Psihologija/Beskrajno analiziranje |
Aleksandra | Beskrajno analiziranje... Edna od tipicnite bolki kaj zenite (ne se misli bukvalno na bolest) e analiziranje na sve i svashta-analiziranje, do najsitni detalji, sekoja pojava i sekoja postapka vo svoeto i tudzoto ponashanje. Dali trebalo bash taka da bide? Shto koleshkata tocno misli koga ni kazala deka dzemperot dobro ni stoi? Shto partnerot tocno misli koga doruchekot koi sme go pripremile-e dobar-dali mu se dopaga bash bash ili onaka? Taka sedite, partnerot e vo vasha blizina so zadovolen izraz na svoeto lice, a vas vo glava vi se motkaat milion kombinacii i prashanja i za sekoe od tie imate milion razlchni odgovori i mozni scenaria. Sve toa neverovatno iscrpuva, ali ne se znae kako da se prestane so toa. Ake bi se prepoznale vo svojata prikazna, ne sme edinstveni! Problemot poteknuva od golema potreba i zalba za uspeh na bilo koe pole. Ushte vo detstvoto sme naucile i soznale deka ke bideme sakani i ceneti samo ako ispolnime nekoi ocekuvanja-a tie ocekuvanja bile da bideme uspeshni i kako studenti, i kako majki, i kako sprugi, i kako rabotni zeni ili mazi, i kako prijateli, i kako kerki i sinovi, i kako kreativni osobi koi sekogas imaat novi idei za podobruvanje bilo na rabotniot zivot bil na privatniot. Zatoa sekoj cas analizirame sve kako bi procenile kolku sme vsoshnost uspeshni. Uspeshni po koe merilo? Sopstveno- koe i cesto znae da bide previsoko i nerealno. Kako da se izborime so toa i sebe da si dozvolime mentalen odmor i dusheven mir? Vo sushtina, ne e taka teshko, narocito ne poshto sme sozdale veke sposobnost na analiziranje. Treba da procenime koi ne se prioriteti vo zivotot, koi stvari ni se navistina bitni (ne, odgovr ne e "sve"-sekogas nekoi stvari se pobitni od drugi). Zatoa treba da se napravi "hierarhiska skala" na problemite i situaciite i samo za tie koi se na vrvot od skalata da se razglabaat i reshavaat detalno. Taka konecno bi se doshlo do dusheven mir i bi pocnale da uzivame vo uspesite koi sme gi nesumljivo postignale. p.s Vashe mislenje okolu ovaa tema, soveti, licni iskustva itd itd...Bi ve zamolila za temelni i profsionalni odgovri. |
RaGeAnGeL | retko analiziram raboti ako neso ne svakam ili ne mi e jasno prashvam otvoreno si kazvam deka ne mi e jasno ili ne sum razbrala ili mozda pogreshno sum razbrala rabotive gi prifakam takvi kakvi so ke se prezentirani i vervam vo sve i svashta se dodeka ne se desit da se dokazit obratnoto,posle to ic ne vervam:))))
so znam...prioritetite vo zivotot se menvet taka da ova nekako bezveza mi e |
Enigma |
Sasha, zoshto bi sakale da gi znaeme tugjite misli? Neiskazhanite misli se privatnost na chovekot i nikoj nema pravo nasilno da navleguva vo tugjata dusha. Chesno e sekogash da ja govorime vistinata i da mu veruvame na nashiot sobesednik. Besmislenite mnogubrojni misli i scenarija, koi go iscrpuvaat chovekot se besovski, t.e. besovite postojano na lugjeto im vnushuvaat besmislici, somnezhi i gluposti, koi ja izmachuvaat chovechkata dusha. Tie se realni duhovni sushtestva, koi se naogjaat vo podnebesniot prostor, na zemjata i vo adot. Zatoa, chovekot treba sekogash da e duhovno buden, a duhovna budnost nadvor od Boga e nevozmozhna. Patem, chovekot treba da e originalen, toa shto e, ne da se voobrazuva vo neshto shto saka da bide. Uspeshnosta na lichnosta zavisi od nejziniot realen vlozhen trud, ne od pusti mechti. Problemot poteknuva od chovechkoto nezadovolstvo i neblagodarnost, postojano chezneejki za povekje. |
Aleksandra |
Enigma, Ubavo napisano vo sekoj slucaj. Pred da go zapoznaam covekot so koj sum sega, 7 god pominev so druga strasno nesigurna i nestabilna licnost, sto sekogas shireshe negatvina energija-i so samoto toa praveshe da jas na momenti pocnuvav da bidam nesigurna vo nekoi raboti, sto do togas nikad ne mi se desila. Moeto analiziranje na neshtata se manifestacija na taa minata vrska. No, sreka sto ne mechtam, sigurna sum vo sebe si, i sum strasno srekna i zadovolna vo toa sto go imam. Zdrava sum, ziva sum, i ti kazav i na drugiot topic deka sega konecno vo mene ima nekoj mir, spokoj i stabilnost. Pocnav sega da anliziram na drug nacin, ne za sve-ne za nepotrebni raboti. Bash taka kako sto e i gore navedeno, pravam skala na prioriteti, i sve sto mi e na vrv na taa skala ili nekoj problem od pogolemo znacenej go razglabam na detalji i go reshavam so zdrav razum. Vreme i prostor za za drugi raboti kaj mene nema.I totalno te razbiram sto sakas da mi kazes.:) |
mafisKumA | ova pojke lici na Paranoia sto je bolest nekoj lujge sto cel vek stradat od taja boles |
Aleksandra |
Koe? |
mafisKumA | sasha Paranoia je bolest sto lujge se plasat od nesto na primer lujge sto stalno mu treba potvrduvajne deka se je u red, lujge sto mislat deka ako nese izmijat race 1000000000 pati na den deka imat germs .... |
