Teresa Carpenter - The Miss Stone Affair |
gossip | Who is who I will let you decide by yourself if you read the book!!! |
gossip | If you don't have the book, here is some part of it: |
gossip | ||||
nikolahn | Znaci ova amerikancive nikogash ne chule za Tito, sramota. Treba da se pratat na obuka vo Kumrovec, da vidat malku Marksizam-Leninizam shto e. Pa da izlezat na prav pat, kako shto dal gospod, ovaj Tito, a ne tamu kapitalistichka propaganda da mi shirat. Sramota ushte ednash. |
slasa |
hm da ne imas bideno na politickjata skola vo kumrovec . a ako imas koja generacija bese |
nikolahn | Bev vo Kumrovec ednash, shto e vistina vistina e, ama samo na eksk*rzija. Pamtam jas po od damna. I na sletot vo Belgrad sum bil uchesnik. Tuku postov na gossip neshto se ignorira, shto e rabotava? Nema li da se javi junak da go revidira/ispluka mislenjeto na gospogja Teresa Carpenter? |
nikolahn | Prochitajte malku prepukuvanja megju pisatelkata i chitatelite na amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0743258053/ref=cm_cr_dp_pt/103-3401479-6640623?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books |
dilber_tanas |
Nikolahn, I want to help you a little bit by posting the answer of Mrs Carpenter to everybody who attacked her and her book: "I am Teresa Carpenter, author of the Miss Stone Affair. I feel compelled to correct two outrageous claims made by anonymous reviewers here on Amazon concerning the identity of the kidnappers of an American missionary woman in the amazing 1901 case I chronicle. One asserts that there is "One very important error" in the book , namely that Bulgarians never lived in this part of Macedonia and that the kidnappers were not Bulgarian." The other alleges, equally absurdly, that "Bulgarians never lived on this part of the Balkan peninsula." I cannot imagine how they can write this with a straight face when Bulgarians were so clearly the dominant force in the region during the time of the Stone kidnapping in 1901. I suspect the assertions of these "reviewers" are part of a partisan attempt to rewrite history more favorably to Serbs and Greeks. The facts say otherwise, and that is probably why they do not have the courage to sign their names. Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight. |
Karan Obedinitelot | A bre Dilberu i ti drugiot Tataroid... 1. Shto ne mi odgovorite pak vie na pisanieto od - 1888 god od ucheniot Avstriski drzavjanin i ekspert za ETNICHKI PRASHANJA - KARL HRON... - TOJ USHTE VO taa - 1888 god. GI RAZBI - SRBSKITE I BUGARSKITE PROPAGANDI i go ... - DOKAZA POSTOENJETO NA MAKEDONSKIOT NAROD.... - tie sliki i od negovot delo i od - REZIMETO MU , ne ve haresaast a???!!! - sega mi vadite nekoi fotki od kniga napisana od NEKOJ KOJ BALKANOT NE GO NI VIDEL , NO PISAL SPORED PRERASKAZANIJA i toa celi dvaesetina godini po HRON... - nema shto jak vi e dokazot.... - EVE PADNAV POGODEN OD NEGOVATA SERIOZNOST I IZDRZANOST.... - eve vi i dogovor - NA SEKOJ VASH DOKAZ , jas ke vi davam - DUPOLO , po DVA , VAZI.... - mora ke otvoram tema,za nekoj den , ne sum doma i sega vi se javuvam uz pat ... |