Egipetska Mitologija
Egipetska Mitologija
SpaceLily Introduction

The Egyptians left a tremendous amount of information buried in the warm sands of North Africa. They were, it seems, dedicated to writing, painting and sculpting every aspect of their lives. And a great deal of this information concerns the Egyptians view of the afterlife.Today, thanks to many lifetimes of hard work by the people who have earned the title of Egyptologists, we are lucky enough to be given an understanding of who the Ancient Egyptians were.


Mummification is the preservation of a body, either animal or human. Some mummies are preserved wet, some are frozen, and some are dried. It can be a natural process or it may be deliberately achieved. The Egyptian mummies were deliberately made by drying the body. By eliminating moisture, you have eliminated the source of decay. They dried the body by using a salt mixture called natron. Natron is a natural substance that is found in abundance along the Nile river. Natron is made up of four salts: sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulfate. The sodium carbonate works as a drying agent, drawing the water out of the body. At the same time the bicarbonate, when subjected to moisture, increases the pH that creates a hostile environment for bacteria. The Egyptian climate lent itself well to the mummification process, being both very hot and dry. The Egyptians believed that there were six important aspects that made up a human being: the physical body, shadow, name, ka (spirit), ba (personality), and the akh (immortality). Each one of these elements played an important role in the well being of an individual. Each was necessary to achieve rebirth into the afterlife.

With the exception of the akh, all these elements join a person at birth. A person's shadow was always present. A person could not exist with out a shadow, nor the shadow without the person. The shadow was represented as a small human figure painted completely black.

A person's name was given to them at birth and would live for as long as that name was spoken. This is why efforts were made to protect the name. A cartouche (magical rope) was used to surround the name and protect it for eternity.

The ka was a person's double. It is what we would call a spirit or a soul. The ka was created at the same time as the physical body. The doubles were made on a potters wheel by the ram-headed god, Khnum. The ka existed in the physical world and resided in the tomb. It had the same needs that the person had in life, which was to eat, drink, etc. The Egyptians left offerings of food, drink, and worldly possessions in tombs for the ka to use.

The ba can best be described as someone's personality. Like a person's body, each ba was an individual. It entered a person's body with the breath of life and it left at the time of death. It moved freely between the underworld and the physical world. The ba had the ability to take on different forms.

The akh was the aspect of a person that would join the gods in the underworld being immortal and unchangeable. It was created after death by the use of funerary text and spells, designed to bring forth an akh. Once this was achieved that individual was assured of not "dying a second time" a death that would mean the end of one's existence.

An intact body was an integral part of a person's afterlife. Without a physical body there was no shadow, no name, no ka, ba, or akh. By mummification, the Egyptians believed they were assuring themselves a successful rebirth into the afterlife.

Eve neshto za pocetok:)...ako nekoj nekogash bil Egipet,bi sakala da prochitam shto videl,shto posetil i shto mu ostavilo najgolem vpechatok.Jas nikogash ne sum bila a imam golema zelba.

