Иконосликарство во Македонија
Иконосликарство во Македонија
angel Икони - иконосликарство во Македонија Со помош на бои, облици и линии, низ еден јазик на симболичен реализам, сликарски израз единствен во својот род, ни се открива духовната состојба на човекот спасен во вечноста на Царството Небесно. Човекот – храм Божји. Внатрешниот ред и мир во духовниот живот, за кој сведочат Светите Отци, се пренесени на иконата со спокојни и хармонични потези. Сето тело на светителот, сите детали и поединости, дури и косата, брчките, наборите на облеката и се што го опкружува, се е обединето и доведено до највисоко согласие. Во тоа се состои видливото прикажување на победата врз внатрешната делба и збрка во паднатата човечка природа, во процесот на очистување и преобразување на страстите, до обожение. Содржината на иконата, значи претставува вистински духовен патоказ за животот во Црквата, особено за молитвата. Таа на еден автентичен начин, ослободен од стеснетоста на поимите и зборовите, не учи каков став треба да завземеме во духовниот живот. Иконата е истовремено и пат којшто треба да се следи, и присуство на одондестраното и спасеното, и сретство. Таа самата е: молитва. Причината за постоењето на светата уметност во Православието е токму во тоа да донесе видливо сведоштво за двете стварности, обединувајќи ги во себе: историската стварност и стварноста на Царството Небесно, реалноста на создадденото и благодатта на Светиот Дух. Иконата е живо сведоштво за исходот и полнотата на учеството на човекот во Божествениот Живот. Македонската збирка на икони, особено Охридската е една од највредните во светот, денес. После Синајската и Московската збирка икони, таа е трета по значење во Православието. Од византолошки апект, е единствена.
angel [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31708.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-41.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-23.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-28.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-29.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31704.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-16.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-01.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-11.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-09.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-03.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-05.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-27.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-47.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-48.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-35.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-26.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-56.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-42.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31731.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31717.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31715.jpg[/img]
angel [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31729.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31730.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31736.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31746.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31735.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31734.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2313.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2326.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2315.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2322.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2321.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2323.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31825.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31810.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-24.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31811.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31751.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-60.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31824.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31733.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31809.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31749.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31721.jpg[/img]
angel [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31722.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31727.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31728.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-62.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-20.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-61.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31747.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/AUT31812.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-50.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2655.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/IMG_2655.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-40.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-53.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-45.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-18.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31723.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31726.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31745.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-44.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31805.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/Image-55.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.mpc.org.mk/_images/Galerii/Ikoni/tn/TIM31806.jpg[/img]
