Henrih Tuma za Makedoncite 1925 g.
Henrih Tuma za Makedoncite 1925 g.
Misirkov Vo svojata studija "Jugoslovenski in Balkanski problemi", vo "Nasi zapisi," Ljubljana, 1925 godina, istaknatiot slovenecki socijaldemokrat Henrih Tuma kje zapise za Makedoncite: "... Makedonija ima 2.350.000 ziteli, od koi 52% se Sloveni, t.e. 1.1820.00. Turcite se polovina milion, to est 22%. Grci [ima] 230.000, 12%, Albanci 123.000, t.e. 5.7%, Cincari i Kucovlasi - 80.000, t.e. 3,6%, evrei 70.000 ili 3% i Romi 54.000 ili 2,4%...Grcite ziveat vo Juzna Makedonija. Turcite najpovekje gi ima vo Vardarskata dolina i kaj Egejskoto more. Evreite ziveat vo Solun......Na Balkanot ziveat 1.200.000 Makedonci. Juznite Makedoci ne go zacuvaa staroslovenskiot jazik. Svetoto pismo, podarok od Sv. Kiril i Metodij, ne e pisuvano, kako sto tvrdi filologot Miklosic, na jazikot na Panonskite Sloveni, tuku kako sto e prirodno i kako sto dokaza filologot Oblak, na jazikot na slovenskite apostoli, t.e. na makedonskoto narecje vo blizinata na Solun..." ("Za imeto Makedonija i Makedonci vo istorijata", Ljuboten, Skopje 1996, str. 172).
Misirkov Uste eden dokument od srpski diplomat od 1888 godina: "Do Cedo Mijatovic, Minister za nadvoresni raboti na Kralstvoto Srbija i do d-r Vladan Djordjevic, minister za prosveta i zdravje, Belgrad. Pred kuso vreme Vi isprativ prepis na edno pismo na g. Stojan Novakovic, pratenik vo Carigrad, vo koe toj se zanimavase so prasanjeto za izrabotka na eden bukvar na makedonski dijalekt za sprskite ucilista vo Makedonija. Od ova pismo ste videle deka od Javrovic i Krupcevic, delegirani (atasirani) od Makedoncite do nasata ambasada vo CArigrad, mu e preporacano da izraboti takov bukvar,a obrazec mu bese bukvarot na g. St. Chuturilo. (P. br. 475 vo juli 1888, vo Belgrad)" ("Za Imeto Makedonija i Makedonci, Ljuboten, Skopje 1996 godina, str. 105-106).
slasa Ne znam dali e na tovno mesto go dobiv na e-mail pa negde moram da go pastir Pisuva: Trajce T.Trajkovski Pert Avstralia THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD MODERN WORLD SECRET EXPOSED Western nationalism presented itself as an escape from the universal obligation the long established Christian faith. The race of hostility since the middle of the 19th century in Macedonia supported by European politicians propaganda, and aged on by the modern priests in the name of Christianity. WHY ? GREECE, ALBANIA, BULGARIA OR TURKEY ?? WHY NOT MACEDONIA THE TEN COMMANDMENTS EXCERPTS FROM THE GREAT HISTORIANS OF THE MODERN WORLD INCLUDING ARNOLD J. TOYNBE, GRIGORE NANDRIS DOUGLAS DAKIN 1. Macedonia is the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, until it is able to breathe freely, the whole Balcony of Europe will continue as the hot spot of Europe ready to explode. The salvation of the Balkan Peninsula will be achieved only with the restoration of Macedonia. 2. The roots of this modern world, is the French Revolution and Napoleon Era. However, the foundation was laid-down after receiving the books from the Great Christian Libraries, that accumulated literary knowledge from Holy Mountain, the great and original Christendom in Macedonia, with a solemn promise by the British for safe keeping, those priceless books till after the war in mid 19th century. 3. The rise of British and French imperialism in the 19th century, it guided the military superiority, the new Western system of Liberty. The British with its pro-Turkish policy have made a present to the Sultan of Asia, the richest province of the world, Eastern Macedonia, according to the great European statesman Bismarck in the 1878 Berlin Congress, in exchange for great Britain to control the Turkish island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean sea. 4. In making a Ecumenical Patriarch in 1850, the official head of all Christians in the Balkan Peninsula of Europe, the Asian Sultan with the West, had given this Constantinopolitan Prelate political authority over Christian people, that had Never been under the rule of any Constantinopolitan Emperor ever. Without the Western political propaganda and the prelates of the Patriarchal Church, Greece Would not exist ? The pillar of Hellenism is Sultan Abdul Hamid, Greece has Always rested on this foundation, sins Greek history and culture are unrelated Phenomenon. 5. Greece had never been a nation before 1912, and from its foundation in 1830, in neither case did the boundary coincide with any Greece of the past, not with the Achaia during the reign of the Roman Empire, nor with the City-States of classical Times, nor with the Empire of Alexander The Great, nor with the Eastern Christian Empire with the Capital City in Macedonia. 6. Greece nation state is a product of Western intervention, the Fatal-Idea, of exclusive Western nationalism, invading and terrorizing the established tradition of the Christian World. The new Greece was indeed whole new, because no nation state Greece had ever before existed, Greece in this modern sense is literally a Western Invention. 7. The earliest known Christian written text the Christian truth, the Holy Bible in its original form, was based on a Macedonian literary language, printed and published originally in Macedonia, and Holy-Mountain was the real example of Christian Monasticism, for centuries the aspiration of every devoted Christian man Was to make a Pilgrimage to Holy-Mountain in Macedonia. 8. Macedonia has a very long cultural history in Europe, beginning at the dawn of prehistory, the Macedonian Cyrillic Alphabet is a direct ancestor to all the European Alphabets in the course of its long history. The inhabitants in the Balkan Peninsula should think less of their Turkish, Bulgarian or Greek origin, and a great Deal more of the fact, that they are all Macedonian. 9. An invaluable source for the study the Macedonian people and history, it does expose many of the lies and misunderstanding about the Macedonians, which has been fabricated in the Capitals of the Partitioning states, and were readily accepted in the West, it shows conclusively that, the determined efforts on the part of the Greek state during the previous three decades, to forcibly denationalize and assimilate the Macedonian people had failed, Greek is regarded as almost a foreign language, and the Greeks are distrusted as something Alien in the full sense of the Word as foreigners, the region is Macedonian by nature and not Greek. 10. In the name of World Peace and Tolerance, please consider the Macedonian Question now with the greatest of care, and you will remove from Europe and the world the primary and most tragic source of imbalance, which shake and shatter the unstable World, constructed by propaganda and politics, for the provocation and corruption of the so-called free people.