AlF0t Me interesira shto se e potrebno za da ima server pr: Skopje.mk.eu.undernet.org i dali toa voobshto moze da se sluci
VMan` oci mi ispopadnaa citajki :)) kolku svativ?Skoro ich:))
Originally posted by AlF0t
Me interesira shto se e potrebno za da ima server pr: Skopje.mk.eu.undernet.org i dali toa voobshto moze da se sluci
Може доколку МТ НЕТ или МОЛ или некој други ИСП компании од Македонија одобрат простор и дедикатед машина за тој сервер, но тој сервер мора да да биде поврзан на јака конекција пример 100Мбит и повише, така да треба и добар бандвич да има минимум 15Мбит и да е спонзориран тој сервер од тие ИСП компании, приватни машини и приватни сервери неможат да се линкаат. За повише информации што и како треба за еден сервер можеш [url="http://www.routing-com.undernet.org/index.php?mode=docs"]ОВДЕ[/url] да прочиташ.
Strelec cOnGuR (или било кој друг што е упатен во тие работи), колку чини една таква инвестиција? Може ли тоа да носи и профит и како? Кои законски (пред)услови треба да се исполнат за регистрацијата?
Originally posted by Strelec
cOnGuR (или било кој друг што е упатен во тие работи), колку чини една таква инвестиција? Може ли тоа да носи и профит и како? Кои законски (пред)услови треба да се исполнат за регистрацијата?
Ацо види вака, профит може пример да ти носи на тебе со Хостинг Компанијата што ја имаш, така да на самиот сервер при конектирањето на Ундернет на самиот МОТД ке биде рекламирана Хостинг Компанијата или ИСП Провадер ако е, така да голем профит нема од тоа, осим само што можеш повише клиенти да добиеш со самата реклама, така да по тоа ке се знае дека е јака и стабилна Компанијата чим е сопонзор на Ундернет Сервер, за повише информации можеме да контактираме преку Емаил или на МСН, јас моментално работам на еден Проект со една Компанија од Канада, и за брзо време серверот ке биде на Тест Линк, доколку си заинтересиран за такво нешто можеме да збориме сериозно окулу оваа тема.
c0nGuR New Undernet Server Application Frequently Asked Questions Q: I keep getting the following error when I submit my application Sorry, we are unable to process your application at this time. Please ensure that all technical requirements outlined in the information for candidates document are complied with and reapply. A: There are elements of your server information which do not conform to the "Information for Candidates" document or the "Technical Requirements" document. You must fully read all the relevant documentation and ensure that the criteria is specifically satisfied or this error will occur. Q: Why an FAQ? A: In order to assist applicants seeking to submit an application. Often the same questions are asked repeatedly which can be covered by such an FAQ. Q: I have a server on xDSL or Cable, can I link? A: No. We do not accept applications from servers on DSL or Cable. Q: How much bandwidth do I need to be considered ? A: At the *very* minimum, 4 Mbps with diverse connectivity to multiple providers. Otherwise, minimum 10 Mbps. Note also that if this bandwidth is shared with a business or ISP for its own purposes, then we will only consider the application if the total usage of the available bandwidth does not exceed 20% of available capacity at the time of application. Q: Do you accept applications from "rented shells", "IRCD Shells", or shell providers? A: In short, no. The Undernet does not accept servers from such entities as the servers provided are generally not dedicated to the function, and often are not sufficiently secured. Q: The Routing Committee is supposed to only look at the technical merits of a server application. I had an application submitted which was rejected without even being voted on simply because I used to be a member of xxxxx hacking or warez group. What gives? A: It is true that the Routing Committee itself does look at only the technical aspects of the application. Having said that, the Routing Committee is subordinate to the Undernet Admins committee who can at any time object to an application on non-technical grounds provided suitable explanation is given. (Note that this explanation does NOT have to be provided to the applicant, only to the routing-committee). Such override requires at least two voting-members of the Undernet Admins committee to lodge an objection prior to the application being considered for vote by the Routing Committee. This is called "Override Authority" of the Undernet Admins committee. Any such applications will usually contain a note that they had been overruled by the Admins Committee. Q: Why does the Undernet not accept applications (in general) from educational networks, despite those networks usually having excellent connectivity, bandwidth, and security? A: In the vast majority of cases, server applications from educational networks are submitted by students. For the Undernet, this represents an unstable element in that the IRC server then risks being neglected due to the student's studies and in a number of past cases, the administrator simply graduated and the server was left un-managed. We may, however, consider on a case-by-case basis applications from an educational network provided that the application comes from a faculty member, and that faculty member has the authority within the school or university organisation to approve the running of an IRC server from that educational network. Note, however, that even if these requirements are met, this does not necessarily mean that the server will be accepted; again, these are rare occurences, and only happen on a case-by-case basis. Q: I have a provider who provides dedicated servers, hosted in their rack spaces, for a monthly or annual fee. This provider has excellent connectivity, but the server itself is dedicated to my use and nobody else has access to it. Can I apply? A: It depends. If you are the OWNER of the server, or if you are a legal associate or employee of the company who owns the server (and thus also have root access