Makedonski iminja vo Antarktika
Makedonski iminja vo Antarktika
bugarinot na ostrovot Livingston: Delchev Pk Delchev Ridge Melnik Pk Mesta Pk Paisiy Pk Peshev Ridge Prespa Glacier Samuel Pk St. Cyril Pk St. Ivan Rilski Chapel St. Ivan Rilski Col St. Kliment Ohridski Base St. Methodius Pk St. Naum Pk Struma Glacier Vaptsarov Pk Vihren Pk Zograf Pk [url][/url] [:)]
ProMKD Ej pa dobro e i Makedoncite imale baza gledam ovde Sveti Kliment Ohridski se vika bazata vo Antarktika. Samo pecatna greska pisuva "St. Kliment Ohridski (bulgaria)". Tuka e greskata, trebalo da pisuva "St. Kliment Ohridski (Macedonia)", neli bugarinot?
toni_a tito na mesechinata [:D] [IMG][/IMG]
ProMKD E ova zasluzuva nagrada Toni [:D]
Originally posted by toni_a
tito na mesechinata [:D] [IMG][/IMG]
Hehehe, pa zoshto tochno Tito si go stavil na Mesechinata? Da beshe barem Metodija Andonov-Chento... [:)] Makedonskite iminja na ostrovot Livingston ne se praveni so Adobe PhotoShop, tuku se realnost. Mislam, vo nekoja podalechna idnina mozhe da se pojavi i nekoj "macedonian city" tamu, taka shto mojata tema da ne bide chist spam. [;)]
dejan Sto e ova???
Originally posted by dejan
Sto e ova???
Mapa na ostrovot Livingston vo Antarctica. Informatsija za Antarctica od CIA World Factbook:
No indigenous inhabitants, but there are both permanent and summer-only staffed research stations. Note: 26 nations, all signatory to the Antarctic Treaty, operate seasonal (summer) and year-round research stations on the continent and in its surrounding oceans; the population of persons doing and supporting science on the continent and its nearby islands south of 60 degrees south latitude (the region covered by the Antarctic Treaty) varies from approximately 4,000 in summer to 1,000 in winter; in addition, approximately 1,000 personnel including ship's crew and scientists doing onboard research are present in the waters of the treaty region; summer (January) population - 3,687 total; Argentina 302, Australia 201, Belgium 13, Brazil 80, Bulgaria 16, Chile 352, China 70, Finland 11, France 100, Germany 51, India 60, Italy 106, Japan 136, South Korea 14, Netherlands 10, NZ 60, Norway 40, Peru 28, Poland 70, Russia 254, South Africa 80, Spain 43, Sweden 20, UK 192, US 1,378 (1998-99); winter (July) population - 964 total; Argentina 165, Australia 75, Brazil 12, Chile 129, China 33, France 33, Germany 9, India 25, Japan 40, South Korea 14, NZ 10, Poland 20, Russia 102, South Africa 10, UK 39, US 248 (1998-99); research stations operated within the Antarctic Treaty area (south of 60 degrees south) by members of the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP): year-round stations - 38 total; Argentina 6, Australia 3, Brazil 1, Chile 4, China 2, France 1, Germany 1, India 1, Japan 1, South Korea 1, NZ 1, Poland 1, Russia 6, South Africa 1, Ukraine 1, UK 2, US 3, Uruguay 1, Italy and France jointly 1 (2005); summer-only stations - 34 total; Argentina 8, Australia 2, Bulgaria 1, Chile 5, Ecuador 1, Finland 1, Germany 2, Italy 1, Japan 3, Norway 2, Peru 1, Russia 2, South Africa 1, Spain 2, Sweden 1, UK 1 (2004-2005); in addition, during the austral summer some nations have numerous occupied locations such as tent camps, summer-long temporary facilities, and mobile traverses in support of research.
dejan i kakvi iminja...sik.
toni_a mislev deka ke me "raskonspiriraat" za "greshkite" [:D] vnimatelniot nabljuduvach mozhe da zabelezhi deka se raboti za "red-planet",ne za mesechinata.znaeme deka amerikancite se onie od mesechinata...[:D][:D] ps-voziloto e inaku od makedonsko proizvodstvo.nesmeevme poradi "political correctness" da stavime nalepnica
Pro Patria 2
Originally posted by toni_a
tito na mesechinata [:D] [IMG][/IMG]
abe na Mars e ova [:D]
Originally posted by bugarinot
Makedonski iminja vo Antarctica na ostrovot Livingston: Delchev Pk Delchev Ridge Melnik Pk Mesta Pk Paisiy Pk Peshev Ridge Prespa Glacier Samuel Pk St. Cyril Pk St. Ivan Rilski Chapel St. Ivan Rilski Col St. Kliment Ohridski Base St. Methodius Pk St. Naum Pk Struma Glacier Vaptsarov Pk Vihren Pk Zograf Pk [url][/url] [:)]
A pa ovo e na "Blue planet", demek The Earth. [:D]