Manolis Andronikos
Manolis Andronikos
Obi potocno ova e forum za negovite gomnarii Manolis Andronikos Vergina: The Royal Tombs The Greek archeologist Manolis Andronikos also claims that the ancient Macedonians were Greeks. In his " Vergina: The Royal Tombs", he wrote : "In the most unambivalent way this evidence confirms the opinion of those historians who maintain that the Macedonians were a Greek tribe, like all the others who lived on Greek territory, and shows that the theory that they were of Illyrian or Thracian descent and were hellenized by Philip and Alexander rests on no objective criteria." (Manolis Andronikos, Vergina: The Royal Tombs, p.83-85) And here is Professor Eugene Borza’s, answer to Andronikos: "This argument is true enough only as far as it goes. It neglects that the hellenization of the Macedonians might have occurred earlier then the age of Philip and Alexander, and can not therefore serve as a means of proving the Macedonians were a Greek tribe." (Eugene Borza, In the Shadow of Olympus, p.91-92) Indeed, Andronikos does not mention that the Macedonian king Archelaus (413-399 B.C.) carried pro-Hellenic policy some 70 years prior to Philip's and Alexander’s times, and even invited the well-known artists from Greece into Pella to beautify the Macedonian court. Nonetheless, the ancient Greek sources are clear that Archelaus was not a Greek and they speak of his precisely as "barbarian" i.e. non-Greek (Thrasymachus, On Behalf of the Larisaeans). Not only that Andronikos was wrong to conclude that the Macedonians were Greek, but notice how the Greek archeologist does not point that the Macedonians might have been a distinct nation. Instead, if not Greek, he prefers to call them Illyrian or Thracian. Notice also how Andronikos uses the line "like all the others who lived on Greek territory". It’s like he wants to convince the reader that Macedonia has always been a Greek territory (although the claim is without foundation), which is exactly what he uses as basis for his inaccurate conclusion. His reasoning is simple - if in ancient times there was a Greek tribe (Macedonians) living in Macedonia then Macedonia itself must be Greek too. We have however seen that Andonikos, motivated in justifying the Greek occupation of Macedonia resulted from the partition of 1913, have failed in his attempt, just like the other Greek writers Daskalakis and Martis.