zborot dusman
zborot dusman
dejan od kade poteknuva ovoj zbor?? imase nekoja dokumentara za zhena od iran....zborese nesto, pa zborot 'dusman' go spomna. sestrami prasa nekoj arap od palestina, dali on znae nesto za toj zbor, on rece ne, pa me interesira.....dali e nekoj turski zbor?? ama neli turcite ne otidele do iran?? ili mozno e nekoj star makedonski zbor od vremeto na aleksandar?? neznam, ve prasuvam vas.
mnik So some more to Perde. Perde->Currtain Pero->Fether to write Perka->the hand of the Fish Perduv->Fether Pere->Washing According to the Fucks all this is stolen from us Macedonians. Ha, hole language is stolen if it is not satisfying to you Bulgs. Merak->to have affection for someone, so its according to your measure for some person Merka->to measure with free eye. Mere->to measure sciantificaly this is also borowed from the Turks, or you want to say that is from us. prove that the turks have the same family of words, or fuck of from this Forum. ciao
Originally posted by slasa
Originally posted by Strelec
Slave... Aj prochitaj mu go tekstot sega... Bash mu e dobar!:)
[:D][:D]samo koga ke procitam bugarski mi se ezi kozata [:)]
Убаво е да се прочита и бугарски, ама да имаше малку од малку содржина. Да кажат нешто да може да дискутираме, вака што. Само за “геј-ови“ пишуваат и толку. Многу го “обичаат“ Азиз...или што е работава.[:(]
tanevski Yeah ... sorry about the fonts - I hope I can get it right this time! The original Turkish word is "d#252;#351;man", pronounced the same as in Macedonian, its borrowed from Persian - "du#351;m#257;n". A few other examples ... Mer#257;k (Arabic) -> Merak (Turkish) -> Мерак (Maced) "Curiosity" K#363;r (Persian) -> K#246;r (Turkish) -> Ќор (Maced) "Blind" Perde (Persian) -> Perde (Turkish) -> Перде (Maced) "Curtains" B#257;d#257;m (Persian) -> Badem (Turkish) -> Бадем (Maced) "Almond" G#363;#351;e (Persian) -> K#246;#351;e (Turkish) -> Ќош (Maced) "Corner" #199;#257;der-i #351;eb (Persian) -> #199;ar#351;af (Turkish) -> Чаршаф (Maced) "Linen" This should be a bit better than my last post!
tanevski извини, имам малу проблем со уникода ... ако уште саката да ги видите оригиналните зборуви, гледајте тука http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_language даниел таневски (од битола)
dejan благодарам таневски!
slasa HM ??? cek da se setam ,OOoooooOOO pomos bre krapce edno
BMPO_DPMHE DUSMAN e turska duma. Nie Blgarite vzeli sme ja od TURCITE oti sme im davali gazot si poveke odkolku drugite narodi na balkanot.
slasa Jakov dosega za ovie godini nqa vmacedonija nieden bugarski post ne ima nisto kazano nego tresenje na gluposti i proviciranje ,, toa e toa zatoa ne gi ni citam povejke
toni_a BMPO_DPMHE DA IDE DA PIE EDEN "AIRAN" ZA DA OLABAVI MALKU! (moze i svezo zamesan,makedonski, da mu predlozam) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sto mu vredi na eden covek sto naucil da cita i pisuva,a razmisluvanjeto go prepusta na drugi?
Originally posted by BMPO_DPMHE
DUSMAN e turska duma. Vzeli ste ja od TURCITE oti ste im davali gazot si poveke odkolku drugite narodi na balkanot.
A da ti ebam mater Bugarska pederu gubise ofd Deovde .. ADMINI spiete Strelec Razbuidise i kloca vgas na obva kopile bugarsko
Strelec Slave... Aj prochitaj mu go tekstot sega... Bash mu e dobar!:)
Originally posted by Strelec
Slave... Aj prochitaj mu go tekstot sega... Bash mu e dobar!:)
[:D][:D]samo koga ke procitam bugarski mi se ezi kozata [:)]
Originally posted by dejan
od kade poteknuva ovoj zbor?? imase nekoja dokumentara za zhena od iran....zborese nesto, pa zborot 'dusman' go spomna. sestrami prasa nekoj arap od palestina, dali on znae nesto za toj zbor, on rece ne, pa me interesira.....dali e nekoj turski zbor?? ama neli turcite ne otidele do iran?? ili mozno e nekoj star makedonski zbor od vremeto na aleksandar?? neznam, ve prasuvam vas.
