Modern art
Modern art
SpaceLily Leonetto Cappiello - Victoria Arduino [img][/img]
SpaceLily Temptation by Alberto Vargas [img][/img] Jeanne by Alberto Vargas [img][/img] Memories of Olive by Alberto Vargas [img][/img]
SpaceLily Reuben by MARC CHAGALL [img][/img] Judah by Marc Chagall [img][/img] Les Trois Cierges by Marc Chagall [img][/img] Sun Over Paris by Marc Chagall [img][/img]
SpaceLily Candy Cane by Alexander Calder [img][/img] Pyramid by Alexander Calder [img][/img] Untitled 1961 by Alexander Calder [img][/img]
RaGeAnGeL aj probaj najdija onaja so bese proceneta na nekolku milioni a slikava bese :crven kvadrat na bela pozadina!!Likovna umetnost ja ucevme ak pamtish ama ne znam od kogo bese tocno!20 vek samo znam deka bese.
RaGeAnGeL ovaja i e ednistvena so ja sakam i valjda site ja znajte The scream(or the cry)od Edvard Munch(norveshki slikar do pocetokot na 20 vek) [img][/img]
LIDIJA - SKorpija Bravo Rage za slikava.Norveshka se mnogu gordi na nea. Ama za zal i Vrisok i Madona gi ukradoaaaaaaaaaa od Munk muzejot vo Oslo.Kradcite se fateni ama originalite ushte ne gi imaat pronajdeno.[:(][:(]
LIDIJA - SKorpija ELLING REITAN Madonna with scorpio [IMG][/IMG] Madonna`s dance [IMG][/IMG] Anitra`s dance [IMG][/IMG]
LIDIJA - SKorpija Masquerade [IMG][/IMG] Peperutka [IMG][/IMG] Plava peperutka [IMG][/IMG]