The Tower of Babylon

The Tower of Babylon
Once upon a time, people started building a tower.
They were unified and the tower was rising high quickly.
One day, God thought people were getting too close to him.
Thus, to hinder their way towards the sky, God mixed up their languages.
Previous unity turned into cacophony of incomprehensible sounds.
People could not build together any more…
The Tower of Babylon collapsed, whilst people were lamenting above the ruins.
In different languages.

Tekstov nema namera da provocira bilo kakvo religisko tolkuvanje, tuku eden sovremen filozovski disk*rs za cauzite na imperfeknosta ( vo najshiroka smisla na zborot) na segashnata sostojba vo svetot, ili moznite asociacii, koi se izrazuvaat preku prizmata na "Vavilonskata kula"?