Sharplaninec- The King of Cadinae |
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Among the rare species of Macedonia's fauna , the sheep dog Sharplaninec (which is hard to be found nowadays), faces total extinction. In the scientific world, the home of Sharplaninec was believed to be Asia, but further researches have let to assumptions that its original homeland was the Balkans, that the autochthony of Sharplaninec originated in the natural area of mountainous massifs in Macedonia ( Shar Planina, Korab, Stogovo, Bistra and the Mavrovo massif ). Adaptet to the severe ambiance of Macedonian mountains, merged with the eternal snow - where it feels safest - Sharplaninec has been living and surviving in this reservation for centuries. In 1939, Sharplaninec was enlisted as number 41 in the World Cynology Federation ( FCI ), where all pedigree dogs are registered. Professional breeding of Sharplaninec in the Republic of Macedonia was first recorded in 1947 in the Stogovo mountains, among severe snowy slopes, where a farm for thoroughbred Sharplaninec was erected.
The farm was owned by the Cattlebreeding Cooperative in the village of Gari. For years, purebred dogs of the Sharplaninec breed were being sold from this farm. During the late 50's, these dogs the world cynology market is always open for, where more and more disseminated, rather than properly bred.
In the 60's, the first farm for purebred Sharplaninec class vanished from Stogovo along with sheep herds. Sharplaninec was increasingly becoming almost non-existent among sheep herds in Bistra and Shar Planina, as were stud farms, mules and donkeys.
The typical metal-deep and resounding bark of the mountain pearl Sharplaninec could hot be heard so frequently any more. Left only to be selected by the reselling eves of those whose care for the future of Sharplaninec was the least, the dog was endangered to become totally extinct.
In the period of the dog vanishing from this soil , its price on the world market used to soar up to US$ 1000. In those years, the first farm for Sharplaninec dogs on the American continent was founded in the United States - Ohio, and today these dogs arethe most esteemed and demanded as keepers of sheep, facilities- and personalites, too. Still, man did not allow this sheep-dog breed to become extinct in its native surroundings. After Gari, the second farm " KORAB " for breeding Sharplaninec was " set to operation " in the Skopje - Katlanovo area in 1976, owned by Nacko Savovski from Skopje. In a large area of Katlanovo ( 3500 sqare meters) the dogs are enabled to live in a naturally organized environment. She farm is registered at FCI under the number 1988 and is one of a few in the Republic of Macedonia. The life line of Sharplaninec is thus extended. The " KORAB " farm cooperates with all cattle breeding farms in the Republic of Macedonia and elsewhere. Instead of being available in Shar Planina, now purebred sheep-keeper dogs are heading back toward Korab, Bistra, Shar Planina, Stogovo, etc.
Sharplaninec dogs are renown for their ability to cope well in their inherent environment. That's why I have them moved from Katlanovo toward all mountain massifs in the Republic of Macedonia during the year. Shatplaninec's interminable loyalty for its master also makes the dog very famous. I have not had a single scratch from any Sharplaninec during all these years, and among the dogs from "KORAB", my children can be considered safest. When it "hates", Sharplaninec is able to cruch anything in its way. When it loves, it makes up various games so that it can be closer to man. I believe that only in cooperation with cattle breeding farms life of Sharplaninec can be prolonged. Anyhow, that's the aim of the existence of the farm.These faithful dogs are the real masters of the mildness in their authentic setting and only the eagles from Stogovo, which inviolably rule the heaven's blueness over Western Macedonia, are alike.
AaaAa |
Meli, Prav sarplaninec so pedigre ne dobijash za $2500. Sem nekolku trla odrzuvani od Makedonci, sarplanincite se odgleduvani najcesto od Albanski ovcari. Nema pari za koj covek koj gi odgleduva so srce i dusa ke ti dade sarplaninec da go simnesh u grad let alone da go nosish na zestinive vo Avstralija. Pred nekolku komsija moj sakashe da kupi eden, najdovme prijateli so vrski koj poznavaat lugje koj gi odgleduvaat. Covekot prvo rece moram da vidam dali imaat adekvatni uslovi, vide golem dvor edno drugo i pred konecno da se slozi prasa Za vreme leto imate nekade na planina da go nosite ? NE. epa nema sarplaninec. taka da najgolemiot procent od niv ne gi davaat ni za shto ako znaat deka toj sarplaninec nema da raste kako treba , nema pari shto ke go kupat( za shto mi e stvarno drago). Zboruvam za pravi cistokrvni shto bi se reklo. Me cudi toa deka e na granica na extinction, bidejki kolku jas znam ima celi trla vo zapadna makedonija kade shto gi mnozat? neznam dal e toj praviot zbor. |
AaaAa |
The regional dog from Sar Planina is autochthon race and a real rival in his loyalty, courage & beauty.
