Google Calendar

Google Calendar
Google just rolled out their calendar application to the public (yes, it's in Beta now), and it looks quite usable. The rumors and screenshots were all true, and it looks like an attempt to return to Google's roots as a provider of simple, usable tools for everyday use.
OooOo Google Calendar SMS Tricks

Much more then just event reminders

Like everyone else, I'm giving Google Calendar a spin. One of the first things that I did was sign up for SMS reminders. I liked that feature of 30Boxes, and it makes it easy to keep on top of things without entering information into my phone.

My first few days of reminders from Google Calendar came via my carrier's email to SMS gateway. After a few days, I noticed that the reminders were being sent from SMS short code 48368. Being of the adventurous sort (and having an unlimited SMS plan), I wondered if I could send a Text Message (SMS) to my Google Calendar to schedule a new appointment. I sent the message 'help' to 48368, and received the following three messages:

* Google Calendar alerts you of upcoming/new/changed events on your calendar. For info: To cancel text stop to 48368.
* Standard msg charges apply. Text the following commands for more info: next (next event), day (todays events), nday (tomorrows events), or text a new
* event to add it via quick add.

Sweet! So I can repeat a reminder, get a list of days events for today and tomorrow. Even better, I can make a new appointment from my phone. The instructions hint that the 'Quick Add' rules apply. So, for example, I can send 'dinner at Zupas tomorrow 7pm', and get back a message saying:

* Created event: Dinner at Zupas @ Sat, Apr 22 8pm

Oddly enough, the event showed up at 7pm on my calendar, despite the 8pm in the response message. Perhaps a timezone issue? The message was presented in the online calendar as an invitation that I could accept or reject.

I can't find this info on Google's site, and searching returned no results as well. This may be a beta phase, and they may not have rolled it out to all users yet. If you have additional info, please send it along, and I'll post it here!

Google's other SMS short code (googl = 46645) makes so much sense that I thought there must be a name for this one as well. The best one that I can come up with is gvent.