Aleksandra | Kuma..Eve za paranoia... Paranoia In popular culture, the term paranoia is usually used to describe excessive concern about one's own well-being, sometimes suggesting a person holds persecutory beliefs concerning a threat to themselves or their property and is often linked to a belief in conspiracy theories. In psychiatry, the term paranoia was used by Emil Kraepelin to describe a mental illness in which a delusional belief is the sole, or most prominent feature. This usage is now largely obsolete and the term is more typically used in a general sense to signify any delusion, or more specifically, to signify a delusion involving the fear of persecution. The exact use of the term has changed over time, and because of this, psychiatric usage may vary. n his original attempt at classifying different forms of mental illness, Emil Kraepelin used the term pure paranoia to describe a condition where a delusion was present, but without any apparent deterioration in intellectual abilities and without any of the other features of dementia praecox, the condition later renamed schizophrenia. In the original Greek, #960;#945;#961;#940;#957;#959;#953;#945; (paranoia) means simply madness (para = outside; nous = mind). Kraepelin developed a definition from this root involving delusional beliefs. Notably, in his definition, the belief does not have to be persecutory to be classified as paranoid, so any number of delusional beliefs can be classified as paranoia. For example, a person who has the sole delusional belief that he is an important religious figure would be classified by Kraepelin as having 'pure paranoia'. Although the diagnosis of pure paranoia is no longer used (having been superseded by the diagnosis of delusional disorder) the use of the term to signify the presence of delusions in general, rather than persecutory delusions specifically, lives on in the classification of paranoid schizophrenia, which denotes a form of schizophrenia where delusions are prominent. More recently, the clinical use of the term has been used to describe delusions where the affected person believes they are being persecuted. Specifically, they have been defined as containing two central elements: 1. The individual thinks that harm is occurring, or is going to occur, to him or her. 2. The individual thinks that the persecutor has the intention to cause harm. Paranoia is often associated with psychotic illnesses, particularly schizophrenia, although attenuated features may be present in other primarily non-psychotic diagnoses, such as paranoid personality disorder. In the unrestricted use of the term, common paranoid delusions can include the belief that the person is being followed, poisoned or loved at a distance (often by a media figure or important person, a delusion known as erotomania or de Clerambault syndrome). Other common paranoid delusions include the belief that the person has an imaginary disease or parasitic infection (delusional parasitosis); that the person is on a special quest or has been chosen by God; that the person has had thoughts inserted or removed from conscious thought; or that the person's actions are being controlled by an external force. Many despotic rulers (for example Stalin) allegedly suffered from paranoia. This presents an interesting question because in Stalin's case, it is quite likely that many people really were out to get him (some theories concerning his death hypothesize that he was poisoned). The possibility exists that with enough enemies, it is impossible to be clinically paranoid. It still might be possible to identify a paranoid in that situation via his unrealistic assessment of the relative threat presented by various enemies, but it is not clear that non-paranoid persons are all that good at this. This raises interesting philosophical questions about the criteria by which we can diagnose a belief as paranoid or delusional, as well as prompting the joke that "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you". [edit] Paranoia depicted in popular culture In popular culture paranoia is often represented as including: * Belief in having special powers or being on a special mission (a "delusion of grandeur") * Conspiracy theories, such as seeing seemingly unrelated news events as parts of a larger, typically conspiratorial plan * Black helicopters and other mass surveillance * Persecution from powerful adversaries such as UFOs, terrorists, the Men in Black, secret societies or demons ? |
Enigma |
Paranojata ne se odnesuva samo na strav od neshto, tuku e prosledena so deluzii, kako na pr: strav i somezh deka chovekot e postojano presleduvan od nekogo ili nekoj se obiduva da go otrue i sl. Obichno, paranojata e povrzana so shizofrenijata. Dodeka, gorenavedenite simptomi se obsesivno kompulsivni. Pr: chovekot obsesivno se plashi od bakterii i se chuvstvuva prinuden (kompulsivno) da gi mie racete mnogupati, no nema deluzii. |
