South Park
South Park
AaaAa Satan: Saddaam! You're back. I thought I killed you! Saddaam: Yeah, well where was I gonna go, Detroit? Mr. Garrison: Hey, guess what everybody? I'm gay! Principal Victoria: Mr. Garrison? Mr. Mackey: What? Mr. Garrison: I'm as gay as a gymnast on shore leave! Principal Victoria: You admit it? You admit it!!! Mr. Mackey: Oh, that's great, Mr. Garriosn. You've finally come to terms with yourself! Mr. Garrison: Yeah, it feels really good! Principal Victoria: Well, congratulations! Mr. Mackey: Yeah, congratulations! Mr. Garrison: You know, I feel like I can start anew. If it's not alright with you, I'd like to go back to teaching the third grade. Principal Victoria: Oh. I'm sorry, we don't hire gay people. Stan: Hey, do you know where I can find the clitoris? Cartman: What is that like finding Jesus or something? Cartman: I used to think disabled people were here for my amusement. Kyle: Wow! That's a lot of seamen, Cartman. Cartman: Yeah, I bought all that I could at this bank, and then I got the rest from this guy Ralph in an alley. Stan: That's cool. Cartman: Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid asshole didn't even charge me money for it. He just made me close my eyes and suck on a hose.
wolf_pack [url=""]Kyle's mom is a stupid bitch[/url]
deni she's the biggest bitch I know and she stinks like shit!
AaaAa Cartman: I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet you skinny bitch. Cartman: Well God, I guess you got me again, didn't you? Yeah, that was a good one, God. Hope it made you laugh, you sick bastard. Cartman: Too bad drinking scotch isn't a paying job or Kenny's dad would be a millionare! Cartman: Anyway Kenny, Yellow MegaMan is only $8.95, so maybe your mom can put it on layaway and make payments for a year or two. Kyle: [The boys are confronted by Afghan soldiers.] Uh, greetings from Canada. Well boys, it's 'aboot' time we get back to our 'hoose' in Canada, isn't it? Cartman: Hey, what the hell are you talking about? I'm not a Goddamn' Canandian and neither are you. Stan: Cartman, you stupid asshole. Cartman: Well, I looked in my mom's closet and saw what I was getting for Christmas, an UltraVibe Pleasure 2000. Cartman: It's an Afghanistan goat, so it can't stay here, or else it'll choke on the sweet air of freedom. Cartman: I'm not fat! I'm festivally plump!