sakam da znam dali ova sve e vistina?
sakam da znam dali ova sve e vistina?
dejan nekoja kniga od biblioteka zemav, licuva dobra. se vika Europe A History, Norman Davies. Covekot e profesor vo University of London. i za cela evropa ima istorija. i za makedonija pisuva. ama zbunet sum, deka pisuva nesto za makedonija pa nesto drugo pisuva......... Makedon To ask whether Macedonia is Greek is rather like asking whether Prussia was German. If one talks of distant origins, the answer in both cases must be 'No'. Ancient Macedonia started its career in the orbit of Illyrian or Thracian civilization...The Roman province of Macedonia stretched to the Adriatic and from the sixth centruy onwards was heavily settled by migrant Slavs. According to one theory, the Slavs mingled with the residue of the pre-Greek population to form a new, non-Greek Macedonian nation. (cekaj neli Makedonija ne bilo Grcko?) The Byzantine empire was sometimes dubbed 'Macedonia' because of its Greek connections. But the former province of Macedonia, and much of the Peloponnese, was submerged in 'Sclavonia'. In medieval times Macedonia was incorporated for a time into the Bulgarian empire, and remained permanently within the exarchate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. (da vika deka Samoil bil Bugar, ama po natamu)This strengthened later Bulgarian claims. In the fourteenth century it passed under Serbian rule. In 1346 Stefan Dusan was crowned in Skopje 'Tsar of the Serbs, Greeks, Bulgars and Albanians'. This was to strengthen Serbian claims. Then came the Ottomans. (do sega znaev knigata ne mi vredi) In the late nineteenth century, Ottoman Macedonia was a typical Balkan province of mixed religious and ethnic composition. Orthodox Christians lived alongside Muslims, and Greeks and Slavs alongside Albanians and Turks. By custom, all Orthodox Christians were counted as 'Greeks' because of their allegiance to the Patriarch of Constantinople. Throughout the Balkan wars (see p. 874) Macedonia was fought over by Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia. It was divided into three parts. (See Appendix III, p. 1309) Southern Macedonia, centred on Thessaloniki, was taken over by Greece. After the Graeco-Turkish population exchange of 1922, and the Slav exodus due to the Civil War in 1949, it came to be dominated by a strong majority of highly patriotic Greeks, 'Alexander's successors', many of them immigrants from Turkey...Northern Macedonia, centred on Skopje and the upper Vardar valley, possessed a mixed Albanian and Slav population living within Serbia. When this northern section was reconstituted in 1945 as the autonomous republic of 'Makedonija' with Yugoslavia, a determined campaign was launched to simplify history and to transmute the identity of the entire population. The Yugoslav leadership was intent on reversing the effects of wartime Bulgarian occupation, and on resisting the cultural charms of ancient Greece. The Slav dialect of the political elite was declared to be a separate language; Old Church Slavonic was equated with 'Old Macedonian'; and a whole generation was educated according to the 'Great Idea' of a Slav Macedonia stretching back for centuries. blah blah za 1992. znam deka covekot ne znae sto zbori, i licuva deka bil pian koga go pisuval ova, deka edno kazuva pa posle nesto drugo. ama zasto vo ovakvi knigi se nekako protiv nas? ne razbiram toa...mnogu cuden e ovie norman davies, i gledaj sto pisuva posle, A further Byzantine advance then led to the Bulgarian mission of St Clement Slovensky (840-960) and the final drive to bring Bulgaria into the Orthodox fold. Clement, a fellow Macedonian, had accompanied Cyril and Methodius to Moravia... i negde drugste vo knigata, nemozam da go najdam, pisiuva nesto kako 'Cyril and Methoduis, two Macedonians from Salonica...' ne razibram sto covekot saka da kaze? zasto ovakvi knigi pisuvat taka?
Christian covekot vika: sakam kazam neznam recam:) batka ne znaci deka sekoj budala so ke napise kniga treba da bide vistinata.
chefo_pld " covekot vika: sakam kazam neznam recam:) batka ne znaci deka sekoj budala so ke napise kniga treba da bide vistinata." So when in some books is written something you don't like it is a lie, and when it is written something that suits you best it's true no matter how wrong it may be? Interesting! [:(!]
Snake Bite
Originally posted by chefo_pld
So when in some books is written something you don't like it is a lie, and when it is written something that suits you best it's true no matter how wrong it may be? Interesting! [:(!]
Ova se odnesuva i za tebe Tataru. Do vcera bevte vo kutija zatvoreni ne znaevte sto e jeans i bubble gum,cela nacija jadevte edna ista hrana sekoj den,zenite vi se prodavaa "edna chervena"?!I ti ke se ravnish so nas...pih[xx(] Ne si dostoen da razgovarash so nas na ovoj forum. Vie ste narod koj za 1 lev majkata ke si ja prodadete,se ponashate kako da ste od nekoja nacija so 1000 godini istorija,a za tie 1000 godini svetot ve znae samo po Todor Zivkov-Golemiot
Great_Macedonian Snake_Bite ne gubisigo vremeto batka.. grcite i bugarite vecno ke ne osporuvaat.. so niv e ko da mu zboruvas na dzid.
Christian bugarin jas si ja znam istorijata i znam od kaj mi e potekloto. ne mi treba nekoj stranec za da mi go kaze toa.
Snake Bite
Originally posted by Great_Macedonian
Snake_Bite ne gubisigo vremeto batka.. grcite i bugarite vecno ke ne osporuvaat.. so niv e ko da mu zboruvas na dzid.
Ako se odnesuvame inferiorno tie postojano ke napagaat.Kako li ke beshe na nekoj grcki ili bugarski forum nie da im predavame na niv istorija,ke ne rasturea,zatoa koj gi shisha!!! Moreee jas ke se bijam!!! I ako umram il zaginam nemoj da me zalite! "Sloboda ili smrt brate Great Macedonian,brate Strelec,brate Christian,brate Dejan,brate Maleshevo i polubrate OooOo"