Makedonija zabravi
Makedonija zabravi
ink_patriot Makedonci,mnogo barzo zabravihte!

Neka sega da vidim kakvo stava v makedonija prez 2001!

Originally posted by ink_patriot
Makedonci,mnogo barzo zabravihte![img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\krushevo.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\posreshtane2.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\posreshtane4.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\posreshtane6.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\posreshtane7.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\Posreshtane8.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\bulgarianfascisticoccupiermacedonian_files\Posreshtane9.jpg[/img] Neka sega da vidim kakvo stava v makedonija prez 2001! [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\My Pictures\mac0001.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\My Pictures\mac0012.jpg[/img] [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Ivan\My Documents\My Pictures\mac0011.jpg[/img]
ZOTE Mnogu ti se jaki slikive, no izgleda samo ti moze da gi vidish :)) [:D]
mnik here is what Borza said about the Modern Macedonian Nation: ################################################################ I shall review the evidence for the existence of a modern Macedonian ethnicity with reference to my recent work in a Macedonian ethnic community in Steelton, Pennsylvania. Both the gravestones in a local cemetery and U.S. census reports from the early twentieth century provide evidence that emigres from Macedonia who lived and died in Steelton in the early twentieth century considered themselves to be distinct from their Serbian and Bulgarian neighbors. ###################################################################### where you can read more
dejan wtf are you on about?? I can hardly understand what you are trying to say, and as for the pictures!! lol...can anyone be more stupid than you!
Originally posted by ink_patriot
Q vjte car Boris 3,zashto ne se darji nadmenno kato porobitel?Q vijte che e do starite i do decata na Makedonija!Kakav zal porobitel!?
dont cry Bulg boy, he was not freedom angel, thats for sure. and stop posting "hollywood pictures" from XX century [:D] all set Propaganda!!!!