Inter-racial Marriages
Inter-racial Marriages
MacieinMiami I would like to hear a Macedonians true opinion of an inter-racial marriage. A macedonian woman and a black man.
MacieinMiami I'm disappointed to hear the continuous narrow minded macedonians. I am Macedonian and so are come from a quite cultural family and my parents/family have absolutely no problem that I am married to an african man. I am extremely happily married and find it quite interesting to learn and live other cultures. Most Macies live abroad and I Canada/USA and are mixing with other cultures daily. Are you saying that they are just pretending to accept other cultures when evidently they sincerely dont. I see hypocrites. I do agree with being happy and being with whoever makes you happy. I am saddened to say that I have a couple/several friends/relatives living home and abroad and married to a macedonian that are divorced or abused mentally, physically and/or verbally. I am sure most of you know someone or have heard this happening. I dont beleive these woman are happy and even worse these families have spawned and then these type generates all over again. Lepak096, do you support this kind of marriage, "Hey as long as they are married to a macedonian" as long as you as a parent are happy then Im sure your child getting married will be happy too. (nope) This is a road for destruction and eventually someone cheating. Explain what complications, I dont think I understand what you mean. Sunshine, I see you have really come a long way from the cave world. Voda, How funny.....kako velet kai tebe. Hilbillies veleme ovde! On another note, I am happy to see some positive responses as well.
deni neam protiv brak megju razlicni nacii, ama razlicni rasi DA i ne misli deka toa moeto mislenje e narrow minded macedonian , cel svet taka misli . kako vikat za belkite sho se mazat za crni u amerika aj da ne te rugam
wolf_pack There are no good or bad things...just the perception of it. The Macedonian lady I know, is married to an African man. They met at the university in Skopje, he was an international student from Nigeria. If it worked for them without any complications, I can't see it not working for someone else unless the temporary disapproval of their own family and friends kick in. The couple has 3 children that speak Macedonian perfectly, they are mixed (skin) which creates a confusion among other Macedonians but I can assure you that they're way nicer than most of the so-called traditional Macedonians. That said, I'm not implying that right now all of us guys/girld should find a black or chinese broad/dude to date, simply the moment was right for that couple and they made it work. p.s. I was at a bar in Burlington, Ontario some 4-5 years ago...the girl I met that night who by the way was a doll happened to be an Albanian girl from Kosovo. We were mostly chatting and drinking but if at any point, unknowingly of each other's background we kicked it to another gear then what? We're both white yet something doesn't seem right? lol I had a good time, thats all it matters, my mind wasn't secured on color and background, getting laid is one thing I suppose[:D] I also have some stories about Latina broads from the univeristy days, but thats another topik[:D]
Sunshine MacieinMiami narrow minded is the one that calls somebody narrow minded just because they have a different opinion. Don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer. What were you expecting...only answers that you'd like? really! what's the point of asking the question? I am really tired of people trying to generalize things... Do you think that those friends/relatives that got divorced could have done the same thing even if they weren't married to a Macedonian? Same thing goes about the abuse... I know many cases of abuse and divorce and what not of couples that are not Macedonian...should I group them by culture??? You call people hypocrites for having an opinion, but your generalization is stupidity at it's best. And so what if people think that interracial marriages are not's not for everybody. I live in Canada and most of my good friends are from different cultures. Guess what...most of us agree that marrying different culture than your own will not work for us. It's one thing to respect different culture, it's a whole other thing to marry it. I am happy that it's working out great for you, but it really irks me when people try to force their opinion on others.
lepak096 first of all macieinmiami i am not a hypocrit because you asked a question and i gave you my opinion, secondly i didnt say they have to marry a macedonian but preferably something similar with similar cultural ethnic and religious backgrounds, thats why i say everybody should stick together to their own, yes there can be problems in marriges between macedonians but the same can happen with other nationalities, and frankly speaking and no offence to you or anybody here i would not like my son/daughter/s kids to be half black, chineese, arabic again no offence intended but thats just my veiw of it all that does not mean that im a racist or anything similar because living in australia for the past 6 yrs i have friends of many cultures and nationalities who are my very good friends but when we are talking marrige then im against it thank you pozdrav
Natasa I will say that i am against mixing any race together,not just macedonian people but in general.Because we wolld be born like that,i dont want my son or daughter to marry someone from other race and i am living in Australia not in Macedonia,but i am macedonian woman.Not that i am narrow minded or something else,i can be friend with someone from the other race but that doesent mean that i would love my relatives to marry them.Also we are diferent culture,and in some way unique.That means we have different backgrounds. Anyway that s my opinion.