mafisKumA | I’ve studied psychology, criminal psychology to be precise and I know the definition of paranoia. |
Aleksandra |
Znaci ako jas milam raci 100 na den cisto od higena..moze sum kopala 100 puti vo bavcha pa racete moram da gi izmijam.Znaci deka li deka sum paranoicna? Ili pak ako proveram pecka nekolku puti, dali e toa compulsivnost, paranoia, ili ednostavno griza 100 luge da ne gi zapalam vo zgradava mazi, zeni, deca, i da nema posledici? |
Legal-Eagle | Sasha pardon my shortcoming when it comes to understanding the Macedonian Language, that said, i am somewhat disturbed that you could possibly isolate women to suffer more adversely from this condition. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and merely assume you are generalising, or drawing from experiences. If i did not see the humour in it i would be offended beyond comprehension. What mortifies me further is that i am not sure whether this is your opinion that you have researched extensively and then formed an opinion or what the devil it is i am baffled. I acknowledge that cerebral conditions are a fact of life, and at times as common as the cold, but at varying degrees. But to say that women are predisposed to this "illness" is surely a grossly unfair and irrational statement. Unless of course you have scientific or medical information to prove otherwise. I have spent many years "profiling" and i would be the first to give credit to your thread that such conditions are said to be true. What i will not tolerate is that women are susceptible to this more so than men. Bullocks! If you would like to be enlightened further and entertained simultaneously read some of the books from the series written by Allan and Barbara Pease. It does not discuss this matter, but what it does do is give you insight to the biological make-up between the male and female species in a light-hearted manner which may shed some light. You may be prompted at first to think that by responding to this thread that i may be displaying signs of what you have described above. Please dont be fooled, i can assure you that could not be further from the truth. What i am stating is that if you profess to be well versed in the said topic, and are asking for responses, you should keep an open mind at all times, and even expect that you just may alienate some people who are trying to close the differentiation between the sexes. i.e ME! |
mafisKumA |
repetitive behaviour for no apparent reason is classified as paranoia a ako 100 pati vo bavcha kopas a nesi gi mijas raceto 100 then that's just bad hygiene |
Aleksandra |
Koj repetitive behavior?Bas zs ne e paranoia so zdrav razum razmilusvah da doneses odluka sto treba da prevzemes za da pak ne se desi istoto.Meshate analiziranje so paranoia.Zato pisav hierariska skala...prioritet i go razglabas prblemot...a za sitnici ne e vredni da se analizira tolku. |
Enigma |
Kuma, Ne Psihologijata, tuku Pshijatrijata ja izuchuva Paranojata, koja e povrzana so Shizofrenijata, a simptomite se strav prosleden so DELUZII, t.e. chovekot si zamisluva ubiec, gonitel i sl. Zachestenoto mienje na race e obsesija, koja nema deluzii. Bakteriite se realnost, no koga chovekot prekumereno stravuva od niv, togash takvoto odnesuvanje se vika obsesivnost. Analogichno, chestite proverki na pegli, shporeti i sl. ne se paranoja, bidejki chovekot ne ispituva deluzii. Paranoja e, koga lichnosta ne samo shto gi mie racete chesto, tuku si zamisluva bolest, koja realno ne postoi, sepak se odnesuva kako da e bolna. |
Aleksandra |
Boldiranoto na topicov...kakva vrska ima so paranoia???..Meshate poimovi. |
mafisKumA | Legal mori Lega, ever the bat out of hell with the subtleness of a sledgehammer, chill malce wait for me and together we'll have a at the local |
mafisKumA | imat razlicni vrsti od paranoia na primer anxiety i delusions |
Enigma |
"Anxiety" ne e paranoja, no mozhe da prerasne vo paranoja, koja pokraj zagrizhenosta i stravot, vo site formi e prosledena so nerealni somnezhi. |
Legal-Eagle |