angel CHRIST PANTOCRATOR / ISUS PANTOKRATOR 1262/1263, 135 X 73 cm, Saint Clement, Ohrid The inscriptions on the back of this icon indicate that it originated in the period of the archiepiscopate of Constatine Cabasilas and thereby permit us to date it with precision, although the painter remains unknown. This sober, noble and majestic portrait glows with the intensity of the eyes, which exercise and irresistible fascination [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/pantokrator1.jpg[/img]
angel CHRIST THE GIVER OF LIFE / ISUS PANTOKRATOR 1394, 131 X 88.5 cm, iconostasis of Zrze monastery, Skopje Art Gallery This unusually large and well-preserved icon depicts Christ Pantocrator in all his austere majesty. The artist is the Metropolitan Jovan Zograf, the leader of a group of painters who worked in Serbia and Macedonia until the 15the century. In conformity with the canons, the Pantocrator, The All-powerful, is painted either as a half-or full-length portrait, enthroned or standing. The eyes fixed on the faithful, he raises one hand in blessing (the three outstretched fingers symbolize the Holy Trinity) and in the other holds the Gospel, sometimes open at different texts. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/pantokrator2.jpg[/img]
angel CHRIST PSYCHOSOSTIS Processional two-sided icon, early 14th c., 94.5 X 70.5 cm, Saint Clement, Ohrid The icon is covered by a particularly beautiful "rise" decorated with the busts of the twelve Apostles, of which only these (Peter, Paul, Andrew, John, Mark and Matthew) have been persevered. Processional icons have an opening in the middle of the lower edge (particularly visible on this one) for the pole by which they were carried. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/psychosostis.jpg[/img]
angel SAINT CLEMENT OF OHRID / SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI 17th c., 37 X 50 cm, Skopje Art Gallery Saint Clement, bishop of Ohrid, died in 916. He was the patron of this town which was at that time of great importance, from both the political and the cultural point of view. Saint Clement was also an important writer in as much as he wrote, among other works, a biography of Cyril and Methodius. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/svkl.jpg[/img]
angel THE EVANGELIST MATTHEW / EVANGELIST MATEJ End of the 13th - beginning of the 14th c., 106 X 56 cm, Saint Clement, Ohrid In conformity with the canons which require St. Matthew to be depicted as an old man, the figure in this portrait has been given certain characteristics of advanced age. Nevertheless, the general impression is one of youthful animation. Holding in his hand an open Gospel which begins with the word: "This is the book the birth of Christ", he seems about to hand it to someone and is stepping forward to do so. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/ematej.jpg[/img]
angel THE APOSTLE PETER / APOSTOL PETAR Fragment of a Deesis with portraits of the apostles, 15th c., Saint Clement, Ohrid This Deesis icon was discovered in 1960 by a collaborator of the Icon Collection of Saint Clement in Ohrid. The work in question is a frieze representing, in the center, the Deesis (Christ, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist) flanked on both sides by portraits of the apostles, The panel groups together scenes, which are normally the subject of, separate icons and which is part of the iconostasis; it must therefore come from a very small and narrow church. The icon is badly damaged, but the subtlety of the color shows, despite the clumsiness of certain details, the love which the painter felt for his subject . [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/apetar.jpg[/img]
angel THE APOSTLE THOMAS / APOSTOL TOMA Fragment of a Deesis with portraits of the apostles, 15th c., Saint Clement, Ohrid This Deesis icon was discovered in 1960 by a collaborator of the Icon Collection of Saint Clement in Ohrid. The work in question is a frieze representing, in the center, the Deesis (Christ, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist) flanked on both sides by portraits of the apostles, The panel groups together scenes, which are normally the subject of, separate icons and which are part of the iconostasis; it must therefore come from a very small and narrow church. The icon is badly damaged, but the subtlety of the color shows, despite the clumsiness of certain details, the love which the painter felt for his subject. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/atoma.jpg[/img]
angel THE APOSTLE MATTHEW / APOSTOL MATEJ Fragment of a Deesis with portraits of the apostles, 15th c., Saint Clement, Ohrid This Deesis icon was discovered in 1960 by a collaborator of the Icon Collection of Saint Clement in Ohrid. The work in question is a frieze representing, in the center, the Deesis (Christ, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist) flanked on both sides by portraits of the apostles, The panel groups together scenes, which are normally the subject of, separate icons and which are part of the iconostasis; it must therefore come from a very small and narrow church. The icon is badly damaged, but the subtlety of the color shows, despite the clumsiness of certain details, the love which the painter felt for his subject . [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/amatej.jpg[/img]
angel THE VIRGIN EPISKEPSIS / BOGORODICA EPISKEPSIS (Detail) 14th c., 103.4 X 52.3 cm, Saint Clement, Ohrid An approximate translation of the name of this icon (Episkepsis means Visitation) would be "the Virgin of Welfare". It is very similar to the famous "Vladimirskaya Virgin", which seems to have been inspired by it. This portrait in particular permit s one to study the pictorial technique used also in other periods and in no way limited to Serbia and Macedonia. The contour of the eyes and cheeks is olive-green, that of the nose and the mouth a bright red. The maphorion is decorated, on the forehead and the chest, with three stars - the symbols of eternal virginity. [img]http://faq.macedonia.org/images/bogorod.jpg[/img]