
Depresija ili-Mentalna(moderna)bolest na 21ot vek
Najcesto kaj covekot se javuva anxioznost(nemir-nespokoj)
ili Anksiozna Depresija (neuroza) F-41.

Dali znaete -koga,zosto,kako i kaj koj lica napaga ovaa (da ja nareceme) Lazna Bolest
Antigon Pa moze da se kaze i deka ne postoj nikakva dijagnoza ,,mozebi toa e samo karakterot na covekot
Natasa Deprsijata e bolest mentalno zaboluvanje ne e karakterna osobina.I za nea ima posebno lekuvanje,mislam deka e vreme da ljugeto stanat svesni deka treba da i obrnat vnimanie kako na bolest,a ne nekoja "karakterna" osobnina sto ni od daleku ne e.Zatoa ljugeto se samoubivaat ili zavrsuvaat vo metalni institucii,zosto dokolku ne se prevenira ima fatalni posledici.
Antigon Natasa a vazi i za drugite sto mislite dali postoj lek za depresija (na pr.soodvetni medikamenti za smiruvanje)ili pak e neophodna pomosta od samiot sebesi
Ajde da govorime malce za psihoterapetska pomos kaj depresivnite.
Aleksandra Understanding Depression

Depression is not just a temporary mood, and it's not a sign of personal weakness. People with depression can experience a variety of emotional and physical symptoms.

For some people, it's a matter of feeling sad, overwhelmed, or stressed out. For others, aches, pains, fatigue, and other physical problems are part of their depression too.

Many researchers believe depression is caused by an imbalance of two naturally-occurring chemicals -- serotonin and norepinephrine -- in the brain and the body. In the brain, these two chemicals are thought to be associated with mood. These same chemicals are thought to be associated with regulating and reducing feelings of pain that come from the body.

If these chemicals are out of balance, the effect can be felt in both the brain and body. You can feel both the emotional and painful physical symptoms of depression.

Where Does Depression Hurt?

Depression can hurt everywhere — both emotionally and physically. Someone with depression might think or say any of the following:
"I feel sad all the time."
"I just don't feel like myself."
"I don't enjoy being with my friends or doing any of the things I usually love to do."
"I feel completely overwhelmed by my life. I can't see a way out."
"I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately."
"I keep having aches and pains, and I don't know why."

Research suggests that about two-thirds of people diagnosed with depression talk to their family doctors first about physical symptoms.

Linked to Serotonin and Norepinephrine

Many researchers believe depression is caused by an imbalance of two naturally-occurring chemicals -- serotonin and norepinephrine -- in the brain and the body. In the brain, these two chemicals are thought to be associated with mood. These same chemicals are thought to be associated with regulating and reducing feelings of pain that come from the body.

If these chemicals are out of balance, the effect can be felt in both the brain and body. You can feel both the emotional and painful physical symptoms of depression.

Family History May Be Important

People with a family history of depression may be more likely to get the disease, but anyone can become depressed. Sometimes the triggers are external – for example, relationship troubles or financial problems. At other times the disease may begin with physical illness or hormonal shifts. Depression also may occur without any identifiable trigger at all.

Seek Help

Many people suffer in silence while depression slowly eats away at their quality of life. Some are ashamed or afraid to seek help; others try to downplay the severity of their symptoms. It's important to remember that depression isn't something that's "all in your head."

Learn about symptoms and causes of depression.

Take Suicidal Thoughts Seriously

If you are in the United States...

Thoughts about death or suicide are common in depression, and it's important to take such thoughts seriously. If you feel like giving up or as if you might hurt yourself, get help immediately:
Call your doctor
Go to the emergency room
Call 911
Call the national suicide prevention hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE [1-800-784-2433]

Who Does Depression Hurt?

Depression is common, affecting about 121 million people worldwide.#185; More than 32 million people in the United States will experience a major depressive disorder in their lifetime.#178; This happens regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or income. Depression affects friends and family as well, putting stress on relationships at home and at work.
Unfortunately, many people with depression avoid seeking treatment because they worry what others will think of them. They don't realize how widespread this medical condition is:

Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide#178;
Women are nearly twice as likely as men to experience depression2
People with a family history of depression may be more likely to develop the disease
People with chronic or debilitating medical conditions may also be susceptible to the disease
A major life change, even a joyous one like becoming a new parent, increases the risk of developing depression

The fact is, depression affects plenty of people who don't have any obvious risk factors. What's more, those around the depressed person are touched too, including family, friends and coworkers.


Simon GE, et al. N Engl J Med.1999;341:1329-1335.
/depression/definition/en/. April 4, 2005.
National Institute of Mental Health, "Depression Research at the NIMH Fact Sheet,", 2002.

Symptoms & Causes of Depression

Symptoms of Depression
One of the most recognized symptoms of depression is a profound feeling of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness. You may be surprised to learn that people with depression often experience physical symptoms too.