And i have profiled several criminals and their behavioural attributes. I have witnessed them all, or so i thought and then i discovered mIRC and its patrons. One could write a complete thesis on what i have discovered in my internet travels, however, i sincerely believe that behind a computer screen personalities are born and amplified that would not otherwise eventuate if there was human interaction of the known kind. I was once described as being "compulsive" and "obsessive" however after a closer examination it was defined as "passion". Not the loving kind but the one where you have the strength of your convictions and firmly believe in a cause ( yes this can be a debatable cause). Nonetheless it was misunderstood by those who were looking through the eye of a needle. In response to this whole topic, and correct me if i am wrong, responses have been encouraged. Paranoia, stems from a sense of low self-esteem, one that lacks substance and one that is searching for direction. On an other level is can be caused by substance abuse leading to a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is apparent to me that there are several people who may suffer from this "condition" that lurk around this forum. Will i point the finger? Hell No. If the shoe fits wear it! Call it paranoia if you like? It is one to be opinionated (informed or otherwise) it is another to seek attention and submerse yourself in useless banter in the event they you may draw attention to yourself. I for one, have always be in the minority and have endured the wrath of many a poster on this forum. That said, i have only utilised the forum to constructively contribute information that may enable some (whom have the capacity) to view things from another perspective. Am i qualified to make the above observation. BLOODY OATH I AM. To ramble about such a serious topic with a load of cut and paste and not knowing the weight of my words can have an adverse effect on some impressionable youth. Basically, if you suffer from paranoia or you think that someone you knows does, do NOT try and offer medical advise or even post examples in a frivilous manner. It is a serious epidemic and i am not slightly amused that we are even discussing it in a non chalant way on the forum. I make no apologises if anyone gets their nose out of joint at the abovementioned comments. You open a can of worms be prepared for "passionate" replies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Aleksandra |
Beskrajno analiziranje... Edna od tipicnite bolki kaj zenite (ne se misli bukvalno na bolest) e analiziranje na sve i svashta-analiziranje, do najsitni detalji, sekoja pojava i sekoja postapka vo svoeto i tudzoto ponashanje. Dali trebalo bash taka da bide? Shto koleshkata tocno misli koga ni kazala deka dzemperot dobro ni stoi? Shto partnerot tocno misli koga doruchekot koi sme go pripremile-e dobar-dali mu se dopaga bash bash ili onaka? Taka sedite, partnerot e vo vasha blizina so zadovolen izraz na svoeto lice, a vas vo glava vi se motkaat milion kombinacii i prashanja i za sekoe od tie imate milion razlchni odgovori i mozni scenaria. Sve toa neverovatno iscrpuva, ali ne se znae kako da se prestane so toa. Ake bi se prepoznale vo svojata prikazna, ne sme edinstveni! Problemot poteknuva od golema potreba i zalba za uspeh na bilo koe pole. Ushte vo detstvoto sme naucile i soznale deka ke bideme sakani i ceneti samo ako ispolnime nekoi ocekuvanja-a tie ocekuvanja bile da bideme uspeshni i kako studenti, i kako majki, i kako sprugi, i kako rabotni zeni ili mazi, i kako prijateli, i kako kerki i sinovi, i kako kreativni osobi koi sekogas imaat novi idei za podobruvanje bilo na rabotniot zivot bil na privatniot. Zatoa sekoj cas analizirame sve kako bi procenile kolku sme vsoshnost uspeshni. Kako da se izborime so toa i sebe da si dozvolime mentalen odmor i dusheven mir? Vo sushtina, ne e taka teshko, narocito ne poshto sme sozdale veke sposobnost na analiziranje. Treba da procenime koi ne se prioriteti vo zivotot, koi stvari ni se navistina bitni (ne, odgovr ne e "sve"-sekogas nekoi stvari se pobitni od drugi). Zatoa treba da se napravi "hierarhiska skala" na problemite i situaciite i samo za tie koi se na vrvot od skalata da se razglabaat i reshavaat detalno. 1.Kako prvo, ne ja meshajte temava so drugion topic na Psihologihja koj glasi.... Iskljuciv li pegla? 2.Kako vtoro boldiarnovo kakva vrska na ovoj topic ima so PARANOIA??? 3.Kako treto meshas poimovi analiza, paranoi, compulsivnost, itd itd 4.Kade ti..i daj mi dokazi vide deka boldiranovo na topicov ima nekakva vrska so paranoia i delusion????? |
Legal-Eagle | Did i strike a raw nerve? Or maybe you are not comprehending things at the level that they are intended and you are analysing my entire post. Once again, i am not pointing the finger. Interesting topic, i wonder what prompted it conception? Sasha, we are not at a military camp here, we are adhering to the topic and as i have previously stated in order to illustrate a point detours en route are a necessity. Kindly stop being so regimental!!!! It is stiffening. First you ask for an opinion and when it is NOT to your liking you bark a list of conditions. Unfortunately that is NOT how an intelligent debate unfolds! Maybe you can open a topic informing us of what is and what isnt acceptable to you!! Hence rendering any further discussions useless!!!! Defeating the purpose of this whole entire forum. Would that be your hidden agenda, or in my absense have i missed something? Or maybe i have taken leave of my senses? (this is a rhetorical question, therefore it does not need a response or do i need to elaborate further?) |