The_Crow zavisi sto nudis za vozvrat?
Jakov Ovde za Piramidi zborite ili za berza na "trudot"?
EDO Piramidi hmmm neznam sto da kazam za toa piramidite kako i mnogu drugi sto kazale ama ne znaat sto kazale:)
dejan Mnogu me interesirat Egipcanite! Naj pametni bile vo antickiot svet. Tie piramidi e dokaz deka bile pameten narod. toa п=3.14, site mislat deka nekoj grk go izmislil toa, ne e tocno, egipcanite bile prvi da go izmislat toa 'pi'
Originally posted by dejan
Mnogu me interesirat Egipcanite! Naj pametni bile vo antickiot svet. Tie piramidi e dokaz deka bile pameten narod. toa п=3.14, site mislat deka nekoj grk go izmislil toa, ne e tocno, egipcanite bile prvi da go izmislat toa 'pi'
Dejanco,dali znaes deka edna od najstarite meteoroloski stanici vo svetot se naoga vo Makedonija,ni Egipet,ni Megipet.Datira od 13 vek pred nasa era.A za toa deka bile edni od najpametnite civilizacii sto postoele na svetot,taka e.Muabetot mi bese deka i kaj nas imalo nesto sto go nemalo nikade vo toa vreme.[:D]
dejan da da, taka e[;)]
dejan piramidite vo meksiko, kako sto znam, bile izgradeni posle isus?
wolf_pack Египетските пирамиди се толку прецизно изградено, што ден денес најквалитетните инжинери не можат ни да го симулират тоа. Не може да пројде кредит-карта низ камењата со кои се градени пирамидите па замислете кои мозоци се биле дужни за тоа.
ZOTE Jas kolku shto sum chital i gledal nekoi emisii na tv piramidite gi izgradila vonzemska civilizacija. Se pretpostavuva isto taka deka se identichni so piramidite vo Meksiko. Ovaa slichnost e povrzana so potopuvanjeto na Atlantida. Taka da preziveanite zitelite na Atlantida koga se spasuvale se podelile na dve strani od svetot i zatoa imalo slichosti kaj piramidite vo Egipet i Meksiko.
RaGeAnGeL Ako ima neshto so me fascinira vo zivotov to se Piramidite....pred nekolku godini citav edna strashno interesna kniga "Ocite na Sfingata"ako ve interesira Egipet ,piramidi,mumii itn pobarajte ja i citnete ja :)))Ke probam da gi oddvojam najinteresnite fakti za piramidive pa evo ko za pocetok: -Piramidata e postavena tocno prema stranite na svetot(se misli na piramidata vo Giza) -Piramidata se naoga vo centarot na kopnenata masa na Zemjata -Meridijanot koj pominava niz Giza gi deli morinjata i kontinentite na Zemjata na dva ednakvi dela. -Voglavno piramidite go delat regionot na rekana Nil na dva ednakvi dela. -Piramidata e sovrshen geodetski stozer i tocka za pravec.So pomosh na trangulacija moze da se izmeri celata zemja do kaj shto ni dopira pogledot...kako shto zaklucile i Napoleonovite naucnici. -Trite piramidi na Giza se izgradeni megu sebe vo Pitagorin triagolnik ,cii strani se naogaat vo razmer 3:4:5. -Odnosot pomegu visinata i obemot na piramidite odgovara na odnosot pomegu precnikot na krugot i obemot na krugot. -So pomosh na piramidata moze da se izracuna volumenot na topka i povrshinata na topkata. -Piramidata e dzinovski pesocen sat.Senkite koi taa gi pravi od sredinata na Oktomvri do pocetokot na Mart go pokazuvaat godishnoto vreme i dolzinata na godinata.Dolzinata na kamenite ploci koi se naogaat okolku piramidata e ednakva na dolzinata na senkite vo eden den.Posmatranjeto na tie senki na tie kameni ploci moze da dade tocna dolzina na godinata na 0,2419 del. -Normalnata dolzina na stranata na kvadratnata osnova dava 365,342 egipetski laktovi.Brojot e identichen so bojot na denovite vo tropskata soncheva godina. - Rastojanieto od piramidata do centarot na Zemjata, e isto kako rastojanieto od Severniot pol do centarot na Zemjata. -Vkupnata povrshina na 4-te strani na piramidata odgovarat na kvadratot na visinata na piramidata. -Dokolku se podeli osnovata na piramidata so duplata polovina na ovaj spomenik se dobiva brojot P=3,1416 -Vrvot na golemata piramida se poklopuva so severniot pol, nejziniot obem odgovara na dolzhinata na ekvatorot, a i dvata se srazmerno oddalecheni eden od drug. -Sekoja strana na piramidata taka e izmerena, da odgovara na cetvrtina sektor na severnata polutopka, ili sferichen kvadrat od 90 stepeni (obemot na ekvatorot iznesuva 40.076,592km a obemot na Zemjata preku polovite e 40.009,153km ...)
RaGeAnGeL dalje....evo ushte nekolku interesni raboti za piramidata vo Giza: -Golemata piramida bila grizlivo lociran orienter shto go izgradile geografite na drevniot svet -Sluzela kako opservatorija od koja co zadovolitelna tocnost bile crtani karti na zvezdite -Nejzinite strani i agli im bile osnova na site drevni kartografi -Taa bi mozela da bide prakticna biblioteka na drevnite sistemi i meri -Graditelite gi znaele precizno vrednostite na obemot na zemjata,dolzinata na godinata,vklucuvajki go i nejziniot "ostatok" od 0,2422 dela na den.Tie,isto taka,mozele da gi znaat i dolzinata na Zemjinata orbita okolu sonceto,specificnata gustina na Zemjata,26.000-godishniot ciklus na ramnodenicata,zabrzuvanjeto na gravitacijata i brzinata na svetlinata. bi bilo interesno ako ne se spomnam deka sevo ova e sluceno pred pojke od 3000 p.n.e.Kako gi znaele ovie raboti i kako postignale se.....e to e znak ?
