I'm looking...
I'm looking...
The teacher Hi everyone! I'm a Bulgarian primary teacher and I'm looking for pen palls for our 1st grade students. If there is a Macedonian coleague who is interested in this activity, please write me here or to my e-mail address. If you aren't an interested coleague but you know where I can find what I'm looking for, please feel free to write me. Have a nice time![:)]
Jakov So bara zenava?
Originally posted by The teacher
Hi everyone! I'm a Bulgarian primary teacher and I'm looking for pen palls for our 1st grade students. If there is a Macedonian coleague who is interested in this activity, please write me here or to my e-mail address. If you aren't an interested coleague but you know where I can find what I'm looking for, please feel free to write me. Have a nice time![:)]
ej buigarke ne smees da pisuvas so tolku golemi bukvi
slasa jakov pojma nemam izglerda bara Makjedonsko Drzavjanstvo :-))))
ProMKD Ke i dademe ama samo ako priznae i potpise deka e Makedonka!
Originally posted by The teacher
Hi everyone! I'm a Bulgarian primary teacher and I'm looking for pen palls for our 1st grade students. If there is a Macedonian coleague who is interested in this activity, please write me here or to my e-mail address. If you aren't an interested coleague but you know where I can find what I'm looking for, please feel free to write me. Have a nice time![:)]
If there is anyone interested I am sure he/she will contact you.
The teacher OK If I had wanted to find some nationalists I wouldn't write in this forum as we have enough. The reason to write in here is to find clever, ambitious, openminded Macedonian teacher, who doesn't care what is the first - the egg or the chicken and he/she wants and can do something new for his/her students. If you are very angry because I have written in English - just think about - what is the most popular international language? Oh, if the problem is that you don't know [;)] English - it isn't my fault, is it? "As the man is live he has learned " / as we use to say/[:D] And one more thing - when you are so bitter with the others - you hurt yourself - you know, the malice has settled in your heart and then you get ill. [:(] About big letters - is there a rule that forbids someone use what letters he/she can? I'm sending everyone a big smile and a piece of my humanity.[:)] Don't you think - you must to answer this post if you have told your words.[|)]
The teacher Thank you OooOo!
Thunder from down under The teacher , you are not allowed to write with small letters :) Slasa he is a teacher -profesor to be exact and he is a single at the moment so if you are female go for it here are some pictures of him . most of his friends call him FABIO [img]http://www.i-mockery.com/bad-albums/fabio/fabio-album.jpg [/img] [img]http://www.fabioifc.com/fabio/FABIO_ME/ladate3_lg.gif [/img][img]http://www.i-mockery.com/bad-albums/fabio/fabio-covers.jpg[/img]
graf teacher hahaha. adje . I AM THE TEACHER . kazi mu thunder
Thunder from down under graf and fabio are from same village k*rajca heights
graf Thunder samo moja dolgo kosa e kaj mi e gas ahahahah
ProMKD wow....big words for a grade one teacher! Obviously, the rules of the forum indicate that you are aloud to write in only english or Macedonian, so none of us here would have a problem with you writing in english, so nice try [:)] I know you underestimate the Macedonian education system, and you underestimate our ability to use an international language such as english, however on the contrary, you are completely wrong. You have made a false assumption which could lead to trouble... Im sending u a big smile to show you my humanity, and my message is...dont judge a book by its cover. PS. I do not see how you are offended by the 'nationalists' on this topic. One simple joke was made here, and it was not at your expense.