Does it look like Macedonian?
Does it look like Macedonian?
n/a Hello everyone! Russian livejournal community is being thrilled with this song: It sounds in Russian but with strange accent. Some linguists say it may be Macedonian as some sounds are pronounced as in Macedonian language. The biggest intrigue is: does performer sing about owl or not? In the end of every verse he says: "but tender owl's I heard behind me - ooh-yuy - and it cheered up my soul" Well, it sounds very strange - a tender owl. Someone suppose he might say not "sovy nezhnye" (tender owls) but "zovy nezhnye" (tender calls), but why does he say in a last couplet "Let's sing together", - I say to an owl"? So what I want to ask is: 1. Does the melody look like Macedonian folk music? 2. Are there any traditional songs about owls or, maybe, about hanged robbers? The hystory of the song is also interesting: the cassette was bought by member of Ukrainian rock group "Vopli Vydoplyasova" in arabic blocks of France. Then the album got in the internet Here is the Russian text of what we have "decoded" (as it is rather hard to understand, but also make everyone curious: who is that singer??) Совы нежные Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому. Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему. Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные – У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее А-лай-лай-лай стало веселее. Я по дороге иду к другу-разбойнику, Мне тоскливо одному в незнакомом краю. Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные – У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее А-лай-лай-лай стало веселее. Я на веревке вишу, ногами болтаю, Мне очень бы хотелось побольше воздуху. Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные – У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее А-лай-лай-лай стало веселее. Я в большом котле киплю у черта на пиру, Мне плавать уж ни к чему - лезет мне в голову Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные – У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее А-лай-лай-лай стало веселее. Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому. Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему. Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные – У-юй "Cпоем вместе е-ла-ла-ла-лай-лай" - Говорю я сове.
DJ_SHEMA Johnny Welcome. Looks like you can bring a very interesting dimension to this forum. I enjoy melos from different cultures, and this song was an interesting one. I can not detect any relation to the Macedonian language in this song. In fact, I thought it was closer to serbian. I have a good assortment of Macedonian folk music and I have not come across a song about owls. The only song that this melody remind me of is an old patriotic Macedonian song "Poslushajte Patrioti". The background sound that reminds of clapping is what mostly resembles this old Macedonian song. The chorus goes like "Zimi najmilo zimi najdrago zimi krst i kandilo " talks about a hero who was imprisoned by the turks. I lost some of my mp3's due to hard drive failure so I am in the process of recovering them. Once I have the mp3 I can send you the song if you are interested.
Ceki It sounds more like eastern slavic language. You say it isnt russian, how about ukrainian or other? Also the melody is like some russian, ukrainian ... to me. Maybe it is polish?
AaaAa It's somebody who doesn’t know Russian but still gives it a shot. Les Pires is Scottish led mixture of musicians (no longer exists).Dom Molards is their leader, who is regarded as someone strongly interested in traditional music. He apparently plays the percussions. An experimentalist with musical instruments and tunes; I would not be surprised if what they do with this song is trying to play their best and get the traditional tune right, rather then worry about what they sing, or whether it makes sense or whether they pronounce it right. They are regarded as hilarious-which explains why the lyrics don’t make a god damn sense :) Cheers