Puppetry of the Penis
Puppetry of the Penis
RaGeAnGeL Prestava na Boradway link :http://www.puppetryofthepenis.com/ a inace evo malce slicija i istorija so najdov na net[:D]Pred 10 min go gledav na HBO[^] imate i kiga "Puppetry of the Penis: The Ancient Art of Genital Origami (2002)" [:D]so srekja~!
wolf_pack Лажотии се ова[:D] You don't even have to squeeze for it hurt, you just have to graze[:p][:D]
Goran-Skopje Kofa mozam da napravam.[:D]
RaGeAnGeL gledav na tv mojt!ne bolit! try it for yourself u'll see !!!!