The big lie of Greeks
The big lie of Greeks
ozonce A big lie of Greeks is their attitude towards ethnic minorities i.e. the denied existence of other ethnicity in Greece, German historian Christian Foss said. "This also refers to Macedonians given the official non-recognition of Slav minority in northwest part of Greece, which clearly declare themselves as Macedonians. I reckon that minorities-related issue stands behind the big agitation over the name of the Republic of Macedonia," Foss told Deutsche Welle Radio. Historian Foss stressed that name issue ignited by Greece is "artificial". "The problem was created artificially given the fact that the name Macedonia plays no role as far as Greeks are concerned. The Ministry in Northern Greece used to call itself a Ministry for Northern Greece, and following the rift with the Republic of Macedonia in 1991, Greeks started to glorify Alexander The Great and his heritage, the Vergina Star, in particular the name Macedonia, which has been too much exploited on national level," Foss said. In this context, he also mentioned the renaming of an airport in Thessaloniki, and Alexander-engraved 100 drachma coins. As regards the historical context of the name, Foss said the problems occurred in early 20th century, when the three Balkan neighbors of Macedonia forged ahead with grabbing its territory. "In the course of Greek dictatorship era in early 20th century, Greece had mistreated the Slav-speaking population. Greece took an advantage of the civil war in late 40s (of 20th century) to banish tens of thousands of Slav-speaking residents fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with communists. This is an important factor to comprehend why Greeks block a solution to the so-called Macedonian issue. Up to present days, these refugees have been derived from their right to return home as Greece challenges Macedonian identity, German historian said in an interview with Deutsche Welle Radio. /end/ [url=""]source[/url]
Inkognito Кратка верзија на Македонски.. Според германскиот историчар Кристијан Фос Грција создава вештачки проблем со името Бон - Проблемот со името на Македонија што го прави Грција, „е вештачки”, вели германскиот историчар, Кристијан Фос, кој е научен соработник на Универзитетот во Фрајбург. „Проблемот е создаден вештачки, во таа смисла што за Грците, името Македонија не игра никаква улога. Министерството за Северна Грција се нарекуваше министерство за Северна Грција, а дури по конфликтот со Македонија во 1991, Грците почнаа да го величаат Александар Велики и неговото наследство, ѕвездата од Вергина и, пред сў, името Македонија, кое толку многу национално го експлоатираа” - изјави Фос, додавајќи и за преименување на аеродромот во Солун, како и за ставањето на ликот на Александар на монетите од 100 драхми. Објаснувајќи го историскиот контекст на проблемот, Фос изјави дека проблемите настануваат во почеток на дваесеттиот век, кога трите балкански соседи на Македонија се грабаа за нејзината територија. Во интервјуто за Дојче веле тој вели дека “голема животна лага на Грците е односот спрема малцинствата, т.е. одрекувањето дека постојат други етникуми во нивната држава”. „Ова секако се однесува и на Македонците и сў до денес се сретнуваме со официјално непризнавање на словенското малцинство во северозападниот дел на Грција, кое сосема јасно се декларира како македонско. Според мое мислење, прашањето за малцинствата сосема јасно стои зад големата возбуда околу името со Република Македонија”, оцени Фос во интервју за германското Државно радио Дојче веле.
ozonce "Modern Greeks are direct descendents of the Ancient Greeks" (The greatest victims of Greek lies are the Greeks themselves) [NOTE: Our apologies to the Greek people if they find these articles offensive. Our objective here is NOT to create tension between the Macedonian and Greek people but rather to highlight the problem that exists within the Greek State and its institutions. As long as the Greek State denies our existence as Macedonians with rights and privileges, we will continue to publish these types of articles.] How can a region in the Balkans where modern Greece is located today, which has been open to a multitude of invasions, conquests and settlements, remain homogeneous and untouched for two thousand seven hundred years? Ironically, as the Greeks claim, how can modern Macedonia, a region neighbouring modern Greece be so heterogeneous that it has completely lost its original identity? These are questions that every Greek should be asking! Ever since Philip II of Macedonia conquered the ancient City States at the conclusion of the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC, the region south of Olympus has been without borders and open to all kinds of invasions and barbarian settlements. THE BIG GREEK LIE: "Modern Greeks are direct descendents of the ancient Greeks" There were no "Ancient Greeks" since the word "Greek" was not coined until after the Roman conquests, approximately 600 years after the establishment of the City States and approximately 150 years after they were conquered by the Macedonians. It is also well known that the ancient City States were never united politically and never established themselves as a single state. In fact they existed politically independent from one another and fought each other for economic dominance of the region. The name "Greece" was imposed on the modern Greek Kingdom by the Great Powers Britain, France and Russia. Modern Greeks call themselves Hellenes (Ellines) and their state Hellas (Ellas). By using the name "Greek" to refer to both the ancient and modern people, the Greek state