Тајните на Македонија
Тајните на Македонија
Homer MakeDonski http://mitglied.lycos.de/homermakedonski/karta -na -svet.jpg http://mitglied.lycos.de/homermakedonski/karta2.jpg "…na zajacka koza so orlovo pero ispisana, taka brakja citav za istorijata na Makedonija''prikazna sto veruvam mnogupati ste ja citale. Pretstava za Svetot kako Zemjina ploca drzana od tri kita ,nosena na slonovi .. Legendi za Atlas koj sto na svoite plekji go drzel nebesniot svod Kolumbo i otkrieniot ”Nov Svet” Dodeka strucnosta na kompetentnite se proiznese so svoeto Dozvolete: Mi pretstavuva cest da vi prikazam del od makedonskata istorija kakva sto ne ja znaeme.Nacrtana na karpa, pronajdena sosem slucajno na visinite na planina ,cija lokacija ne mozam ,kolku i da sakam da vi ja otkrijam ,zatoa sto ne mi e kazana .I toa opravdano .Znam za tolku deka se raboti za prostorite na makedonskoto pleme od drevnosta , Peonite. Tehnikata na nacrtnoto ,velat e ednakva na denesnata sposobnost na masinite koi sto koristejki dijamantski prsteni pri svojata rabota , dlabat precizni linii na tvrdi povrsini so sovrsen efekt,a pritoa ne ostavajkji prostor za nikakvi puknatini i ostetuvanja pri rabotata.Cisto i precizno kako i naslikanoto na karpata. Starosta pretpostavuvaat e so iljadnici godini ,od vremeto na civilizacija za koja sto mozeme da pretpostavime kakva bila.Prikazanata elipsesta forma na Zemjinata povrsina , mora da se sogleda samo od visovite na nebesnite prostranstva i od nitu edno drugo mesto. I zabelezete gi kontinentite ,site se na broj , I primetete ja figurata nosi maska na lav, odlicjeto na makedonskite carevi. Car ,bozestvo ,svestenicka, patnik ? Dionis ,velat na dvapati go zaobikolil Svetot ,ednas ko bog na plodnosta ,vtorpat na vinoto. A kolku znaeme za nego ,se sretnal li toj so Gilgamesh ,pri svoeto pateshestvie ? Premnogu prasanja i isto tolku pretpostavki namesto odgovori Mozebi za del od odgovorite i bi se nasle i okolu Kokino selo Dosta go gledavme svetot od minatoto so ocite na nareci grckite legendi.Zarem za sebesi od tuginci da ucime ? Neka Makedonija samata za sebe progovori za svoite tajni Nasata Majka Zemja vo svoite nedra gi cuva porakite od pretcite nasi.Nase e da gi barame, pronajdeme,procitame objavime, ispolzuvame.Da se spoznaeme samite sebesi za i drugite da ne spoznaat. Blagodarnost do pronaogjacite za dadenoto zeleno svetlo da postiram otkritieto im pred site vas. Homer MakeDonski
westgoti МАКЕДОНСКИОТ ПРЕРОДБЕНИК" КИРИЛ ПЕЈЧИНОВИЌ Роден во село Теарце при град Тетово. Виден просветител и духовен водач. Неговите книги се едни од првите напишани на простонароден јазик. Делото и книгите му добиваат одзвук по целата Бугарска земја. Во 1816 година ја издава својата книга "ОГЛЕДАЛО" каде изрично одбележува за каков го смета јазикот на кој е напишана „...препростешим и не книжним язиком Болгарским долния Миссий". Во 1840 година Кирил Пејчиновиќ печати во Солун друга своја книга: „Оутешение грешнимъ". Во предговорот од печатарот архимандрит Теодоси од град Дојран читаме: ,,...Oутешение грешним; прикаде го со толкуване на препрости язик Бьлгарски долния Мисий Скопский и Тетовский..." И „македонскиот преродбеник" К. Пејчиновиќ и „македонскиот печатар" ja нарекуват Македонија Долна Мизија (Горна Мизија е денешна Бугарија).
