Problem so Xp pro |
vlado1979 |
Ne sum nekoj poznavac na kompjuteri,hardwer softwer i ostanato.Imam asus
lap top 1.73ghz,512ram,60g hard disk..procer pentium m.Imam instalirano xp pro.Normalno piratski e..Problemot e sto na start up posle edno mesec dena od koristene na istiot bez nikakvi problemi,mi se pojavi slednovo..
c0000135 {Unable to Locate Component}
This application has
failed to start because winsrv was not found.
the application may fix this problem."
E sea..Prethodniot den simnuvav nekoj update za xp to..Se mi se cini deka toa mi go ubi lap topot..
Prashanje broj eden:
Dali treba da se reinstalira Xp
prashanje broj dva:
Dali ke gi zagubam podatocite na mojot hard disk(na c:ili d:/ ili na dvata?)
Blagodaram odnapred za korisen odgovor |
HuLiGaN |
btw off topic ama za tie shto sakaat da znaat
How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer
Use the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel
1. Click Start, click Run, type appwiz.cpl in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. Click to select the Show Updates check box.
3. Click Windows XP Service Pack 2, and then click Remove.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to remove Windows XP SP2.
BorisVM |
Eve ti tuka imash se objasneto |
OooOo |
Dali toj update shto go simna predhodniot den beshe Service Pack2?
Boris bil pobrz od mene. |
vlado1979 |
tamu se ubavo si pishuva samo sto jas ne mozam da go startuvam pc to vo safe mode,pak se restartira...:(nesaka da startuva ni Last good configuration that worked..
celo vreme dosadnata "STOP:
c0000135 {Unable to Locate Component}
This application has
failed to start because winsrv was not found.
Mi mirisa mene ova na reinstall ali ajde...
OooOo |
Recovery console kje morash da koristish za ova. Eve ja postapkata:
Use Recovery Console
If you cannot successfully remove Windows XP SP2 by using one of the previous methods, follow these steps:
Insert the Windows XP startup disk into your floppy disk drive or insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer. When you receive the following message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD:
Press any key to boot from CD
Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD drive or DVD drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD drive or DVD drive, see the documentation that came with your computer or contact the computer manufacturer.
When you receive the following message, press R to start the Recovery Console:
Welcome to Setup
Select your Windows XP installation. This installation is typically C:\Windows.
If you are prompted to type an administrator password, do so. If you do not have an administrator password, press ENTER.
At the command prompt, type cd $ntservicepackuninstall$\spuninst, and then press ENTER.
Warning After you complete this step, you cannot stop the removal process.
At the command prompt, type batch spuninst.txt, and then press ENTER.
After the removal finishes, type exit, and then press ENTER.
Restart your computer.
Important When your computer restarts, Windows Explorer (Explorer.exe) does not run, and you must follow these steps:
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to start Task Manager.
Click the Applications tab, and then click New Task.
In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
Right-click ObjectName, click Modify, and then type LocalSystem in the Value String box.
Restart your computer
Use one of the previous methods to remove Windows XP SP2 from your computer.
For additional information about how to install and use the Recovery Console, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
307654 How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP
Prevzemeno od tuka -> |
vlado1979 |
vidi 0ooOo..Toa beshe nekoj update koj mi se pokaza na task barot i nesto kao update za xp to.valjda e toj servis pack da mu e**m.Ali me nervira sto nemozam da go startiram ni vo safe mode ... |
BorisVM |
Pa zatoa morash so recovery console inaku nishto ne pravish. Problemot ti e so XP SP2 i neshto adware shto imash. |
vlado1979 |
E sega problemot e sto ja nemam Xp instalaciono taka da najverojatno ke treba da si viknam nekoj so si gi razbira rabotite i so ke si donese i instalaciono..Bez instalaciono tesko deka ke me ogree neli???
:) |
OooOo |
E teshko ... :) |
vlado1979 |
samo uste ova i da ne tupam mnogu...
Ima li sansi nesto da se spasi od podatoci na hardot>>:
i finally sto da pravam za vo idnina da nemam vakvi problemi..
any friendly advice????? |
OooOo |
Preku Recovery Console sve mozhe da se spasi |
BorisVM |
Podatocite ne gi gubish ama kje treba malce da se pomachish da gi spasish ako nastane k*rshlus so RC. Imashe nekade bootable CD so Win operativen system. Kje morash so toa da startirash, pa da prikluchish vtor HD na kompjuterot pa da kopirash od eden na drug za da bidesh siguren deka nema nishto da izgubish. |
vlado1979 |
Lugje blagodaram za epten expresniot odgovor...Prvo pa masko sto bi rekle.Sega idam spijam utre vikam covek...
Zakon ste |
OooOo |
quote: Originally posted by vlado1979
...Prvo pa masko sto bi rekle...
Ne be i dvajcata prvo pa zhensko imame!
vlado1979 |
neka se zi8vi i zdravi a mashinceto da mi se opravi skoro oti mav mi e rabotata:)Arno so mi tekna na forumov da se obratam.Geek si e geek i toa e...Sekoj so svojot zanaet..:))) |
OooOo |
E da, Boris e geek, ali ja ne! [:D] |
vlado1979 |
e sega edno zdravo od doma/..Kompjuterot si go sredi covek so si razbira i ne mi fali ni bajt,se si e na mesto...Eh kolku e ubavo pak da si online od doma:))))
Pozdrav do site geekovi |