Невин човек во затвор, или виновен на слобода?
Невин човек во затвор, или виновен на слобода?
Strelec Што е пострашно? Невин човек во затвор, или виновен на слобода? Innocent man walks free after 24 years TAMPA, Fla. —Alan Crotzer stepped into the warm sunlight outside the courthouse yesterday and raised his arms to the sky, celebrating his freedom after more than 24 years behind bars for crimes he didn't commit. A judge freed the 45-year-old Crotzer after DNA testing and other evidence convinced prosecutors he was not involved in the 1981 armed robbery and rapes that led to his 130-year prison sentence. "It's been a long time coming," said Crotzer, his black hair greying at the temples. "Thank God for this day.'' Crotzer walked free more than three years after he wrote to the Innocence Project in New York, a legal clinic that seeks to exonerate inmates through DNA testing. "Are you ready for what you waited so long to hear?" Circuit Judge Rogers Padgett said to Crotzer during the brief hearing. "Motion granted — you're a free man.'' Members of Crotzer's family and other courtroom spectators clapped and cheered as a bailiff removed the shackles from his wrists and ankles. DNA has been used to clear at least 172 people wrongly convicted of crimes in 31 states since 1989, according to the Innocence Project. Crotzer and brothers Douglas James and Corlenzo James were convicted of robbing a Tampa family in 1981. Douglas James and Crotzer were also found guilty of kidnapping and raping a 38-year-old woman and her 12-year-old daughter at gunpoint. A victim picked Crotzer out of a photo lineup. But Douglas James says Crotzer is innocent. He said he and his brother were the rapists and a childhood friend was their accomplice. His lawyers said they will seek compensation from the state for him. In December, Governor Jeb Bush signed a bill allowing Wilton Dedge to receive $2 million (U.S.) for the 22 years he spent in prison for a rape he did not commit. Dedge, 44, also was exonerated by DNA evidence. "There ain't no compensation for what they done to me," said Crotzer, whose mother died while he was in prison. "But I'm not bitter.'' Crotzer said he was looking forward to a barbecue with his family. Then he wanted to take a bath in a real bathtub. /Associated Press/
RaGeAnGeL jas vikam "sekoj po zasluga"so znacit ako si naprajl neso da si platit...ova e tazno:(a sho e najtragicno imat i mnogu so bile pogubeni a posle to se otkrilo deka se nevini.... a muabeton "im not bitterr" ne ke da e za vervenje...
Lidija Ko ke cita coek vakvi raboti ili ko so spomna Rageangel ko ke dobijat smrtna kazna i ke umrat bez nisto loso napraeno, togas definitivno ke recam poarno vinoven na sloboda od kolku nevin v zatvor, ama i to ne e pravilno :( 24 godini e to cel vek e, nisto ne go vraka vremeto, definitvino ne tie dvata miljoni.
dada Sani Vo prashanjevo nema prostor za ili-ili. Ako nekoj nevin e vo zatvor, toa znaci deka nekoj vinoven e na sloboda. Iako se retki, sepak ima slucai koga se raboti za nesrekjen slucaj - pr.zena sama se liznala po skali, padnala i pocinala, pa soprugot e obvinet za ubistvo...Nekoj koj nemal ama bas nikava kriminalna istorija, tesko mi e da poveruvam deka moze da bide "nasamaren" so tesko krivicno delo, no vo daden splet na okolnosti moze i toa da se sluci. Da se ima nevin covek vo zatvor voedno ja isklucuva ili namaluva moznosta da se traga po vistinskiot vinovnik, a osuduvanje na nevini SEKOGAS kje ima.