Nagradno prashanje za Bugari
Nagradno prashanje za Bugari
Bicho Наградно прашање: Ако тука вели вака: "Genetic studies indicate that populations of Europe, including the Slavs, were present for millennia before the 6th cent. A.D., in the regions that they now occupy. а знаеме дека генетиката е млада и многу егзактна наука и уште ако тука вели вака: The largest Indo-European invasion of Europe was carried out by four main groups: - The Celts; - The Germans; - The Balts; and - The Slavs. All of these four major groupings arrived in the European continent in waves from around 4000 BC up to as late as 500 BC. Тогаш Александар Велики е: а) Словен-Македонец б) Булгаро-Чуваш в) Грко-арбанас Учесникот кој точно ќе одговори на прашањето добива викенд во Охрид на сметка на Бичо. Мртов сериозен сум!!!
Bicho Дополнителна помош за тешко индоктринирани: "The research into the paternally inherited Y-chromosomes of the various populations gives the researchers another insight into pre-historical events. In a recent study of the Y-chromosome haplogroup I (Hg I), Rootsi S. and 45 others (2004), find it in Macedonians (northern Greece) at 30 %, Slovenians at 38 %, Croats at 38 %, Bosnians at 42 %, Poles at 18 %, Ukrainians at 22 % and Russian (Cossacks ) at 23 %. They conclude that the Hg I subhaplogroup I1b2* in the extant populations, arose in Europe before Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). It is at the highest concentration in the northwestern Balkans at ~40%, but it extends from just west of the Italian Apennines to Eastern Europe, and it probably diffused after the LGM from a homeland in Eastern Europe or the Balkans. The high diversity of these lineages in Bosnia supports the view that they may have been present in the Balkans before the LGM.
Bicho A sega vi predlagam kratko chetivo za avtohtonosta i na drugite Sloveni (vo sluchajov Zapadnite) na teritoriite na koi zhiveat i sega. Tekstov e konkretno za potekloto na Slovencite i pripagja na t.n. Venetska (Slovenska) teorija: "Jozko Savli maintains that the West Slavs are indigenous to Central Europe and that it was the Slavic Veneti or Wends who were the first disseminators of a major cultural complex in central Europe - the Urnfeld culture. He postulates that in a migration originating circa 1200 BC, they spread over a large area of the continent, (map) including present-day Austria, Slovenia, eastern Switzerland and northern Italy. The basis for this is historical records of contemporary historians, supported by the evidence of place names. Savli argues firstly that the name Venet or Wend - still used by the northern neighbours in reference to Slovenes - is a shortened version of Slo-venets. The change is explained by the fact that Latin did not have the consonantal further argues that no records mention the arrival of Slovenes in the territory. Instead all the records of the 6th century indicate that the territory is an established "provincia" or "marca, which indicates, according to Savli, a defined geographic area, with a form of government, a distinct internal organization, and not, as it is alleged, a tribe of extended families."
dejan i drugo prasanje do bugarite....ako bevme nie bugari, i ako ne bevme makedonci pret 1945, zasto koga bugarija bila oslobodena od turcite vo 19vek, zasto i 'drugiot del na bugarija (makedonija)' ne dobil liberizacija togas? ama 'toj del na bugarija' ostanaa pot turcija!
Originally posted by ATILA
MAKEDONIA ima li takova neshto :)))
Ne be chuvash glup, ne e toa tochniot odgovor! Vidi pogore imash multiple choice, znachi eden e tochen od trite predlozheni odgovori. Teeej glupi chuvashi breee, se mora chovek da im nacrta!
n/a MAKEDONIA ima li takova neshto :)))
Thunder from down under sho imat vrska aleksandar so slavjanite zhiti se ? i ne e veliki nego Makedonski, za srbite mozhit da e veliki za nas si e makedonski
Originally posted by Thunder from down under
sho imat vrska aleksandar so slavjanite zhiti se ? i ne e veliki nego Makedonski, za srbite mozhit da e veliki za nas si e makedonski
E od nashinec koga kje go chujam prashanjevo mi se kreva kosa na glavata! Ima vrska zaradi toa shto toj e Sloven isto kako nas. Zatoa shto Slovenite (potochno Makedoncite) se doselile na Balkanov vo VI vek pred Hrista!!! A Ace Nash Babaschko (vaka mozhe?) zhiveel vo III vek pred Hrista. Jasno? Vprochem klikni na linkovite i nema vekje vakvi raboti da prashuvash!
