RaGeAnGeL znaev kaj da go klam topikov pa ako ne odgovara Strelec si znajs si[;)]Tekstov ko go procitav mi dojde slika od filmon I,ROBOT... We're building a dream,one robot at a time The dream was simple.Desing a robot that,one day,could duplicate the complexities of human motion and actually help people.An easy task?Hardly.But after more then 15 years of research and development ,the result is ASIMO,an advanced robot with unprecedented human-like abilities.ASIMO walks forward and backward,turns corners,adn goes up and down stairs with ease.All with a remarkable sense of strenght and balance. The future of this exciting technology is even more promising.ASIMO has the potential to respomd to simple voice commands,recognize faces,carry loads and even push wheeled objects.This means that,one day,ASIMO could be quite useful in some very important tasks.Like assisting the elderly,and even helping with household chores.In essence,ASIMO might serve as another set of eyes,ears and legs for all kinds of people in need. All of this represents the steps we're taking to develop products that make our wolrd a better place.And in ASIMO's case,it's a giant step in the right direction. ....National Geographic magazine i taka eden den nie mesto da pijame kafe so ljuge ke muabetime so roboti...mesto ajvar da meshame ke ni meshat toj ....pak so znajs mozda i deca ke mojt da kaj stigna svetov[xx(]
DonVito ke mora da zaminime od planetava
StormAngel Da, Ama mene nesto drugo mi e u glava, Koj ke ne spasi od tie roboti ako im tekne da ne gi pocituvaat trite zakoni?:)
cile Ne e prashanjeto DALI tuku prasanjeto e KOGA vestackata inteligencija ke go dostigne nasheto nivo !!! Ima edno kratko filmce na Discovery sto se vrti bash na ova problematika, coek koj sto se bavi so pravenje na vestacka inteligencija vika deka so edna raka gi pravi ovie raboti a drugata mu e visoko krenata /nesto u stilu kao alarm da se osvestime /! poucno filmce, ako nekoj ima discovery neka zirne stalno go vrtat.
RaGeAnGeL mene uzasno me plashit to