Did you know that Misirkov was a Bessarabian? |
Petros Houhoulis |
Go to your most beloved propaganda site:
Follow the link:
Follow the link: Biography of Krste Petkov Misirkov
Go to the 20th paragraph:
"When he returned from the Balkan front, Misirkov gave up his post at Odessa and was appointed assistant master of the grammar school at Kishinev. At that time Bessarabia became a republic, and he was elected the first member of its Parliament. However, the pro-Rumanian party was dominant and the Rumanian army brought strong pressure to bear on the young republic so that the Parliament was forced to declare the annexation of Bessarabia to Rumania in November 1918..."
The ultimate Verdict: The first member of the Bessarabian parliament could only be a... Bessarabian.
Alright folks?
No more crap about Misirkovs' Nationality around here. We've had enough of it...[:p] |
Duhot na Vovata |
You'd better get out of here... OK. What is Misirkov's nationality is our debate and greek viruses are not needed in the mix. |
Jakov |
Neznam zosto voopsto treba da se rasprava za egzaktni raboti potkrepeni so fakti. Temava e non-sens vo samiot naslov i so samiot avtori, pa zatoa ke bide zaklucena. |