Thunder from down under abe ebi ti linkovi i klikanje ,nego koj te lazhi deka sme sloveni? nikakva vrska nemat Makedonija so slavjanite, bugarite i srbite taja rabota, tie mozit da se slavjani a ne nie, makedonec sam slavjanin da se narekuvash e golemo ponizhuvanje za Makedonija, nie 9 pati svetov go osvojuvne pred da se naselat slavjanite na balkanot
Thunder from down under procitaj go ova i toa vo bold sho e pod broj 3 napamet da go naucish Why the Macedonians are not "Slavs"? Macedonia's former president Kiro Gligorov in the Toronto Star on March 15, 1992 said: "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (AD)." In an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, Macedonia's Ambassador to Canada said: "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian" and that "there is some confusion about the identity of the people of this country." As unbelievable as it may seem, these Macedonian politicians are actually wrong on this issue. Here are the major reasons why today's Macedonians are not "Slavs" or "Slav Macedonians" but direct descendents of the ancient Macedonians: 1. First of all, Gligorov and Veselinov are not historians, but politicians. History should not be written by politicians but should be left to the historians. 2. The Macedonian historians do not support the claim that today's Macedonians are "Slavs" who came in the 6th century. The latest book "THE DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT OF MACEDON - The arguments and evidence that today's Macedonians are descendants of the ancient Macedonians", puts an end to the "Slav" claim. 3. This "Slav" claim was an old communistic propaganda influenced by Russia and Yugoslavia during the period while Macedonia was part of communist Yugoslavia (1945-1991) and both Gligorov and Veselinov were tough this line of the official then history, dictated by Slav Russia and Serbia (Yugoslavia). As stated this "political history" is outdated and is ongoing replacement. 4. The roots of the Macedonians are in ancient Macedonia in Europe since 8th century BC. This is the reason why they call themselves Macedonians and not "Slavs" ever since that 8th century BC, including today. 5. Historical evidence (avoided by Gligorov and Veselinov of the communist school) shows that the Macedonians have called themselves "Macedonians" in every century since Alexander, both before and after the coming of the Slavs in Macedonia in the 6th century. It is the Slavs that assimilated into the Macedonians, not wise-versa, and the Macedonians continued to call themselves what they are - Macedonians. 6. And most convincing of all the fact that the genetic research had proven that the Macedonians are not Slavs but have a direct descent from the ancient Macedonians. 7. The Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia, and Macedonian minorities in Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, continue to proudly call themselves "Macedonians" and consider the "Slav" label an insult and racial slur. The western press was literary bombarded by mails, faxes, and emails from outraged Macedonians who despised being called "Slavs" during the Albanian aggression on Macedonia. 8. Much greater detail on the direct descent of today's Macedonians from the ancient Macedonians is found in "THE DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT OF MACEDON - The arguments and evidence that today's Macedonians are descendants of the ancient Macedonians"
Originally posted by Thunder from down under
abe ebi ti linkovi i klikanje ,nego koj te lazhi deka sme sloveni? nikakva vrska nemat Makedonija so slavjanite, bugarite i srbite taja rabota, tie mozit da se slavjani a ne nie, makedonec sam slavjanin da se narekuvash e golemo ponizhuvanje za Makedonija, nie 9 pati svetov go osvojuvne pred da se naselat slavjanite na balkanot
Bravo batka, taka e!
Thunder from down under alal da ti e be mazhe :) znajsh slasa sho velit ako mu recish deka sme slavjani? ke ti recit kaj se antickite makedonci,volkot da ne gi izede :))