to it), then you may apply, provided the owner of the BANDWIDTH (i.e. the provider) also approves of running such a server in light of the inherent security and denial of service risk that IRC servers pose. In this case, at least one member of the administrative team for the server must also have physical access to the machine, in case of problems. As a general rule, we do not accept applications for servers located on "leased server" arrangements, such as RAQ servers, managed service providers, leased-hosting providers, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Undernet Routing Committee Bandwidth Requirements Last Updated: 20001020 This document is intended to give an estimate of the total bandwidth requirements for an Undernet Server. The table below gives average bandwidth figures for two types of server (hub and leaf). Measurements were taken for a two week period in October 2000 and averaged to give these results. Server Type Number and Type of Connections Average Nominal Operational Bandwidth Average Burst/High-Traffic Bandwidth HUB 4 Leaf Connections 1.042 Mbps 2.476 Mbps Client/Leaf 1 Hub Uplink + 4000 Clients 3.148 Mbps 7.141 Mbps The bandwidth consumption averages shown are based on ONLY Undernet traffic. This does not include traffic and bandwidth usage for the hosting site's normal business operations. This factor should be born in mind when determining whether a site has available resources to host an Undernet server. Generally, any site which consumes 70% or more of their available bandwidth for their general business operations will not be well suited to running an Undernet server. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Undernet Routing Committee Information for Applicants Revised: 20050114 This document is intended to give general information on the procedures used in the submission and review of applications for link to the Undernet IRC Network. You MUST read this information entirely before submitting your application. If you are missing any requested information on your application, it WILL be rejected automatically. It is highly suggested that you also read the Technical Requirements document as there are some items there which will affect the application process as well. How to submit your application Visit the Routing-Com Web Page (http://routing-com.undernet.org/) and complete the automated newlinks application. This interface will guide the applicant step-by-step through the application ensuring that all required information is filled out (although not necessarily correctly or accurately). This facilitates processing by allowing the committee secretary to verify that the application is completed fully prior to releasing it to the routing-com list (and subsequently to the committee itself). This automated form interacts directly with the online database, and provided the application is completed fully, the database will be updated within 12 hours of receipt. A copy of your application will be sent to you when you submit the application. NOTE: Applications will ONLY be accepted from a responsible person from the hosting company. All applications not emanating from the hosting company will be declined. When submitting the application, please make sure that all the requested information is fully and accurately completed. Examples of errors which may delay processing include: Application not emanating from the hosting company. Reliability information stating simply "99% of the time up" Missing O/S and hardware information Missing authorization from the site admin for location of the server. (see below) Missing email address, real name, contact information for either the admin or the applicant. Missing or invalid NOC contact. (This must be the contact of the HOSTING site's ASN - with NIC handle. NIC contact for the 'domain' is NOT necessarily the contact for the SITE.) Missing or inaccurate information on the site Uplink/connection information (eg. DS3 through CAIS and 10mbps via CWIX.. etc) Mismatched AS Number to IP block. Note that the system will check the IP block in the RADB worldwide routing registry to ensure that the IP netblock is sourced from the correct ASN. If the netblock is not listed in the RADB worldwide registry, or is either missing an origin ASN or shows a different ASN to that specified, the application will be rejected. Please do NOT submit an application for a site either using a dynamic IP address (don't laugh, I received one yesterday), or your link does not consist of a MINIMUM of MULTIPLE E1/T1 to SEPARATE providers. Single-homed 10mbps or higher speeds may apply, however. Only sites with a total aggregate transit bandwidth greater than 5Mbps will be considered. For the purposes of this application, transit is definied as globally accessible bandwidth. Some sites have split bandwidth with, for example, 100Mbps domestic (in country), and 2Mbps international. In this case, transit is the international bandwidth. Local or domestic bandwidth, as well as the bandwidth of any ethernet segments between the physical server and the first gateway point are NOT counted. If you are on a single or dual T1/E1, your server will not be considered for link. Additionally links which are on a "Cablemodem" or "Cable to Lan Bridge" will NOT be considered. Your server MUST be configured to handle a MINIMUM of 4000 clients (thus an appropriate number of file descriptors is required per process in the kernel configuration). The only ircd accptable for use on the Undernet is the Undernet ircu2.10.xx which is the current release software. Although a windows NT port of the software has been written, windows NT servers will NOT be permitted to link to the live network. The NT-based server version was written as a proof of concept experiment, and not meant for production servers on the Undernet. It also goes to reason that such software as Conference Room, and other chat servers will not be permitted. (the ONLY exception