Originally posted by dejan
piramidite vo meksiko, kako sto znam, bile izgradeni posle isus?
ako mislis na Peru imase eptem jak dokumentarec na National Geographic channel a imase i super storija vo spisanieto...evo vidi si sam[;)]
ZOTE Jas pak che kazam deka piramidite 100 posto se izgradeni od vonzemjani. Isto taka sum prochital deka sluzele kako orentir na vselenskite brodovi koi pominuvale niz nashiot univerzum.
RaGeAnGeL ti pred da kazis procitaj neso pa daj link ili ime na kniga da procitame i nie i posle ke se razberime[;)]A ako tolku si zapnal ondak zemi koja bilo kniga od Erich von Dankien i togash ke mojme da prajme muabet [:D]
bliznak Јавииии сеeee Јаков![;)][:D]
Originally posted by RaGeAnGeL
ti pred da kazis procitaj neso pa daj link ili ime na kniga da procitame i nie i posle ke se razberime[;)]A ako tolku si zapnal ondak zemi koja bilo kniga od Erich von Dankien i togash ke mojme da prajme muabet [:D]
ZOTE Sumerani su poznavali DNK 5000. godina prije suvremene medicine #353;to je nevjerojatno. Isto tako nevjerojatno, Sumerani su opisali sve planete, veli#269;inu, te#382;inu i polo#382;aj. 5000. godina prije Kopernika.Opisali su Uran i Neptun. Te planete je tek 1986. letjelica Voyager izbliza prou#269;ila. Tko im je mogao re#263;i sve te podatke, kada nisu imali sredstva kojima bi mogli sve to saznati.Mo#382;da su im te podatke dali bi#263;a koja su vidjela sve te planete? Me mrzeshe da preveduvam se nadevam deka ne se ljutite.
ProMKD Jas neznam koj gi izgradil, ama spored mene ne e razbirlivo da pred tolku dolgo vreme lugeto da mozele da izgradat nesto tolku precizno, a sega da nemozeme so tehnologija. Objasnuvanje nemam...
SpaceLily There are days when the sand blows ceaselessly, blanketing the remains of a powerful dynasty that ruled Egypt 5,000 years ago. When the wind dies down and the sands are still, a long shadow casts a wedge of darkness across the Sahara, creeping ever longer as the north African sun sinks beyond the horizon. This is where our history of Egypt begins, in the shadow of the Great Pyramid of Giza, where stone meets sky as a testament to one of the greatest civilizations on earth. Here, on the plateau of Giza, 2,300,000 blocks of stone, some weighing as much as 9 tons, were used to build an eternal tomb for a divine king.Five thousand years ago, the fourth dynasty of Egypt's Old Kingdom was a highly advanced civilization where the kings, known as pharaohs, were believed to be gods. They lived amidst palaces and temples built to honor them and their deified ancestors. "Pharaoh" originally meant "great house," but later came to mean king. What we know of this early society changes and is re-intepreted year by year as new archaeological finds discovered beneath the desert sands revise our understanding of ancient Egypt. This web site will show you science in action -- bringing you face to face with the evidence archaeologists use to understand the meaning of Giza's pyramids, and to the process of evaluating the finds they will uncover beneath the sands of the plateau. Before looking closely at pharaonic society and the beginning of the Pyramid Age, one first has to step into Egypt's landscape and take a look around. Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemet," which meant "black," after the black fertile silt-layered soil that was left behind each year during the annual innundation, when the Nile flooded the fields. The most prevalent color of the desert, however, is a decidedly reddish-yellow ochre. The Egyptians called the desert "deshret," meaning "red," and this endless carpet of sand covers an estimated 95 % of Egypt, interrupted only by the narrow band of green carved by the waters of the Nile. Here, the extreme dry sands of the desert meet the fertile silt-laden soils along the Nile -- a river that provides a source of life for the entire nation and a good part of the African continent. Who built the pyramids? The question of who built the pyramids, and how, has long been debated by Egyptologists and historians. Standing at the base of the pyramids at Giza it is hard to believe that any of these enormous monuments could have been built in one pharaoh's lifetime. Herodotus, the Greek historian who wrote in the 5th century B.C., 500 years before Christ, is the earliest known chronicler and historian of the Egyptian Pyramid Age. By his accounts, the labor force that built Khufu totalled more than 100,000 people. But Herodotus visited the pyramids 2,700 years after they were built and his impressive figure was an educated guess, based on hearsay. Modern Egyptologists believe the real number is closer to 20,000. The precise age of the pyramids of Giza has long been debated because, until now, there has been little evidence to prove when the pyramids were built. The history books generally point to 3200 B.C. as the approximate date when the pyramid of Khufu was under construction. But how exactly do Egyptologists date the pyramids? Like past excavations, the current dig at Giza attempts to bring us closer to pinpointing the time period during which the pyramids were built.
