Petar Delian's rebellion - to Misirkata
Petar Delian's rebellion - to Misirkata
Skitian Medieval Sourcebook: Michael Psellus: Chronographia 39. The people of Bulgaria, after many vicissitudes of fortune and after frequent battles in the past, had become subjects of the Roman Empire . That prince of emperors, the famous Basil, had deliberately attacked their country and destroyed their power. For some time the Bulgarians, being completely exhausted after pitting their strength against the might of the Romans, resigned themselves to defeat, but later they reverted to the old arrogance. There were no immediate signs of open revolt, however, until the appearance among them of a political agitator, when their policy at once became hostile to the Empire.**54 40. The man who moved them to this folly was, in their opinion, a marvel. He was of their own race, member of a family unworthy of mention, but cunning, and capable of practising any deceit on his compatriots, a fellow called Dolianus. I do not know whether he inherited such a name from his father, or if he gave himself the name for an omen.**55 He knew that the whole nation was set on rebellion against the Romans; indeed, the revolt was merely a project only because no leader had hitherto risen up among them able to carry out their plans. In the first place, therefore, he made himself conspicuous, proved his ability in council, demonstrated his skill in the conduct of war. Then, having won their approval by these qualities, it only remained for him to prove his own noble descent, in order to become the acknowledged leader of the Bulgarians. (It was their custom to recognize as leaders of the nation only men of royal blood.) Knowing this to be the national custom, he proceeded to trace his descent from the famous Samuel and his brother Aaron, who had ruled the whole nation as kings a short time before. He did not claim to be the legitimate heir of these kings, but he either invented or proved that he was a collateral relation. He readily convinced the people with his story, and they raised him on the shield. He was proclaimed king. From that moment Bulgarian designs became manifest, for they seceded openly. The yoke of Roman domination was hurled from their necks and they made a declaration of independence, emphasizing the fact that they took this course of their own free will. Whereupon they engaged in attacks and plundering expeditions on Roman territory.**56 41. Had the barbarians dared to do a thing so foolish immediately after Michael's accession, they would very soon have learnt what kind of a sovereign they had assailed. In those days he was strong in [76] body and virile in face of danger. It was nothing at all for him take up arms in a moment, and with the elite of his generals invade their land; it would have been a simple matter to teach them not to revolt against Rome with temerity. However that may be, when this particular revolt came to birth, he w as already failing, and his bodily condition was desperate. It came at a time when even the slightest movement caused him pain, and when he found it hard even to put on his clothes. That was the moment when the Bulgarians, for a brief interval, decided to play at ruling themselves, like actors on a stage, and to enjoy themselves with a bit of make-believe And so they did -- until a burning ambition for glory suddenly gave the emperor strength, and in a burst of exaltation, carried him against his foes. 42. As soon as the news became known to him, and actually before the full account was received, he determined to carry the war to the Bulgars. He would march against them himself, at the head of his army. It was impossible, of course, to do this, because of the state of his health, and in any case the Senate was altogether opposed to the project. Michael's family, too, begged him not to leave the city, much to his disgust, for he had set his heart on the war. It was extremely disappointing -- he emphasized this point -- if his reign was not only destined to witness no aggrandizement of the Roman Empire, but actually some loss of territory. He suspected that he was personally responsible, before God and man, if, after what had occurred, he should through any carelessness on his own part, allow the Bulgars to secede with impunity. THE EMPEROR'S BULGARIAN EXPEDITION 43. This thought afflicted the emperor much more than physical suffering, and the harm it produced in him was quite different, for whereas the disease caused his body to swell, the mental agony he endured over this revolt had the opposite effect and wasted him. So he was torn between two evils, which afflicted him in exactly opposite ways. His first battle, however, -- a battle in which he was victorious -- was against his own intimate friends, before he ever came to grips with the barbarians, and the first trophy of the war was set up to commemorate his triumph over his own kinsmen and his associates -- and himself. Bodily weakness, in his case, was more than [77] compensated by strength of purpose, and in this strength he commited his cause to God. So preparations for the war began. The move was to take counsel, determine on his objects, and direct his efforts to the attainment of his goal. The enterprise was certainly not taken in hand rashly, or without due precautions. I need not go into details, but the military preparations were adequate. Actually not all the army was mobilized and mere numbers were discounted. The best soldiers were selected and generals with most experience in the field. With them he set out to meet the Scyths,**57 advancing in due order, his army disposed with proper regard for the rules of strategy. 44 Camp was pitched in a suitable spot when the expedition arrived at the enemy borders. A council of war was held, and after it the emperor decided to engage the Bulgars -- an extraordinary plan, about which even his commanders who were there with him had contrary opinions. Nor is this surprising, for during the night he was under medical treatment and nearly died. Yet at daybreak he immediately got up, some power apparently giving him new strength, mounted his horse, sat firm in the saddle, and managed the animal with clever use of his bridle. Then, an object of wonder to all who saw him, he rode to the rear and formed up the various divisions of his army into one coherent force. Additional infirmationa at:
angomako so i guess now the italians should claim the right of athens.. after all,he keeps saying "roman empire"...romans,etc... no greeks here as well. why don't you go to a greek forum with this to prove them that they are a false nation too? i mean,you bulgarians know that as well,right? i've been told that many should be more interesting then arguing with a bunh of macedonian entusiasts...