being RCSD which is being used on the network by the RCSD creators, and not as a general rule.) We will NOT accept applications from sites, such as phix.com, which sell "ircd accounts" as virtual hosts or vmware virtual machines on a server, for the purpose of running irc servers, or sites which are nothing more than virtual web hosting sites. The majority of sites which are linked behind verio.net are in this category. All proposed undernet servers must be DEDICATED IRC servers, with the machine running on the one network. Additionally, NO other services should be running on the machine (httpd, telnet, ftpd, etc. Inetd must be disabled.) Excessive virtual hosts must not be run on the server. EITHER administrator or the admin-representative of the proposed server must be a representative of the hosting company, and must have 'root' access to the machine. At least one member of the server's administration team must have physical access to the server hardware. The Undernet does not accept applications from shell providers or 'managed' colocation providers who rent a server to an individual, unless the provisions on access and administration are respected, and the application is made by that hosting company. Applications will only be considered from sites, locations, or countries, from which there is sufficient active userbase to justify a server in that location and a shortage of reachable servers in that network location. All applications are now REQUIRED to have SITE administrative contact information and permission; This is the individual or group responsible for the maintenance of the netblock and bandwidth applicable to the server. (In many cases, this is the ISP, but may actually be the next upstream ISP in some cases...) The site admins will be contacted about your application to ensure that they know of and agree to your application. Contact information must be the contact for the SITE (autonomous system) and NOT the DOMAIN contact or the IP delegation contact. The relevant network, autonomous system, and administrative contact information must be updated in the Internet's RADB routing registry database before the application can proceed. Note that if this information is not up to date or not present, the application will be rejected. Note: The ASN contact will ALWAYS be the primary contact used when checking the application. Also, please look at the other servers existing on the network. If a server already exists in a (net) location, although the application may be held/saved for future reference, chances are that a link will not initially be granted. This is especially true for servers which are on the same local network as an existing undernet server (for example, a customer of one of the existing sponsors who has their uplink through that sponsor). The committee members are sensitive to applications from competitors in their area, and will abstain from voting on a server which comes from one of their major competitors in that area. (no, not all the committee members will abstain at the same time...) Additionally, if a site submits an application, and the site's uplink has previously submitted an application which was declined, then that site's application will ALSO be declined. If your site is downstream from a current existing Undernet server, then your application will be declined under most circumstances. (example: If you have a DS3 to Cais.Net, then your application will be declined as Cais.Net already host a server which will automatically be in a better net position to your own. The main exception is if you can offer substantial multi-homed connectivity through a different provider.) Once your application is received by the database system, it will be archived until the next application review. These reviews occur at intervals (approximately every 2 weeks under the current committee) unless other circumstances or committee business dictate a longer period to elapse. The Routing Committee is in recess over major holiday periods, such as Christmas/Yule/Hannukah, NewYears, etc. Applications are archived after they have been checked for completeness. If there are any problems with the application, either the secretary or a member of the committee (or indeed a member of the public mailing list) will inform the applicant of the problem and include information on how to fix that problem. If you submit an application, and subsequently do not hear anything for a few days, then that is an indication that your application has been archived and is pending the next review period. All applications which are received prior to two days before the review will be included in that review. Otherwise, they will be rolled over to the next review. The database system will notify the applicant of a received application when it has been added to the database. Please do not email the secretary or this list asking "when is my application going to be reviewed". This is both unnecessary, and wastes the time of the members and the secretary. You can view your application status on the Routing Committee website by querying the DATABASE. Please (please please) do NOT email or /msg the secretary or the committee members online to say "can you put in a good word for me?" or "do you think I have a good chance". The secretary is not a voting member of the committee and therefore can not do either of those requests. The members of the committee are also very busy individuals in their own rights, and do not have time to reveiw applications on the fly at the request of the applicant just to answer a "do I have a chance" type question. If you feel the need to ask the Secretary or the Routing Committee Members how to perform basic configuration of your server, or other basic tasks involved with the administration of an IRC server, then you should consider seriously whether you are qualified to run an Undernet server. While we do not require technical expertise, we do require some basic