Children 3-12
Children 3-12
mafisKumA They have an inbuilt “when it’s the perfect time to talk to mum” as soon as she enters the bathroom or starts to talk on the telephone. It’s also the “me me me me” and “I want I want” years.
mafisKumA lol, I did that once, not with toys but my sons clothes [^] it solved the problem quick smart we've never had that problem since [^]
mafisKumA Involve your child in the preparation of meals, whether it be peeling vegetables or mixing ingredients. Children love to help and the satisfaction of them knowing that they helped to prepare the meal encourages them to eat.
mafisKumA There’s nothing worse than having toys sprawled all over the place. When the children have finished playing yet are not convinced that it’s their responsibility to pick up their own toys try to make it fun by making a game out of it. Have a competition i.e. who can pick up the most toys and have a little reward waiting for them at the end of the game.
Sunshine A co-worker of mine has four kids and I looove her solution to the 'pick up your toys' problem. Once playtime is over she just tells the kids that after ten minutes everything that she finds on the floor goes in the garbage. They only tested her once and she ended up donating a big box of their toys to some local charity. Now they just pick up the toys once they're done playing.
mafisKumA vo ovije mladi godini je vreme za deca da se ucat dobri tabieti znam deka den deneska je epten lesno ako mu se jadi na dete aj vo McDonalds ili KFC od to nese ucat dobri tabieti okolu zdrava hrana encourage deca da jadat zdrava hrana eg fruit i vegetables, lesno je i plus pojkem ke sakat da jadat to oni sto pomognale da se sprema. na primer od mali deca mozite da gi kandisate so "aj pomognimi izmiajgo jabolkoto ili na kakvi shapes da go secime" morkovi krajstajci jabolka ...... mozite da gi secite ko zvezdi ili kocki ili figuri
dada Sani Barajki nesto sosema drugo, naletav na pdf dokument za razvojot na decata i negata sto im e potrebna do 6 godishna vozrast. Dokumentot e makedonsi prevod od Ontario "Early Years" Centar