The dog from Sar Planina is truly considered as a most complete dog from all races in the world, and promoted as a real (ideal dog) named as a king of Canidae has in itself the blood lines from the three big continents.
After the Giant from Tibet "Sang-Ki" (according to european nomenclature Tibetian Mastif) he acquired and capt the Asian feature; After the huge Assirian fitting dog modified and with features of the mountain dog of Europe, he got blood features from Africa; And after the Ilir molos who survived as a basis he is at the same time an affirmation of the best in the blood of the European unique races.
Without any doubt, in the area in Macedonia, the dog from Sar Planina is authentic, autochthon and a unique race of this country - symbol and perfect incarnation of his noble function - to unite the worlds and still to build up his own identity! He is crown of the major assignment naturally given to Macedonia in which even the marvelous examples of her flora and the beautiful representatives of her fauna give their key contribution.
AaaAa |
eve go web-siteot na najpopularnata "breeding farm" vo Makedonija, ako ne se lazam oni gi prodavaat, primarnata cel na farmata kako shto mi stoi. |
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Tekst: Nacko Savovski
Ovcharskoto kuche sharplaninec se vbrojuva vo retkite zivotinski vidovi. Vo posledno vreme se govoreshe kako nemu mu se zakanuva opasnosta od celosno istrebuvanje. Na naukata i bilo poznato deka pratatkovinata na sharplaninecot porano bila Azija, no ponovite istrazuvanja pokazale deka toj vodi poteklo od Balkanskiot Poluostrov, potochno od planinskite masivi na Makedonija (Shar-Planina, Korab, Stogovo, Bistra i Mavrovo). Sharplaninecot e celosno adaptiran na ostrata klima vo makedonskite planini, i vo takvi uslovi opstojuva so vekovi.
Vo 1939 godina Sharplaninecot vlegol kako broj 41 vo listata na Svetskiot kinoloshki sojuz (FCI), vo koj uredno se registrirani site kuchiwa shto poseduvaat pedigre.
Karakteristichnata tezina se naogja vo opsegot od 60 do 70 kilogrami. Visinata mu e 70 cm, dodeka, pak, obemot na gradite iznesuvva 120 cm. Poseduva golemi ostri zabi, telo so mnogu muskulna masa i izvonredno ubava konstrukcija.
Se odlikuva so blaga priroda, mnogu e robusten, mnogu lojalen i veren na sojot gospodar, nepodmitliv, bestrashen, discipliniran, brzonog i adaptibilen. Pokazuva ogromna ljubov i trpelivost kon decata.
Postojat pove}kje odgleduvachnici {shirum Balkanot, no, sepak, vo Republika Makedonija najmnogu se istaknuva tokmu edna, odgleduvachnicata KORAB. Odgleduvachot Nacko Savovski, koj e sopstvenik na odgleduvachkata farma “KORAB” istovremeno e i megjunaroden kinoloshki sudija za sharplaninci, pretsedatel na Klub za sharplaninci pri Kinoloshkiot sojuz.
Vo KORAB dosega bile odgledani okolu 300 sharplaninci. Golem broj od niv bile potoa vrateni nazad vo svoeto prirodno okruzuvanje - planinata. Sharplanincite od Korab bile povekjepati nagraduvani so povekje priznanija na izlozbite na kuchiwa, kako vo Makedonija, taka i nadvor po site kontinenti.
Detalni informacii za odgleduvaweto na sharplaninci se vozmozni vo odgleduvacnicata KORAB.
Farmata za odgleduvawe na sharplaninci KORAB e formirana vo 1975 godina. Vo 1985 godina oficijalno e registrirana kaj FCI pod istoto ime. Vo izminatiot period vo Korab bile sparuvani 32 zenki, od koi 28 so celosna geneologija i 4 so parcijalna, i 15 mazjaci, od koi 10 so celosna geneologoja i 5 so parcijalna.