Originally posted by Homer MakeDonski
http://mitglied.lycos.de/homermakedonski/karta -na -svet.jpg http://mitglied.lycos.de/homermakedonski/karta2.jpg "…na zajacka koza so orlovo pero ispisana, taka brakja citav za istorijata na Makedonija''prikazna sto veruvam mnogupati ste ja citale. Pretstava za Svetot kako Zemjina ploca drzana od tri kita ,nosena na slonovi .. Legendi za Atlas koj sto na svoite plekji go drzel nebesniot svod Kolumbo i otkrieniot ”Nov Svet” Dodeka strucnosta na kompetentnite se proiznese so svoeto Dozvolete: Mi pretstavuva cest da vi prikazam del od makedonskata istorija kakva sto ne ja znaeme.Nacrtana na karpa, pronajdena sosem slucajno na visinite na planina ,cija lokacija ne mozam ,kolku i da sakam da vi ja otkrijam ,zatoa sto ne mi e kazana .I toa opravdano .Znam za tolku deka se raboti za prostorite na makedonskoto pleme od drevnosta , Peonite. Tehnikata na nacrtnoto ,velat e ednakva na denesnata sposobnost na masinite koi sto koristejki dijamantski prsteni pri svojata rabota , dlabat precizni linii na tvrdi povrsini so sovrsen efekt,a pritoa ne ostavajkji prostor za nikakvi puknatini i ostetuvanja pri rabotata.Cisto i precizno kako i naslikanoto na karpata. Starosta pretpostavuvaat e so iljadnici godini ,od vremeto na civilizacija za koja sto mozeme da pretpostavime kakva bila.Prikazanata elipsesta forma na Zemjinata povrsina , mora da se sogleda samo od visovite na nebesnite prostranstva i od nitu edno drugo mesto. I zabelezete gi kontinentite ,site se na broj , I primetete ja figurata nosi maska na lav, odlicjeto na makedonskite carevi. Car ,bozestvo ,svestenicka, patnik ? Dionis ,velat na dvapati go zaobikolil Svetot ,ednas ko bog na plodnosta ,vtorpat na vinoto. A kolku znaeme za nego ,se sretnal li toj so Gilgamesh ,pri svoeto pateshestvie ? Premnogu prasanja i isto tolku pretpostavki namesto odgovori Mozebi za del od odgovorite i bi se nasle i okolu Kokino selo Dosta go gledavme svetot od minatoto so ocite na nareci grckite legendi.Zarem za sebesi od tuginci da ucime ? Neka Makedonija samata za sebe progovori za svoite tajni Nasata Majka Zemja vo svoite nedra gi cuva porakite od pretcite nasi.Nase e da gi barame, pronajdeme,procitame objavime, ispolzuvame.Da se spoznaeme samite sebesi za i drugite da ne spoznaat. Blagodarnost do pronaogjacite za dadenoto zeleno svetlo da postiram otkritieto im pred site vas. Homer MakeDonski
wow... Toa e navistnina mnogu interesno. znaesh oshte nesho za seto toa... Koj ja pronajde taa karpa? Pozdrav....
Homer MakeDonski jas ostvariv edna sredba so lugjeto koi sto ja slikale karpata ,no malce vreme imase da spodelime pojke od duma-dve okolu toa.Naskoro ocekuvam novo srekjavanje i so zadovolstvo kje postiram ona do sto kje dojdam kako soznanie.Zasega cuv objasnuvanjeto deka od ovcari im bilo kazano za postoenje na crtez na kamen na koj bil naslikan ovcar so stap vo racete (ovcarite taka ja gledale slikata)i gi odvele do lokacijata... zasega tolku imam pozdrav
Christian prvata adresa ne raboti
wolf_pack moralin џабе сереш.
Originally posted by Christian
prvata adresa ne raboti
Narpravi Copy Paste na celata, na mene mi funkcionirashe.....
Originally posted by goramik
Bre Bre sho ne mi iznakaza, Aj Gitla od tuka........
Homer MakeDonski
Originally posted by mnik
Originally posted by Christian
prvata adresa ne raboti
Narpravi Copy Paste na celata, na mene mi funkcionirashe.....
Taka ,kako sto veli mnik ,se otvora Vtoriot nacin bi mozel da bide preku na programata so koja se sluzam e da se otide na indekskot http://mitglied.lycos.de/homermakedonski/ pa ottamu da se otvori dokumentot (pod "reden" br.13) karta -na -svet.jpg
Duhot na Vovata It looks pretty new, this world map. Who dated it? What method was used. How, before Columbus, a map like that appears carved in stone, with almost perfect accuracy, presented as a globe (before Kopernicus), and with so accurate outline of South America - a land no European had any idea about before the conquista? Furthermore, the moss covering the stone used as a canvas, is growing all around the grooves of the carving and not inside. Was it removed by the people who found the map or something else might be at play? I am not implying anything. These are in my opinion just very reasonable questions about the artefact. Pozdrav!
