

Stupidity is the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking intelligence. This quality can be attributed to both an individual himself (e.g. John is stupid.) or his actions, words or beliefs (e.g., John's policies are stupid.). The term can thus also refer to poor use of judgement, or insensitivity to nuances in a person who is otherwise intelligent. The determination of who is stupid is relatively difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and thus stupidity) such as IQ tests. The adjective is also used as a general pejorative. (e.g., I didn't borrow your stupid cap - go look for it yourself.)

Stupidity Manifested by the Educated

Recently a great deal of attention has been paid to another class of stupidity: stupid actions by those that are highly educated and worldly. It is an important subject as it is increasingly evident that powerful, and generally very intelligent, people sometimes do stupid things. In recent years a number of notions such as groupthink have been developed to explain this. This is a fairly new topic for researchers and there are still few academic works on the subject, though in the 19th Century Oscar Wilde wrote There is no sin except stupidity. [1]

Otherwise intelligent individuals may also become stupid when their rational thought is derailed by strong opinions or rigid beliefs. In this case the victim falls into confirmation bias and begins selecting data: becoming intentionally blind and deaf to contrary evidence, while at the same time collecting evidence which supports the beliefs. Rather than being based on low intelligence or missing knowledge, this is the stupidity of closed-mindedness and willful ignorance. Note that modern science specifically evolved to combat this form of stupidity. During scientific thought we constantly criticise our own beliefs and assumptions (attempt to disprove hypotheses), while also using humility and extreme self-honesty to reduce our ego-based biases.

The Encyclopedia of Stupidity by Matthijs van Boxsel is based on the author's contention that "stupidity is in fact the foundation of our civilization" and his idea that no one is intelligent enough to realise how stupid they are. This is not as stupid as it sounds if one includes in the definition of stupidity "unwitting self-destruction, the ability to act against one's best wishes". A saying attributed to Albert Einstein is "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Therefore stupidity is not solely the opposite of intelligence but may also be considered a very human kind of flawed or mistaken intelligence, the darkness that makes the light of true intelligence visible.

Stupidity in comedy

Homer Simpson, the stupid father in the animated series, The Simpsons.

Peter Griffin, the stupid father in the animated series, Family Guy.

For as long as comedy has existed, stupidity has been a source of immense entertainment. Generally the entertainers are merely pretending to be stupid. The buffoon of ancient plays is the progenitor of a venerable lineage that continued through Falstaff, Bottom, Harpo Marx, Goofy, Eccles, Norman Wisdom, Jerry Lewis and countless others, and is portrayed in contemporary Western culture by characters such as Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin. The fool/buffoon has been a central character in most comedy. Today there are a wide array of television shows that showcase stupidity, from the America's Funniest Home Videos genre to shows like Jackass. Often the greatest stupidity is deliberately generated by very smart minds such as the Oxbridge comedy of Monty Python.

Pretending stupidity as a sales tactic

Pretending to be less intelligent than your prospect is a form of pretending to be stupid without irony that is exploited by salespeople. As in most fields, to be successful requires a great deal of intelligence. However, if one is selling something, the prospective buyer must feel as though he is in control. Therefore, it can help to know how to pretend to be stupid. The most successful people tend to be extremely intelligent despite their pretended idiocy, particularly when their prospect is of above average intelligence, or is himself trained in such sales techniques. The television character Lieutenant Columbo used this technique to solve crimes. See also Socratic irony

This mode is akin to the satirical tradition of supposedly naive observers, such as Oliver Goldsmith's supposedly Chinese letter-writer in 18th-century London, in The Citizen of the World, and others, including Montesquieu's Persian Letters.

Individual stupidity vs collective stupidity

Social psychology has shown that perfectly sensible people can, collectively, act quite foolishly because of blind obedience, mimetism or herding. In Psychology, this is known as deindividuation in crowds, and can lead to behaviours usually not displayed outside the specific social situation. The behaviours occur because individuals will conform to perceived social norms in order to 'fit in'.


