slasa graf aj kazi kako recepta za gravce tavce najdobro makedonsko jadenje posto go noisis nikot graf mora da go znaes
graf jas ke jadam graf , once every two weeks . BUT I DON'T EAT THAT CAN BEANS CRAP Graf in Da Selo !!!
graf evo sum Graf in Da Selo !!!
n/a Lele graf, colku pati jadish graf na nedelata ..FOXXY..
n/a Yuck Graf is gross, i did like it at one stage but when i went to Maso i was totally turned off by the amount of oil they use in their cooking. I have been turned off most Maso food since Because life wasn't meant to be boring!
Andre English people use graf too, for breakfast they eat it with eggs, saucages, bacon and tomatoes. I like graf in a tepsia with some bread and a bit of dutch pig-meat. Thats the best Andre From Holland!
i know lots of women how love graf so kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
Only GRAF with a BIG KOLBAS not a KEBABCHE!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell them that U love them each day as U might be gone tommorrow..........John Edward Crossing over.......
graf well I havn't had any women yet say they didn't like it Graf in Da Selo !!!
graf LELel nedusha bev na rabota vo drugo grat za 2 nedili. ELelell i koga se vrati majkami napbre Graf ohhh lelel kako super beshe. Just like a drug Graf in Da Selo !!!
Andre ok[:)] Andre From Holland!
n/a Andre i like piperki, ajvar, masnik (i think that's how you spell it), and manga, but all only once in a while. But i still love my various types of salads, pasta's, and noodles too much to trade them in for Maso food Because life wasn't meant to be boring!
graf i know lots of women how love graf so kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
n/a Don't forget the Makedonski suvi kolbasi. Just for the right flavor!!! Tell them that U love them each day as U might be gone tommorrow..........
Yuck Graf is gross, i did like it at one stage but when i went to Maso i was totally turned off by the amount of oil they use in their cooking. I have been turned off most Maso food since Because life wasn't meant to be boring!
Really? I think it tastes even better there..... We go there every year and every year we learn some more cooking there and it's just great! Ok, about the graf... thats too much, but when preparing the graf right, it will taste real good! What maso food DO you like? Andre From Holland!
graf sto e graf bes kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
sto e graf bes kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
Unless U put meatballs instead or suvi rebra!!!! Tell them that U love them each day as U might be gone tommorrow..........John Edward Crossing over.......
sto e graf bes kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
It is a healthy meal without kolbasi! Do you know that when they make the mince for the kolbasi that they place in there all the fat and grittle and even tail bones and ears? YUK! I hate kolbasi! You are all, Hic, entitled to MY, Hic, opinion!
[quote] sto e graf bes kolbas Graf in Da Selo !!!
It is a healthy meal without kolbasi! Do you know that when they make the mince for the kolbasi that they place in there all the fat and grittle and even tail bones and ears? YUK! I hate kolbasi! You are all, Hic, entitled to MY, Hic, opinion!
Sure you do O'CANADA