Sparuvanjeto rezultiralo so 322 kutrinja sharplaninci.
Henri Ford - Evropskata fondacija za konzervacija zapochna so rabota vo 1983 godina. Celta na fondacijata beshe, davanje finansiska i mediumska poddrshka na odreden broj proekti koi rabotat na konzervacija na prirodnite i kulturnite vrednosti.
Nagradata Henri Ford za konzervacija vo 1997/98 godina za Republika Makedonija mu pripadna na 15-godishniot odgleduvach, Marko Savovski od odgleduvachnicata KORAB.
Na ovaa rasa, iako registrirana ushte vo 1939 godina, i se zakanuvashe opasnost od ischeznuvanje. Po inicijativa na osnovachot na KORAB, od 1987 godina pa se do denes na ovcharite shirum zemjava im bile dodeluvani kutrinja-sharplaninci, so cel tie da steknat navika za odgleduvanje, koristenje i sochuvuvanje na sortata. Pritoa, sekoe kuche ostanuvalo da se razviva pod nadzor na Veterinarniot institut vo Skopje, zaradi obezbeduvawe zdravstvena zashtita.
Likot na sharplaninecot e vtisnat vo monetata 1 denar, na Republika Makedonija, so znachenje na ovcharsko kuche, kuche chuvar i veren prijatel.
Ovcharskoto kutre-sharplaninec bilo doneseno od planinska vo urbana sredina na vozrast od okolu 10 meseci. Kucheto Medo bilo na vozrast pomegju 3 i 4 godini, koga deteto na negovite stopani (koe togash bilo na 7-godishna vozrast) si igralo nadvor so dve svoi drugarchinja. Decata nenadejno reshile da ja presechat ulicata koga po nea vrvele avtomobili. Koga Medo ocenil deka vo ovaa situacijata e zagrozen zivotot na negovoto stopanche, vednash skoknal na nego, go grabnal za ramo i go izvlekol od neposrednata nesrekja shto sigurno kje se sluchela, ako go nemalo Medo.
Sharplaninec - kuchka, po ime Bistra bila dodelena vo farma za kravi vo Berovo. Bistra gi poznavala site kravi (12 na broj) po ime. Koga gazdata kje i zapovedal, na primer, da ja istera nadvor kravata Slavica, Bistra toa i kje go storela. Koga kje i naredel, na primer, da ja vtera Olgica, vednash }e ja sprovedela vo shtalata. I taka so site 12 kravi.
Karakteristichen e nachinot na koj sharplaninecot go brani stadoto od grablivecot. Vo SAD toj bil testiran vo takva situacija, koga stadoto e napadnato od kojoti. Kojotite inaku se poznati po itrinata i sposobnosta da gi namamat ovcharskite kuchiwa i da gi odvlechat od stadata, dodeka drugite kojoti napagjaat. No, na takvata itrovshtina sharplanincite ne se izmamuvale, tuku i ponatamu kruzele okolu stadoto i nishto ne mozelo da gi odvleche od nego.
Thunder from down under |
aj najdi po edna slika od malo i edna od golem sharplaninec ako imash melpomena
porano imashe tuka nekoj od sydney gi prodavashe po $800 ili po $1500 neznam tocno
ama koga se zainteresirav da zemam edno neznashe nikoj koj e covekot sho gi prodavashe a nemam videno do sega tuka
na kengurive stalno im kazuvam za Sharplaninec tie koga se falat so ovie bulldogs nivnite i so tie pitbulls
jas im velam sharplaninec vo usta po 2 pittbulls mozhi da nosi
aj stavi nekoja slika
do $2500 bi dal da najdam purebred sharplaninec tuka |
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General appearance and characteristics
a) A strong, well built dog, above the average height, of a generally proportional build. Covered in a long, thick and relatively rough coat, leaving the impression of a robust build. A strongly built dog with calm temper, good-natured but very rough. Faithful to his master and uncompromising.
b) Average height at the ridge is 62 cm. in the male specimen and 58 cm. in the female specimen. Taller specimens are higher regarded. Male specimens under 56 cm. and female under 54 cm are excluded from competition. Average weight of a mature male dog in working condition ranges between 35 and 45 kg, and of a female between 30 and 40 kg.