competence of all server admins, which include competence with compilation and configuration of your server, and basic unix system operation and or administration. There are many misconceptions about the type of material that is considered in the review. Bear in mind, that applications are considered against the other applications on hand, therefore all must be evaluated before a decision is reached. Decisions are not based merely on what kind of network connection the site has. This is the biggest misconception. The committee has in the past declined applications from sites on faster links than some of the existing servers for various reasons. Other items that are considered are the internet routing to/from that site, bandwidth utilization (e.g. a DS-3 with a utilization of 43.3mbps average [approx 99%] can not offer the network what a 10Mbps connection with a total usage of only 1% can.), the administration, abuse potential (in the case of large providers, we must consider items like 'how responsive is this provider in dealing with abusers from their site?'). This list is not exhaustive or complete by any means, but is intended to give you an indication of what is considered. Once the applications have been reviewed, one of two things will happen. This depends on the number of applications being reviewed for that period. Either: Applications which show potential will be short-listed and re-reviewed a short time later. An immediate vote will be taken of all the applicants in that review period. In the case of the former of these two options, all of the applicants who have been shortlisted will be notified that they are pending a second review. All the remaining applicants will be notified that we were unable to offer a testlink at this time. Under a new procedure in place, applicants who are declined a testlink may request reasons for the decline from the secretary and will be offered other ideas on how to contribute to the success of the Undernet. Please not, however, that the Committee members are NOT obligated to give reasons for a "NO" vote. If reasons are given at the time of the vote, they will be noted by the secretary. There is nothing to stop any declined server from reapplying at a later date. In the case of the latter option, all applicants will be notified of the results of the vote. Any applicants who are accepted for a testlink will be contacted by the Committee Secretary who will request any further information needed to facilitate the pending link. The secretary will coordinate with the Undernet Administrative body and with other elements (such as DNS) in setting up the link, on the applicant's behalf. Full and prompt cooperation at this time is expected to facilitate the applicant's link to the Undernet. The secretary will put the new server administrator in contact with the Hub server admins to arrange connection information. NOTE: Applicants who are notifed of acceptance for a testlink, are given a period of 14 days to respond to the notification indicating that they still wish to link, and to provide any further information requested at that time. Any applicant (or their representative) who fails to respond to this notification within 14 days, will result in a withdrawal of testlink offer. Should this happen, the applicant must re-apply and follow this whole procedure again. ALL APPLICATIONS which do not originate from a SITE administrator (this must be the technical person responsible for the HOSTING site!) or their official representative MUST be accompanied by a verifyable emailed statement from that site administration indicating that they approve the operation of an Undernet IRC Server from their network and are fully aware of any bandwidth utilization or other usage statistics that such a link, if granted, would incur. This authorization must include a valid email address and telephone number of the site administrator(s). It must be emailed FROM that individual, and must be verifyable. Such authorization may be verified by the routing committee by any number of methods, including, but not limited to: PGP Signature / Public Key Telephonic Confirmation Email confirmation After a new server has connected to the network, it will undergo a testlink period of anywhere between 30 to 60 days, during which time, the committee will evaluate its performance on the live net. After this testlink period, a vote will be conducted to determine if that server will be granted FULL link to the Undernet. While in testlink status, the server must adhere strictly to the instructions of the Undernet Aministrative body. Further, the server's administrator(s), although will be members of the Network administrative body, will not have voting rights while in testlink status. (More information on the administrative policies will be sent to all new server administrators prior to their link to the Undernet). If the committee's review of that server deems it necessary to delink that server from the network, the administration of that server will be notified and arrangements will be made to effect the delink. The Undernet welcomes individuals or groups who wish to contribute to the success of the network. This does not exclusively mean server links. There are only a limited number of servers which may be linked to the Undernet at any time. There are other ways that people are invited to assist the Undernet. For more information on some of these, please visit the Undernet Website at http://www.undernet.org/ . Here you will find numerous committees and other groups who are all active towards the goal of making the Undernet the best IRC Network. Note: Any Undernet server which is discovered to have been linked because the hosting company was "spammed" or in some other way influenced to apply by a third party will be terminated and delinked. In this way the hosting company bears the responsibility for the server and understands the full implications of running a server.
