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Музички вести од светот
Најнови случувања,трачеви,новитети .....everything goes

Suspect In Proof Slaying Turns Himself In

DETROIT — A suspect in the slaying of D12 rapper Proof turned himself in Wednesday afternoon (April 12).

Mario Etheridge, a 28-year-old bouncer at the CCC Club, where the shooting occurred, is now in custody, according to the

Detroit Police Department.

Authorities have not released any more details but said Tuesday that several witnesses had pointed to Etheridge and that once police started to make contact, he turned himself in. A warrant is currently being filed for his arrest.


MeGaSTaR 50 CeNT .CaDy Shop .. Ciara-Goodies ..
Kliment ke imaat black eyed peas koncert vo everett, wa vo maj
RaGeAnGeL Pearl Jam so nov album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!klik

Pearl Jam (formed in 1990 in Seattle, Washington) are a rock band considered one of the most popular and influential artists of their decade.[1] Their name is intimately tied to the grunge movement of the early 1990s, and they are considered one the Big Four of grunge music[2] (alongside Alice in Chains, Nirvana, and Soundgarden). Although they moved further away from the grunge sound in time, their newest album, Pearl Jam, promises to deliver a sound reminiscent of their early grunge days. Pearl Jam are also one of the few mainstream alternative rock bands that has remained active since the atrophy of their contemporaries. Currently, the group boasts a large fan base which contributes to making the band one of the most popular live acts in the world.


RaGeAnGeL Eminem Breaks Silence On Proof; Rapper's Lawyer Denies He Shot First

D12 partner, longtime friend encourages fans to focus on Proof's life, not death.

After two days of private mourning, Eminem broke his public silence late Thursday on the death of his best friend Proof, as the slain rapper's lawyer refuted police reports that he shot first in Tuesday morning's incident at Detroit's CCC Club.

"You don't know where to begin when you lose somebody who's been such a big part of your life for so long. Proof and I were brothers," Eminem said in a statement regarding the death of his D12 partner, longtime onstage hype man and closest friend (see "D12's Proof Shot And Killed At Detroit Club"). "He pushed me to become who I am. Without Proof's guidance and encouragement there would have been a Marshall Mathers, but probably not an Eminem and certainly never a Slim Shady. Not a day will go by without his spirit and influence around us all. He will be missed as a friend, father and both the heart and ambassador of Detroit hip-hop."

RaGeAnGeL car e zenava

Мадона одново ќе ја шокира јавноста

Позната по тоа дека сака секогаш кога ќе се појави да ја шокира јавноста, американската поп ѕвезда Мадона и овој пат спремајќи се за својата светска турнеа смисли нов начин како и да го направи тоа.

Таа планира почетокот на турнеата да го обележи со нејзино симнување од плафонот на џиновски крст.

Крстот ќе биде направен од дијаманти и кристали од „Сваровски“, а ќе чини 5,7 милиони фунти.

И покрај својата огромна посветеност на Кабалата, секта која е заснована на јудаизмот, таа и понатаму ги користи христијанските симболи за да ја шокира јавноста.

Ако се сеќавате во 1989 година ја навреди христијанската религиозна заедница со својот спот за песната „Like A Prayer“ во кој таа одглуми секс со светец во црква.
Ако се сеќавате во 1989 година ја навреди христијанската религиозна заедница со својот спот за песната „Like A Prayer“ во кој таа одглуми секс со светец во црква.

"Like a prayer" i e najbolja pesna, ja i dozvoluvam da glumi sto saka vo spotot cim pesnata e jaka.
TimeHacker a be zakon bea tie od FInska ostaj gi ovie raperi :)))))))
RaGeAnGeL Eddie Vedder: Addicted to Rock
Pearl Jam's leader on the difference between surfing and crowd surfing, and the best advice Bob Dylan gave him

"There's so much information in the songs and the lyrics that it felt like one more title was almost pretentious," says Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder. That's just one explanation for why the band's eighth studio album is simply called Pearl Jam. Another would be that it is the group's most democratic effort since its massive 1991 debut, Ten. On songs like the laid-back acoustic beauty "Parachutes" (music written by Stone Gossard), the eight-minute trip "Inside Job" (lyrics by Mike McCready) and the first single, "World Wide Suicide" (which is killing at radio), PJ brought a live feel to the studio, laying down tracks that showcase tasty guitar interplay and a heavy backbeat. "When you collaborate, you still have this urge to stay in the studio after everybody's left and do things the way you want to," says a chilled-out Vedder on a cold, dark day in Seattle. "But you can't do that."

mArInCe Pearl Jam CAROJ!!!
RaGeAnGeL i jas eptem gi sakam marince

Radiohead Debut New Songs in London
Yorke and Greenwood play acoustic set for environmental benefit

When Monday night's benefit for grassroots environmental network Friends of the Earth was announced weeks ago, it sold out instantly, with tickets for the evening at London's Koko club soon being snapped up on eBay for outrageous prices. It was clear why: Although the stripped-down acoustic bill included sets from indie talents Kate Rusby and Super Furry Animals frontman Gruff Rhys, the evening was all about Radiohead.

