Juventus Shampion
Juventus Shampion
melpomena [:(][:(][:(] Mi se plache da vi kazam, ne beshe fer, ama toa e, chestitki do navivachite na Milan. Cel stadion go slusham kako vika Juve, Juve[|)]
sfetle Temava treba da se preimenuva vo "MILAN SHAMPION"[:D][:D][:D]
ragazza Forza Milan ;))))))) ale ale ale ale ale ale ....
cyber_x a be utnata temata od pocetok.. ali aj u italija se sampioni juve.. cestitki za to.. inace Milan si e Milan.. Only one can be the best.. pozdrav do site so navivaa za juve,... i so si placea denes:)))
DJ_SHEMA Утакмицата беше доста изедначена. Мило ми е што стигна до пенали зошто ниеден тим и не заслужи да победи во регуларниот тек. Сепак, Манчестер требаше да биде во финалето :). Честитки до симпатизерите на Милан.
NARCIS` Forza Milan !
Eko1 Of lele Milan Shampion...ppffffff.....gzari zivi....so srejka protiv Ajax...bez pobeda protiv inter....i so povreda na igracite....i valkani trikovi do Shampion....sepak se znae koj e vistinskiot shampion .!.JUVENTUS.!.
darkjesus ovde nekoj uste od pocetok baksuz frli vrz JUVE i morat skapo da platit:)) vo sekoj slucaj FORCA JUVE do godina so dvojna titula
cyber_x hihihi.. dvojna titula.. aj i tri od karti ke zeme mozda:)))
Originally posted by DaRkJeSuS
ovde nekoj uste od pocetok baksuz frli vrz JUVE i morat skapo da platit:)) vo sekoj slucaj FORCA JUVE do godina so dvojna titula
Use ne svati koj e baksuzot? [:D][:D]
akuser Dobro be seushte li ne vi e jasno deka Real e veke shampion...iraaat samo onaka kako da se kazhe radi reda :))) a deka ke bide juve shampion toa se vika MIZHI MITO TULUMBI PAGAAT..
Eko1 Ke ti dadam fora do 3:0 poshto si zensko, a jas sum kavaler....ama posle misli mu ja....mnogu jako voley mavam so levicata.........i kazi na kakvi tabla jajca igrame?.....Levi ili Desni...:))))
SwEeTbAbE :))))))))))))) ne se praj sea kavaler na sila:))).....inace igrame na tabla jajca:)))....od petel:)))))))))
Eko1 Koj ke gi kazhe najubavite zborovi za Juve...mu sleduva nagrada......::)))))
Eko1 Aleeee Aleeeee.....Aleeeee Aleeeeeee......Aleeeee Aleeeeeee....i tolku...[:D]
Bravo "Juventus bese podobar , i pobedi" ...sekoja cest! ..ali pa sea ne biva sekoja godina Real da e sampion ...aj na prestapna godina 1998, 2000, 2002 ...dopolni ja nizata:P) HALA MADRID!