* “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.” —Frank Zappa
* “There is no sin except stupidity.” —Oscar Wilde
* “Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed.” —Heraclitus of Ephesus
* “The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity.” —Voltaire
* “In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did not also limit his stupidity.” —Konrad Adenauer
* "Two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein
* "Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education." Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy (as quoted in 'The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell')

"Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity."-Robert Heinlein

Duh Postojat povekje vidovi na gluposti, posledica na neinteligencija, posledica na premnogu inteligencija (no ne i razum), posledica na zelbata da se ispadne veselko - po sekoja cena da se nasmeat drugite bez ogled na toa sto doticniot kje ispadne majmun i nema da mu bide krivo (komedijanti)... Na krajot na kraistata, glup e onoj cija glupost ne se vklopuva so gluposta na mnozinstvoto. Isto kako i so ludosta. :)
Legal-Eagle * “Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed.” —Heraclitus of Ephesus

I couldnt agree more
RaGeAnGeL i like this one

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.-Abraham Lincoln

Legal-Eagle I like that one too Rage

But i am a strong believer if you can enrich someone's life with your knowledge it would be a crime against humanity to refrain from doing so. However, that differs from bantering for the hell of bantering, or speaking without thinking, or better still not knowing or fully comprehending what you are talking about.

I am certain that you would have encountered many a person at a party, or function, or even here on the forum that "posts" just for the hell of it. Call it stupidity if you like, for me it is Just Entertainment and in hindsight maybe they are enriching my life by bringing a to my face. But it doesnt make them less stupid according the definition above.

I think we all have our own definition of stupidity and traits that people display that can be deemed as "stupid"


i dont get high(anymore:)))..... but sometimes i wish i did... that way, when i messed up in life i would have an excuse BUT right now theres no rehab for stupidity....anyway...stupidity should sometimes be painfull so ppl will stop and THINK before they say or do anything...we should all know our capability and capacity of information that we possess ,so at the end we dont turn to be ignorant (stupid)
Oscar Wiled said:"There is no sin except stupidity.”
SydneyGuy I'd like to contribute to this discussion by saying that there are some people who take themselves far too seriously and try to avoid at all costs to not experience one of the most basic of human conditions: stupidity. Remember that saying 'To err is human'? Erring and stupidity are closely related.
Legal-Eagle Are you saying that making an error is a distinct sign of stupidity?

Well i do not think that human error and stupidity are that closely related.

The saying goes to error is human.

Basically this thread has died in the ass, maybe people have been detered by the list of quotes that are mentioned above and as the cliche goes "if the shoe fits"
Legal-Eagle My point have been proven above, i have made an error and i have corrected.

Does this make me stupid? (For those of you who are half-tempted to jump in with a smart ass reply DONT)
SydneyGuy I was referring to Alexander Pope's famous quote "To err is human, to forgive is divine" .... Look it up on Google :)

The reason I believe that erring (or erroring, if you prefer) and stupidity are closely related is because people who do stupid things tend to make more errors - especially major errors of judgement.

However, I understand your points of view and I don't expect you (or others) to view the world the same as I do. I think this is one of those moments in life when people use expressions like "We'll just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that".
SydneyGuy I was referring to Alexander Pope's famous quote "To err is human, to
forgive is divine" .... Look it up on Google :)

The reason I believe that erring (or erroring, if you prefer) and
stupidity are closely related is because people who do stupid things
tend to make more errors - especially major errors of judgement.

However, I understand your points of view and I don't expect you (or
others) to view the world the same as I do. I think this is one of
those moments in life when people use expressions like "We'll just
have to agree to disagree and leave it at that".
Enigma Ne postoi chovek, koj ima imunitet na gluposta, no razumniot chovek
se srami poradi svojata glupost i ja otfrla, dodeka nerazumniot se gordee so gluposta, zgora i ja egzibicionira. Dokolku chovekot ja
prima gluposta, porano ili podocna stanuva glupec, nezavisno od