RaGeAnGeL Кајли ќе добие споменик

По добиената битка со болеста австралиската пејачка Кајли Миног, ќе добие подарок од нејзиниот роден град.

Имено, градските власти во Мелбурн решија светската музичка ѕвезда која потекнува од овој град да добие споменик во знак на благодарност кон неа. Како најголем повод за изградба на овој споменик, градските власти го потенцираат фактот дека Кајли успешно ја доби битката со ракот на градите, а сега веќе е пример за многу жени на светот како треба да се бори со болест.

Бронзената статуа ќе биде поставена на местото каде веќе се наоѓаат споменици на заслужни граѓани.

Интересно е тоа дека статуата на Кајли ќе биде изградена по инспирација на нејзината позната поза кога игра во златен шорц.

Сигурно овој споменик ќе предизвика огромно интересирање кај фановите на Кајли кои со нетрпение ја очекуваат промоцијата на истиот.

ne znam zaso ama nikogas ne svativ so e tolku special vo tipkava??
ke mi kazit nekoj??

RaGeAnGeL Пинк игра гола

Пинк вели дека мрази да носи облека и има желба музичката индустрија да и дозволи во иднина да настапува потполно гола.
Екстремната пејачка во своите настапи пред јавноста се надева дека во најкратко време ќе биде возможно танчарите кои ќе ги ангажира за своите настапи и спотови, едноставно ќе може да ги замоли да ја соблечат својата облека и да заиграат ко од мајка родени.

Пинк инаку во јавноста е позната по тоа што во својата песна „Stupid girl“ ги „опеа“ американските џет-сетерки Парис Хилтон и Џесика Симпсон, кои ги смета за конкуренти кои и ја загрозуваат популарноста особено кај тинејџерите.

RaGeAnGeL Christina Aguilera, AFI To Perform At MTV Movie Awards

Popcorn presenters include Ludacris, Justin Timberlake, Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson.

It isn't difficult to imagine a killer party fueled by the voices of Justin Timberlake, Ludacris and Christina Aguilera. At one of 2006's biggest bashes, however, they won't just be blaring out of the speakers.

The trio of recording superstars are among the A-list names who'll appear at next month's MTV Movie Awards. New-to-Hollywood stars Justin and Luda, meanwhile, will hand out the famous Golden Popcorn awards alongside stars including Will Ferrell, Kate Hudson, Owen Wilson, Kate Beckinsale and the soon-to-be-superstar from "Superman Returns," Brandon Routh.
In addition to Aguilera, the 2006 edition of the annual event will feature a performance by punk/glam rockers AFI, who'll bust out the new song "Miss Murder" for its first-ever TV performance, just days after their new album, Decemberunderground, hits stores.

RaGeAnGeL Metallica Avoiding Battles On New Album

Five years ago, James Hetfield would not have been awake or sober enough to get into the studio at 9 a.m., but that's where he's frequently found himself as work continues on Metallica's new album. "I would have been going to bed at 9 a.m., not going to work," he tells Billboard.

Things have changed for Hetfield, who has been sober for nearly five years. On May 12, he will receive an honor he says he is more proud of than any career achievement. The MusiCares MAP Fund, a non-profit organization aimed at helping music industry professionals with addiction recovery treatment, will present Hetfield with the Stevie Ray Vaughan Award for his "devotion to helping other addicts with the recovery process" during its second annual benefit concert at the Music Box/Henry Fonda Theater in Hollywood.

"I don't believe that you have to walk straight into the fire to know how hot it is," Hetfield says. "That was my path. The biggest awareness is that you're not alone and that there is some help. When people get so far into it, where they feel their life isn't worth anything, that's too far. But, you can survive it. That's important to know."

Hetfield admits the process of making an album while sober is "very different because there is a lot more awareness of what we are doing and sometimes over-thinking it. Now we are very present for it all and I'm not afraid to do or try anything musically."

But he says the current project, which is being produced by Rick Rubin, is "going great because everyone is present and everyone is enjoying the process. The process is a lot easier. [Drummer] Lars [Ulrich] and I would butt heads daily. It would be going to war every day. You'd suit up in your armor before you go in the studio. Battling back and forth. Now it's helping each other do the best of their ability. It's all moving toward the same goal instead of pulling back."

