Immigration News !!!
Immigration News !!!
Goran-Skopje Comprehensive Immigration Reform debate begins today March 02, 2006 The much awaited Senate debate on comprehensive immigration reform begins today. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold executive business meetings ("mark-up") to consider the comprehensive immigration reform bill proposed by Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA). Below are the highlights of the bill. New H-2C Temporary Worker program Guest Worker: The new category would authorize the issuance of a temporary visa to an individual who (1) is capable of performing the labor or services required for the occupational classification; (2) has received an offer of employment; (3) pays a $500 fee in addition to the cost of processing and adjudicating the application; and (4) undergoes a medical exam at their own expense. Period of stay: The initial authorization of H-2C status would run for three years, and could be extended for one additional three-year period. At the conclusion of the six-year period, the individual could not reenter the U.S. in H-2C status until he or she had been in his or her home country for at least one year. Status: If they remain unemployed for more than 45 days, they could lose their H-1C status. Portability would be allowed. Dependants: Family members may accompany the principal under H-4 status on payment of additional $500 fee. Student Visas New F-4 visa: The bill would create a new F-4 visa for individuals pursuing an advanced degree in a math, engineering, technology, or physical sciences program. The F-4 visa would be valid for an additional year after completion of the graduate program while the individual seeks full-time employment related to the field of study. Permanent residence for F-4 nonimmigrants: The bill would also allow students in the newly established F-4 visa classification to be intending immigrants if they plan to seek employment in the U.S. related to the graduate program’s field of study. They will be able to adjust their status to permanent residence immediately on payment of $1,000 fee. Increase in OPT period: The bill would authorize 24 months of optional practical training for F-1 students. Off-campus employment: All F students would be eligible for off-campus employment unrelated to the field of study if they maintain good academic standing and the employer attests to the educational institution and the Department of Labor that it has spent at least 21 days recruiting U.S. citizens to fill the position and will pay the greater of the actual or prevailing wage. Such off-campus employment is limited to 20 hours per week during the academic term and 40 hours per week during vacation periods and between terms. H-1B Cap Flexible H-1B Cap: The bill proposes to increase the numbers of H-1B visas available (to 115,000 in the fiscal year following enactment) and adds a market-based escalator mechanism so that the number available annually will fluctuate in response to the demand for such visas in the preceding fiscal year. Cap-exempt visas: In addition, it exempts from the numerical limitation foreign nationals who have earned advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, or math. Visas for Individuals with Advanced Degrees Exempt from numerical limitation: The bill would exempt from the numerical limitations on employment-based immigration foreign nationals with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, or math who have been working in a related field in the United States on a nonimmigrant visa during the three year period immediately preceding their application for an immigrant visa. Flexible labor certification: The bill would also subject such nationals with advanced degrees to more flexible special handling labor certification procedures. Conditional Nonimmigrant Work Authorization Work authorization: The bill would grant a "conditional nonimmigrant work authorization and status to remain in the United States” to aliens who were employed in the United States on January 4, 2004. The alien’s employer would be required to a $500 application fee. Dependants: Spouses and minor children of these workers could qualify to remain in the U.S., although not to work, upon payment of a $100 fee. Family Based Green Cards Immediate relatives removed from annual ceiling: Immediate relatives (spouses, children, and parents) of U.S. citizens will be removed from the annual worldwide ceiling of 480,000 family-based visas and redistribute them elsewhere in the family-based preference system. It would also redistribute the 480,000 family based immigrant visas among the existing four family-based preference categories and redistribute the 290,000 employment-based visas, making modifications to the categories. The bill would also raise the per-country limits. Employment Based Green Cards Increase ceiling: The bill would increase the ceiling on employment-based visas from 140,000 to 290,000 as well as the per-country ceilings. It would also exempt spouses and children of employment-based immigrants from the limits. We at VisaPro will keep a close watch on Senate Judiciary Committee meetings on comprehensive immigration reform and update our esteemed readers on the progress of the discussions, through Immigration News and Immigration Monitor, our monthly newsletter.
achtung_panzer Iljadnici emigranti protestiraat niz pogolemite gradovi vo Amerika: [url][/url] 10-ti april e den za akcija za emigrantski prava: [url][/url]
Originally posted by Goran-Skopje
For those undocumented immigrants living here longer than five years, they would have to pay a fine, their taxes, exhibit good character and learn English. Those who have been here two to five years would have half a year to register and three years to apply for a temporary work visa or another kind of visa.