c) The trunk is slightly longer than the ridge height (male: 8-10% and female 10-12% longer than ridge height).
a) The head is proportional to body size and approximately 25 cm long (or 40% of the ridge height). The scull is slightly longer than the snout, covering 58% of the total length of the head (58%:42% scull-snout ratio). The female specimen has a slightly longer snout, comprising 57% of the length of head (57%:43% scull-snout ratio). The profile shows a slightly projected forehead line and a flat snout, the two lines converging.
b) The forehead (scull) is dry, wide, with a projected central forehead line. Viewed from above, the lateral side is slightly bulging and rounded. The cheekbones are poorly emphasized. The neck bone is also poorly emphasized.
c) The stop - the area between the snout and the scull (near the eyes) is also not emphasized.
d) The snout is shorter than the scull, its base being wide and deep, but gradually and gently narrowing towards the tip (of the nose). The nostril is straight and wide. The profile of the lower jaw starts with a slanting arc continuing in a straight line, which diverges with the nostril line.
e) The nose is wide with black pigment.
f) The lips are fairly full, pressed, the upper lip slightly exceeding the lower one. The corners of the lips are closed, with no lesions.
g) The teeth are jagged and full (42 teeth).
h) The eyes are almond-shaped, neither bulging nor sunken, dark or light brown, with a calm, but piercing and fearless stare. The eyelids, like all visible mucous tissues, have black pigment.
i) The ears are set in the same imaginary line connecting the tip of the nose and the inner corners of the eyes, or only slightly lower. They are flipped, set by the head in a "V" shape, medium long, reaching the inner corners of the eyes and covered with a short coat.
The upper neck profile is straight or slightly projected in the upper part, the lower part being straight. The neck is medium long. Due to its thick coat, it appears shorter, wide and muscular. It is well tied with the head and body, the connecting points being invisible. The neck is slightly raised in relation to the ridge line. The skin is tightly stretched, not forming a jowl. The coat is thick, long and rough, creating a mane where the head meets the neck, thus visually widening and deepening this part of the head.
a) General appearance: the upper line of the trunk is straight, or gently rising from the ridge line to the hips. A raised behind, although not preferable, is tolerable in specimens brought up in mountainous areas. The trunk is slightly longer than the ridge height.
b) The ridge is slightly more emphasized and broader. The neck and ridge are tightly connected, with an invisible connecting point.
c) The back is straight and broad, not too long. The groin part is short, broad and muscular.
d) Hips are medium long, slanting backwards, broad and well covered in muscle tissue.
e) Thoracic cage. The chest is broad, its lower line reaching at least until the elbows, medium long with gently rounded ribs. Frontally seen, the thoracic cage is broad and muscular. The circumference of the thoracic cage should be at least 20% longer than ridge height.
f) The abdomen is tight and muscular. The lower abdominal line is gently rising backwards. The groin is relatively short with emphasized connecting points.
The tail is long and reaches at least until the jump wrist. The hip line continues following the upper line of the tail, with no visible transitions. The tail is powerful in its base, gradually getting thinner towards the tip. Covered in thick coat, growing longer underneath, thus giving the impression of a richly coated tail. The tail is saber-shaped, raised high when in action, and when anxious, carried in an arch over the ridge line.
Generally viewed, the forelegs have a proper posture, in proportion with the trunk, the height of the elbows comprising 55% of the ridge height. The individual parts of the forelegs are in proportion with one another as well as with the general appearance of the trunk.
Shoulder blades. Considerably long and wide, well connected to the thoracic cage, slanting gently making an angle of 65 degrees with the horizontal axis. The upper legs are rich in muscle tissue, more angled than the shoulder blades, making an angle of 55 degrees with the horizontal axis.
The elbow angle (between upper leg and shank) is approximately 145 degrees. The elbows are broad, with a proper posture, set closely to the thoracic cage.
Shank. Sharply slanting, with strong bones, long and muscular. The hind part of the shank is richly coated. The joint above the paw (the paw ankle) is wide, with gradual lines of transition.
Upper paw. Gently slanted, strong and broad.
Paws. Powerful, with projecting closely set toes, spoon-shaped. Nails are strong, with black pigment, pulp points and soles have dark or black pigment, strong but flexible.