lepak096 well the parents should explain to the children who they are and where they come from it doesnt mean that if you live in usa or anywhere else that you all of a sudden are an american and forget where you come from, thats sad i think. anyway you have my opinion which doesnt matter anyway
Originally posted by Natasa
I will say that i am against mixing any race together,not just macedonian people but in general.Because we wolld be born like that,i dont want my son or daughter to marry someone from other race and i am living in Australia not in Macedonia,but i am macedonian woman.Not that i am narrow minded or something else,i can be friend with someone from the other race but that doesent mean that i would love my relatives to marry them.Also we are diferent culture,and in some way unique.That means we have different backgrounds. Anyway that s my opinion.
we must all rase above the few cultural differense that separate us and try our best to educate one another[;)]
Sunshine educate e ok, ali za brak so nekoi kulturi razlikite ne se bash few i ne sekoj mozhe da gi nadmine. Toa niti go pravi nekogo narrow minded niti pak e neshto losho shto treba da se iskoreni od chovekot.
Originally posted by Sunshine
educate e ok, ali za brak so nekoi kulturi razlikite ne se bash few i ne sekoj mozhe da gi nadmine. Toa niti go pravi nekogo narrow minded niti pak e neshto losho shto treba da se iskoreni od chovekot.
vo pravo si... samo so ne e deka ne saka[:)]barem od moe licno iskustvo
Natasa ok e jas mislam deka sekoj imat svoe mislenje za bilo sto pa i za ova,ama ne sakam nekoj da mi kazit e sega zs jas ne prifakam,trebit da se educiram ili trebi da prifatam nesto so nemozam.Ednostavno toa e del od mojata edukacija,i moe mislenje, i toa mene mi odgovarat bez razilika dali na nekoj mu se bendisvit ili ne.Mozda ne site ovdeka ama pola od nas ziveeme veke vo nekoja druga zemja podolgo vreme,isto i nie sme del od taja zemja,ama ne znacit deka trebit da postanime ona sto ne sme i nikogas ne sme bile. Ok e jas prifakam od site nacii i rasi ama kako so rekov jas ne bi sakala da se omazam ili moe dete da se ozenit so nekoj od druga rasa.Zasto tuka ne e samo razlika vo rasa,imat tuka razlika vo mislenje ucenje,i religija.A mozam slobodno da kazam deka i nas ne sekoj bi ne prifatil,isto kako i nie niv.I mislam navistina golema glupost kazaMacieinMiami,aku nejze i odgovarat na nekoj drug ne mu odgovarat,toa nas ne ne prajt glupi ili ne znam so.Ili so rece za maltretiranje,mislam da ojt Afrika od kj so e mazot i ke vidit so e abuse i ne ke i teknit da zborvit pojke.Aj pozdravi od Australia
MacieinMiami Natasa, mislim daka si gypsy ali turchinka. Open your eyes your heart and stop thinking your better than everyone else. Your evidently someone miserable. Open your heart, arms and welcome the world. You will be a much happier person inside. I see you can take them out of the bush but you cant take the bush out of them. Ti treba aden ali dva arape goleme mnogu goleme [}:)]
Natasa tesko na majkati i tatko ti i na zenjava so te krepit,as far as i am consern i am not married with african american like te americans love to say,but please don t call me names because i didn t call you anything,sometimes honesty hurts but that s way this topic is for.If you dont like opinions stay away from the topic and let others express,their opinions.
Originally posted by MacieinMiami
Natasa, mislim daka si gypsy ali turchinka. Open your eyes your heart and stop thinking your better than everyone else. Your evidently someone miserable. Open your heart, arms and welcome the world. You will be a much happier person inside. I see you can take them out of the bush but you cant take the bush out of them. Ti treba aden ali dva arape goleme mnogu goleme [}:)]
So dva posta uspea da pokazhesh kolku si glupa i ne izdrzha a da ne iskochi prostachkoto od tebe. Posle ova mozham samo da te pomnozham so 0.