dejan, moje mislenje e deka Dushman e od "Dusha" i "mana,maka"->shto e i sinonim za hendikepiranje, shto ako zaedno gi stavish znachi toa shto znachi, saka dushata da ti ja izede, manipulira ili da ti ja izopachi. prvinta e misleno za dushevno a poshto site nashi nesosedi za vrme na turcite odele prvinta preku crkvata da ne pogrchuvaat pa da ne pobugarizuvaat i posrbuvaat stanuva i jasno zoshto e sinonim za neprijatel. ako turcite go imaat, togash tie go zele od nas, poshto ima nolgu zborovi shto deneshnite turci gi zele i od anatolijcite(tamoshni starosedetelci koji bile frigijci, koji imale nekoj "slovenski" touch) a i od balkanskite narodi. isto kako i vo zhimi "Zhivoto mi", i dever da vere -> da dovere e sklepano zaedno, taka i dushman. i da ne ti nabrojuvam ponatamu, se e jasno neli??? taka da site ni se dushmanei pa i ovoj navodniot BMRO saka da ni popuva. cao[:)]
mnik a ushte neshto shto sum zabelezal od Balgamchinjava, e deka ako neshto ne mozat da si objasnat, ke kazat deka e ova ili ona samo da ne se kaze deka e od nas. a i irancite se tepale so aleksandar, pa i bile pod nego nekoje vreme, taka da moze da ostanale i kaj niv nekj tragi. a mozebi i ne za to ane mozam nishto da kazam.
dejan fala mnik, dobro go rece sve:) za irancite, da, kako sto znam, denesneti 'Persians' se irancite.
Originally posted by dejan
fala mnik, dobro go rece sve:) za irancite, da, kako sto znam, denesneti 'Persians' se irancite.
nema zoshto [:)] da deneshtnite iranchani se persijancite!!
tanevski The word "Душман" is the word for "enemy" in Macedonian. It came into the Macedonian language some time during the Ottoman occupation of the Balkan penninsula. The original Turkish word is "D#252;#351;man", pronounced identically to the way which it is in Macedonian. The Turks borrowed this word from the Persians, "Du#351;m#257;n" as they would say. It wouldn't be surprising if an Iranian woman were to say this word, considering it originates from Iran! There are many other Persian/Turkish loanwords in Macedonian ... a few examples ... Mer#257;k (Arabic) -> Merak (Turkish) -> Мерак (Maced) “Curiosity” K#363;r (Persian) -> K#246;r (Turkish) -> Ќор (Maced) “Blind” Perde (Persian) -> Perde (Turkish) -> Перде (Maced) “Curtain” B#257;d#257;m (Persian) -> Badem (Turkish) -> Бадем (Maced) “Almond” G#363;#351;e (Persian) -> K#246;#351;e (Turkish) -> Ќош (Maced) “Corner” #199;#257;der-i #351;eb (Persian) -> #199;ar#351;af (Turkish) -> Чаршаф (Maced) “Linen”
Originally posted by tanevski
The word "Душман" is the word for "enemy" in Macedonian. It came into the Macedonian language some time during the Ottoman occupation of the Balkan penninsula. The original Turkish word is "D#252;#351;man", pronounced identically to the way which it is in Macedonian. The Turks borrowed this word from the Persians, "Du#351;m#257;n" as they would say. It wouldn't be surprising if an Iranian woman were to say this word, considering it originates from Iran! There are many other Persian/Turkish loanwords in Macedonian ... a few examples ... Mer#257;k (Arabic) -> Merak (Turkish) -> Мерак (Maced) #65533;Curiosity#65533; K#363;r (Persian) -> K#246;r (Turkish) -> #65533;ор (Maced) #65533;Blind#65533; Perde (Persian) -> Perde (Turkish) -> Перде (Maced) #65533;Curtain#65533; B#257;d#257;m (Persian) -> Badem (Turkish) -> Бадем (Maced) #65533;Almond#65533; G#363;#351;e (Persian) -> K#246;#351;e (Turkish) -> #65533;ош (Maced) #65533;Corner#65533; #199;#257;der-i #351;eb (Persian) -> #199;ar#351;af (Turkish) -> Чаршаф (Maced) #65533;Linen#65533;