melpomena ЛИГА НА ШАМПИОНИ - ПОЛУФИНАЛЕ "Кралевите" на колена пред "старата дама" Јувентус одигра контра на сите обложувалници. Ретко кој очекуваше таква маестрална партија на "црно-белите", токму против Реал Мадрид, кој во своите редови ги има најдобрите мајстори на фудбалскиот занает.... Јувентус одигра контра на сите обложувалници. Ретко кој очекуваше таква маестрална партија на "црно-белите", токму против Реал Мадрид, кој во своите редови ги има најдобрите мајстори на фудбалскиот занает. Со оваа победа, Јуве ја комплетираше серијата елиминации на шпанските великани. Во фазата на групите настрада Ла Коруња, во четвртфиналето Барселона и за крај дијамантот во круната на шпанскиот фудбал, Реал, кој беше совладан со 3:1, победа доволна да се надмине голот негатива од првиот меч. Стрелци за домашните беа Трезеге во 12., Дел Пјеро во 43. и Чехот Недвед во 73. минута. Почесниот гол за гостите го постигна бившиот играч на Јувентус, Зинедин Зидан. Една од главните фигури кај победниците беше Џанлука Sамброта, кој пресреќен од резултатот не штедеше зборови за фалби на своите соиграчи. - Имавме прилика да го видиме вистинскиот Јувентус, дефинитивно најдобрата игра оваа сезона. Ваквите натпревари ви даваат дух и секој трча додека може. Сега сме во финалето и ќе се обидеме да победиме на 28 мај во Манчестер. Алесандро Дел Пјеро конечно одигра лидерски и ги собра најдобрите оценки од спортските новинари. Учествуваше во акцијата за првиот гол, додека вториот, кој беше негово дело, беше вистинска мајсторија. - Бевме одлично подготвени, одигравме добро и секако, среќата беше на наша страна. Јас и Дејвид? На вакви мечеви не можете да мислите само на еден или двајца играчи, сите докажаа дека се работи за голем тим - изјави скромно Дел Пјеро. Сепак, вистинскиот херој е голманот на "старата дама", Џиџи "супермен" Буфон, кој го одбрани пеналот на Фиго и ги уништи надежите на Реал за пласман во финалето. - На крајот тоа и не испадна толку важно. Кога ќе одбраниш пенал, тоа е само уште еден спасен гол. Пеналот што го одбранив не беше комплетно решавачки, но можеби некој следен ќе биде. Среќен сум што го одигравме најдобриот меч во Европа, веројатно најдобриот откако сум дојден во Јувентус - уште една скромна изјава, овојпат од Буфон. Тренерот на Јувентус, Марчело Липи, кажа дека италијанскиот фудбал повторно заслужува почит, по победата на неговиот тим со вкупни 4:3 во двомечот со сеуште актуелниот европски шампион. - Уште од самиот старт на сезоната италијанскиот фудбал имаше огромна желба да ги демантира критиките дека го изгубил својот сјај. Сите четири екипи ги поминаа првите групи, а три од нив стигнаа до полуфиналето. Сега критичарите ќе мора да гледаат италијанско финале - коментираше задоволно Липи. За жал, не се сите така среќни и задоволни во редовите на новиот италијански шампион. Вистински трагичар е Павел Недвед, кој против Реал пружи 110% од своите можности, го имаше насекаде на теренот, асистираше при првиот гол и го зададе смртоносниот удар за Реал, постигнувајќи го третиот гол. Сепак, во последните моменти направи наивен прекршок за кој судијата Маер го "награди" со жолт картон, кој ќе го чини неиграње на финалниот натпревар против Милан. - Многу ми е жал, но сите знаете колку сакав да играв во финалето. Кога играм, воопшто не мислам на картоните, а во тој момент бев и многу уморен и ја загубив концентрацијата. И покрај тоа, јас сум среќен за тимот, што по подолго време се враќа во европскиот врв, а и не е лесно да се победи екипа каква што е Реал - изјави по натпреварот, разочараниот Чех. И тренерот на мадриѓаните, Висенте Дел Боске, мисли дека Јувентус заслужено победил. - Кога една екипа ќе победи во двомеч, ќе постигне повеќе голови, тогаш тие ја заслужуваат победата. Им посакувам се најдобро во финалето. Натпреварот се одигра пред преполниот "Деле Алпи", продадени беа сите 67.229 билети цела недела претходно, од што Јувентус инкасираше 3,1 милиони евра. prevzemeno od Vest
ozonce pffff sho furni leb treba da izede dodeka da stane toa sho vikash ti da stane :))
Eko1 Kako be.....ke vidime na krajot na sezonata...... i jas rekov ubavi zborovi da se kazhuvaat samo.......:)))))
DJ_SHEMA Manchester do kraj. Dvojki za chetvrtfinale Manchester United Real Madrid Juventus Barsa Inter Valensija Ajax A.C. Milan Polufinale pobednik od Man-Real igra so pobednik od Juve Barsa
Whitebaby Starata dama da pobedi??? I don't think so. [:D] Chisto od princip... Kralskiot klub e mojot favorit!!! [^]
ozonce :) ke bide, ke bide manchester shampion ne se sekirajte vie :)
Cyber-Man Forza Juve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eko1 Barca is going down.....tocen rezultat 3 : 0 ke tepa Juve na dva pati.....:))))))
melpomena Site sho me znaat, znaat deka dusha davam za Juve, taka da "Juventus shampion"! [;)]
devil Barsa Forever :D
devil Polufinale : Real Madrid - Barcelona Inter - Milan Ke bide interesno da bide vaka :D
half_A_buck finale Inter-Barca shampion INTER a ?