bliznak Тањо! Те молам повеќе да не земаш дрога! фала однапред.
RaGeAnGeL a jas odnazad da ti kazam da ne mi zezash topik....go sakam ova pobogu!serizona sum sega srcko[:X]odi dishi mi malce ti ne sedi ovde ajde ajde ajde[;)]
mako Erich von Daniken rulez!
toni_a grobnicata,te. prostorijata vo koja se pogrebuval faraonot se naoga vo nejziniot energetski centar.tocno tamu se sobiraat energiite i dejstvuvaat na najrazlicni nacini... edno dejstvo sto ima vo taa tocka e namalen proces na raspaganje, razlaganje.tocno zatoa i tamu bile grobnicite na dostignuva eden vid na prirodna konzervacija.
Originally posted by mako
Erich von Daniken rulez!
eptem si vo pravo[:D]
dejan dali znaete deka egipcanite izmislile nacin na struja?? drugarmi znae mnogu za epicanite, i mi pokaze edna kniga kade se dokazhuva toa, i bas ima kako slika od toa sto stavile vo kamen za struja.
SpaceLily Pyramids The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza(A town located near Cairo in northern Egypt. The site of three large stone pyramids built during the fourth dynasty) at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'. Step Pyramid In the third dynasty, a pharaoh named Djoser had a large stone pyramid built at Saqqara. This pyramid has many layers and looks like several mastabas stacked on top of each other. [img][/img] Bent Pyramid The bent pyramid at Dahshur shows us that the ancient Egyptians experimented a lot with the slope of the pyramids. In the middle of construction the builders must have decided that the slope of the building was too steep to continue. Thus, the top half of the pyramid has a different slope. The slope that was used for the upper section of this pyramid was later used by the builders of the Giza pyramids. [img][/img] The Giza Pyramid In the fourth dynasty, three large stone pyramids were built at Giza. The design of these pyramids was based on the pyramids that had been built before. These are the largest and sturdiest pyramids that were ever built in ancient Egypt. The first and largest pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu (also known as Cheops). The second largest pyramid was built for Khufu's son, Khafra (also known as Chephren). In addition to the usual parts of a pyramid complex, Khafra's pyramid is guarded by a huge sphinx. [img][/img]
Јавииии сеeee Јаков!
Evo letim....koj me baral????
Originally posted by ZOTE
Jas pak che kazam deka piramidite 100 posto se izgradeni od vonzemjani. Isto taka sum prochital deka sluzele kako orentir na vselenskite brodovi koi pominuvale niz nashiot univerzum.
Ako ja prifatime za verodostojna teorijata na ZOTE, za vonzemnoto poteklo na Piramidite, togas mislam deka treba Rage da se stavi pod seriozen nadzor. Vakvo poznavanje na Piramidite i fasciniranozt, znaci samo edno. "Rage is spacegirll" [;)]
RaGeAnGeL me dupci:)))ke te skinam:))pisi neso znam deka znajs a znajs deka sakam da pisis zato pisi so ubo dur ti vikam[:D] ef neso za mumificirajevo da kazime ... Edna od mnogute ne objasnati raboti za Egipet e i faktot shto tie ne mumificirale samo luge nego i zivotni kako na pr:bik,oven,koza,gazela,volk,krokodil,zmija,macka,ris,ez,staorec,glushec,riba,vidra,sokol,jastreb,gavran,lasta,krava,ovca,antilopa,kuce,lisica,la,mecka,zajak,nilski konj,zaba,jagula,orel,vrana,ibis,gulab,guska,shkorpija......Najdeni se bezbroj grobnici na zivotni i ptici ( po nekolku stotici od eden vid)mumificirani.Okolu 4 milioni ibisi se najdeni vo katakombite vo Hermopolis.....ushte pointeresno e deka mnogu od ovie zivotni bile "neobicni",vo smisol oven so opashka od zmija....bik so noze od macka itn itn....Crtezite na zidovite na piramidite so "neobici"zivotni,gi naogaat naucnicite mumificirani pod Sahara....20% od Sahara e proucena...drugite 80% se pesok i pretpostavki.Svingata mozda i postoela.....zashto?:)) e pa vaka:1987 god vo USA vo univerzitetot vo Kalifornija e napraven prv obid na "meshanje"na dve vrsti na zivotni vo slucajov koza i ovca-dobien e nov vid t.n.ovza:)preden del e ovca zaden del e koza Koj moze da kaze deka pred nekolku iljadi godini ne postoele ribi shto letaat ili konji so krila ili.....dali bile plod na evolucijata ili poteknuvale od nekoja vonzemjanska labaratorija?? 1979 god GENETECH go pravi prviot hormon za rastenje koj i den deneska se upotrebuva kaj nekoi deca so zakasnat razvoj...Londonskata zoloshka gradina ima i svoja "zivotinska banka"kade shto se cuvaat jajceni kelii embrioni,seme i genetski materijali na site zivotni vo slucaj da odreden vid izumre ,naucnicite ke mozat da go obnovat:))) I celava ovaa rabota izgleda kako history repeat od pred 3-4000 god:)
The_Crow Rageangel gledam deka sakas da ides vo egipet da gi vidis piramidite. Ako ti treba drustvo za egipet i am your man ideme zaedno.
RaGeAnGeL plakas?