Parties in Macedonia Unleash Torrent of Promises

Parties in Macedonia Unleash Torrent of Promises
Parties in Macedonia Unleash Torrent of Pre-election Promises

Skopje. VMRO-DPMNE will pay some EUR 600,000 for the free Internet it promised during the race for the electors’ votes, Macedonian TV channel Kanal 5 reports. Even though the party claims that this pre-election maneuver will cost less than EUR 5,000 the calculations show it will need a sum ten times bigger. It remains a secret from where the party will get the money, Kanal 5 comments.
On its part the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) has targeted the pensioners. Macedonia’s Prime Minister and leader of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia Vlado Buckovski promised to raise the pensions by 10 percent.
Transparency Macedonia center defines such promises as symptomatic but it admits the parties have the mechanisms to justify their pre-election expenses. Transparency Macedonia will present the reports on the financing of the campaigns and the spending of the money after the elections.
vancom18 eee... sds samo moze novi 8% da im ukine na penzionerite, a vmro pak ke vrakja, ali ovie pak ke si glasaat za sds

p.s. kanal 5 ne e relevanten medium. 5000$ e tocnata brojka
MK Problemot so partiite e sto tie ne snosat nikakvi odgovornosti za za svoite dela ili vo slucaj na Makedonija nedela.
Bi trebalo nesto da se izmisli kako na primer si obekal ova i ova za volku i volku vreme pa ako ne go napravis neka plaka partijata penali.
Pa moze da se smeni i vo ustavot naprimer za moznost za otpovikuvanje na pratenicite od mestata kade sto se izglasani pa da pocnat poradi toa da si razgovaraat so glasacite od nivnite izborni edinici itn.