cover The Tetovo para-university, is a state-university for over a year, the para-military formations for liberation of the ethnical Albanians are now a registered political party sitting in the gouvernmet, while Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) is strenghtening as a title for the modern Macedonian state, even some internal organizations (ec. The Ministry of Health) use it as the official name of Macedonia. After USA's official recognition of Macedonia's constitutional name, things are starting to mova a little bit in the right direction, but still Greece finds the name Republic of Macedonia as a big threat for their identity. What are your oppinions on this issue?
Jakov Da ne ja zaklucuvam temava ide na Politika, pa tamu diskutiraj.
romanlakapin Денес над Македонија се раѓа Денес над Македонија се раѓа ново сонце на слободата Македонците се борат за своите правдини ! Македонците се борат за своите правдини ! Одново сега знамето се вее на Крушевската Република Гоце Делчев , Питу Гули Даме Груев , Сандански ! Гоце Делчев , Питу Гули Даме Груев , Сандански ! Горите Македонски шумно пеат нови песни , нови весници Македонија слободна слободна живее ! Македонија слободна слободна живее ! Во крај на месец октомври 1993 годнина се стигна до таму, та дури познатиот скопски историчар и бугаромразец Блаже Ристевски по Македонската телевизија јавно призна, дека македонските преродбеници и револуционери Гоце Делчев, Даме Груев, Ѓорче Петров се чуствувале и декларирале како дел од Бугарската нација.
Originally posted by cover
The Tetovo para-university, is a state-university for over a year, the para-military formations for liberation of the ethnical Albanians are now a registered political party sitting in the gouvernmet, while Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) is strenghtening as a title for the modern Macedonian state, even some internal organizations (ec. The Ministry of Health) use it as the official name of Macedonia. After USA's official recognition of Macedonia's constitutional name, things are starting to mova a little bit in the right direction, but still Greece finds the name Republic of Macedonia as a big threat for their identity. What are your oppinions on this issue?
Na ova bi dodal: These few days Macedonia celebrates the Albanian flag. It can be seen all over the country and all around the capital of Skopje. People are happy and MANU(Macedonian academy for arts and science) held a a lot of discussions about it. They accept the new celebration day and add a new hero to their common national history, Skender Beg. The academists are so happy that some of them even claim that the guy was Macedonian(Brotherhood and unity:)). This harmony and love between the two ethnoses is periodicly disturbed by an evil internal forces that insists on rehabilitation of some strangers to the new national history like: Venko Markovski, Shatorov Sharlo, Todor Alexandrov and a few more Aj za mnogu godini!:)
slasa abe cover tesko ti e na Makedonski da pises . ova go imame diskutirano odamna znaci stara tema se vrajka . predlog zaklucuvanje na temava
dragec I think that Macedonia should have it's name by it's constitution, not by some foreign or neighbouring directions.
Originally posted by slasa
abe cover tesko ti e na Makedonski da pises . ova go imame diskutirano odamna znaci stara tema se vrajka . predlog zaklucuvanje na temava
E pa ja go neam diskutirano!
slasa cover zatoa ima arhiva pobaraj ima dosta informacii
dejan Ama ima i dosta temi!! Diskutirajte, jas ke vi dozvolam ovoj pat!!!:D
zatoa ima arhiva
abe sea luge ve mrzi po arhivi da barate pa ke mora site da pisuvaat edno isto po stopati. bez navredi ama slasa ubavo ti pisa.
DJ_SHEMA I ova ne e tema za na istorija tuku na podforumot za politika.