Skitian Byzantium is a successor of the Roman Emrire and also is named Eastern Roman Empire. After the rupture from the Western Roman Empire the Greek became the oficial language but exept the Greeks there was many other peoples - Armenians, Syrians, Georgians, Slavs, etc.
angomako aha
Misirkov cccc, another tatar dimwit in need of education. Makes you wander what they feed them?! Од "Историјата" на Јован Скилица Петар, царот на Бугарите, наскоро по смртта на својата жена (Марија Лакапин, која наследила огромно богатство во Цариград), за да го обнови мирот, склучи сојуз со царевите и ги даде како заложници сопствените два сина Борис и Роман. Малку потоа умре, а неговите синови беа испратени во Бугарија за да го зачуваат татковото царство и да ги спречат комитопулите понатаму да напредуваат. Имено Давид, Мојсеј, Арон и Самуил, синови на еден од оние комити кои во Бугарија можеа многу да сторат, сонуваа за востание и ја вознемируваа државата на Бугарите. И вака тоа се случи." Georgii Cedreni Compendium historiarum, cui subjistiur excerpta ex breviario Joannis Scylitzae Curopalatae, - Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Graeca. Ed. J. P. Migne. T. 122. Paris 1899, p.81. Јован Скилица во своето историско дело "Историјата" претставува главен извор за историјата на Самуиловата држава. Скилица живеел во втората половина на XI век, а неговата хроника е напишана кон крајот на XI век и го опфаќа периодот од 811 до 1057 или 1078/79 година. Од оригиналниот текст на хрониката се зачувани повеќе ракописа, но хрониката до денес (1981) не е публикувана. Од Скилицовата хроника може да се види, меѓу другото, како се развивале двете востанија на комитопулите (во 969 и 976 година). A kомитопулиte се побуниле против бугарската централна власт и се одметнале, како што тоа го вели и Скилица.
Batbayan Angomako, why do you feel that Bulgarians are "arguing" with "Macedonian enthusiats"? All that we do is point you to existing facts that have been hidden from you. Keep in mind, that most of the facts are not from Bulgarian sources.
cccc, another tatar dimwit in need of education. Makes you wander what they feed them?!
Misirkov, I must say that I am not surprised that you disregard facts. You seem to verbaly insult people who choose to acknowledge all the facts. What is so bad about knowing the full truth, knowing everything? Why disregard facts? I am asking you, because from my stay at this forum, I have come to the conclusion that you are afraid of facts. Why are you so terrified of the facts?
Skitian One stupid question from one stupid tatar - Why Samuel became Tzar after the dead of Roman but not before. From your post I understand that Samuel and his brothers revolted but against who that I did not understand. Suggestions: 1.Against Bulgaria - false. 2.Against Byzantium - may be. 3.Against the politics of drowing closer toghether with Byzantium but not against Bulgaria - that's the home, naked, elementary truth.
Divider Batbayan, or whatever tatar name you mey hold in real life sod off!! Skitian you mey also!! Now, a small and simple clarification for all you tatars flooding macedonian forums spreading filthy lies in order to justify your lack of history, culture, traditions and identity: There are no Bulgarians in Europe unless they are the Volga boulgars period!! There are no bulgars in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia etc. PERIOD!! You, that call yourself boulgars are either Macedonians or Tatars!! Well some of you may be turks!! But, no bulgars!! So, sod off and do not bother us unless ready to admit the truth, OK!
Misirkov Унгарскиот аноним (P. Magistri) бил нотар на Бела III (1172-1196). Во своето дело "De gestis Hungarorum liber (Gesta Hungarorum)" вeли: "(Унгарските војсководци) се вратија кај Арпад ("Арпад, велик војвода", 890-907) и уште пратија пратеници да им дадат дозвола да одат во Грција за да ја потчинат цела Македонија, од Дунав до Црното Море (До крајот на XII век во Унгарија под Македонија се подразбирала целата територија од Дунав до Црно и Егејско Море ). (Арпад им дозволи) да одат во Грција и да ја освојат земјата... Откако поминаа неколку дена, Зуард и Кадузе (војсководците на кои Арпад им дозволил да ја освојат Македонија) со сета своја војска ја препловија водата на Дунав и ја зазедоа тврдината Берон (Беронс, Браничево, денешен Костелац). Потоа отидоа кај тврдината Сердика. Слушајќи го ова, граѓаните Бугари и Македонци многу се исплашија од нивниот изглед. Тогаш сите жители на оваа земја испратија пратеници со многу дарови за да им ја потчинат земјата и да им ги дадат своите синови како заложници..." Anonymi (P. Magistri) Gesta Hungarorum, Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducem regumque stirpis Arpadianae Gestarum. Vol. I (Edendo operi praefuit E. Szentpetery), Budapestini 1937, p. 91, 92. The dimwit Tatar "Batbayan" may as well "acknowledge" that fact. If he is not afraid that is.[;)]
Divider I guess he is!! But he sometimes is so dullwitted. That is so sad!! Well, he is just a tatar!!