Originally posted by MacieinMiami
Natasa, mislim daka si gypsy ali turchinka. Open your eyes your heart and stop thinking your better than everyone else. Your evidently someone miserable. Open your heart, arms and welcome the world. You will be a much happier person inside. I see you can take them out of the bush but you cant take the bush out of them. Ti treba aden ali dva arape goleme mnogu goleme [}:)]
ok daj da razjasnime nekolku raboti pred da ja odnesime diskusijava vo druga nasoka!! Ne cenam predrasudi voopshto i nema da dozvolam da navredis ili pak neuspeshno da se potrudish da navredis nekoj samo zato so ima razlicno mislenje od tvoeto!! Natasa kaza so mislit taa,jas kazav za mene ti za tebe.Tvoj zivot ,zivej go kako sakas bez da nametnuvash tvoi ubeduvanja i pogledi.Niti nie SME polosi od tebe zatoa shto se razlicni niti pak ti si polosa od nas zatoa shto ne mozis da gi svatish(normalno se do onaj moment koga ke pocnes da se ponashas ko kreten....toas mozam samo da ti kazam izdrzi). Zborvish i sudis tugjo razmisluvanje koe ne se poistovetuva so tvoeto a od druga strana sakas da kazis deka si open mind i nemas problem so inter-racial marriages.WHAT A HYPOCRITE !!! Vo momentov nemam problem so prifakanje na takov brak.So ne znacit deka sekogas ke go imam to mislenje.Covek shto se fali deka nikogas nema da si go promeni mislenjeto se nafaka da odi sekogas po prava linija....toj/taa e glupak koj/a veruva vo nepogreshlivosta...a takvo neshto nemaT!!! Ili ti go kontroliras tvojot stav ili toj te kontrolirat tebe...pomisli se mozda ke ti tekniT:))) Nareden pat ko ke se isponashas vaka ke ti izbrisham post i ke pobaram da si banirana.A sea ostani mi so zdravje i uzivaj[;)]
Natasa cuti Rage ostaj ja mavni ja ne cinit tolku da mislis za takvi licnosti,se gledat od daleku koja e,ajde bidi mi pozdravena
lepak096 miss macieinmiami i sujest for your own benefit you dont insult people, stiff shit if you cant take anybody elses opinion thats your problem, dont think that if you have that view of life that you are modern or culturaly above anyone. respect our veiws like we respect yours, you havve your own we have ours. from your posts you seem like a left wing greenie green peace type of person, i hope you have a nice life and pls dont tell people that your macedonian its and imbaressment. pozdrav
MacieinMiami i think u need a break[;)]
deni white trash *** Rage ne brishi , I'll report your ass :)
sasha BOT Ve molam ne zabeguvajte od temava EOT So pocit, Aleksandra
MacieinMiami Brishi mori skapana!
Goran-Skopje Ima nekoj da ja prati malku na plaza?
Originally posted by MacieinMiami
Brishi mori skapana!
BOT This is the second time i telling you to be carefull what u say and how u act. There is a limit.... EOT
lepak096 a lot of people have told you to stop insulting people, so please stop doing it miss jungle bunny hehehehehehe
OooOo Is macedonian woman black too?
dada Sani What about macedonian man and black woman?:)
MacieinMiami Inter-racial either way. It doesnt matter! I just wanted some input.
Originally posted by MacieinMiami
I would like to hear a Macedonians true opinion of an inter-racial marriage. A macedonian woman and a black man.
Познавам една таква фамилија, децата им се мешани (кафеави) и мојот input е дека целата фамилија се злато од луѓе[:)]
MacieinMiami Can you translate please?
Познавам една таква фамилија, децата им се мешани (кафеави) и мојот input е дека целата фамилија се злато од луѓе[:)]
SpaceLily As long as they are happy why NOT!
MacieinMiami I absolutely agree & we are very happy but the older generation doesn't feel the same way & I was just curious as to how the newer generation feels. We have really come a long way! As a matter of fact, we have 3 siblings in our family and we are all quite happily married in inter-racial marriages ie: black/chinese/indian.
Originally posted by MacieinMiami
Can you translate please?
Познавам една таква фамилија, децата им се мешани (кафеави) и мојот input е дека целата фамилија се злато од луѓе[:)]

I know a Macedonian lady married to an African man and they have 3 children (all the kids are tanned). The point was they're a very happy couple and family altogether[:)]
bonara as long as you are happy.... nothing else matters
DJ_SHEMA In a traditional Macedonian family, it will never work.
bonara i think the macedonian people that live outside of macedonia will be more acceptive, than the people that live in macedonia...
Sunshine true macedonian's fine as long it's not them or a close family member.
voda znaete kaj nas kako velet--koga imas deca ne znaes so kogo svat ke se fatis .[e tuka treba malce da pozategneme zasto ne ne ima mnogu na svetov i treba natalitetot da go zgolemime na makedoncinja ]-ne e bitno i ako se od mesni brakovi da si se makedonci
lepak096 i dont think it will work and everybody should stick to their own or something similar otherwise there a bound to be complications down the track i would not support my daughter/son in an interracial marriage
deni ja su protiv , aron nou uaj
deni a tie so demek ne se protiv picture this ? sin ti ili kerka ti ima vrska so crnec , indiec etc i vi vika oti gotovo se zeni/mazhi . I kako ke reagirate ?