[:D]Bash me interesira kako sive ovie kje dokazhat deka tolku-i-tolku vreme pominale vo amerikata... i shto kje gi motivira site onie shto se vo usa pomalku od 5 godini da izlezat i da se prijavuvaat koga znaat shto gi cheka. Neli i dosega se dovivale za zhivot bez papiri, shto kje se promeni tolku bitno...
Originally posted by OooOo
lol ... 245(i) ne e voopshto amnestija.
Ima mnogu lugje koi so tebe nema da se soglasat i tokmu blagodarejkji na 245(i) si go sredija statusot. Narednata nedela reshavachka za predlog- reformata na imigrantskiot sistem: [url][/url]
achtung_panzer V chetvrtok kje se znae dali predlog-amnestijata kje pomine kako zakon: [url],2933,190550,00.html[/url]
bonara thank you for the updates [:)]
Goran-Skopje Koj i kakvo iskustvo ima ovde vo USA okolu sreduvanje na vakov ili onakov nachin na prestoj?
BorisVM Goran, Najdobra kniga za toa ti e [url=""]U.S. Immigration Made Easy[/url] Ova e najnovata kniga, ja izdavaat na 30 Mart.
Goran-Skopje Ok...fala.
sasha Ova se slucuvashe vcera 25 Mart vo Los Angeles...strashna rabota! Bi sakala da slushnam vashe mislenje okolu noviov zakon.
Goran-Skopje Jas sepak mislam deka kje se najde nekoja forma koja kje bide olesnitelna barem za nekoj period i zamachkuvanje na ochi na javnosta, kako i sekogash dosega...a posle? Ne znam shto razmisluvaat site onie "nashi" koi ja chekaat ovaa amnestija vekje nekolku godini i za koja sekojdnevno govorat. Bi sakal da prochitam nekoj post ovde so nekoe razmisluvanje. p.s. na 11 milioni ilegalci, ako sekogo go koshta po $500 do 1000-che za privremen status nekoj, kje se inkasira dosta ovde, a trebaat pari momentalno... "Dojdete ovde, nie najubavo lazeme" e USA po definicija.[;)]
sasha Dali e ova samo.."proposal" ili zakonov e veke sproveden?
Goran-Skopje Mislam deka od vtornik pochuva debata vo senat, kje ima nekoja forma na amnestija, ama kje vidime...
Originally posted by Goran-Skopje
Mislam deka od vtornik pochuva debata vo senat, kje ima nekoja forma na amnestija, ama kje vidime...
Mislis da se amnestiraat tie sto se ilegalni ovdeka?...da vidam da ne poveruvam.
OooOo Ova e programa slichna na predhodnata kade shto milioni i milioni ilegalni imigranti kje platat odredena suma pari i kje im se dade legalen status za da pochnat proces na legalizacija. Posledniot vakov predlog beshe 2001-va godina mislam i togash budjetot se napolni za nekolku milijardi dolari, dodeka poslednata masovna amnestija bila vo 1986 potpishana od Regan. Interesno e shto ovaa tematika sekogash se aktuelizira pred izbori ili koga treba da se odvleche vnimanie od neshto :)
Originally posted by OooOo
sekogash se aktuelizira pred izbori ili koga treba da se odvleche vnimanie od neshto :)
Normalna rabota.
OooOo Klinton ne napravi nishto za ilegalnite imigranti i neznam od kaj ti e taa informacija. Razgledaj gi predlog-zakonite so godini nanazad i kje vidish za shto zboruvam vo postot pogore. Nishto od rakav ne e kazhano.
dada Sani Dali i kolku moze obicniot covek da kjari od politichki igri? OooOo spomna deka vakvi predlozi doagjaat samo pred izbori.Predlogot doagja od Bush, a na preliminarnoto glasanje na Komitetot za Pravda na Senatorite, 6-te glasovi "protiv" bea od republikanci:) Tie smetaat deka ne e fer za onie koi igrale spored pravilata i deka vakvata odluka indirektno go podrzuva ilegalnoto vleguvanje vo SAD. Od druga strana, demokratite se drzat za toa deka imigrantite i onaka se vekje tuka, pa da soberat povekje pari od danok:) Uslovite koi treba da gi ispolnuvaat imigrantite se slednive: da dokazat deka vlegle vo SAD pred 7 januari 2004, da platat $1000 kazna, da pominat background check i da dokazat deka se vraboteni. Opsto e poznato deka rabotodavacite ne smeat da vrabotuvaat lugje koi se ilegalno vo drzavata i mene ne mi e jasno koj rabotodavac kje izdade potvrda deka ima zasnovano raboten odnos so ilegalec?!:)
Goran-Skopje Toa so dokazot deka rabotele malku e zamrseno i ne e nekako jasno shto i kako treba da bide. Kje izmislat nekoj vid na neshto, topla voda kje bide.[:D]
OooOo Nema gajle za rabotodavecot, proverena stvar :)
mafisKumA Non permanent residence work for very little money but they deprive genuine citizens of jobs.