falsely implies descent for the modern Greeks from the ancients. By using the name "Greece" to refer to both the ancient and modern states, the Greek State is falsely implying; (1) continuity between the ancient City States and modern Greece, and (2) that there was some sort of political unity between the ancient City States themselves where one did not exist.. In reality the words "Greece" and "Greek" were popularized by modern 19th century writers. There are no ancient maps or references with the words "Greece". The Romans may have made some references to the ancient people living in Sicily as "Grecos" but they referred to the region south of Olympus as Achaia. During the Ottoman era the people living south of Olympus called themselves Romeos (Romans). Greece is a newly created state which never existed before the 19th century. The Kingdom of Greece, occupying the region of Morea, present day Peloponnesus, was created for the first time in 1829. Between 1829 and 1912 the Greeks enlarged their territory to present day Greece, by conquering Epirus, Thessaly and 51% of Macedonia. At its inception Greece stated out with a small population of less than one million people, most of whom were Albanians, Slavs and Vlahs with a small minority of other ethnicities. By the time Greece conquered Epirus and Thessaly, its population grew to three times its original size. In 1907 it registered a population of 2,600,000. After it conquered Macedonia and exchanged populations with Turkey, its population tripled. In 1928 Greece registered 6,200,000 people. 1,100,000 of them were Christians, refugees from Asia Minor. After the Treaty of Lausanne in July 1923, and after the population exchanges with Turkey, Greece declared itself homogenous consisting of 100% pure Greeks with a very small Muslim but ethnically Greek population. It is estimated that after Macedonia was conquered, occupied and had some of its population evicted, more than one million Macedonians still remained and were included among the Greeks. According to Greece however, there were no non-Greeks left in Macedonia after its population exchanges. Also, according to Greece, the ancient Macedonians were extinct, killed off by the Slavs around the 6th century AD during the so-called Slav invasions. So the question that begs to be asked here is, "What nationality were these million or so people who remained in Macedonia and became part of Greece?" Many Greeks would argue that they were Bulgarians! If that were the case, then how can the modern Greeks claim purity and homogeneity if at least 16% of its population in 1928 was non-Greek? What about its Vlah, Slav, Albanian and Turkish elements? Clearly they are not Greeks, let alone being direct descendents of the ancient Greeks? Even this small argument shows that there is something "fishy" about these Greek claims. For over a century and a half Greek State institutions, organizations and individuals have been making unproven and unfounded allegations that the modern Greeks are direct descendents of the ancients. To this day they have shown no evidence to prove their claims. In fact the opposite is true. There is ample evidence that proves that this particular modern Greek claim is an outright BIG Greek lie. This exact issue was tackled by Historian John Shea in chapter 4 of The Great Ethnic Mix of Greece, pages 77 to 96, in his book "Macedonia and Greece, The Struggle to Define a New Balkan Nation". Among other things, John Shea proves that even the ancient people were not homogeneous. "It has been estimated that in classical times the number of slaves in Attica was roughly equal to the number of free inhabitants, or around 100,000. In Sparta there was an even greater proportion of slaves, and most of them, the helots, were Messenians. While the slaves of Athens were a wide racial mix and therefore less likely to unite on the basis of a common language, these Messenian helots of Sparta all spoke Greek, and had a kind of group self-consciousness. Thus they presented 'special problems of security for their Spartan masters, whose numbers were constantly on the decline.' Changes in the ethnic composition of Greek city-states are illustrated by the comments about the case of Piso. Piso, who had been the recipient of an unhelpful decision by a vote of the Athenian city assembly, 'made a violent speech in which he said that the latter-day Athenians had no right to identify themselves with the great Athenians of the days of Pericles, Demosthenes, Aeschylus, and Plato. The ancient Athenians had been extirpated by repeated wars and massacres and these were mere mongrels, degenerates, and the descendants of slaves. He said that any Roman who flattered them as if they were the legitimate heirs of those ancient heroes was lowering the dignity of the Roman name.' Such historical ideas make it clear that even two thousand years ago the notion of ethnic purity amongst the Greeks was difficult to sustain. The ethnic mix continued over the next two thousand years. As Nicol has observed, 'The ancient Greeks were, after all, of very mixed ancestry; and there can be no doubt that the Byzantine Greeks, both before and after the Slav occupation, were even more heterogenous'." (Pages 83 and 84, John Shea, Macedonia and Greece, The Struggle to Define a New Balkan Nation) And there you have it! THE TRUTH: The modern Greeks are not only NOT direct descendents of the ancients, but their Greekness is a myth, a modern 19th century creation.
nepobedliv Kako i so sekoj drug nacionalizam - opasen mit, ali germanecot ubavo objasni.
dejan Fala Ozonce, dobro sto i nekoj stranci rabotat za nas.