Originally posted by devil
Polufinale : Real Madrid - Barcelona Inter - Milan Ke bide interesno da bide vaka :D
aj da ti kazham prognoza i za ponataka finale: Real Madrid - koj sakash od ovie odberi Shampion: REAL MADRID 10ta TITULA ALEA 10ta TITULA! Nemat pojke mesto na dreson od Real za dzvezdichki, od narednata sezona na peharon od liga na shampioni Real Madrid kje pishit[:)]
SwEeTbAbE Juve Juve Juveeeeee do KRAJ :o)
devil ronalndo,carlos,hiero,figo,mcmanaman,raul,morientes,zidane orko..sramota e ako ne pobedat..
Eko1 Okej Ronaldo e super igrach...ama nekako ne mu ide so Real.....a na druga strana Del Piero....parche prai...:)))
SwEeTbAbE da ne im kidneshe zidane beee:(
Eko1 jajcata se broet na kraj.....:))))
SwEeTbAbE Eko1 aj ja i ti fudbal na mali golchinja....prifakjash predizfik?:))))
Eko1 vazhi.....samo zavisi na shto igrame?...i do kolku golovi.....poshto vo penali sum mnogu jak...:)))
erol1 pa normalko deka ke e shampion..:))
SwEeTbAbE Igrame na....ne e bitno tabla zdravi jajca:)))do deset golovi....prf shut za tebe...:) i ne se fali deka si jak na penali....kje nemat potreba od penali...eve i prviot gol ti go davam onaka od srce da moesh da me stignes:)....sto drugooo a da... pa So Srekja kje ti treba :))))))
devil luzers [:D][:D][:D] Barsa Forever!
Eko1 u pm.....otrvovanje dobiv.....so Barca igravme 1:1.......ama ako......doma kaj niv ke gi tepame 3:0
Eko1 btw....tablata so jajca mi e skoro komplet.....samo poslednite dva peteli shto gi zemamv nemaa jajca....no ke ja naredam ovaa sabota e pazaren den vo Struga....:)))
ragazza Juve suxs :P Forza Milan ale ale ale :)))
Originally posted by Eko1
btw....tablata so jajca mi e skoro komplet.....samo poslednite dva peteli shto gi zemamv nemaa jajca....no ke ja naredam ovaa sabota e pazaren den vo Struga....:)))
aj taka[;)][:D][:D][:D]
Eko1 Zemav jajcata....zakazhi vreme i mesto.....i BALL TIME !!!!!
Originally posted by DJ_SHEMA
Manchester do kraj.
Shema, kaj e Manchester [?][:0][:D]
DJ_SHEMA Ne mi se pravi bash muabet na ovaa tema [:(!][:(!][:(!]