fio До кога со мирцов бе :-) Кога на времето додека беше државен телекомот не успеаја да направат сервер скопје.мк..., никад нема да направат :-)
Originally posted by fio
До кога со мирцов бе :-) Кога на времето додека беше државен телекомот не успеаја да направат сервер скопје.мк..., никад нема да направат :-)
Никогаш не се знае, може ке имаат некоја среќа некој од Македонија да им се нафати за таква работа некој од ИСП Провајдер, мада не ми се верува да им одобрат за таква работа, али сепак можат да си прашаат да видат, нека си ја пробаат среќата.
AlF0t Fala za informaciite c0nGuR
Originally posted by AlF0t
Fala za informaciite c0nGuR
DJ_SHEMA Imashe inicijativa za toa od strana na telekomot. Rajce sitnik rabotea na toa a jas se obiduvav da sredam so undernet. Shteta za malce ne uspea idejata da bide realizirana.
GoDsHaNd Osven mtnet vo makedonija nieden drug provajder nemoze da obezbedi konekcija kakva shto se bara ;)
Originally posted by GoDsHaNd
Osven mtnet vo makedonija nieden drug provajder nemoze da obezbedi konekcija kakva shto se bara ;)
Не би рекол дека и МТ НЕТ можат да го обезбедат тој бандвич што моментално го бара R-COM, скоро секоја година све повише и повише се сголемува бројката на бандвичот, јас што работам на серверот сега кој ке биде пуштен, тој сервер ке биде конектиран на 622Mbps, така да до некаде е доволно, до некаде не е доволно, што појак бандвич, толку повеќе шанси, све се бара тоа заради познатиот ДДОС. btw, колку бандвич може да понуди МТ НЕТ?
GoDsHaNd Neam poima kolku moze da ponudi ama znam deka imaat vishok i siguren sum deka ako nekoj moze vo makedonija da ponudi neshto takvo e mtnet drugite ne mi se veruva, nemaat ni desetina od toa sho go napisha:))
bliznak Исто, многу е битен uptime статусот на серверот.
c0nGuR Тогаш може некој од вас кој сте во Македонија да проба да контактира со МТ НЕТ во врска за сервер еден, лично може некој да им се јави таму да им објасни убаво за што и како се работи, и да ги праша дали би сакале да спонзорираат еден таков сервер.... може да се проба, среќата никогаш не се знае.[;)] Ако сум во прашање јас, јас искрено не би барал спонзорство од МТ НЕТ, зашто сигурен сум дека нема да одобрат како 1во, а како 2ро го немаат доволно тој бандвич што е потребен, како 3то искрено слаби се. Али пак ке напоменам, може да се проба, за проба пари не земаат.[;)]
devil A sto e tolku bitno da se linka server so undernet ? Zasto da ne se naprai poseben makedonski irc network ? Skoro site zemji od balkanot si imaat nivni network.. Na primer bi mozelo da se napravi irc.vmacedonia.com i da se izraboti kvaliteten portal koj sto ke bide posetuvan, a so posetenosta doagaat i reklami/banneri so koj ke se plakaat,odnosno odrzavaat serverite. [:)]
Originally posted by devil
A sto e tolku bitno da se linka server so undernet ? Zasto da ne se naprai poseben makedonski irc network ? Skoro site zemji od balkanot si imaat nivni network.. Na primer bi mozelo da se napravi irc.vmacedonia.com i da se izraboti kvaliteten portal koj sto ke bide posetuvan, a so posetenosta doagaat i reklami/banneri so koj ke se plakaat,odnosno odrzavaat serverite. [:)]
Све од ова е ЛУК и ВОДА, имало до сега многу Македонски IRC Network, и што од тоа....ништо, луѓето од времето уште си се научени на Undernet и тешко дека некој може да ги натера на друг Network да преминат тек така.