Legal-Eagle | Clearly we have a language barrier. I have acknowledged your posts accordingly, but i WILL NEVER BE TOLD WHAT I CAN AND CAN NOT POST WHEN SUBMITTING AN OPINION!!! How can i make this clear to you so it does not escape you and that it is not misconstrued? Issuing me with an "" is an extremely poor response. In all honesty, you are clearly not concerned nor value the input of others. You only read what you want to read. That my dearest Sasha borders on "ignorance" but i suppose that is another topic on its own. If you glance over this thread you may see a pattern of behaviour forming? I have been successful to be able to draw you in to a conversation where you clearly display no regard for others. Need i continue? I dont think so. I rest my case! P.S. Please dont misunderstand my last sentence as a retreat or a surrender on the contrary. I have identified it is useless to continue any form of conversation with you when you are so hell bent on "your rules" and "your intrepretations". It does not warrant any further participation from me for it is falling on deaf ears. |
Legal-Eagle | Well i never make any excuses nor apologises for being who i am. That is the reason you love me. |
mafisKumA | Excuse me Legal but I would like to bring to your attention the omission of from your preceding post |
Legal-Eagle | Better? Damn i have missed this place. |
BorisVM |
I disagree with this. Repetitive behaviors have very little to do with paranoia and I couldn't find anywhere in any book that I have that connects these two except when methamphetamine is involved. |
BorisVM |
1 2 3
Please see above or 1 2 3
Please see above.
Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up with the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. they should never settle merely for equality. For women, "equality" is a disaster. All societies are based on rules to protect pregnant women and young children. All else is surplusage, excrescence, adornment, luxury, or folly which can -- and must -- be dumped in emergency to preserve this prime function. As racial survival is the only universal morality, no other basic is possible. Attempting to formulate a "perfect society" on any foundation other than "Women and children first!" is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal. Nevertheless, starry-eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly -- and no doubt will keep on trying. Heinlein. |
Legal-Eagle | It would be disrespectful not to reply to your post when you have gone to so much effort. I will spend time considering all before me, and reply once i have reached my conclusion. That said, i will not allow science to let women off the hook for behaving badly! Just for the record, I think i have an a "B" type Brain. Surely you would not disagree with me on this? |
Legal-Eagle | Boris, After careful consideration of all that i have read it does add weight to your point, there is no denying that. That said, and as broad-minded as you are, i am certain that you can not deny that most of these new "predispositions" are exacerbated by society's expectations on women. But there is a flip side, men also suffer from "conditions" at times more so than women. That is the point that i am debating. Unfortunately I will not be exercising the liberty to spend time on extensive research, i believe my past vocation qualifies me to come to this conclusion. My point was i am basically sick and tired of medical excuses for humans behaving badly and how we treat everything with prescription drugs. In my absence from the forum, i have chosen to adopt what may appear to most as an "alternative" lifestyle. This lifestyle is basically one that is mind over matter. Once again it is not the be all and end all and you can not control everything with power of positive thinking. I just do not agree totally that women "naturally" have more "hang-ups" than men. This is a cop out for those who are not in control of their own life and for those who are easily misled or succumb to the pressures of society. I do not live in the wilderness and I am well aware of my responsibilities, i do not shun them and yes i know they bring with them an element of "pressure". If other people had to face some of the adversities that i have had to endure then maybe they too could be diagnosed with a "condition" or start to speculate about their own self worth. Basically, if you allow yourself to fall victim to society's expectation then any person could easily become over critical and over analytical not just women. I am hoping that you will not negate what i have posted by being smug. I would never expect such behaviour from you. But dont let me place any "expectations" on you. |