :"What goes aroud comes around" Work like you don't need the money. Love like you have never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening. Live like it's Heaven on earth. One can never be sure of the hard numbers one thing is for sure we all very lucky to be where we are and who we are!
protivpropaganda Maverik, Изгледа дека си еден од малкумината кои ја негираат виcтинитоста на народната изрека: „Ситиот на гладниот не му верува“ Во најмала рака кажано, тоа е за почит! Сепак, во контекст на твоето излагање постои една тенденција само кон констатирање на современата состојба на човековата планетарна цивилизација, но не и на причините кои доведуваат до таквата состојба ниту пак кон квалитативни решенија за решавање на состојбата. You have mentioned most of the hurt, pain and suffering in the world with a sense of a self inflicted wound, also that you are lucky that it is them instead of you and it could have been quite the opposite with one flick of the finger of fate. Do you have statistics that show the economic state of the world`s population 50 years ago, a 100 years ago? Most people when embarking in an egalitarian form of economic equality in the world do not bare in mind the fact that if one economically equals all the population in the world, one only makes the rich poorer only, for a short time, to make the poor richer. This Robin Hood form of thinking, to steal from the rich to give to the poor, even though it might be legalised, is still theft. Without thinking why is it so that the rich are rich and the poor are poor halfbaked notions of humanity appear and pave the way to hell`s door, nothing more! Without the rich nations and their strive for profit, which is apsolutely a natural form of human behaviour, we would not be having this conversation through computers, we would not be... let`s say that all of the world would look like the grim statistics that you have shown. Those rich nations have done so much in raising the human conditions of living throughout the world that it is beyond belief that only 100 years ago 95% of the world`s population lived in, what is now known as, inhuman conditions (remember Rome wasn`t built in one day). What you are proclaiming through not only your concern for the world`s "poor" is what is known as "The New World Order" looked at it from the side of the New Left who wish to enslave everybody in the notion that if you have more then the other then you are a filthy, worthless, greedy pig without giving consideration to how your wealth has been made or the fact that a man works for himself to get out and stay out of poverty, not for someone else. There are two way`s how to help a fellow human, that come to mind. One is to give him the fish and keep giving him fish (dependancy) and the other is to teach him how to catch his own fish (independency). Which do you think is the real form of help? If you just give him the fish you will be well liked, that is, until you are giving the fish. When the giving stops, well... what do you think will happen? If you try to teach him how to catch his own fish you might not be appreciated as much, maybe even be disliked for forcing someone to work instead of having him lounge about doing nothing. REMEMBER, HAVING ISN`T LUCK!!! IT`S PRODUCTIVE WORK!!! Bearing the world`s problems on one`s shoulders is bad enough, but to feel guilty for having is worse, emotionally speaking. The world WILL change for the better with or without all the worries. The problems lay with those that feel the need or think that they have the magic formula to change it. Do you know this one: Act locally, think globally! Well all it means is if any one nation (including ours) worked its way out of poverty that would be one nation more included in the company of the so called rich nations and one fewer in the poverty zone. In short, it is not as bad as it seems if it is compared to a century ago. The main and most important thing is that humanity IS going forward, it is not stagnating or dying out as some people want us to believe. It may be slow but it is definetely moving forward. Enough, for now, of hard talk. Someone once said :"What goes aroud comes around" REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE[:D] Work like you don't need the money. And you`d lose your work and your money![:D] Love like you have never been hurt. Just a way to be looking for a way to get hurt?[:D] Dance like nobody's watching. Just remember not to step on the toe of the other who is also dancing like nobody is watching.[:D] Sing like nobody's listening. Only if one has a good voice, otherwise all one would be doing is to be creating noise pollution.[:D] Live like it's Heaven on earth. Yeah right, aha, suuure. This could be done only if other people wouldn`t stop you from doing it.[:D] One can never be sure of the hard numbers one thing is for sure we all very lucky to be where we are and who we are! Yeah! Better them then us, right?[:D]
Maverik Секако дека Ситиот на гладниот не му верува, бидејќи никогаш не се нашол на негово место. Таква е и реалноста во светот, просечниот граѓанин на некоја од развиените држави не е доволно свесен во која состојба се наоѓаат голем дел од популацијата на Африка, Азија па дури и Јужна Америка. Но, кога се сведат фактите на вака едноставен начин, тогаш може барем малку да се увиде дека не е се така розево како што си мислиме.
protivpropaganda Maverik Секако дека Ситиот на гладниот не му верува, бидејќи никогаш не се нашол на негово место. Шо праиме со тие кои беа гладни и некако станаа сити, а не им веруваат на гладните??? Таква е и реалноста во светот, просечниот граѓанин на некоја од развиените држави не е доволно свесен во која состојба се наоѓаат голем дел од популацијата на Африка, Азија па дури и Јужна Америка. А зошто мора да биде свесен??? Има ли некоја посебна причина тие луѓе јадови на душата да си ставаат заради некојси там` далеку од кого ниту им влегува, ниту им излегува. Внимавај на тие кои премногу се трудат да го изедначат светот!!! Нивните намери се најмалку хумани!!! Но, кога се сведат фактите на вака едноставен начин, тогаш може барем малку да се увиде дека не е се така розево како што си мислиме. Кога се сведуваат факти на вака едноставен начин се нарекува симплификација, а тоа е пропагандна финта на тие кои сакаат да те наречат бесчуствителна свиња затоа што си во подобра положба од останатите. Зарем е виновен обичен човек затоа што бил роден во богатство или пак го зголемил тоа богатство? Зарем ти си виновен за тоа? Може ли да се спречи, лечи и подобри без продуктивност на самите тие. Еј, патем, знаеш ли колку пари се перат преку хуманитарни донации??? Доволно за да се индустријализираат две третини од неразвиените!!![:0] Олабаи чо`ече и живеј си го животот без чувство на грижа за нешто што не може да се спречи или лечи, барем сега.
protivpropaganda Ете, ќе заборавев за малку. Имам еден текст за тебе, прочитај го. Кој знае можеби ќе се чуствуваш подобро откако ќе ти се разјаснат некои тврдокорни факти: www.angelfire.com/ab6/protivpropaganda/polittemi/franciskopari.htm Читај и уживај!!![;)]