DonVito или па ние што повеке се разбираме ке преминеме на новите мрежи а интернет кафеата? аматерите? сепак Ундернет си е ундернет a и #macedonia заедно со него. :)
Originally posted by devil
A sto e tolku bitno da se linka server so undernet ? Zasto da ne se naprai poseben makedonski irc network ? Skoro site zemji od balkanot si imaat nivni network.. Na primer bi mozelo da se napravi irc.vmacedonia.com i da se izraboti kvaliteten portal koj sto ke bide posetuvan, a so posetenosta doagaat i reklami/banneri so koj ke se plakaat,odnosno odrzavaat serverite. [:)]
Dobra ti e idejata, sepak za ovoj narod ne e i takov network. Gledaj samo kako nekoj ljuge se postavat na kanalot #macedonia od toa ke svatis deka za ovoj narod ne e nitu pak internet a ne pa nesto dobro sto mozat da se sobirat i da se chatat po serverot. Inace idejata e dobra moze poveke takvi serveri da se linkat poslem na toj glaven server. A onaa bobi so vika deka nemoze da se odviknat ke se odviknat i toa kako, se nadevam deka vo site internet kafinja rabota ljuge koj posetuvat mIRC sto moze sekoj klient da go upati na makedonskijot network [;)].
Originally posted by c0nGuR
Originally posted by devil
A sto e tolku bitno da se linka server so undernet ? Zasto da ne se naprai poseben makedonski irc network ? Skoro site zemji od balkanot si imaat nivni network.. Na primer bi mozelo da se napravi irc.vmacedonia.com i da se izraboti kvaliteten portal koj sto ke bide posetuvan, a so posetenosta doagaat i reklami/banneri so koj ke se plakaat,odnosno odrzavaat serverite. [:)]
Све од ова е ЛУК и ВОДА, имало до сега многу Македонски IRC Network, и што од тоа....ништо, луѓето од времето уште си се научени на Undernet и тешко дека некој може да ги натера на друг Network да преминат тек така.
Prvo za sekoja navika ima i odvika..nemozes da mi kazes deka Undernet si e undernet ili kojznae so.. 40-50% od userite koi se na #macedonia se zacleneti i na forumot, nekoj od niv imaat i internet kafinja i ne e tesko connect on start up da se stavi mk serverot i da se izbrisat drugite serveri od notes..za ostatokot odnosno za tie koi gi narekuvate amateri moze na #macedonia da se stavi auto kick/ban on join so msg da dojdat na serverot ili slicno..se so tek na vreme.. Inace koi Makedonski IRC Network`s imalo ? Jas so sum krenal od ircd shell nekoj si server ? ili nekoj kupil vps pa krenal bahamut so chanserv/nickserv ? Zboram za kvaliteten irc network so GNUworld IRC services..Inace so ako linkas so Undernet ? Da ti staat edno dobro banerce na stranata..DA..ama vaka..? Propadnata investicija
Originally posted by devil
Originally posted by c0nGuR
Originally posted by devil
A sto e tolku bitno da se linka server so undernet ? Zasto da ne se naprai poseben makedonski irc network ? Skoro site zemji od balkanot si imaat nivni network.. Na primer bi mozelo da se napravi irc.vmacedonia.com i da se izraboti kvaliteten portal koj sto ke bide posetuvan, a so posetenosta doagaat i reklami/banneri so koj ke se plakaat,odnosno odrzavaat serverite. [:)]
Све од ова е ЛУК и ВОДА, имало до сега многу Македонски IRC Network, и што од тоа....ништо, луѓето од времето уште си се научени на Undernet и тешко дека некој може да ги натера на друг Network да преминат тек така.
Prvo za sekoja navika ima i odvika..nemozes da mi kazes deka Undernet si e undernet ili kojznae so.. 40-50% od userite koi se na #macedonia se zacleneti i na forumot, nekoj od niv imaat i internet kafinja i ne e tesko connect on start up da se stavi mk serverot i da se izbrisat drugite serveri od notes..za ostatokot odnosno za tie koi gi narekuvate amateri moze na #macedonia da se stavi auto kick/ban on join so msg da dojdat na serverot ili slicno..se so tek na vreme.. Inace koi Makedonski IRC Network`s imalo ? Jas so sum krenal od ircd shell nekoj si server ? ili nekoj kupil vps pa krenal bahamut so chanserv/nickserv ? Zboram za kvaliteten irc network so GNUworld IRC services..Inace so ako linkas so Undernet ? Da ti staat edno dobro banerce na stranata..DA..ama vaka..? Propadnata investicija
Празен муабет.