I am not implying anything. These are in my opinion just very reasonable questions about the artefact.
cudna rabota voa da postoi a da ne e od bugarin napraveno,Sea mir nema da dobijat komsiive. oko nema da mozat da sklpat vecer.Abe Homer so im napravi vaka na lugevo,gi iznasekira[:I][:D]
Originally posted by Christian
I am not implying anything. These are in my opinion just very reasonable questions about the artefact.
cudna rabota voa da postoi a da ne e od bugarin napraveno,Sea mir nema da dobijat komsiive. oko nema da mozat da sklpat vecer.Abe Homer so im napravi vaka na lugevo,gi iznasekira[:I][:D]
Pu Yazk [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]
Homer MakeDonski
Originally posted by Duhot na Vovata
It looks pretty new, this world map. Who dated it? What method was used. How, before Columbus, a map like that appears carved in stone, with almost perfect accuracy, presented as a globe (before Kopernicus), and with so accurate outline of South America - a land no European had any idea about before the conquista? Furthermore, the moss covering the stone used as a canvas, is growing all around the grooves of the carving and not inside. Was it removed by the people who found the map or something else might be at play? I am not implying anything. These are in my opinion just very reasonable questions about the artefact. Pozdrav!
Vova veruvajte mi istite prasanja i dilemi se i so mene [;)]
Duhot na Vovata Омир, по некаква причина на тебе ти верувам. Поздрав!
We do have to clarify that this symposium was nothing else than an attempt for this little state to acquire history prior to 1945 and thus to be more intimately connected with its "Macedonian" element.
Буљаш беше и Буљаш си остана.
varvarin-f Држете се до темата и не отварајте секакви дискусии вон истата.
Rogi Mnogu interesno. Dali imas nekoj novi informacii za ova? Dali e ispituvano, koga bilo nacrtano, dali ima i drugi nesta vo okolinata kade sto se pronajde ovaa karpa? A po vazno, dali e vistinsko ili falsifikuvano? Koga ke so objavi ova vo vesti okolu svetot... ova e pregolemo otkrivanie!
varvarin-f THE FALSIFICATION OF HISTORY- Symposium at Columbia University The symposium, titled "The Importance of Ilinden in the Awakening of Macedonian National Consciousness", took place in the School of Journalism, Columbia University, presenting falsifications, distortions of historical facts, omissions of documented events, as well as deliberate unresponsiveness to the Pan-Macedonian delegation who were present during the presentations. Mr. Kiro Gligorov, the former President of the Macedonia, was the main speaker. The event which took place on September 20th, was sponsored by the Harriman Institute of Columbia University, the East Central European Center and the Macedonian Arts Council, had as its main theme the anniversary of the Ilinten revolution against the Turkish rule in the Balkans. The theme of Mr. Gligorov's speech was "Macedonia from Ilinten until Now". Other participants in the discussion were Dr. Nadine Akhund, from Columbia University, addressing "1903 Seen Through the Eyes of Europe", Dr. Duncan Perry, "1903-The Ilinden Uprising and its Legacy". Mr. Blaze Ristovski from the Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MANU) introduced "Macedonia in 1903" and Dr. Andrew Rossos from the University of Toronto spoke on "Macedonian National Consciousness in 1903". Dr. Nantine Akhurd, who received her doctorate at the University of Sorbone, France, spoke first. She addressed the events that occurred in 1903 in Macedonia. She came to certain conclusions from the research she did, based on the correspondence of various European diplomats of that time. She read certain letters of diplomats and at the end she concluded that the Turks did not keep accurate records, "therefore it is difficult to calculate the exact number of the ethnicities that existed in the Turkish-occupied Macedonia. However from the correspondence of the diplomats we can assume the most prevailing nationalities were Slavic, Bulgarian and Serbian. In addition there were French, German and Italian companies in Salonik". No mention at all about the Greek element in the area!! The rest of the academicians spoke and all of them praised and glorified the Ilinten uprising, which even though was not successful, "Macedonia" emerged as an international issue, which resulted in the awakening of the "Macedonian" national consciousness. No one mentioned that this uprising was staged by the Bulgarians and the Bulgarians were inviting all the nationalities in the area, even the peasant Turkish population, to revolt against the Sultan. No one pointed out that the Manifesto of Krushevo was written in Bulgarian. None of the academicians revealed that during the revolt, with Krushevo as its epicenter, the Turks who had been bribed by the Bulgarians exterminated the Greek population and the Hellenized Vlachs of Krushevo. No one mentioned that 366 Greek homes and 203 Greek shops were destroyed by the vengeance of the Turks and Bulgarians. The Slavs, today's self-proclaimed "Macedonians" were