DJ_SHEMA If we went down, it wasn't for lack of shooting. Alek M = DJ_SHEMA Trainee Member # 6306 posted 24-04-2003 03:24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just had to take few points of my chest. 1. We outplayed the Spaniards tonight. Figo and Zidanne were eating peanuts for about 90 minutes. 2. O' Shea 's bitch Carlos was glad it was all over at the end. 3. United was the dominant team that created milions of opportunities. However, they were not calm enough. I have noticed that once United settles and plays calm football, thay can beat anybody. Look at pool anc castle games. Fakin teaching them a lesson in football 101. But tonight the composure was not there. That 3:1 scoreline was all night on thier sholders and on several ocassions there were shots fired due to desperate action. If this was the first game of the duel, it would have been at least 6:2 (including chances missed). 4. Keano should follow the steps of teddy sheringham. Statements that he is on top of the game will not do it. He did nothing but loose 2-3 balls tonight. He is way too slow. He is a united leggend, but sorry, that is not enough anymore. 5. Becks should stay. Fergie should utilize the 4-4-2 line up more often next year with OGS and RVN up front. Hell, if you ask me I would rather have them 2 than pipo and shevchenko, or raul and fat ron. At least rud and ole can play the ball. However, rud must work on his passing game, since he has been selfish on several occassions. 6.Have O'Shea take Keano's place. He can coast that U submarine quite well. Skills, Fighting spirit, Strenght, Accuracy. Hell, he can be the best in the world in 2 years. 7. Sell wess brown. He never reached United's class. if not, than have him stay at the back at all times. He is not a crosser nor he can play the ball up front when he acts as a winger. He goes all the way to loose the ball and leave a big ass hole in the back. Hint Goal number 2 tonight. 8. Give a raise to Paul Scholes. His greatness and fighting spirit was truly missed tonight as he is the best United player at the moment. Sorry Rud, you are number 2, but heading that way. 9. Although bartez should be blamed for two goals tonight, the whole United defence deserves an ass chewin. They did not challlenge the Real players on several occassion, probably afraid of beeing outplayed and outdribbled (like the times O Shea sweetly played that ball between the legs of one real defender). God! For that second goal they all just stood there and let Real pass around untill they scored. I mean you could see the goal comming. 10 I lost count at the chances missed tonigh. And by the way, Cassilas was not that great, those two shots he somehow defended (one was that 16 meter shot from Veron) were all played at his body/legs. He was more suprised than glad that he defended those two balls. Fak, United just would not get few balls their way last night. But hell, there is always Next year. Red devils will be back. 11. This team will win CL 2004 ------- Canizares---------- Brown-------Rio-------O'SHea ---Silvestre ----------Scholls--------Veron------------ ---Becks----------------------Giggs------- ----------OGS------------RVN------------- GazNeville2 First Team Player Member # 711 posted 23-04-2003 21:47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As disappointed as I am, I'm proud of the way in which the lads came back tonight, especially in the second-half even after Ronaldo got his hat-trick and it was over for us. If only we could have taken our chances though... But I think the lads showed us their commitment and spirit to make a game of it, and show what United is all about...the never say die attitude. Now...we still got the league to win..!! Livvie20 Mild mannered cherub Member # 1182 posted 23-04-2003 21:52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agreed. We scored four against Real Madrid - and with a more experienced defence, maybe we wouldn't have conceded as many. But they are a pleasure to watch and deserve to go on to win it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 14600 | From: Thornhill, Soton. aka 'fornhill...... | Registered: Jun 2000 | IP: Logged BusbyReds First Team Player Member # 6353 posted 23-04-2003 21:53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be moaners of course, but I for one am satisfied. They won, even after it was all over in the big picture. We also saw who the classier team was when Real resorted to diving, time-wasting, and bullying Fortune. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 559 | From: "...has he ever scored against us?....or Liverpool?" - Gilles re: Ruud | Registered: Aug 2002 | IP: Logged RioNkeanofan First Team Player Member # 6991 posted 23-04-2003 21:53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree, they did us proud they gave it their best and thatґs all you can ask for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 204 | From: with rio | Registered: Oct 2002 | IP: Logged VanNistlerater First Team Player Member # 6112 posted 23-04-2003 21:54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fan'fuckin'tastic, off and on the pitch. We'll be back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 4171 | From: "He'll (RVN) let you down against big teams, like us on April 16th!"- Gillespie | Registered: Jul 2002 | IP: Logged farawaylands First Team Player Member # 2171 posted 23-04-2003 21:55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- didn't want the match to end (not only because we needed two goals to win). exciting match. feels strange to beat madrid but not celebrate...so fuck it. UNITED! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 1715 | From: if you are not interested please dont subscribe. | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged julian99 Trainee Member # 7399 posted 23-04-2003 22:11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a cracker of a game, until the 93rd minute I really believed that we could get those 2 goals. Just 2 goals that was all it needed. We will be back stronger than ever. I really think we deserved to go through, had we have converted just 2 more chances or scored 1 more in spain and saved 1 more, we would be laughing. So close yet so far, yet no shame and come on it has a been a great season give me 4-3 against Real Madrid any day than a plastic league cup. Come on ManU, ManU, ManU.... forever ManU. We will be stronger than ever, fighting spirit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 9 | From: Berne, Switzerland | Registered: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged Aub Trainee Member # 3082 posted 23-04-2003 22:11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great performance. Very proud to have won on the night. Now lets go for the premier league! Aub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 18 | From: UK | Registered: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged Kristjan DJ Member # 136 posted 23-04-2003 22:19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a great night of football ! a pity it wasn't enough to take us through but you won't see a game like this very often -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 2699 | From: the Red Cafe DJ booth | Registered: Jul 99 | IP: Logged shakiraa Trainee Member # 7057 posted 23-04-2003 22:25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah..very proud indeed.. just hope that ferguson will stick with the squad and dont make any major change.. all of them show great determination and attitude even they stil need four more goals!!! beautiful football man.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 61 | From: australia | Registered: Oct 2002 | IP: Logged Paul First Team Player Member # 4571 posted 23-04-2003 22:33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need to write this as a catharsis for tonight. I am heartbroken for two reasons, first because we lost the tie when overall I thought we were the better team and second my heart is broken with the pride I feel at the way we played and fought and tried right to the end. Even as the 4 extra minutes started I still believed we could do it. With the chances we had, on any other night we would have scored eight!!! Against any other side we would not have conceded three. For the first I thought Barthez might have done better, the second we defended poorly and the third was just class. This SHOULD have been the final, I doubt we will see another game as good as that for years. We were not at our best and Real are without doubt a highly talented side but IMO they are not a better TEAM!! We will get slated by the ABUs tomorrow, SAF's selection will be questioned, but I think he got it absolutely right tonight. Would Scholesy and Gaz have made a difference....possibly. Did anyone work harder than Ruud.....no. If there was any justice in the world we would be in the semi against Juve. We were much the better team tonight and really we lost it two weeks ago when we were poor in the first half, even then tho' we nearly redeemed ourselves in the second. It's nights like tonight and the mixed emotions I am suffering now that prove to me (if ever I needed proof) why I am a Man United supporter, why there can NEVER be any other side in my life, why we ARE the BIGGEST club in the world, why I say fcuk the ABUs and the rest and their opinions. RED 'TILL I DIE!! Yours in deep disappointment and the highest pride....... BRING ON THE PREMIER LEAGUE TITLE...WE JUST CAN'T LOSE IT NOW!