RaGeAnGeL Клептон меѓу најбогатите

Познатиот гитарист и вокал Ерик Клептон минатата година заработи околу 4 милиони фунти без да пише нова песна или да оди на турнеја.

Легендата која трае и има 61 година реши да се почести себе си со #163;1.4 милиони, благодарение на богатиот фонт на испеани и отсвирени песни во минатото вклучително и „Money And Cigarettes“.

Тој исто така пушти нов албум „Me And Mr Johnson“.

Музичарот со прекар „Slowhand“ (бавна рака) финансиски тежи околу 135 милини фунти.

Ерик Клептон се запиша на листата на 420 најбогати луѓе во земјата. На листата заедно со него е и колегата Фил Колинс.

Клептон започна во бендот „Cream“, за потоа да направи одлична соло кариера оставајќи зад себе, секогаш актуелни класици како што е „Layla“.

RaGeAnGeL Боно Вокс главен уредник на Индипендент

Рок пејачот Боно Вокс во вторник ќе биде главен и уредник на британскиот весник Индипендент со цел да ги претстави проблемите на Африка поврзани со СИДА-та.

Фронтменот на У2 заедно со американскиот филантроп Боби ШрајверВ ја водат кампањата за запознавање на светотВ за борбата со пандемијата на СИДА.

ИндипендентВ е прв медиум кој се приклучува на кампањата на Вокс.
RaGeAnGeL Ozzy, a New Outkast Album, Bono and More

Ozzfest Brings Summer Festival Drama

OZZY OSBOURNE -- who has helmed the main stage at his namesake festival each summer for a decade -- will make his second-stage headlining debut in San Bernadino, California on July 8th and will take the main stage only at nine of the festival's twenty-six shows. In a post on his Web site the notorious rocker said, "I think it's time for a change. I haven't had a chance to play this close to an audience in years, and I'm looking forward to it." Ozzy will grace the main stage for the last time this summer on August 8th in Bristow, Virginia . . . In other Ozzfest news, outspoken metal rockers SYSTEM OF A DOWN will go on hiatus after this summer's headlining stint. "We've done System for over 10 years, and I think it's healthy for us to get away from it for a while and come back to it later on," frontman DARON MALAKIAN said in a statement last week. "It's not a farewell tour, but it's going to be a little while before we go out again."
Bono Plans a Different Tour

BONO departs on a ten-day trip to Africa next Tuesday, where he will see first-hand the effects of his debt relief campaign for the continent. The U2 frontman will assess poverty and disease in Lesotho, Rwanda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Mali and Ghana. Bono's philanthropic campaign -- including the spearheading of last summer's worldwide Live 8 concerts and the ONE campaign -- paid off last June when G8 finance ministers agreed to cancel the debts of eighteen economically-stagnant countries, including among them all but Lesotho on Bono's forthcoming African itinerary.

Outkast Announce Another Release Date of "Idlewild"
OUTKAST's long-awaited Idlewild soundtrack -- the follow-up to the Grammy-winning blockbuster Speakerboxxx/The Love Below -- drops on August 22nd. But the hip-hop duo -- Andre 3000 and Big Boi -- will also grace the big screen in the Bryan Barber-directed film of the same name, which is slated to hit theaters on August 25th. The flick, set in the Depression-era South, follows the story of a struggling musician (played by Andre 3000) and a lovable Lothario (Big Boi) and will feature background music like "The Train," "Idlewild Blues," "Foot on the Gas," "Cock-A-Doodle Do" and the recently leaked first single "Mighty O."

Bjork, Miles Reissued and Remastered

Remastered versions of BJORK's six studio albums and soundtrack for the Matthew Barney-directed fantasy flick Drawing Restraint 9 will be released in a dual-disc box set collection, dubbed Surrounded, on June 27th. Each album will feature surround sound remixing and videos for songs off each Bjork release. Surrounded will, however, put a fan back $129.98 . . . In other reissues, The MILES DAVIS QUINTET: The Legendary Prestige Quintet Sessions, a three-disc box set of vintage material from the jazz ensemble -- trumpeter Davis, pianist RED GARLAND, bassist PAUL CHAMBERS, drummer PHILLY JOE JONES and saxophonist JOHN COLTRANE -- will be released on May 23rd.