coerced to finance the "revolution", but as soon as they found the chance, they escaped to the mountains. The scholars totally glorified individuals such as Damien Grueff and their horrid actions during that period. Dr. Duncan Perry in his book The Politics of Terror: The MacEdonian Liberation Movement, 1893-1904, identified this uprising as an act of terror. It is not known under which circumstances he changed his opinion and why during the deliverance of his theme he concluded that the Ilinten revolution "awakened the "Macedonian" national consciousness". A translator read Mr. Blaze Ristovski's lecture. King Philip, Alexander the Great, as well as Cyril and Methodius were depicted as "Macedonian" personas. Following a ten-minute break, Mr. Herbert S. Okun, former American Ambassador to UN, introduced the keynote speaker, the former President of the Macedonia, Mr. Kiro Gligorov. The American former Ambassador named Mr. Gligorov as the "peace-maker" of the Balkans and "George Washington" of "Macedonia", since under his direction "Macedonia" was able to face various problems such as the problems with the Serbian Church, problems with the Albanians and issues with Greece about the name". A copy of Mr. Gligorov's translated in English address was distributed to the audience, since the former President spoke in "Macedonian". This surprised us because later the Vice-President of the Pan-Macedonian Association conversed with Mr. Gligorov and he noted that Mr. Gligorov was an excellent speaker of the English language. Obviously we couldn't follow Mr. Gligorov's speech, however we are certain of one fact, that the former President's oral lecture was much lengthier than the translated copy we held in our hands. A couple, who was sitting near us, explained that they were Bulgarians, they however could understand everything that Mr. Gligorov was saying (but don't the Macedoniaians insist that their language is the same language that Alexander the Great and his "Macedonian" soldiers were using to communicate?). Mr. Gligorov's speech lasted for two hours and he continuously was receiving messages from various individuals. In the beginning we thought that individuals in charge of the symposium were trying to urge him to be brief, but as we assumed they were rather urging him to do otherwise. Thus reaching the end of his lecture there was no time for the academically established etiquette of "questions and answer period" between panelists and audience, especially in such an institution of higher learning as the Columbia University. Consequently the plethora of questions that we had remained unanswered, an unacceptable incident for the caliber of such an institution. There is no doubt that the machination of the Skopjan propaganda cannot face situations that is not ready for, or have answers to questions that it is unable to answer. After the lectures were delivered we approached the panelists and we offered Dr. Nantine Akhurd the book titled, The Events of 1903 in Macedonia, published by the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, in which of course the predominance of the Greek element in Macedonia is obvious and well stated. When we referred that the Ilinten uprising was a Bulgarian revolt, Dr. Akhurd would not accept it. Mr. Spiliakos, the Vice President of the Association, approached Mr. Gligorov and in a affable manner said to the former President: "if half of the good things that the Ambassador said about you are true, then I wish our Association to be invited in Skopje and to have our scholars and your scholars discuss a few things". At that moment Mr. Okun intervened, "I knew that there are no real problems between "Macedonia" and Greece", to which Mr. Spiliakos answered: "it is not POSSIBLE for Greece and Macedonia to have problems. However there are problems between the Macedonia and Greece". A photograph depicting the White Tower of Thessaloniki and the Stettinius air gram was cordially offered to Mr. Gligorov and to the Ambassador. We do have to clarify that this symposium was nothing else than an attempt for this little state to acquire history prior to 1945 and thus to be more intimately connected with its "Macedonian" element.
Homer MakeDonski
Originally posted by Rogi
Mnogu interesno. Dali imas nekoj novi informacii za ova? Dali e ispituvano, koga bilo nacrtano, dali ima i drugi nesta vo okolinata kade sto se pronajde ovaa karpa? A po vazno, dali e vistinsko ili falsifikuvano? Koga ke so objavi ova vo vesti okolu svetot... ova e pregolemo otkrivanie!
Дилемата фалсификат или не останува и понатаму ,жалам но досега ништо ново
f9 Ne veruvam deka e nekakov falsifikat.Mislam deka nekoj si se poigruval so karpata, no barem nie ne treba da potskoknuvame i da barame vo se -seshto. I od slikata se gleda deka gravurata e pravena od posle rastot na movta i lishaite. Zatoa ima neprirodni delbi na prirodniot rast vo nekoi delovi,a vo drugi e veke pokriana gravurata.I samiot naglasen elipsoiden oblik e moderna chovekova kreacija koja poteknuva od tridimenzioniranjeto na kartogravskite proekcii.