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 162 | From: Glasgow, Scotland | Registered: Dec 2001 | IP: Logged DLE First Team Player Member # 2243 posted 23-04-2003 22:37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I bow to the players of Manchester United. Possibly the best football match I have ever seen in my entire life. Absolutely fantastic they were tonight! We are better than Real -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 2534 | From: Me office | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged CantonaVeron Trainee Member # 8128 posted 23-04-2003 22:50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very proud off the players tonight, a little more concentration and probably paul scholes and i think we would have done it. We will be back stronger next year and hopefully has english champions. On the game its the best i have seen for a while and we had chances, great stuff football was definatley the winner tonight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 34 | From: UK | Registered: Apr 2003 | IP: Logged Gerry Holyfield Trainee Member # 8123 posted 23-04-2003 23:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely great performance. Too bad it wasn't the fist leg. Zidane and Figo were contained brilliantly by United. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 24 | From: UK | Registered: Apr 2003 | IP: Logged Livvie20 Mild mannered cherub Member # 1182 posted 23-04-2003 23:51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Gerry Holyfield: Absolutely great performance. Too bad it wasn't the fist leg. Zidane and Figo were contained brilliantly by United. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good point that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 14600 | From: Thornhill, Soton. aka 'fornhill...... | Registered: Jun 2000 | IP: Logged always red Trainee Member # 2357 posted 24-04-2003 01:51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELLDONE But we have to wait for one more season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 53 | From: no man land | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged golden_blunder First Team Player Member # 1173 posted 24-04-2003 02:14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Dominant: when becks got the 4th goal, we would need 2 more goals to go through. And even then, Salgado and Figo had to bring the ball to the byeline to waste time, when we still need TWO more goals. Are they scared of us? i think they are. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if it had been the other way round, Giggsy, Ole and co would have been heading straight down to the corner flags. nowt wrong with that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 4969 | From: John O'Shea - Best Premiership LB | Registered: Jun 2000 | IP: Logged uranushk1 First Team Player Member # 1671 posted 24-04-2003 02:48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit to our players. They never looked like give up from start to the end. We have lost in agg. score, but we haven't lost our spirit. If Scholes can play and our backline is a bit more experienced, we can be a match for Real in every aspect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 3364 | From: HKSAR | Registered: Nov 2000 | IP: Logged
Whitebaby Da, podobri bevte, zatoa i pobedivte. Chestitki. Izgubivte od mojot "tip". [^] Shema, ke ti pomine ko na kutre. [;)][:)]
orko se gleame na Old Traford! Real Madrid 10ta Titula! Svesni ste site deka Real vekje nekolku godini Dream Team.
Bravo Mnogu se jaki! ALEA ...mnogu se jaki!:) Abe Real i spored igra i spored igrachi pa kje bide sampion ....i daj ova pristrasnive navijachi neka sogledaat malce REALno , kako igra Kralskiot Klub ...ejjjjjj! Koj kje iskochi so niv na kraj? P.S. .....Zidane doe u Real poso u Juve nikad nemashe da osvoi titula "uste eden golem poteg , na golemiot majstor na fudbalskata igra"...
melpomena ajde sea site shetajte JUVENTUS SHAMPION!!!!!!!!!
deni chestito sekoja chest ke vidime u Champions league koj e koj
DJ_SHEMA Pa ne sum siguren bash.
Originally posted by DJ_SHEMA
Pa ne sum siguren bash.
pa zemi osiguraj se[:D] Juventus- Real 3:1 xixixixi[:D] Ma shto slavenje padna po tel so Eko Ideme u finale da zememe titula[^]
sfetle ma ajde Juventus tepaa i odma da se slavelo so pistoli,puski i sto uste ne :)
DJ_SHEMA Chestito, Juve se pokaza podobar tim otkolku shto mislev. Izvinete ama 5:1 shto papaa od Manchester ovaa godina mozebi imashe malo vlijanie za moeto mislenje kon juve :) Inaku ne bev siguren deka real kje odi ponatamu [img]http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20030514/capt.1052945755.italy_soccer_champions_league_xtur115.jpg [/img]
SwEeTbAbE Fala Fala na chestitki....kako i da e sto i da bilo JUVE E SHAMPION!!! Sekoja my chest :) PS. Sekad predfidufam koj kje pobedi:) nekst tajm prashajte kje vi kazam :) Ajt Pozdraf