Viewed from, behind the posture of the hindlegs is proper, slightly wider than the forelegs. The profile also shows proper leg posture, angles being considerably closed. The thigh is muscular, with strongly rounded muscle structure, slanting to form an angle with the horizontal axis, similar to the one of the shoulder blade. The angle of the knee is more open than the one of the shoulder (approximately 125 degrees). The knee is strong and wide. The shank is angled and strong, with a considerably powerful muscle structure and with noticeable "flags" of coat.
Jump wrist. Broad and considerably open (with an angle of appx.130 degrees).
Hind upper paw. Strong, slightly more slanting than the front upper paw, with rare cases of "fifth toe", which should be eliminated.
The step is rich, long and light. It prefers the medium long, but high trot. When galloping it is slightly heavier, but with long and rich jumps.
Medium thick, flexible and tightly stretched on the body, with no wrinkles. All visible mucous tissues have dark or black pigment.
The head, ears and front parts of the legs are covered in thick and short coat. The neck, trunk and the rear parts of the limbs and tail are covered in long and slightly rougher, nearly straight coat. Under the long coat layer, there is a layer of shorter coat, much finer and thicker (undercoat). The length of the ridge coat is 10 -12 cm, and should not be shorter than 7 cm.
The dog is singlecolored. All nuances ranging from white to dark gray, almost black, are acceptable. Most popular is the grayish-green and dark gray color. Multicolored specimens are not acceptable. In pigmented specimens, small marks on the neck and toes are allowed, although not desirable. In all pigmented specimens the dominant color is most intense on the upper parts of the head, neck and trunk. In the lower body parts the pigment gradually fades into lighter nuances of the lower leg parts (dim gray or yellowish). These transitions into lighter nuances must not be sudden, so as to avoid leaving a multi-colored impression.
Weight. The male specimens in working condition should weigh approximately 35-45 kg, and the female 30-40 kg.
Defects of the species
Lighter defects: Insufficiently wide head scull, slightly longer arched part of the head, insufficiently developed jaws, insufficiently wide and broad chest, too flat or too rounded ribs, light defects in leg posture, slightly shorter coat (while the "flags" of coat are still well emphasized), white marks on the chest and paws, slightly shorter tail, "rabbit paws", as well as other minor defects.
Severe defects: Snout is too long (pointed), the area between the snout and the scull is too emphasized, ears are set too high, and insufficiently flipped, jaws are in the same line and touching, the back is saddle-like, the tail is carried sideways, lymphatic build as well as all other severe defects.
Disqualifying defects: absence of premolar teeth, greater disproportion between length and height, insufficient ridge height, insufficiently long coat (under 7 cm.), multicolored coat, tiger-like patches, depigmentation of the visible mucous tissues and eyes, degenerative phenomena (brachygnaty and prognaty, visible "O" and "X" leg posture, congenitally short tail, a "short" dog - lacking a tail, saddle-back and other degenerative phenomena.
Judges of Sharplaninec dogs from Macedonia:
1.Savovski Nacko - Skopje , Macedonia
2.Trenkoski Marjan -Prilep ,Macedonia
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quote: Originally posted by Thunder from down under
aj najdi po edna slika od malo i edna od golem sharplaninec ako imash melpomena
porano imashe tuka nekoj od sydney gi prodavashe po $800 ili po $1500 neznam tocno
ama koga se zainteresirav da zemam edno neznashe nikoj koj e covekot sho gi prodavashe a nemam videno do sega tuka
na kengurive stalno im kazuvam za Sharplaninec tie koga se falat so ovie bulldogs nivnite i so tie pitbulls
jas im velam sharplaninec vo usta po 2 pittbulls mozhi da nosi
aj stavi nekoja slika
do $2500 bi dal da najdam purebred sharplaninec tuka
za $2500 lichno kje ti go donesam sharplaninecot[:D][:D][:D] i toa kakov shto nema vo Avstralija[;)] |
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Vo auistralioja imaat DINGOOOOOOOOOOOO
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AaaAa mene kje mi go dadat besplatno, pa ja kje go dadam za $2500[:D]
Ne raka na srce farmava ja poseduva chovek shto go znam taka da "vekje imam veteno nekomu da mu dadam na poklon" chistokrven sharplaninec pa posle ako ima neshto da se zali vo vrska so pedigreto neka poveli...[:D]