Originally posted by OooOo
... Interesno e shto ovaa tematika sekogash se aktuelizira pred izbori ili koga treba da se odvleche vnimanie od neshto :)
Ajde more, da beshe ova so amnestijata samo izboren marketing kje imashe dosega mnogu povekje od amnestija i nemashe da izigruvaat primadoni po ambasadite americhki koga treba da se dade viza. Sepak Amerika ne e Makedonija. Vistinskata prichina za predstojnata amnestija e samiot fakt shto nekoi 5% od populacijata na Amerika e nadvor od sekakva evidencija (gruba procenka za brojot na ilegalci vo Amerika). Toa e premnogu golema brojka shto e von kontrola vo opshtestvo kade vladee pravoto i zakonot. Onolkav procent neevidentirani zhiteli e i bezbednosen rizik. Ednostavno mora tie 12 i kusur milioni lugje da se izvlechat od sivata zona za da se vidi koj se' e tuka. Bush ushte pred nekolku godini najavi deka vakvo neshto kje mora da se donese, i toa vo edno novogodishno obrakjanje. Toa shto predstojat izbori za kongresmeni e samo prigodno vreme za aktuelizacija, ne i prichina za reformite... Vakvi reformi i amnestii kje ima na redovni vremenski intervali, kako shto kje ima lugje koi kje se dovivaat na site mozhni nachini da gi minat amreikanskite granici (i pokraj seta visoka tehnologija predvidena da se upotrebi so istiov zakon so koj se dava amnestija na ilegalcite). Mozhe ushte nekoja koska za ilegalcite da padne na krajot na Bushoviot vtor mandat, kako shto i Klinton i Regan napravile na krajot na nivnite vtori mandati.
Originally posted by OooOo
Klinton ne napravi nishto za ilegalnite imigranti i neznam od kaj ti e taa informacija. Razgledaj gi predlog-zakonite so godini nanazad i kje vidish za shto zboruvam vo postot pogore. Nishto od rakav ne e kazhano.
Tokmu ova so zdebelenite bukvi e od rakav zborenje. Mnogu lugje si go sredija statusot za vreme na mini-amnestijata od poslednite meseci na Klintonovata administracija. Problemot beshe shto traeshe mnogu kratko i ne beshe od obem kako segashniot predlog. A za predlog- zakonite, prvin javno izleze Bush so inicijativa za da potoa skoro sekoj kongresmen/senator si izdelka svoj nekakov si predlog. Ova shto skoro pomina kako predlog e i nekakva najdarezhliva varijanta shto ne znachi deka tokmu ovaa forma i kje pomine kako zakon... kje ima mlatarenje i vlechkanje-tegnenje so amandmani i promeni vo posleden chas, neli se toa politichari; iako Amerika ne e Makedonija, politicharite sepak se ednakvo antipatichni faci i vo dvete zemji...
OooOo achtung, molim te potkrepi go so link ova za Klinton shto go napisha.
achtung_panzer Eden od mnogute linkovi: [url][/url] Ova bi bil najbitniot del od celata frka okolu 245(i), amandmanot shto Klinton potpisha da bide prodolzhen za ushte troichka: NOTE: Since April 30, 2001, you cannot qualify for 245(i) benefits, but you may be eligible if your visa qualification petition was previously filed. Ova dokolku ne se trgash od net po cel den pa ti treba link za da vidish shto se sluchuva(lo) okolu tebe...
OooOo lol ... 245(i) ne e voopshto amnestija.
achtung_panzer James Bond dobiva novi zadachi: sega lovi ilegalci niz Amerika. [:D] 40-tina ilegalci fateni kako rabotat vo voena baza, prethodno povikani na navoden zadolzhitelen k*rs za zashtita pri rabota: [url][/url]
achtung_panzer Izgleda deka sepak predlog-amnestijata kje pomine na glasanje, so nekolku izmeni vo odnos na originalniot predlog: [url][/url] Nakratko, ilegalcite kje bidat podeleni vo tri grupi, spored vremeto koe go pominale vo uloga na Otpishanite. Vrz osnova na toa ponatamu kje se odluchuva dali kje ostanat ili kje treba da zaminat nazad za da baraat vizi... Utre nautro (petok, 7-mi april) kje se glasa za ovoj zakon koga i kje se znaat detalite okolu formata na dokumentacijata shto kje treba da se prezentira...
