Czech Republic supports Macedonian EU accession
Czech Republic supports Macedonian EU accession
BorisVM Czech Republic supports Macedonian EU accession, offers experience Prague, April 4 (CTK) - The Czech Republic supports Macedonia's EU accession, Czech Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek said after meeting his Macedonian counterpart Vlado Buckovski today, adding that Macedonia does well as a country with a stabilising role in the region. Paroubek offered Macedonia the Czech Republic's experience from the accession process. "We are interested in excellent [mutual] political relations and in extending our trade and economic cooperation," Paroubek said. He said the Czech government is planning to establish a Czech embassy in Macedonia, and would welcome Skopje to do the same in Prague. "I'd like to emphasise our appreciation of the Macedonian government's decision to lift the visa duty for our citizens," Paroubek said. He said the Czech Republic has definitively abolished the fees for the applications for Czech visas. Buckovski said that the Czech support to Macedonia's EU and NATO accession is very important for Skopje, mainly now that the EU is experiencing a crisis in terms of further enlargement. The EU started accession talks with Croatia and Turkey last October. Macedonia is still waiting for the accession talks opening date to be set. Albania, Serbia and Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have received a vague promise of "European outlook." EU membership has also been sought by Ukraine, and other countries may show interest later in the future. On Wednesday, Buckovski is to meet Czech President Vaclav Klaus and the heads of the two houses of parliament. In the afternoon, he will attend a discussion meeting on Macedonia in the Czech Senate. The Czech Republic exports mainly dairy products, chemical substances, tyres, iron products and machines to Macedonia. It imports fruits, vegetables, synthetic fibres, metals and machines from Macedonia. Last year, the Czech Republic imported goods worth CZK 252 million to Macedonia, and exported goods worth CZK 604 million.
The_Crow Normalno deka ne podrzuva slovenski narod slovensko pleme. Support za inicijativata.
tomislav1978 Nemoj be Boris da postiras pozitivni slucuvanja, na nekogo mu rasipuvas denot.. Makedonija ima prijateli niz svetot, i e pocituvana od mnogumina, ne sme sami
nukleus Makedonija ima tolku mnogu prijateli po svetot shto "puka" od sorabotka i slobodna razmena na luge i stoka so niv.15 odini se obiduvam da bidam optimist no nikako da najdam barem edna radosna vest shto navistina se slucila za Makedonija i Makedonskiot narod,samo izjavi za pozitivni nameri i tolku. Toa gi unishtuva moite pozitivni razmisluvanaja vo sekoj pogled.
orlak во средина на јуни Чесите отвараат амбасада во РМ само за економскиот развиток и економските програми. пред неколку недели се сретнав со луѓе од амбасадата во Белград и истите изразија став на подршка на Македонија во секаква насока, меѓу другото и економска. штета што ЕСМ не го купи ЧЕЗ, човекот ми рече, немавме јако лоби да ја истурка работата до крај, всушност истото лоби работеше за Австријците за „поголем финансиски интерес„. таман чесите земаа дел од Хидроцентралите и дефинитивно почнаа да влагаат во Македонија. пример отворија доста претставништва мислам дека има една што се занимава и со истражување на почвите.. ...