Bloc Party Is Coming to America

BLOC PARTY -- set to headline both Toronto's Olympic Island festival and Chicago's Intonation Festival in June -- will return to the U.S. for a short late-summer run. Kicking off the run July 28th at Boston's Bank Pavilion with the London hipsters -- who are currently working on the follow-up to their 2005 debut Silent Alarm with producer JACKKNIFE LEE -- on select dates will be joined by psychedelic rockers SECRET MACHINES (July 28th in Boston and July 29th in Brooklyn, New York) and Canadian collective BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE (August 3rd in Los Angeles and August 4th in Berkeley, California). Denmark's MEW are also on board for the entire two-week jaunt. Tickets go on sale beginning May 20th, while pre-sale tickets become available to the band's fan club, Marshals, on May 15th.

RaGeAnGeL Who Says a Dogg Can't Apologize?

SNOOP DOGG flew back to England this week to appear at a Heathrow police station where he accepted a "caution," a plea bargain that takes responsibility for an offense in return for no further action in the case. Late last month, Snoop and five members of his entourage were arrested for starting a fight when some were refused into a British Airways' first-class lounge at Heathrow airport. Seven police officers reportedly were treated for minor injuries, while one suffered a fractured hand during the incident. The airline has since banned the multiplatinum rapper from future flights.

Universal Coughs Up $12 Million in the Name of Payola

Universal Music Group -- the world's largest record label and home to METALLICA, U2, GWEN STEFANI, KANYE WEST, the KILLERS and others -- will pay a $12 million settlement in New York Attorney General ELIOT SPITZER's payola inquiries. Universal was charged with bribing radio station employees for air play. Along with the $12 million that will go toward charity, Spitzer has ordered the label to cough up an additional $100,000 in investigation costs and reform adjustments. Of the four major labels, Universal is the third to get slapped with a settlement: Last July Sony Corp. agreed to pay $10 million, while Warner Music Group followed agreeing to $5 million last November.

Aguilera Going "Back to Basics"

CHRISTINA AGUILERA's third studio album, Back to Basics, originally slated for release in June, will now hit stores August 15th. The pop diva's new album feeds off the vintage jazz of BILLIE HOLIDAY, ETTA JAMES and ELLA FITZGERALD, and reunites Aguilera with songwriter/producer LINDA PERRY, who worked on 2002's Stripped. Basics' first single, "Ain't No Other Man," which the singer will premiere live at the MTV Movie Awards on June 8th, is set to hit stores the following week on June 12th.

Keith Richards Released From Hospital

ROLLING STONES guitarist KEITH RICHARDS was released from Auckland, New Zealand's Ascot Hospital Thursday after undergoing head surgery on Monday to relieve pressure and headaches. On April 27th, the sixty-two-year-old rocker was choppered to the hospital from Fiji where he was treated for a mild concussion, sustained after an undisclosed accident (initial reports varied from a fall from a coconut tree to a jet-ski spill). Richards released a statement thanking his doctors and "the beautiful ladies who make painful nights less painful and shorter." The rocker also added, "I hope I wasn't too much of a pain in the arse -- after all, it was my head that was fixed." Richards will remain under close observation as an outpatient to the hospital, returning for checkups. The Stones, who were scheduled to begin their European summer tour in Barcelona, Spain, later this month, have postponed the tour's launch to June. Openers will include GUNS N' ROSES, KASABIAN, KAISER CHIEFS and the CHARLATANS.

RaGeAnGeL Aguilera Going "Back to Basics"

CHRISTINA AGUILERA's third studio album, Back to Basics, originally slated for release in June, will now hit stores August 15th. The pop diva's new album feeds off the vintage jazz of BILLIE HOLIDAY, ETTA JAMES and ELLA FITZGERALD, and reunites Aguilera with songwriter/producer LINDA PERRY, who worked on 2002's Stripped. Basics' first single, "Ain't No Other Man," which the singer will premiere live at the MTV Movie Awards on June 8th, is set to hit stores the following week on June 12th.

Site of Proof Shooting Shuttered

Detroit's 8 Mile Road's C.C.C. club -- where D12 rapper PROOF was shot to death in a gun battle early morning on April 11th -- will shut down operations for a year. Last month prosecutor Kym Worthy sued the notorious late-night spot's owners -- who now will have to pay fines for operating illegally after hours -- citing other disturbances and liquor violations within the past two years the club has been operating. Fine settlements are expected to be announced at a Thursday hearing.

Alice Cooper Honored in North Dakota

Forget Hollywood, veteran rocker ALICE COOPER will put his handprint down on Fargo, North Dakota's Walk of Fame (which we're told is "bustling") when he play's the city's Civic Center on May 15th. But that's not all the Peace Garden State has in store for Cooper, with a population of some 60 -- yup, just 60 people -- the town of Alice, North Dakota will give Alice Cooper its key to the city. Cooper, who hosts the syndicated radio show Nights With Alice Cooper five times a week, hits the road this summer beginning June 30th in St. Paul, Minnesota.