first of all somethings wrong with your Fonts pal,most of your examples I cant read. you always want to say that only we under the turkish rulership borowed words, but there are so many words that they borowed too, which is not easy to extract exactly from which origin it is. I won't deny that there are many of those words in present Macedonian. But language is not one way road, so they are people too, and there are many macedonian women who were kidnap from the Turks, forced to mary and stuff, they brought many words with them too. Other option is that they took those words Because they heard it so often!! who knows, or they borowed it from the Anatolians!!! think of "Masa" meaning table. Turks were always muslems, and even today in Turkey many people sit on the ground and eat on the Sofra, small table. they as muslime, as well as others eated always on the ground and had no Masa. and today Egiptian who were under turk rulership as well, have borowed the word Sofra too, but Masa is not prezent in their language. how comes this??? Both Macedonians, as well as other Balkan people say Masa, at the same time they borowed the word Sofra,so both words are present even today, but the Egiptian who have also Sofra and are Muslim, have only Sofra and no word as Masa. Masa and Mese are very close to each other, on the Masa the woman Mese bread!!! Logic or not???? Ups. Turks borowed Masa from us so called Slovens!!![:D] So dont tell me that they cant borow some other words from us, and if the Turks have borowed the Dushman from the Persians, so I ask you why they have only this word for Enemy? they did not had much contact with them, and no Iranian was under turkish rulership(so far as I know and I will prove this too). The word Dushman, means exactly what I said, and the Turks could ahave it from the Phrigians, todays Anatolians, who as well as the Ancient Macedonian, were close with their languages. But since the ancient Macedonian is not well preservet, and the Phrigian too, one can not se all of the spektrum of the words present in the both languages. and todays Macedonian passed through evolution, but almost all roots are still present and only the endings and the deriving of the words from the basic roots are changed. Dusha comes from Disham, and both comes from Duva,Duha. And they were Dushmans too because they wanted to Moslemize the People under their rulership. They were exactly as your Bulgs were too. and still language is changing, but roots are still the same as it seems. and do you want to say that we borowed the word Pere meaning Washing too??? Pere->Perde??? I dont think so!!! But your oppinion stays yours!!! ones again, I dont say that there are no Turkish words in Macedonian, what I say, turks have no clue from what this word comes, even dont have explanation for it, they use it just like this, and I have to talk to Iranian, and I will my Dushma, to see if they have any clue. and I should say at this point that in Macedonian there are some basic but very old words do not have compandant of modern Macedonian, it can happen the same with the turks,and Iranians too, but some words are very meaningfull and describing,and have logic use my Dushman.. Bye Bye!!!![8D]
Originally posted by tanevski
The word "Душман" is the word for "enemy" in Macedonian. It came into the Macedonian language some time during the Ottoman occupation of the Balkan penninsula. The original Turkish word is "D#252;#351;man", pronounced identically to the way which it is in Macedonian. The Turks borrowed this word from the Persians, "Du#351;m#257;n" as they would say. It wouldn't be surprising if an Iranian woman were to say this word, considering it originates from Iran! There are many other Persian/Turkish loanwords in Macedonian ... a few examples ... Mer#257;k (Arabic) -> Merak (Turkish) -> Мерак (Maced) “Curiosity” K#363;r (Persian) -> K#246;r (Turkish) -> Ќор (Maced) “Blind” Perde (Persian) -> Perde (Turkish) -> Перде (Maced) “Curtain” B#257;d#257;m (Persian) -> Badem (Turkish) -> Бадем (Maced) “Almond” G#363;#351;e (Persian) -> K#246;#351;e (Turkish) -> Ќош (Maced) “Corner” #199;#257;der-i #351;eb (Persian) -> #199;ar#351;af (Turkish) -> Чаршаф (Maced) “Linen”
vo pravo si
ProMKD Ya something with the fonts at the bottom...unreadable
Christian so vie be na site vas,se se nasi zborovi.Uste od vremeto na Aco[:)] samo so posle ni gi vratile doma so toa sto ne osvoile.