In general, if you've been experiencing some combination of the following emotional or physical symptoms for more than two weeks, and it clearly interferes with your life, discuss your concerns with your doctor:


Sadness throughout the day, nearly every day
Loss of interest in or enjoyment of your favorite activities
Feelings of emptiness or hopelessness
Feeling stressed, nervous, or overwhelmed
Trouble concentrating or making decisions
Feelings of worthlessness
Excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt
Irritability or restlessness
Thoughts of death or suicide


Fatigue or lack of energy
Sleeping too much or too little
Change in appetite or weight
Aches and pains
Back pain
Digestive problems

Don't let this list of symptoms scare you. Treatments and therapies are available that can help ease and even eliminate the emotional and physical symptoms of depression.

Causes of Depression

There's no simple explanation for why people experience depression. It's a complex disease that may develop for a variety of reasons. It can affect anyone at any age, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or income level.

Some people become depressed after a major life change — the death of a loved one, a divorce, the loss of a job or a move. Even seemingly happy events, such as becoming a parent or getting married, can trigger depression. Or, even a smaller change can sometimes trigger depression.

Some risk factors for depression include:
A family history of depression
Death or illness of a loved one
Stressful conflicts, such as fights with family members or disputes at work
Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
Major life events, such as moving, graduating from college, changing jobs, getting married or divorced, becoming a new parent, or retiring
Financial difficulties
The_Crow Moderno vreme sekoj saka da stigne problemi na site strani, optovareni so zelba za uspeh i slicni vakvi stvari ke stvara ne samo depresija i drugi vidovi bolesti, toa navistina ke pretstavuva problem na costvetvoto vo naredniot period.
Originally posted by The_Crow

Moderno vreme sekoj saka da stigne problemi na site strani, optovareni so zelba za uspeh i slicni vakvi stvari ke stvara ne samo depresija i drugi vidovi bolesti, toa navistina ke pretstavuva problem na costvetvoto vo naredniot period.

Taka e, vo pravo si. Posebno koga edna osoba raboti Full Time, plus familija, plus ostanatite X raboti, definitivno ne e lesno, i treba kolku tolku da se trudime da gi balansirame.
Aleksandra Ne sekogas luge na koi im se javuva anksioznost, patat i od depresija...§ion_menu=bolesti§ion_menu2=&bid=2571-0§ion_menu=bolesti§ion_menu2=&bid=25-0
Originally posted by Aleksandra

Originally posted by The_Crow

Moderno vreme sekoj saka da stigne problemi na site strani, optovareni so zelba za uspeh i slicni vakvi stvari ke stvara ne samo depresija i drugi vidovi bolesti, toa navistina ke pretstavuva problem na costvetvoto vo naredniot period.

Taka e, vo pravo si. Posebno koga edna osoba raboti Full Time, plus familija, plus ostanatite X raboti, definitivno ne e lesno, i treba kolku tolku da se trudime da gi balansirame.

Jas ne mi slam pak taka -mislam deka anxioznosta e posledica(najmnogu) od traumi od detstvoto (glavni faktori se roditelite i nivnoto vospituvanje i postavavuvanje sprema deteto a tatko alkoholicar ili majka neuroticna,koj podocna vladee strav kaj deteto od roditelot).
Antigon Dobro aleksandra(gi imam posetono tie strani)..No isto taka mnogu biten faktor(koj predizvikuva psihicko rastrojstvo)e i ekonomskata sostojba kaj covekot..pred edno dve godini na edna dokumentarna emisija imase tokmu bas ovakva tema (depresijata kaj lugeto) bese eden dr.neuropsihijatar od SK i toj rece; ako vaka prodolze ekonomskata sostojba vo drzavata do 2020 godina, retko koj ke bide psihicki zdrav (e sea neznam kolku ima vistina vo toa)
Originally posted by Antigon

Dobro aleksandra(gi imam posetono tie strani)..No isto taka mnogu biten faktor(koj predizvikuva psihicko rastrojstvo)e i ekonomskata sostojba kaj covekot..pred edno dve godini na edna dokumentarna emisija imase tokmu bas ovakva tema (depresijata kaj lugeto) bese eden dr.neuropsihijatar od SK i toj rece; ako vaka prodolze ekonomskata sostojba vo drzavata do 2020 godina, retko koj ke bide psihicki zdrav (e sea neznam kolku ima vistina vo toa)

Vo pravo si, i ekonomskata sostojba e biten faktor koj moze da predizvika nemir, nesonica, psihicko rastrojuvanje itd. I jas imam gledano dokumentarna emisija za toa, ali ovdeka vo USA, i ne mi teknuva kako se vikase emisijata zatoa sto beshe odamna.
Antigon See povrzano edno so drugo, Sigmund Froid (pronaogacot na psihoanalizata)-ne sum siguren no se mislam deka imam citano nesto za nego-Toj tvrdi deka sexot igra vazna uloga vo oformuvanjeto na
sekoja licnost .
Znaci-problem so sxeot(bi rekol vo tekot na adolescencija),losa ekonomska sostojba,traumi od detstvoto-I bi rekol deka tie se trite glavni faktori koj predizvikuvaat DEPRESIJA odnosno psihoza ili neuroza.
Nina87 naucno e dokazano deka manicna deresija se javuva kaj debeli luge, a sizofrenija kaj slabi!!! Ste go znaele ova?
Originally posted by Nina87

naucno e dokazano deka manicna deresija se javuva kaj debeli luge, a sizofrenija kaj slabi!!! Ste go znaele ova?