Goran-Skopje Eve sho kje bide...,0,5360518.htmlstory?coll=la-home-headlines Znachi za onie koi se povekje od 5 godini ne kje treba da se vrakjaat vo MKD za da zimaat viza i da se zaebavaat. Epa makedonci, toa e..
Goran-Skopje The Senate has officially announced a compromise deal involving immigration reform. With final details still to be ironed out, it includes a temporary worker program supported by President Bush. The compromise plan separates the immigrant population into three groups depending on how long they have been in the U.S. as of January of 2004. For those undocumented immigrants living here longer than five years, they would have to pay a fine, their taxes, exhibit good character and learn English. Those who have been here two to five years would have half a year to register and three years to apply for a temporary work visa or another kind of visa. Also part of the deal, illegal immigrants in the U.S. for under two years wouldn`t be eligible for any special treatment and would have to leave. At a news conference after the compromise deal was achieved, Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy said the message from the compromise to immigrants is they are welcome to come here and become citizens. He said they no longer have to hide in the shadows. Pennsylvania Republican Arlen Specter said many problems with immigration reform have been worked through. Specter says the compromise bill is good but not perfect. Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy says everyone has worked hard to get a bipartisan bill out of the Judiciary Committee. He called it a step forward but acknowledged more work needs to be done. President Bush has called debate on immigration reform a quote, "vital debate." He said a guest worker program is not amnesty and it would quote, "enable us to more secure the border." He also says it recognizes there are people working hard to take jobs that Americans will not take. The proposed reform has sparked protests across the country and right here in Southeast Texas
Originally posted by Goran-Skopje
For those undocumented immigrants living here longer than five years, they would have to pay a fine, their taxes, exhibit good character and learn English. Those who have been here two to five years would have half a year to register and three years to apply for a temporary work visa or another kind of visa.
I kako shto rekov na predhodnata strana...
Originally posted by OooOo
Ova e programa slichna na predhodnata kade shto milioni i milioni ilegalni imigranti kje platat odredena suma pari i kje im se dade legalen status za da pochnat proces na legalizacija.
Amnestija nazhalost nema.
Goran-Skopje Mislam deka sepak kje se najde modus za da se "odigra ova", poshto 6 milioni meksikanci moraat da se legaliziraat nekako, taka da kje ja sredat nekako. Para mora da vleze nekako vo kasa, a ne se malku makar po 1000 $ od chovek, mnogu e brate...
Goran-Skopje U.S. Senate Agreement on Immigration Law Collapses (Update1) April 7 (Bloomberg) -- A U.S. Senate vote on legislation to overhaul U.S. immigration laws was delayed for at least two weeks after an agreement between Republicans and Democrats collapsed. ``We're going to have to postpone and delay full consideration of this bill,'' Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said. Senators failed to reach agreement on how to handle amendments that Democrats said would undermine provisions for granting immigrants legal status. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter said the measure, which creates a guest-worker program and lets undocumented immigrants gain legal status, will be his ``number- one priority'' when lawmakers return from a two-week recess at the end of the month. ``The agreement has been decimated, has fallen through, because of partisan politics,'' said Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican. ``Regrettably, partisan politics plays too large a role on both sides of the aisle.'' Frist hailed an agreement on the measure yesterday as ``a huge breakthrough'' at a press conference where he was joined by Democratic leaders. Lawmakers took to the Senate floor this morning to announce that the agreement had fallen apart. ``There is a limit to how far you can take us with these debilitating amendments,'' said Senator Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat.
dada Sani
Originally posted by Goran-Skopje
U.S. Senate Agreement on Immigration Law Collapses (Update1) April 7 (Bloomberg) -- A U.S. Senate vote on legislation to overhaul U.S. immigration laws was delayed for at least two weeks after an agreement between Republicans and Democrats collapsed. ...
CNN pisuva deka "Senate immigration compromise sidetracked". Ne znam zosto ama ova "sidetracked" mi padna nekako smesno:)
achtung_panzer Me razocharuvash dadichka... ostaj CNN, chuvaj zdravje [;)] [url][/url] Watch more PBS [;)]