Batbayan Misirkov, why don't you return my post that you deleted? The one about the Serb atrocities in the land of Macedonia. If you can't find it I can post it again. Answer me and we shall have a nice long logical discussion. You provide your facts, I will provide my facts. Let the people decide which ones are accurate, let them draw their own personal conclusions as to what is the truth. We can start by going backwards from this year, 2004AD.
If he is not afraid that is.
It is not in my Bulgarian blood to be afraid! So, shall we start with the facts? Just say the word!
Divider Do not post your stupidities again, plaese. Misirkov, nemoj, te molam, takva glupost ne se jade ni so sol!! We are not afraid, Batbayan of your bulgarian blood, also not from your tatar blood. What scares me is your macedonian blood being supressed.
Batbayan I thought so. Still no reply. Misirkov, you are afraid that the people will find out the truth. It is your history, you deserve to know the facts.
Misirkov Yes I am afraid, I am shaking in my boots.[:D] I ti zasluzivas da gi znaes faktite. Medju vizantiskite avtori koi go animiraat imeto Makedonija i etnonimot Makedonci e uceniot Efrem vo vtorata polovina na 13. i pocetokot na 14. vek. Okolu 1313 godina, Efrem napisal hronika vo stihovi vo koja se zboruva za istorijata na rimskite i vizantiskite carevido 1261 godina. Opisuvajkji go padjanjeto na gradot Solun pod vlasta na Normanite 1185 godina, toj kje soopsti: "Lele, lele, zazemen e onoj grad Solun, velam metropolata na Makedoncite." Batbayan, sto velis na toa?[;)]
Divider He is mute, he is silent, he is consulting with his mentors from the tatar government, ministry of tatarism and plagiarism!
500,000 -self-admitted Bulgarians still exist in Macedonia today
An even more vicious period of ethnic cleansing against the Bulgarian populations occurred after those regions were rcincorpo rated into Yugoslavia and Greece. The Serbs killed over 12,000 Bulgarians and immediately imprisoned 120,000 more, out of a Bulgarian population of 1.2 million. The lack of success in their previous policy of cultural assimilation lead them to change a significant part of their oppressive policy. Whereas before they tried to impose the Serbian language and culture unilaterally on the Bulgarian people, a policy which met with much resistance, now they permitted Bulgarian to be spoken, albeit with several limiting restrictions. Bulgarian was to be taught in schools in a bastardized form with Serbian characters and words infused into this new language, known commonly today as "Macedonian". The Serbs hoped to first quench the national aspirations of the Maccdono-Bulgarians, who wished to be reunited with their kin in Bulgaria. In order to do this they tried to convince the conquered Bulgarians that they were actually liberated "Macedonians" and formed part of culture previously unknown for over 2,000 years. The Bulgarian youth were to be taught that they were Macedonians culturally and linguistically distinct from Bulgaria.
Misirkov, you fail to acknoledge facts. That is why I have told you; We can have our little discussion. You provide your facts, I will provide my facts. We let the viewers make their own decisions. I am not imposing my views on anyone. I want to make people aware of the truth and the facts that exist. Read the above quotes. It what has happend in your home land. Be aware of the facts. I know that you, Misirkov, are aware that you are posting crap. I know that you realize that your information has no credebility. And I know that you are educated on the information that I have posted, you have already made your conclusions. Don't delete it. Let the people make their own conclusions too.
yanek Batbayan, popadnah v toq shiban forum sluchaino... i da ti kaja teq neshta deto gi pishat, abe bate.. prost ne gi slushai.. kvo se zanimavash s prostaci tfa... ima mnogo poveche nesta da se pravat v internet.. peri im edna maina i tfa e.. aee batka, jiv i zdrav ![;)]
concrete I jas ovie denovi :"popadnah v toq shiban forum sluchaino" i gledam uste go ima ovoj Batbayan so negovite gluposti. Navistina ovie od quazi narodot, bugarive, se neunistivi, ima li nekoj veke nekakov efikasen sprey za ova ili ke trae do beskraj??? Ne znam, ama kade se ova administratorive, receno e samo angliski i makedonski, kakvi se ova sega nekakvi sumovi na bandot?????
Thief Тоа е источномакедонски говор/дијалект! Некои го викаат бугарски! Па, види, тоа е исто како и струмички, штипски, битолски, прилепски, велешски, скопски, тетовски...