Ne sum siguren deka sum slusnal nesto takvo-No mislam deka shizofrenijata e vo poveke slucaevi nasledna.
SydneyGuy I wonder what happens to people who are so severely depressed that they don't even realise the seriousness of their condition. If they don't have regular contact with family members and/or they don't have many friends in their life then who is there to help them? We can't just assume that there will always be somebody who will intervene on their behalf by getting them professional help. I think that in situations like these the government should establish some medical body within their Health Department that people can contact if they suspect their neighbours (or work colleagues, etc) are suffering from severe cases of depression.

Helping people deal with depression should be seen as a community obligation. It is in the community's best interests to try to help sufferers of depression to get back into a normal productive life. In addition to being a good thing to the person being helped, it also benefits the community because when they become productive members of that community then this in itself means that they can contribute towards the financial wellbeing of that same community. It creates a win-win situation for all.
Danomk prochitav site vashi komentari i mislam deka se tochni i na mesto.vo vrska so depresijata znaete li deka eden od naj sovrmenite nachini za lekuvanje e Shoping-terapija.vo momentite koga ja chuvstvuvash,si kupuvash neshto shto go shizofrenijata ke dopolnam samo deka se javuva kaj umni luge,so visok IQ.
Natasa Mnogu cesto ljugeto go upotrebuvaat terminot depresija za do opisat svoeto raspolozenie kako tazno,no toa go cinat pogresno.Depresivnata licnost nikogas ne go upotrebuva ovaj termin za da ja opisse svojata emocionalana sostojba.Tie se zalat na cuvstvo na praznina,tesko im e se zalat deka nikogo ne go sakaat i mikoj ne im vozvraka na nivnite emocii.Depresivniot afekt e vtkaen,kako vo minatoto taka i vo segasnosta,a dimenzijata idnina ne postoi za niv,ili ako postoi toa e kako kazna nesto sto e loso za nivnata memorija,pa taka tie sakaat da go zaboravat.Minatoto za deprsiven bolen,e nerusen izvor na dokazi za negovata nesposobnost i inferiornost.
Depresivnoto raspolozenie e obicno pridruzuvano so vnatresna napnatost.Licnosta ocekuva vo sekoj moment nesto loso da i se sluci.
Vitalnitata dinamika kaj depresivnite e reducirana.Ne se hranat dovolno,i ne gi izbegnuvaat situaciite koi mozat vitalno da gi zagrozat.Seksualniot nagon e reduciran skoro i ne postoi.Ne ja odrzuvaat licnata higiena.
Deprisivnite mozad da bidat anskiozno napnati i togas dvizenjata im se grceviti.Voznemireni se i odat barajki pomos od nekogo.Tesko im e da se druzat ili da formiraat drugarstvo ili poznanstvo.Mislovniot proces im je namalen,siromasen so asocijacii i nivnite misli se vrtat okolu smrt,temnina,krivica,i samoubistvo.Vo okolu cetrvtina od depresivnite se javuvaat naludnicavi idei i toa se intimni:krivica,sopstven grev,depresivni hipohondriski idei.
Ima nekolku vidovi na depresija i toa

Se lekuvaat medikamentozno,psihoterpija i socioterapija.
Natasa Ne e lazna bolest,tuku vistinska bolest so teski posledici po mentalnoto zdravje na eden covek.Sto ako ne se otkrie na vreme moze da ima i teski posledici kako mentalno taka i fizicki.
Sizofrenijata pak ne e zastapena kaj ljuge samo so visok IQ tuku i kaj eden da recime kaj normalen covek so prosecna IQ.Vo poveke slucaevi e genetska t.e vrodena i moze da ja ima vo familijata.Samo vo pomladite godini samata licnost moze da ne svesna deka e bolna,tuku svoeto ponasanje koe ni malku ne nalikuva na edno normalno i go prepisuva na depresijata vo pocetok,iako i depresijata kako takva e bolest.Takvite licnosti se promenlivi vo svoeto ponasanje,cesto imaat halucinacii kako vizuelni taka i zvucni.Na zalost sekogas zavrsuvaat vo institucii nameneti za ljugje so naruseno mentalno zdravje.Se lekuvaat medikamentozno so anksiolitici antidepresivi,nervni smiruvaci i sl.Sostojbata moze da se podobri no ne i da se izlekuva skroz.
Natasa Jas mislev lazna kako dijagnoza,deka e vistinska bolest a ne lazna.
Antigon Da Da samo lazna bolest po lazna nemoze da bide -bidejci kaj depresivnite licnosti tie misli sto mu se vrtat vo glava se skroz netocni,lazni i ne realni (pa celta na psihijatarot e da mu ja pokaze realnosta na pacientot) PR. Doktore mislam deka ke umram, imam tumor vo mozokot, vo glavata mi krca nesto ,,,normalno psihijatarot po sekoja cena mora da go ubedi pacientot deka se e toa samo vo negovata glava (proizvod od mislite)